• Published 14th Feb 2018
  • 1,151 Views, 24 Comments

MLP Movie: Equestria's side of the story - tzening

A tale that focuses on the rest of Equestria during the three fateful days of the Storm King's invasion.

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Chapter 4: Equestria's Heroic Spirits

The Pillars of Old Equestria, six no seven legends all over a thousand years old have been returned from Limbo. After their return and some quick lessons on modern customs courtesy of Princess Luna who didn't want them to make the same mistakes as she did on her return, the group temporarily split up to return to their old homes in Equestria, hoping to find some semblance of familiarity in the land they sacrificed so much to protect.

Starswirl the Bearded, the Pillar of Sorcery spent his days touring the libraries of Equestria hoping to find out how Equestria has changed over time. He also planned to one day see his friend Scorpan again after learning about Tirek's escape from Tatarus. At the "conventions" in his honour, he is stupefied by the number of ponies still worshipping him...in their own way and that's not including the wing in the Canterlot Palace Library named after him. Not to mention, he pretty much lost track of having to respond to the number of ponies saying that his costume needs work. After getting an earful from Princess Twilight Sparkle regarding the banish-I mean dumping of dangerous artefacts and individuals from their world to another, he tried to make amends by assuring her that the Pony Of Shadows is trapped in Limbo and not in another unaware hapless world. He also offered the Pillars' assistance in this matter after getting their own consent of course to fix the potential messes that other misplaced artefacts were going to cause in that world before they fall into the wrong hands. Now he is in the Castle of the Two Sisters, hoping to refurnish the old castle so that the Pillars can have a base to protect Equestria again.

"Comparing so many notes, fixing errors in both the history of the world and the catalogue of spells and signs of an unfinished job of refurbishing the old castle. I wonder why whoever did this never properly finished."

As he walked to his old room, he brought out a stack of scrolls drafting a series of assignments for his two students after learning about their track record in recent times didn't really put a smile on his face.

"Celestia and Luna, I understand the dangers of overdependence but this is absurd!! Even when you both could be of help, you are either beaten or not even present!! Celestia, I understand that you had to hold back due to the fact that wielding the power of the sun is not ideal due to possible collateral damage. As for Luna, she is no longer the dynamic foil to her sister anymore, instead playing second fiddle to her rather than providing an alternative or a Plan B. Sadly, that's what happens when you stop practicing for 1000 years thanks to a sibling fallout and actually have to rule a nation. An acceptable reason. I will try to schedule combat practice into their timetables so that at the very least they won't get captured when the next crisis come. You don't see me throwing the fight when I was teaching to two of you..."

However, scheduling the lessons for the Princesses would have to wait. For suddenly a portal appeared in front of him, sucking him in, catching him by surprise.

"What in the-" With that, he disappeared.

Mistmane, the Pillar of Beauty returned to her home. While she fully expected the worst due the passing of time, she is shocked to see that her home is beautiful, as if she never left the place.

"Did my family keep this place alive? Even holding to the hope that their prodigal daughter would one day return? Are you my descendant?"

"Yes, we did. Mistmane, you are my honoured ancestor. But you have to thank Rarity for actually returning the garden back to it's former glory. All we manage to protect all this time was just a single flower by the time she came."

As Mistmane looked at her home's visitors now basking in the beauty of the garden, she realised something as she spoke to her descendant.

"We been fighting as the fabled heroes of fantasy for so long...that we forgot the very reason why we chose to take up arms in the first place."

As she tapped into the roots of her garden which is spread not just the compound but also the scattered seeds of her plants who have scattered all over Equestria.

"All these peace and tranquillity, complete with celebrations. In our time, such would have been the dreams of naïve foals. Looks like our old ways have long become outdated, for we will bring unnecessary strife to the age of peace."

"I wouldn't count you and your friends out just yet. You might want to look at our recent history. If it wasn't for the Elements of Harmony, we would all have been conquered a long time ago. After all, even the most docile of creatures must have the instinct of survival."

"A wise choice of words. However, looks like diplomacy have taken precedence over warfare and to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way." Mistmane suddenly sensed a disturbance in the south due to her spread of the roots.

"Great ancestor, is something the matter?"

"I fear the time where the old-fashioned like us might actually be needed might come sooner then we thought. Send a message to my fellow Pillars and warn Canterlot-"

A portal suddenly appeared underneath her and she dropped like a stone into it.

"No!! You can't disappear now!! I haven't mastered the spells needed!!"

Somnambula, the Pillar of Hope has returned to her home. After running into Daring Do (which she could have sworn was a fictional character in the Canterlot Libraries), she is elated even with the prospect of time hovering over her head.

"Whee!! I can't wait to see what great descendants Prince Hisan had!!! Not before apologising to him in person, of course. I'm not going to let a pesky thing like him being an actual mummy stop me!! Can't believe they named my home after me. Aww, thanks everypony!!"

Upon seeing the statue in her likeness, she only has this to say:

"Hmmm, 8 out of 10. Missed a few details over...there."

As she looked for the prince's palace, she's surprised that it's no longer there.

"That's weird...Even if it changed hooves, shouldn't the palace still be standing?"

Suddenly, she heard a voice call out to her.

"You need help finding what happened to Prince Hisan and his lineage?"

Somnambula turned towards the direction of the voice and saw a brown Pegasus mare waving at her. She landed right in front of her.

"I'm Daring Do. After Pinkie enlisted my help to get your blindfold in the Sphinx's palace, she told me about the whole Limbo jailbreak issue. So I came here waiting for you to show up. Figured you need a guide to catch up on what happened while you're gone."

"Oh Daring Do!! You're real?? When I first discovered your book series, I thought you are just a fictional character but who am I to judge??" Somnambula's mood suddenly turned a 180 degrees and she made her most threatening voice. "Just don't rob any tombs here and we're good."

