• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 1,889 Views, 55 Comments

Karma - Chemtest

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A Final Execution

Kendrick marches up to the gates of Canterlot, looking up as guards rush to the walls. He smirks, and draws his katana, “Guards of Canterlot, Celestia has been casting curses on humans for too long! Join me, and she shall pay for her crimes!”

The guards all simultaneously notch arrows into their bows, and prepare spears. They let loose a volley at Kendrick.

The arrows impact, but do not pierce his armor. He growls as the arrows bounce off, and he reaches to his back.

He feels a new handle there, a mysterious second handle. Yet, next to that, is a third handle. His mind urges him, and he draws the third handle.

He takes out the new weapon. A giant axe, coated in dried blood, with a blood red aura coming from it.

He looks up at the wall with a smile, “Then you have chosen to get in my way. You shall learn your folly the hard way.”

Yet, as he looks at the wall, his eye catches something behind it. An alicorn stands on top of a roof, glowing a slightly darker blue than Karma would. Magic gathers near his horn, and he points towards the gate.

A giant beam of magic impacts the wall, sending the masonry, and all the guards on top of it, crumbling to the ground.

Guards begin to scatter in the resulting chaos. They shout, “He has magic! The wall is down! Regroup! Regroup!”

A group of humans, wearing golden armor, pick up their spears and charge towards Kendrick.

Kendrick flicks out the axe, it’s blade extending to be almost as big as the axe itself. He throws the axe at the humans, nailing one of them directly in the chest.

The human goes down, alive, but badly injured. The other humans all suddenly stop as their comrade goes down, looking towards each other.

Blood begins to pool under the human. They let out what sounds like a scream of fear. They rip the axe out, throw it back to Kendrick, and rush off with their comrade.

Kendrick picks the axe up from the ground, and moves into Canterlot proper.

A group of at least fifty guards come marching towards him. They stop fifty feet away, and one walks away from the others.

A white pony in fancy purple armor, with a sword held within magic. He glares at Kendrick, and slips on his helmet, “You shall not take a step further! Stand down, or I will be forced to make you!”

Kendrick throws his katana at the guard, only for it to be blocked from a magic sword. Kendrick catches the sword back in his hand, and glares.

The guard takes a few steps closer, “Then you have chosen the hard way! I, Prince Shining Armor, shall put an end to your crimes!”

Kendrick charges forward, already seeing Shining casting up a shield, and sending his sword towards Kendrick.

Kendrick blocks with his katana, and swings into the magical barrier with his axe.

The barrier breaks on contact, dazing Shining. Kendrick twirl around, and swings his katana to decapitate.

The katana rams into Shining’s neck, causing a deep cut, but not enough to kill or even take Shining out of the fight yet.

Shining blasts Kendrick with a force spell, sending him back.

As Kendrick is sent back, he notices something on his hand. He looks at it, and realizes the One Ring’s orange writing is fading.

He looks at it in slight fear, feeling it’s effect slowly leaving. But, then, when the ring completely fades, something happens.

The blood from Shining Armor’s neck flows over to Kendrick. It flows into the ring, replacing the orange writing with some of a blood red shade.

The blood from the injured humans and ponies on the wall also flows over to Kendrick. It enters into the axe, and then into him.

Kendrick takes little notice as one of his eyes begin to glow red. He doesn’t even pay attention when the gem in his hand turns the same shade of blood red.

He smiles, his mind being overrun with new knowledge. A new voice also appears, whispering and telling Kendrick everything.

Kendrick charges forward with speed that should be impossible for a human. In almost an instant, he appears in front of Shining Armor. Shining raises a shield, but it’s of no use, as Kendrick’s axe clashes into it.

The barrier is destroyed instantly, and a blood red shockwave travels out. It sends Shining flying into a building, and even sends a few of the other guards to their knees.

The guards all look at Kendrick, stepping back in fear as his armor begins to turn grey. One shouts, “He took down the Captain!”

All of the guards break, and begin fleeing in every direction.

Kendrick simply laughs, his body absorbing the blood that comes from the wounds inflicted by the shockwave. Yet, he makes sure of one thing. He takes a single drop of blood from Shining, and drips it onto the street.

It absorbs into the ground instantly, weakening an ancient magic.

Kendrick moves onward, finding himself in a courtyard at the base of the castle.

He smiles upon sight of someone in the courtyard. Twilight glares at Kendrick, “Stop, Kendrick! Stop before I have to fight you!”

Kendrick laughs at her, and his laughter only picks up as she charges up magic.

He walks closer, and Twilight let’s loose a magical beam.

The beam is so powerful that it could probably be on equal standing with one of Celestia’s.

Kendrick takes the beam to the chest, and laughs as it does nothing.

Twilight yells in anger, “That should’ve stopped you!”

Kendrick looks at her anger, and let’s out even more laughter, “Oh, what a priceless fool you are! Did you truly expect to defeat us with that pitiful blast?”

Twilight widens her eyes, “Pitiful? That was all my magic.”

Kendrick walks closer, “It was pitiful! You are pathetic before your ancestors, Twilight! We have slaughtered thousands of creatures, all the way from alicorn to citizen! Did you really think a single blast of magic could defeat us?! We took a full blast from Ordirus, a snap from Discord, Celestia, Luna, even the Elements of Harmony, and we still stand! Why did you think you could defeat us like that?!”

Twilight takes a step back, “Dear Celestia, what’s happened to you?”

Kendrick smiles, “We have become one, Twilight! I no longer need the powers of Karma, nor any god! For I carry Khorne, and I have become a Champion of Blood!”

Twilight spreads her wings, trying to fly away.

Kendrick rushes over to her, and grabs her wing before she can flap once. He laughs, and spins her around by her wing.

He hears the satisfying snap of bone, and sees blood begin to drop from her wing. He instantly absorbs the blood, and throws her through a nearby building.

He waits for a second, and upon no sound nor movement, he turns to move on.

But, as he takes the first step, he hears a voice cry out. A young voice, a voice that breaks through him, “Grey, please, stop!”

His mind is thrown into disarray as he turns to see her.

Dinky stands there, Ring around her horn. She glares at Kendrick, “Grey, please, you don’t need to harm anypony. Just put down that axe, please, this isn’t you.”

Kendrick looks at her, and his mind begins to fight with itself. In the fight, he drops the axe. It tumbles to the ground, and the blood flows from Kendrick and into the axe.

His eye begins to lose the glow.

But then, the glow picks up again, and it takes control again, “No!”

Kendrick charges forward, and swings his sword at Dinky.

It hits her neck, but it doesn’t have any effect. No, it doesn’t bruise, cut, nor cause any pain.

Dinky looks at the blade, and her eyes begin to fill with tears, “Grey... did you try to hurt me?”

Kendrick looks at her, the glow in his eye faltering, but still keeping itself up.

Dinky begins to break down into crying, “I thought we were friends! You’re just like everypony else!”

The glowing eye on Kendrick notices something.

Dinky’s horn begins to glow. Narya begins to glow bright red, and her horn begins to glow that same bright red.

Kendrick is taken over by the red eye once again. It turns around, and tries to run.

It only gets off a single step, before it is hit in the back with a lance of fire.

Kendrick is sent flying into a staircase.

He recovers just barely enough consciousness to look at himself.

His chest has a hole through the middle of it, and his armor melts around it. Molten metal falls into his wound, and burn him from the inside.

Kendrick loses the red glow from his eye. His armor returns to a black state, and the crystal returns to blue.

He looks at the wound again, and can tell it’s obviously fatal.

He coughs, blood spilling into his helmet. Then, he takes his final breath, for his lungs no longer exist.