• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 1,881 Views, 55 Comments

Karma - Chemtest

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A Final Plan

A pony stands on top of a roof, looking down into the streets of Canterlot. Guards rush from all over, gathering weapons and readying themselves for combat. The pony smiles, and laughs.

He laughs some more, and a bright glow comes from the necklace adorning his neck. The glow only increases as his laughter grows, yet not a single pony below takes notice of him.

The pony smiles at the necklace, and ignores the rest of his body.

For his body is rotting. Fur, once white, has now fallen and left rotting skin on the outside. Now, only his horn and the wings on his back carry the same pure white color, yet even they have veins of darkness rushing through them. His blue eyes glow almost as bright as the necklace, but their glow is cut by the pure darkness of his pupils. His mane, golden in color, is the only have left on him. A crown covers the hair, covered in blue crystals, all of which glow alongside the necklace.

His cloak blows in the wind, it’s golden color shining like the sun. It covers his body, except for one thing on his flank. A compass rose, now just a pure black outline compared to it’s previous form.

His laughter is stopped as a second figure steps up beside him. A tall, human figure. He stands at almost six feet, all his features hidden behind grey armor, with blood red accents. The only thing visible is his face, one the fair visage of a Jester, now coated with scars and anger.

The man holds out vials of blood towards the pony, “Here they are.”

The pony looks at them, and nods, “Very good, Khorne. Is this what we require?”

Khorne nods, “The blood of the Doctor, the Shooter, and the Chaos.”

The pony raises his eye, in a futile attempt to raise an eyebrow, “Where’s the Blood of Order?”

Khorne glares at Blueblood, “You were the one supposed to get that. Are you telling me you seriously have waited until the last minute for this!?”

The pony growls back, “I have been busy, unlike you!”

Khorne takes a step closer to the pony, “I am literally trapped until we finish this! I can’t do anything other than posses for a short time! You are the one with a line to Ordirus!”

The pony sighs, “Do you know how difficult it has been to control that human?”

Khorne scoffs, “Control? All you did is change a child’s memory, hardly something difficult.”

The pony glares at Khorne, “I had to control him and make sure he became the person we needed! Do you not remember?! When I took control of his dad to punish him for failing a test, when I changed his very brain’s chemistry to put ambition above all else, or how about when I convinced Edis to take him!? Our enemy, and I convinced him to help us unknowingly. You don’t know how hard that was!”

Their bickering comes to a sudden stop as a hole is ripped in reality. Out steps an even taller alicorn. His glowing white eyes shine over the two, his coat blue like the water, with a flowing black mane, dark as the void. He towers to be slightly taller than Khorne.

He looks at the two, “Stop your arguing, our Lord is getting annoyed that you two keep acting like foals.”

Khorne turns to face the alicorn, “Shut it, Ordirus! I was invited to join for a reason! You two wouldn’t have gotten this far without me!”

Ordirus turns to him, “I never said you were not useful, Khorne. You are quite useful, even if you act like a foal. You are a strong foal with an axe and strong magic powers. Something to fear, even if... unrefined.”

The other alicorn steps forward, “Excuse me, I am a King!”

Ordirus looks over at him, “A foal in a King’s clothing, Blueblood. If you truly constituted as a King, then I would personally renounce my own royal blood. You are a so called King who was defeated by a foal. I feel you are so weak that any of my children could beat you.”

King Blueblood draws back, “Treachery and treason, Ordirus! Are you really implying that drunken fool could lay a hoof on me?”

Ordirus nods, “Yes, I believe my son could. Harmonikus could defeat me, Blueblood, why would he not defeat you? I go so far as to say he could beat the foal who beat you.” Ordirus glares slightly at him, “I wish I could just slay you and replace you with someone worthy of your power. If he would only listen, I am sure my son would lead us to victory.”

Blueblood spits at the ground, a bit of blood striking the top of the roof, “Chem?! You believe that filthy commoner could defeat me?!”

Ordirus takes a step closer, almost pushing Blueblood off the building, “You watch your mouth about Harmonikus or I will replace you. Everything valuable about you comes from that necklace and that crown, you have no internal power. Harmonikus earned his position by defeating me, and you were handed your life on a silver platter!”

Khorne steps in, “Ordirus, as much as I would like seeing Blueblood die, we have more pressing issues. We need a drop of your blood so I may be freed.”

Ordirus looks over, and his hoof simply opens up. A drop of blood comes out, dropping into the streets of Canterlot, “Then do it quickly, Khorne. Don’t let your childish blood antics get in the way.”

Ordirus disappears, leaving Blueblood and Khorne alone. Blueblood nods, “Okay, everything is set. We need the Blood of the Innocent, which will be gathered by Kendrick’s fighting with the guard. Blood of the Alicorn, which we should get if Kendrick succeeds. And, the Blood of Silver, which we shall get if Kendrick gets injured.”

Khorne nods, “It’s all ready?”

Blueblood smiles, “It’s taken months of time traveling mind manipulation, but it’s finally ready. Kendrick is finally in full control of the body, so make sure your Chosen wins. I don’t want to use a backup plan.”

Khorne smiles, and begins to fade away. His spirit travels over to the warrior approaching the mountain.

The mind of Kendrick sees it’s father mind approaching, and opens it’s arms wide for the God of Blood.