• Published 14th Feb 2018
  • 1,147 Views, 24 Comments

MLP Movie: Equestria's side of the story - tzening

A tale that focuses on the rest of Equestria during the three fateful days of the Storm King's invasion.

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Chapter 5: Crazy Noisy Bizarre Ponyville

30 minutes after Canterlot Occupation

Ponyville. A quaint little town in the shadow of the country's capital. Nothing special ever happens here, right?

Unless you've been living on the moon for a thousand years, you can tell it is as far from the truth as much as the idea that Celestia hates tea.

Ever since the Friendship Council established themselves here, this town has been the center of pretty much every crisis on a weekly basis that it rivals it's capital's record on how many times it's been invaded and attacked. It's so bad that when Celestia once (jokingly) suggested that the Royal Guards be sent there as a replacement boot camp, she was immediately bombarded with petitions to think about the mental health of her subjects and the possibility of committing crimes against mortality.

Now thanks to the Friendship Festival, the entire town is empty. But not for long...

Time Turner, having managed to escape the Storm guards is currently rummaging through his lab. After seeing Derpy get petrified in Twilight's place, something inside him became unlocked. That something is his fob watch, which is his powers as the Doctor. Sadly, his powers having just awakened meant that he couldn't just save the day right there and then and have to escape to his lab and find his Sonic Screwdriver.

"Found it!!"

As he finally brandished out his signature weapon, never has he been so happy in his life.

"Hang on my friend. I'm coming to save you!! Are there not any other heroes left in this land?"

After escaping capture thanks to a timely offload of all her brews all at once, Zecora has taken refuge in her hut in the Everfree Forest.

"As the storm approaches me, I sincerely hope Twilight remains free."

As the zebra pondered her next action, she has three options.

One: Hide out in the forest and hope that the forest can keep the invaders out.
Two: Improvise as many potions for battle and fight.
Three: Escape Equestria until the storm blows over.

Option 1 is out as the invaders in question are no doubt battle hardened soldiers, anything short of hydras bearing down on them will stop their advance. Even in this desperate time, she didn't even consider using the Swamp Fever flowers on them. Not even they deserve this fate.

Option 3 would mean abandoning the one probable place in the world that has ever accepted her. She was considered a novelty to be bought and sold in Klugetown and Griffonstone won't be happy with a zebra in their midst. She would effectively be nowhere left to go excluding her country of origin which is out of the question. There is a reason why she came to Equestria after all in the first place.

This left Option 2 as the only viable option.

"As friendship to compels me to stay, I sincerely hope there's others like me in the play."

When Tempest's ship invaded Canterlot, one of the ships noticed that Ghastly Gorge located adjacent to Ponyville had countless precious gems of value ready to be mined. After getting permission from Commander Tempest to loot the place, it landed in the gorge. However, they themselves had no idea that they stumbled right into a danger of uncountable magnitude.

"What are you all doing here?"

As the hulking beasts stepped down from the airship and looked at the source of the voice, they noticed a grey pony looking at them. They wasted no time chasing her down to the depths, having to constantly avoid the quarry eels that popped out at at the chance of a free meal.

Eventually, Maud Pie was caught and in her rush to escape, she led them right to the gem caves. As she was muzzled and chained, the Storm Guards would later make two mistakes that would be considered unbelievable.

First, in their grunts, Maud was able to tell that they are going to attack the Friendship Festival. They are going to smash up her dear sister Pinkie Pie's party. Second, they tried to step on Boulder when they started to loot her home.

It has always been known that the abilities of the Pies have always been extraordinary, Pinkie is proof of that. Not to mention, unnoticed by all except Maud, Boulder has always been moving on his own when no one's looking at it and Maud has always been able to spontanously appear out of nowhere like her sister. But ever wonder what happens when such cartoonish powers are weaponized in a serious manner?

A resounding "SNAP!!!" echoed through the walls. The Storm Guards looked in disbelief that the chains and muzzle are broken with bare hooves.

"You tried to hurt Boulder and crashed my sister's party. I am giving you all a count to three to leave this place and my sister's party alone."