The poor explorer was caught off guard. She never knew the Pillar of Hope had this side of her in any tales involving her. She started shaking in her hooves at the sudden mood swing. "Yeah, I promise."

Somnambula shifted back to her cheerful self. "Ok, so I have been looking around and there doesn't seem to be any information or those 'museums' on Prince Hisan or even at a general one of this place. I was hoping that you would have the information as to what happened to Prince Hisan and his descendants as you said just now."

"Well, let's go to the Geddon Inn. I'll tell you what I know."

In Geddon Inn, Daring Do decided to tell her what happened to Prince Hisan. Having read the local historical texts instead of just flying straight back to your old home definitely helped.

"By Ra!! You have to be joking!!"

"Somnambula, I'm afraid so. According to the historical notes, Prince Hisan never married. Some speculate it's because he rejected every suitor because he was saving himself for you when you vanished. Tomb robbers broke into his pyramid a few decades later. His sarcophagus was the only thing untouched because this town secretly moved it to a secret location at his instructions, saying that he is planning to hand you gifts in the afterlife. Who knew you are in Limbo this whole time?"

"Do you know where it is?!?"

"That's another reason I'm here. After putting the two and two together, I also realized that you will definitely ask this question when we meet. So I went through my research and tried to find out the secret location of Prince Hisan's sarcophagus." As she was glared at by Somnambula at the latest remark, "I won't plunder it, I promise!!"

"Lead me to him. I want to speak to him."

Unmarked location

"This is the place?" asked Somnambula.

"All clues point to here. Keeping this a secret from tomb robbers and ponies like that crazy doctor is hard enough."

"The act of tomb robbing in here is a sin of highest order. Unless willed by the buried in question, the body and treasures must not be disturbed, good intentions or not. Daring Do, it's best that you stay here. I know in a hunch that your heart doesn't deserve to be consumed by Ammit. Not to mention, there is powerful magic at work."

With that said, Somnambula approached the door.

"I am Somnambula. I seek an audience with Prince Hisan."

Should there be any other individual or even an imposter trying to fool the doors, the magic would have vaporized him/her on the spot. However, Prince Hisan left a key in the form of his most trusted friend and to respond only to said trusted friend. He hoped that no matter where Somnambula vanished to, he will always leave doors open for her, for one should never deny hope, waiting until the end of days for her return. Having fulfilled it's ancient purpose, the magic was dispelled to allow it's intended audience entry.

With the doors open, Somnambula has finally returned to her prince.

Prince Hisan's secret tomb

The entire burial chamber is just a single room, around the size of Somnambula's own home. The fog is obscuring her vision even with the light of the glopaz except for the sarcophagus in the center. As she approached the sarcophagus, Somnambula broke down in tears.

"Forgive me,(sniff) my prince. I left you behind to spread Hope throughout the land of Equestria. And yet at the time when my virtue was needed the most with Stygian, I spurned it and paid the price. I humbly seek your forgiveness.(sniff)"

"Well, punishing you won't do any good now. Would it? I waited so, so, so long..."

Somnambula became speechless as Prince Hisan's ba appeared in front of her.

What was meant to be an impossible scenario became reality. A pair separated by circumstance. One who waited in the afterlife for an eternity. The other who had to fly across the gap forged by time. Now both of them have reunited in the future.

"But I'm glad. I didn't keep you waiting too long did I? I'm back, Prince Hisan."

"Welcome back, Somnambula."

With this single exchange, the dream announces it's end. Now it's time for a new chapter to begin.

"Now it's all in the past, look towards the future and use Hope to pave the way. As stated in my will and the ancients, I hand over my pharaoh sceptre to call on the power on their power and return you the original glopaz necklace. Use them to aid the champions of the present and keep Hope burning bright. Now that my gifts have been delivered, I hereby allow that my body and all the knowledge in this chamber to be delivered to the common people. If you need someone to talk to and your friends aren't available, use the necklace to visit me in the spirit realm."

With that, the sceptre and necklace appeared on Somnambula. Countless ancient texts and objects, both important and mundane on the local cuture from the time of Prince Hisan appeared from the mists. She proceeded to say the following line with the cheekiest smile she can muster.

"I humbly accept this request.(grins)"

"That's the mare I know and love."

Outside the tomb

"You have returned!! Wait, are those tears??"

"Just meeting an old friend, he said that he has now allowed his body and the stuff from our time to be placed a museum. He wants to see the world and share whatever knowledge it might provide."

As Somnambula turned to towards the future, she has one more friend to say farewell to.

"Oh by the way, thank you. A.K Yearling."

"Wait...whaaa...." Daring Do/A.K Yearling is stunned at being seen through.

"You might want to start investing in more exotic locations soon. Having a character that's real and fictional at the same time will get the gears turning on the more curious of ponies. All it takes some comparison between newspapers and your double life is up in smoke." As she took to the air wielding her sceptre,

"Now I have the blessings of the ancient ones, I wonder where I will need to-"

A portal appeared in front of her flight path and sucked her in.


With that, Hope disappeared.

Former location of the Royal Legion Base

Flash Magnus, the Pillar of Bravery returned to his base. Or what was meant to be the Royal Legions' HQ.


What was meant to be the headquarters of the Royal Legion in it's place is a cloud suburban complex. Gone were the standards and training grounds, only the houses for the populace remained.

"Whoa, great Flash Magnus costume. But you are a few moons early for Nightmare Night."

Flash Magnus turned to see a rainbow-maned stallion that it's clearly unfit for duty answering his open-ended question.

"Who are you?"

"Name's Bow Hothoof. What's yours?"

"This is not a costume!!!! I'm the real Flash Magnus!!"

"Yeah and I'm Princess Celestia. Seriously, who really are you?"

"Arrgh!! This is getting nowhere!! Is there anything that I can find out about the Royal Legion in Cloudsdale?"

"Sure, my daughter's a big fan of that army's most famous hero. Had to stash all her Royal Legion costumes in another room because we ran out space. Not just her, but the Wonderbolts as well. Those guys were the protectors of Equestria before the reign of the Alicorn sisters. There's a museum up north with a section on them. Next to it is the library."

"The local gymnasium? Thank you!! You happen to know Rainbow Dash? The two of you look alike...are you her father?"

"Whoa!! You hit the bull's-eye!! Yep, I'm her dad!!"

"While I love to stay and chat, unless you have Royal Legion information, I'm afraid I have to leave for this local 'museum'."

"Not exactly a Royal Legion history buff like my daughter, so go on ahead, cosplayer!! Wow, you even have the Netitus replica down to the last detail. Now that's dedication!!"

"Arggh!! As much as I love to fly to your daughter and have her prove that I'm the real deal to your face, I have more important things to deal with."

As Flash Magnus flew towards the direction of the museum, Bow Hothoof realised a very important fact.

"Wait, did he just say he knows my daughter? Aww man, Rainbow Dash is so not going to be happy that I might have chased away her coltfriend..."

Cloudsdale History Museum

"Hmm, an archive of historical artefacts made for the public education of the populace. That's what's a 'museum' is called. In my days, nothing is considered old enough and all collections from conquests are kept personal."

As his getup is beginning to attract attention, he made haste into the building and approached the receptionist.

"You seem to the guide for this "museum". May I know where the artefacts of the Royal Legion are stored?"

"Whoa!! That's the best replica of the Royal Legion armor!! I almost wondered why security hasn't came wondering if someone stole from the museum. The section you're looking for is the West Wing, 3rd floor."

"Thank you."

As Flash Magnus reached the section of the Royal Legion, he is shocked to say the least.

"My fellow comrades armor being shown in public to be gawked at!! What defilement!!! Even if it's for the populace's education, my comrades would have never allowed their armor to be used like this!!" He noticed the forward information board. "Wait, what's this??"

The Royal Legion

Founded approx. 3000 thousand years ago, it was the pride of the pegasi during the era of the Three Tribes. The Royal Legion served as the protector of the land of Equestria before the formation of the EUP, staving off dragon attacks and keeping the griffins in check. After a freak tornado incident that required intervention that resulted in the saving of a would-be destroyed griffin border village, military exchange courses with the griffins started which is still going on to this day. Most notable of the members of the Royal Legion was Optio (First Sergeant in modern terms) Flash Magnus, who was a cadet during the time of the incident and the one who was credited as being the one who initiated the rescue of the village.

During the reign of the Royal Sisters, the Royal Legion served as the diarchy's main source of military might while the Earth Ponies and Unicorns have yet to have a standardised army. Over the years, the magnitude of the threats that required the power of the alicorn siblings have caused a massive desolation of the ranks due collateral damage, resulting in the diarchy's order to strip the Royal Legion of it's authority to assist in threats that require the alicorn sisters in order to preserve what's left of their ranks. This has also caused a rise in private militarisation from the other two tribes to fill in for the holes in Equestrian security formed from the damage the Royal Legion suffered and breaking the military monopoly the pegasi once had over the Principality of Equestria.

After the Nightmare Moon incident, the Royal Legion along with all of Equestria's military was disbanded on the orders of Princess Celestia, to be reformed and standardised into the EUP Guard in the wake of the disability caused. However, the legacy of the Royal Legion still persists in present day, with Flash Magnus' tales of bravery being told to each new generation of pegasi in order to follow in his example. Not to mention, one of the Royal Legion's mottos "Altius Volantis" meaning "Soaring Higher" became the one used by the Wonderbolts.


With a cry of anguish, Flash Magnus' world is irrevocably shattered, the Pillar of Bravery crumbling under the weight of time.

The only other anchor to his old world, the Royal Legion is gone. While the other Pillars have families, he was an only child and never got the chance to have a marefriend as far as he known before signing up to join the Pillars. The pegasi guards of Canterlot didn't hold the same spirit of his fellow legionnaires. Aside from his friends, he has nothing else in this land. As he looked at the display of the dented armaments of his friends in the legion, he was shaken out of his stupor by the other visitors who were also looking at the displays. A filly looked at him in concern.

"You must be the live model for the Royal Legion armor the museum is hosting. Wow!! You look sad. Is there something wrong?"

"I lost everything...The Pillars are all I have now..."

"Don't know what you're saying, but my childhood hero Flash Magnus would tell me to do what's right and be brave in the face of audacity."

"I'm Flash Magnus. Sorry if I ruined your day with my outburst."

"If you're really Flash Magnus, can you tell me about your fellow legionnaires? I can't find any other section that doesn't have you or Commander Ironhoof."

The combination of his armor and outburst had attracted a large crowd and security is barging through in case anything goes wrong. The museum curator stepped forward.

"I've been hearing reports of a Pegasus stallion flying around in Royal Legion armor complete with a replica of the Netitus claiming to be Flash Magnus. After confirming that it wasn't stolen museum property, I would like to ask you to come with us because you're causing a scene."

After collecting himself, he said this:

"I'm Flash Magnus, an optio of the Royal Legion. I will answer any questions to prove my authenticity. Bring your strongest lightning casters. I will prove to you that the Netitus I wield is the real deal. My apologies of my outburst. Seeing what happened of the Royal Legion is distressing for me..."

Cloudsdale Museum courtyard
Ten minutes later

After acing a questionnaire of the most obscure facts on the Royal Legion that would need more than a simple quick research in the library and a trip to the museum to pass, Flash Magnus stood in front of a crowd who had gathered hearing that one of the most legendary myths of Old Equestria is supposedly back from the dead.

"These are your strongest lighting casters, Fire Streak?"

"Yes, at first we were confused by what it initially meant but from the wordplay I assume it is pegasi that specialise in shooting lighting with as little assistance from clouds using their hooves and wings?"