The Storm Guards put their foot forward and advance on her once more, thinking that it must have been the work of faulty chains.


Even if it was working properly there's no way it could have been broken with brute strength, they themselves tested it.


The idea that an ordinary mare can stop them unarmed is beyond their scope of comprehension.

"Three. Good grief..."

Maud wound back her hind legs and jumped towards her foes with the full intent to bash their heads in.

The rumble of a hundred earthquakes shook the gorge. After it finally passed, Storm guards are sent flying out of the gorge with countless dents in their armor. Massive rocks many times the size of them were flung that the ones outside her punching range at ludicrous speeds. The remaining Storm guards are sent running for the airship, desperate to flee from the wrath of the titan. The airship fled to parts unknown, as long as they got away from her.

"You are all lucky Boulder isn't cracked. Or else I wouldn't have been so nice."

As she looked outside the gorge, she was able to discern a storm over Canterlot. As she galloped over to the occupied city:

"Hold on, Pinkie. Big sis is on her way."

Ponyville, in front of the Castle of Friendship
45 minutes after Canterlot Occupation

In the deserted town, the three unlikely heroes made their way to the Castle of Friendship, intending to get some supplies since Twilight never bothered locking her doors before making a break for Canterlot. However, they ran right into each other in their haste.

"Ouch!!" The trio shouted simultaneously.

Time Turner looked at the other two ponies in this supposedly deserted town.

"Wow!! Did you two escape from the festival as well?"

"Yes, I did. I was planning to sneak into the city to break out the Princesses captured so that Twilight do not have to worry herself being the last hit." Zecora replied.

"No, I was in Ponyville adjacent the whole time and heard that Pinkie was in danger after beating up some weird giant things that came to loot the caves of the gems. That's why i'm here." Maud answered.

Time Turner and Zecora looked at Maud in shock, for trying to beat the Storm Guards in a power play of brute strength has always been a fantasy and yet Maud did just that as an afterthought.

"H-How?" Both asked Maud.

"You can surprised how many problems can be solved by throwing a rock at it if it was big enough."

Ponyville, Castle of Friendship
50 minutes after Canterlot Occupation

The trio planned their next move in the Cutie Map room while Time Turner gave the gist of what happened at Canterlot. The map suddenly came to life, showing the storm from Canterlot expanding to Ponyville.

"Oh dear!! Looks like the invaders have began to secure the areas surrounding the occupied city. So much for freeing our friends, our enemy has made the first move. " Time Turner explained to his two companions.

"Well then, shall we give them the Ponyville greeting?" Maud proposed this to her other two companions.

"Now is the time for action, if we were to give ourselves some traction." Zecora agreed.

North of Ponyville
55 minutes after Canterlot Occupation

An expeditionary force has began it's advance to lay claim to the nearest settlements with Ponyville as the first target.
Three airships worth of troops faced the trio that stood before them. Before them stood only 3 defenders. Time Turner-no The Doctor only has this to say:

"What a one-sided fight."

He then proceeds to activate his Sonic Screwdriver. You pretty much know what is going to happen next.

Ponyville, Castle of Friendship
1 hour after Canterlot Occupation

After that one-sided fight, the trio is resting in the Castle. Zecora gave an overview of their situation.

"Well, we are currently pinned down in town even if we won. Not to mention, we ran to other refugees from Canterlot." Zecora quipped as the trio found some new companions as they walked back to the Castle to prepare for the next assault. One Trixie Lulamoon and one trio of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Trixie will do her best to contribute. As for the three of you, hide out in one of the rooms until your sisters comes home to help save us all."

"Understood. Once our sisters come back, there will be a Ponyville standing for them!!" The trio stated in unison.

Suddenly, an unidentified scroll appeared with a bottle appeared right in front of them on the table. It says:

Use this spell bottle to communicate with our allies. They all received this note as well.

Signed, Pillar of Sorcery, Starswirl The Bearded

To be continued...

Author's Note:

The cast as been assembled. Let's see how they handle each other, shall we?