"The art to directly firing lighting bolts were lost over time in order to focus in the other aspects of Pegasus weather magic."

"That and the ability to create thunderclaps without damaging ones ears also faded as well. If I can teach these to the present generation of pegasi, perhaps the legacy of the Royal Legion wouldn't just be preserved through myth and word of mouth."

To prove the authenticity of the Netitus' fireproof ability, it went through having as many blowtorches firing on it as possible without even a mark. To say that the curator was stunned that he is looking at the real deal would be an understatement. Now he plans to have it subject to the most powerful lightning bolts they can muster on it in public as a display of authenticity.

Half a dozen pegasi surrounded Flash Magnus. He only has this to say:


Six of the most powerful lightning bolts sped towards the shield, the impact causing a din throughout the courtyard. After the smoke has cleared, the shield is without a single scorch mark.

"The Netitus has returned to the pegasi!! Now I shall prove that I'm Flash Magnus!!" Flash Magnus yelled as he raised the shield in triumph.

"It's said that the battle style of the Royal Legion was lost over time and had to be replaced completely. I shall show it here and now!! Throw to me your best fighters!! I will show you a brawl like no other!!"

Looks of awe were in the crowd as Flash Magnus proceeded to disable the most burly of the pegasi volunteers without breaking a sweat with an air of professionalism that isn't seen in the pegasi guards of the EUP nor the Wonderbolts.

"Do not worry!! They will be fine!! Any questions regarding the Royal Legion, you can ask me!! I noticed that lightning seems to be more commonplace in this time. For the sake of public interest, I shall demonstrate that with the power of the weather magic that resides in pegasi where one with enough practice can channel lightning and thunder with the minimal of clouds. For the sake of everyone's hearing, plug your ears!!"

What happened next was a display of lightning and thunderclaps that sent ripples throughout the city of Cloudsdale. Confirmed that the legend has returned, the residents of Cloudsdale surrounded him, bombarding him with questions about the Royal Legion and what life was like during those times. After half an hour, he stepped back from an regaled audience.

"The other answers will be answered when I write and publish my notes on the Royal Legion and what the times are truly like on that period. Besides, I think I have something else to do. Can anypony lead me to the base of the Wonderbolts?"

While the Princesses gave the Pillars a substantial amount of bits along with modern customs to avoid embarrassment, it's definitely not enough for a house. This is because the Starswirl is planning on the refurbishing the Castle of the Two Sisters so that the less fortunate among them can have a place to stay without taxing the Canterlot Castle or the Castle of Friendship faulty. Why Princess Twilight and her friends have a look of embarrassment when Starswirl talked about it would be a question for later.

Flash Magnus looked at the Wonderbolts Reserves, hearing from Fire Streak that the main squad is busy at the Friendship Festival in Canterlot.

"Before I march in demanding for the Wonderbolts to change into the 2nd Royal Legion or even propose a creation of new one entirely, I need to adapt to the times before rashly proposing any radical policies to the Princesses. I'll need to speak with the leader and Rainbow Dash after the festival whether I truly have a place in this new Equestria."

Suddenly, a portal appeared behind him and pulled him in. The ones who were with him wondered where he could have disappeared to.

To say that Mage Meadowbrook, the Pillar of Healing is not happy when she returned to her home would be the understatement of the century. After finding out that her home is practically abandoned save for Cattail her descendant, she is about to get one heck of a surprise and it's definitely not the good kind.

"I have so much apologising to do and actually send my replies to Aqua Vine's family. My search for the Magenta Bloom made me so obsessed with it that when he sent to me the correct location of the flower in his mail I ignored it. Without friends to keep me grounded, I ended up on a wild goose chase until the inevitable came."

"Don't beat yourself over what happened in the past. No point obsessing over what-ifs." Cattail comforted her.

"To see my home town so abandoned. I guess having the cure for the Swamp Fever isn't enough to convince ponies to stay. Not I blame them, prevention is always better than the cure. That's the priority of any healer. Still, on my way here I noticed a lot more Swamp Fever victims than usual. I pray for their souls. I don't get it, I discovered the cure, why didn't the spread stop?"

"Meadowbrook, you might want to sit down for this...."

As Cattail explained to his ancestor that knowledge of her notes never left her house's doors and even the cure to Swamp Fever was only discovered recently due to one of Fluttershy's friends falling ill, Meadowbrook only has this to say.

"WHAT!!!!! My notes were never published? What was my sister thinking? I never had children so I sent a message to my family to publish my notes on Swamp Fever and various diseases."

"The family records never stated why they failed. Either that, or the medical records themselves were lost over time. It has been over a thousand years, anything could have happened."

"Cattail, bring me the latest news on all the current incurable disease outbreaks in recent times. I need to send a letter with all the possible cures to the Princesses now!! I'll need two bottles for the spell-call potion. I already left one with each of the Princesses."

Mage Meadowbrook spent the days from her release from Limbo to the day of the Friendship Festival working together with Aqua Vine's descendant Miss Vine and the Princesses to publish her knowledge of many of the so-called incurable diseases in modern times. After she and Cattail did what they could, Mage Meadowbrook has one request.

"I'm teaching you my healing arts as my student. After that, I'm turning in my healers mask."

"WHAT!! Why???"

"Because of my mistake, countless epidemics that could have been prevented from my time until now sprouted like weeds. When I signed up to join the Pillars, I could have just simply took my medical knowledge with me and published them right there and then. Starswirl being the mentor of the Princesses would have ensured the record's survival. Now the lives of countless victims that could have been saved weigh me down, as every night I was haunted by the victims of various curable diseases throughout the ages, condemning me for failing them. It took the intervention of Princess Luna of the Night for them to stop."

Countless Swamp Fever trees dotted the landscape as far as the eye can see. Many ghosts of ponies being struck down by ailments that were curable rose from their graves like zombies ranging from colts to the elderly. All of them shambled in one collective voice saying the same message over and over again:

"Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us?"

As Meadowbrook looked at all the patients she had failed over the millennium due to her mistake, she could only beg the dead for forgiveness.

"Everyone!! Cease this at once!!"

With a single command the horde stopped and vanished and Mage Meadowbrook found herself in a plane of stars, with Luna standing in front of her.

"Princess Luna of the Night..." Mage Meadowbrook bowed down to the Princess.

"I understand your grief but keeping a reminder of your past mistake will only drag you and your friends down with you. I know this because I made the same mistake as you did. If it makes you feel any better, right now all of our best medics are traversing the world searching for cures for many previously so-called "incurable" diseases. Right now, countless ponies are being saved thanks to your notes."

"Answer me truthfully, does it outweigh the ponies that could have been saved from Starswirl's time until now?"

"No. However, better late than never. As you are the Pillar of Healing, I've decided with my fellow Princesses that you are to have full access to our libraries. Not to mention, you have a spot open in Alchemy courses in various schools around Equestria not just the School of Gifted Unicorns as a teacher. With these two, you now have the authority to publish your knowledge and make them commonplace for the citizens of Equestria."

"Thank you."

"I understand what it feels like to have the countless lives weigh down on you. However, the undeniable truth is that the past is done and you can't change it. Don't even bother talking about my mentor's time travel spells. They are more trouble then they are worth in the long run."

"Make no mistake, I will spend my life healing others to atone for my mistake with my friends and when I join the afterlife, I will accept any punishment it would hand out to me. However, as of now I am not fit to wear my healer's mask."

"Ok then, so when do we start the lessons?"

Meadowbrook's response would have to wait, for a portal appeared right under her feet and she disappeared into it.

Rockhoof, the Pillar of Strength returned to the far north where the Mighty Helm is based on. However, he was warned by his successor Applejack that the Mighty Helm was long gone and his ruined village is currently being excavated by archaeologists.

"Even if the Mighty Helm is long gone, Captain Steela would have given me an earful from beyond the grave for simply dropping out. I will just found a new Mighty Helm!! Of course, they would be a new addition to Equestria's defence."

As he landed on the shores of his abandoned home, he noticed that the excavating team is still there inspecting the ruins.

"Hail and well met!! If you ponies are done chipping away at my house, would you like to hear stories from Rockhoof himself??"

Understandably, like the rest of his fellow Pillars, he was dismissed as a raving lunatic and poser.

"You need proof? Very well, let me reopen the trench if you all don't mind."

With nopony stopping him, he effortlessly dug through the place where the trench is supposed to be. A thousand year old legend being recanted once more. As the entire archaeological team's jaw dropped, he only has to say:

"Well, do we have any stories to trade?"

To say that with the legend himself among them is an amazing thing is an understatement. Now having him around, once obscure facts about his home, culture and the Mighty Helm are now commonplace knowledge. In return for clarifying history, he listened to the fate of the Mighty Helm after he left to join the Pillars. Thankfully, despite tradition to burn the belongings of the dead, he wanted to preserve the Mighty Helm's legacy and offered to donate the artefacts to museums.

"-so after Nightmare Moon, they had were reigned in to avoid the rise of private armies and became the bulk of the Earth Pony part of the EUP Guard?"

"All records state so."

"Thank you."

As he watched the setting sun, he wondered where his place would be in the future.

"First option is to crash in with the Pillars just like old times, but with all this peace there isn't anything left for us to do. Conflicts are now solved through diplomacy rather than intimidation of how many lives you can slay, not that I'm complaining. Second option would be to join the Royal Guard and work my way up. Of course, this leads us to the earlier mentioned problem. Finally, it is to hang up the shovel or give it to Applejack while retiring to a quiet life now that the duty of protecting the land is now on their shoulders. Captain Steela and the rest of the Pillars would be furious at me for shirking responsibility and not to mention those seven fine mares would mind extra help, so that option is out."

A portal appeared below him and he promptly vanished.

The unnamed Pillar, Stygian is currently investigating Hollow Shades at Applejack's request to find out what happened to her branch of her family clan that resided there. On his way there, he is intercepted by a strange pony cloaked all over.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Shadow Lock. Your descendant. My efforts to stop you from coming back failed utterly. Why your fellow Pillars still let you walk free is still a mystery, not that it matters. I SHALL STRIKE YOU DOWN MYSELF AND THIS DUTY PASSED DOWN FROM OUR FAMILY SHALL BE FUFILLED!!"

"WAIT!!! THE PONY OF SHADOWS OR TO BE MORE PRECISE, THE DARK FORCE THAT MADE IT IS LONG GONE!!! I'm just an ordinary pony now, you were kinda late to the whole party...If you are sceptical, you can check it yourself!! Wait a minute...how could I have descendants again?"

"Extended family that washed their hands off you and dedicated to destruction of all of your records after the stunt you did. Now if you value your life, don't do any tricks..."

As a dumbfounded Stygian took in the information, Shadow Lock started casting all kinds of scanning spells on him.

"You don't know what it was like after you became the Pony of Shadows. Equestria's greatest champions vanished the moment you showed up in that form, forcing the duties of protecting the land to the ruling Alicorn siblings. The reign of the Alicorn siblings were among the most turbulent times in history as many evils who were waiting for an opportunity to strike used this event as a signal flare. Sombra seized the Crystal Empire and triggered a war, Discord warped the minds of Equestria and turned it into his personal funhouse after overthrowing the Alicorns. After getting their kingdom back, sibling rivalry pitted the diarchy against each other. With Princess Celestia as the victor, cults in the name of the Night sprung up like weeds. As for our family, we sought to destroy all records of you so to deny anyone that would be crazy enough to bring you back. Looks like I missed a spot."

"I know that I messed up big time. Right now, killing me won't do any good. It wouldn't bring back the dead or undo the mistake. I want to fix my mistakes, starting with the investigation of the Well of Shade and the disappearance of the inhabitants of Hollow Shades."

"Hmph, looks like you're clean. But I'm keeping an eye on you. Your physical weakness is what tempted the forces of darkness to accept them in the first place. And right now, you are just an ordinary unicorn."

Hollow Shades

As the duo trotted through the depilated town, Stygian could help but feel nervous at the sight of this destruction. According to Applejack, their branch here lost contact with the overall family sometime ago, so when this mysterious event that made the locals disappear is hard to pinpoint. It could even be a separate event that caused the disconnect altogether.

"I never thought I would return here."

Approaching the entrance to the Well of Shade, Stygian recounted where it all began to his descendant.

"It all began in this place. The Sirens began their rampage here, you don't see what they were doing but I saw it firsthoof. Nopony was spared as they started fighting among one another. I brought the Pillars here to stop them but I was forgotten in the celebrations and the records of history. You might think I was being selfish but all I wanted was to be recognized for my efforts as their tactician, be a valuable member of the team during fights and not be used as a walking target. Mage Meadowbrook, being the healer of the team made her the one being targeted as much as I do in our later adventures, so she forged 8 enchanted items with the aid of the others even me to protect herself. It worked too well and using all 8 at once nearly disintegrated her from the raw power channelled if it wasn't for her Earth Pony constitution. After seeing Mage Meadowbrook's 8 enchanted items in action as a set, I tried to replicate the same miracle minus the self-disintegrating part. You can guess what happened next."

"Wait you mean the those 8 relics when used together, can break the power balance of the 3 tribes if gathered in one place and render you an equal to an elder Alicorn in terms of power?"

"You can ask her and Mistmane regarding more info those 8 apocalypses. I don't know how her stuff ended up listed in the Eastern Unicorn section though. Must have been Mistmane's magic signature when it was found the first time and they ended up lumping the two of them together over time. Enough talk. Let's investigate what happened here."

Days passed and not a single clue as to what happened to the inhabitants of Hollow Shades. A frustrated Stygian can only groan in the face of the absence of clues.

"Argh!! We are getting nowhere with this!! I need to bring one of the more powerful unicorns and cast one of Starswirl's scrying spells in this place. Then, we can turn back the clock on this place and see what happened. Thankfully, the Pony of Shadows is truly gone from this place, so silver lining? By the way, I want to set things right. So can I visit your family?"

"Don't push it. You have to make up for what you did with me first."

A portal soon appeared in front of Stygian.


"Way ahead of you!!!"

Shadow Lock tried as he might against the pull of the portal. But it was too strong and Stygian was sucked in.

"Oh no. I refuse to let the Pony of Shadows return!!" With that, Shadow Lock jumped into the portal as it was closing.

With a resounding "thud", Hollow Shades became silent once more.


The Pillars plus Shadow Lock landed in an undignified heap. As they came to, they soon realized that they were on top of one another...thankfully with Rockhoof at the bottom.

"Not a good entrance. Try again next time."

As the Pillars collected themselves, they noticed that one of them is not like the others.

"Who is this?" Asked Starswirl.

"I'm Shadow Lock. A descendant of Stygian."

"Well...well...well. Looks like we have an extra."

The extravagant eight looked up and saw Discord hovering over them in a chair eating popcorn. They are in a phantasmal space that resembles a military base while the Royal Guard are standing dumbfounded behind him.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Discord, spirit of Chaos."

Somnambula was the first to raise her staff at him on the mention of the last word.

"I shall strike you down, agent of Apophis!!"

"Whoa, whoa!! Let's slow down there. OK, maybe I may have got off the wrong foot here. I called you here because one of your old friends is crashing my joint!! Not to mention, I am much more better than that overblown garden snake!!"

"Old friend?" As Starswirl looked at the surroundings he noticed a very familiar colour, the colour immediately drained from his face.

"It can't be!!" The laughter of the Pony of Shadows permeated the air.

"Yes it is, you really have to watch where you dump your trash. Just because it's not your problem doesn't mean you should just throw it to another."

"There's no way it could have escaped Limbo!! We checked that it would just be sent back to the same spot thousands of years ago!!" Mage Meadowbrook exclaimed.

"Yeah, the funny thing about Limbo is that it's an empty space between worlds, time and space. The empty space in question is larger then you can comprehend. Trust me even I couldn't do it. Now this Pony of Shadows is planning on returning to Equestria having gained enough of a conscience by itself from being Stygian's buddy for 1000 years which preserved him. Even the intended time stasis only accounted for yourselves, otherwise you all would have been six neat stacks of bones when Twilight busted you all out."

"Ok we have to stop him. Discord, why would the spirit of Chaos help us?" Flash Magnus asked.

"I'm friends with Fluttershy now. Didn't she tell you? Not to mention, that Pony of Shadows tried to take over my house on it's way to Equestria. That's more than enough a reason."

"Considering that we do not have the Elements to aid us I say that we need all the help we can get." Stygian suggested.

"One question? Why is the Royal Guard here?" inquired Rockhoof.

"Also, why hasn't the Pony of Shadows attacked us yet after all this monologue?" Somnambula lampshaded.

"I was planning to train them due to their abysmal track record. I was planning to use the Pony of Shadows as the perfect training dummy since it's 'fight' with you is so anti-climatic. I didn't account for it being able to draw power from my place thanks you stuffy heroes like you lumping the alignment of 'Chaotic Evil' as the go-to for all main villains, so I had to bring to you guys here since you actually fought with actual lasers and not the friendship kind. Two, what do you think I been doing this whole time while we were chatting for the past ten to twenty paragraphs??"

The surroundings constantly flickered back and forth, as if two forces of creation are clashing for dominance in this space.

"I have to stay and use my powers to stop the Pony of Shadows from escaping to Equestria. The rest is up to you."

The Pony of Shadows landed in front of the 8 heroes.

"No Ponehenge and no Elements. You Pillars can neigh all you want, but I will end your pathetic lives here and now."

Shadow Lock and Stygian has something to ask of the other Pillars.

"I have been stuck to this thing for over a thousand years. I know it's strengths and weaknesses. Follow my lead like old times and hit him with all you got. Shadow Lock, you're with me. Looks like you got to fulfil that duty after all."

"Mage Meadowbrook, how many of your 8 items do you have?" Shadow Lock inquired.

"First of all, I need to clarify. After that stunt with using all eight items, I scattered them all among us as all of them combined is too much power for one individual. The Netitus was secretly upgraded to the Achilles Cosmos, the shield of the crafted world. The Spear of Thunder is used by Rockhoof and is the upgraded form of his shovel. Mistmane was given the Mirror of Truth which dispels enchantments and curses. Somnambula was given the Ankh that can heal personal wounds with the power of life. The Necklace of Time is worn by me. I gave the Cap of Invisibility of Stygian. The last two items, the Armor of Wonder and the Sandals of Flight were hidden by my own violation. I'm simply the maker, not the wielder as most ponies today believed, which makes their listing in the Eastern Unicorn section believable as it was actually a team effort."

"Wow. So can we beat him now? For good?"

"Do we have any other options?" Mage Meadowbrook resigned.

With that, the battle commenced.

The battlefield became the site of a warzone. Rockhoof created massive fissures and landslides with his shovel. Mistmane summoned the fields of plants that served as platforms for the flight deprived while summoning the eastern dragons of old to breathe their elemental flames. Flash Magnus used his Netitus-no, Achilles Cosmos to redirect lightning back on the enemy, a trick he learned when he kicked storms on dragons to avoid electrocuting himself. Somnambula fired the Dendera Lights from her Sceptre, hitting it with the fury of the ancients. Meadowbrook used alchemy to heal her teammates, accelerating the healing process with her necklace.

However, this was no different from the showdown at Ponehenge over 1000 years ago. Only the presence of Stygian and Shadow Lock would prevent the same result.

The Pony of Shadows soon demonstrated why Starswirl made him out to be such a threat. With the power of darkness returned and the lack of an internal struggling host, he summoned a tide of raw darkness that soon sent the Pillars flying back. The Royal Guards had to combine every force field they can manage just to avoid getting swept away into the void. The Friendship Council was lucky that the Pony of Shadows was busy trying to rope in Stygian back then, or the results would have been much different. As the Pillars collected themselves, the Pony of Shadows stood imposing before them.

"Enough warm-up. Playtime is over."

"This is no different from what happened in the past. Stygian, we followed your lead. Is there a way to prevail?" Starswirl asked his old friend.

"I analysed his moves. Everyone, follow my lead."

On cue, the Pony of Shadows fired countless bolts that blotted out what counts as the sky, all aimed at Stygian. Using the leaf platform by Mistmane, he managed to avoid most of the bolts. However, he couldn't dodge the ones that soon intercepted his path.

"Now!! Flash and Rockhoof, use stone and steel!!"

A massive rock formation appeared, dug out by the Spear of Thunder and a second layer that was blocked by the Cosmos caught any stray bolts that got through.

"A double layered barrier?! Argh!! Why can't I move?"

The reason? Meadowbrook and Mistmane snuck underneath under the cover of the barriers and just managed to create a massive stasis field to immobilize the Pony of Shadows with their powers and items. Which wouldn't have been possible unless they had time to prepare.

On cue, Starswirl and Somnambula combined their magics. While Stygian and Shadow Lock borrowed the Spear of Thunder from Rockhoof and jumped towards the sky above, a massive inverted pyramid materialised and Starswirl amplified the weight and made it accelerate at terminal velocity towards their opponent using Stygian and Shadow Lock's action as the signal to begin.

"Taste the wrath of the ancients!!"

The massive pyramid twice the size of the Pony of Shadows hit it's target dead center. Hope and Sorcery pressed down with all their magical might, hoping to at least break a hole in it's form.

"Gragh!!" As the duo yelled, the pyramid finally pierced the Pony of Shadows like a massive wedge.

On the signal, Stygian and Shadow Lock dropped down towards the pyramid while the other Pillars got out of the way, both wielding Rockhoof's spear.

"My past ends now!! EAT THISSSSSS!!!!!!"

The two shadowed unicorns smashed right down on the pyramid, using the momentum of terminal velocity to wedge it in even further. The Pony of Shadows called on all the reserves of darkness in the area that were being stalled by the Royal Guard and Discord to repel it. Eventually, the combined might all the Pillars was too much and the pyramid infused with the virtues of mortals drilled right through the main body.


And with that, the Pony of Shadows exploded, ending it's threat for good.

"Huff, huff. It's over." Stygian said as he and his fellow friends laid down in exhaustion.

"ENCORE!!! ENCORE!! Now that's a battle!! I'm so recording this for my friends to watch!!"

Starswirl approached Discord and asked him a very important question.

"Are there any lingering traces of the forces of darkness left? Is it over for real?"

"Yep!! The main conscience was destroyed. All this darkness in this world is scattered into harmless fragments, which means I have to clean it all up." Discord's face frowned on that prospect. "Tell Celestia I'll be running late."

"So how do we go back to Equestria?"

"I'll drop you Pillars off at the east of Canterlot. You all should be able to get to the Friendship Festival and inform Celestia. The Royal Guards will tag along with you all. There's no space in the city itself with all the hustle and bustle unless you want to be fused to some unlucky pony."

"Very well, I cannot thank you enough for this. A great weight has been lifted off my back."

"Don't worry, Beardface!! The feeling's mutual!"


And with that, the Pillars and the Royal Guard were sent back to Equestria. Discord was alone in his home once more, stuck having to sweep the remains of darkness off his lawn.

East of Canterlot
50 minutes after Canterlot Occupation

As the Pillars and the Royal Guard teleported back to Equestria, the disoriented had to collect themselves. After a headcount to make sure no one was left behind (even the mail mare), Starswirl turned towards the city...and his face was drained of colour the second time in a single day.


Storm clouds covered the Equestrian capitol like a giant fog, unknown airships docked in various parts of the city.

"It appears to be an enemy invasion. We need to check on the status of the current situation. Mistmane, can your plants tell me what has happened?" Flash Magnus asked.

"I definitely can. I sensed this hostile fleet heading straight for the city a few hours ago. Sadly, before I could get a message to the city, I was whisked away to stop the Pony of Shadows. Looks like my descendant couldn't send the message in time." Mistmane said sadly.

"Mistmane, Meadowbrook, Stygian and Shadow Lock. I need your help to forge a map of Equestria and see of there are any other allies in this fight. Rockhoof and Flash Magnus, whip some discipline into the Royal Guard and rally them for war. Somnambula, are you able to replicate not just a pyramid, but the rest of the temple complex? We need a base."

The Pegasus looked at the occupied city and back at the Royal Guards who were barely collecting themselves over the existential crisis they were having over their constant failings.

"Now, it's time for my work face and a wooden pole. So THAT'S why Prince Hisan wanted to give me his sceptre. You really do care..."

With that said, a massive surge of power flowed from her sceptre to the ground and her glopaz necklace started shining. Even Starswirl is recoiling in response to the raw power emitted. Somnambula proceeded to proclaim with a voice of a thousand ancients.

Despair shall fall and Hope shall rise!!
With this one invocation, evil shall be cast into the beyond!!
Behold the eternal throne that is formed from the resolve of legends!!!

Upon her words, a MASSIVE temple complex around half the size of Canterlot materialised. Temples and palaces from all points in history took form, for the resolve of heroes existed since the beginning of civilisation. Each and every one of them held their respective cultures and defences related to their race for the concept of heroes is not just limited to ponies. The Sumarian ziggurats, pegasi temples, Qilin palaces, Medieval castles from every point in the age of chivalry stood side by side. In the centre of it all, since the invoker resembles the Egyptians, a massive pyramid complex was formed.

The other Pillars and the Royal Guard couldn't help but be awed at looking at this as they are all looking at this for the first time. When the entire complex has finished materialising the walls at the edge, they found themselves on what appears to be the courtyard of the complex, complete with military facilities in the local area.

"Somnambula, nothing I can describe can possibly do this place justice." Starswirl spoke after a stunned silence.



On Starswirl's touch, the Pegasus collapsed to the ground, dropping her sceptre to the ground.

"SOMNAMBULA!!!" The other Pillars yelled.

As her friends rushed to her side, Mage Meadowbrook immediately took out a rejuvenation potion and forced it down on the unconscious mare.

"Errghhh....I totally overdid it...."

"Thank heavens you're alive!! I thought we lost you!!!" Stygian breathed out a sigh of relief after saying those words.

"I totally need to watch how much of the realm I materialise. Next time, just Equestrian should be enough...Now is not the time to stare!!! The enemy has seen this spectacle as well and it's on the way. I need to maintain this complex and provide support from the throne room. The rest of you, come with me and resume what Starswirl told you!! Royal Guard, prepare for battle!!"

On cue, the eight teleported straight to the Throne Room.

Meanwhile, lost in the confusion, a mail mare who is seriously considering her life's choices ran to take shelter in one of the complexes away from all this chaos.

East of Canterlot, The Great Pyramid Throne Room
1 hour after Canterlot Occupation

In the gleaming halls of gold that made the pyramid complex, the Throne Room itself reflected the inner nature of the invoker. Instead of a gaudy throne, a humble chair like Somnambula used to sit on during her olden days acted as her throne instead. A massive empty table served as the perfect briefing table. In response to the number of entrees besides Somnambula, 7 other chairs rose from the ground.

As the heroes assembled, the map responded to their desires. A map of Equestria was formed. While the area that is Canterlot is surrounded by storm clouds and airships, various lights of different colours appeared in the area surrounding Canterlot.

"Are those lights what I think they are?" Flash Magnus inquired hopefully.

"Perhaps Equestria is not so defenceless after all." Mistmane spoke with pride.

"We must act now!! The enemy has seen this spectacle and is definitely heading towards us!! Mage Meadowbrook, get the communication spells online and send them to these lights. I pray that Celestia and Luna will be among them..." Starswirl commanded.

"I have to stay on the throne to maintain this complex and provide auxiliary support. The Elpis Somnambulam Tentryis harnesses the firepower of the armies of past, present and future in the form of divine rays of power. I can amplify the Dendara Lights for facing large-scale armies and fortresses. Not to mention, I can just drop a pyramid on them. The Pharaoh Sceptre given to me by Prince Hisan and the will of the ancients allows me to summon such a realm in the first place. If any of you are free, you can stay and help maintain the complex by providing your magic to ease the burden."

"Very well!! Send out our message to these 3 most prominent lights in the North, West and South of Canterlot. They seem to be the biggest pockets of resistance, we must work together with them and get the full context of the situation. If we send to these lights, it would appear in front of the leaders." Stygian observed from the map.

As Starswirl finished his message, he sent it complete with a potion of communication to allow coordination with other recipients of the same spell. As he looked out to the Royal Guard who are already on standby for the inevitable storm outside the walls, he only has this to say:

"Equestria Shall Not Fall!!!"

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Wanted to write what the Pillars are up to getting to know about what happened to their homes while they are gone after the events of Shadow Play. All this happened until around the beginning of the movie when Discord decides to whisk them to his place to help finish off the Pony of Shadows.

Writing their outdated terms especially for Somnambula and Flash Magnus is pretty much Luna during "Luna Eclipsed" all over again. Man it's tough, but I want to show my work.

Not to mention, this should set up plotlines in the rest of the story.

So they handled the East, let's see who would cover the South shall we?