• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 1,881 Views, 55 Comments

Karma - Chemtest

  • ...

Grey Shines

His eyes open again, and his body is wracked with pain. He coughs roughly, sending blood flying onto the Forest floor.

He flips around, and begins to cough even more into the grass. He leans back, lightheaded, unsure of anything.

He looks up, and sees a man standing there. The man is covered in grey armor, and seems to be Kendrick himself. Except, his eyes glow a bright red, and the crystal in his hand glows the same blood red.

The man growls down at him, “We were this close, you fool! You were killed by a crying little filly! You are pathetic!”

He looks at the man, “Who... are you?”

The man leans down, “I am you, given a power more than you could ever imagine. I am Kendrick, I am Khorne, I am both at once. Champion of Blood, the rightful owner of your body!”

He looks down at himself, “Who am I?”

Kendrick sneers, “Grey, the emotional piece of shit who ended up breaking our mind and getting us killed! You are the Champion of Karma, but where is she? I don’t believe she is here for you.” Kendrick steps closer, and kicks Grey in the chin, “I’ll teach you a lesson!”

Grey is sent flying back to the ground, bashing his head on exposed roots.

Kendrick moves closer, and stomps down on his chest, “We were about to win! We were about to free ourselves! We have been waiting our entire life! And you ruined it!” Kendrick leans down into Grey’s face, “Surely you remember the battle we’ve been in for our life?”

Grey shakes his head, “No, I don’t.”

Kendrick leans back, and takes a step away. He pushes his hair back, “We’ve been at war since birth. Me, the voice of ambition, and you, the voice of emotion. Fighting back and fourth, with me always barely winning.”

Grey nods, “Except for this time, I imagine.”

Kendrick sighs, “The power you showed by forcing me out of the mind, I am honestly surprised and astounded. The power you’ve shown in this world is astonishing. I was not even able to find ground until you came up with that random hypothesis. I barely managed to latch on and march to Canterlot, and then we were almost done. But that damned foal empowered you! You broke through, made us lose our power!”

Grey looks around him, “And why are we in the Forest?”

Kendrick looks around as well, “There were conditions in Edis’s contract. I am thinking that this is the result of one of those conditions.”

Grey smiles at Kendrick, “Well, let’s begin to work together. I’m sure that we could do what you want without harming anyone.”

Kendrick looks back at Grey, “Even now, you still hold on to that damned pacifism, don’t you? I don’t think you understand what I want, Grey. I want what Khorne wants, and what his Lord wants. Therefor, I want to destroy everything. Don’t you realize, Grey? We are incompatible. I run off of killing, and you run off of peace.” Kendrick smiles, “And I’m going to rely upon that. You hold great power, which I shall take for my own.”

Grey looks at Kendrick as he approaches, “I would offer it up, but I don’t know how. Besides, you would use it to harm.”

Kendrick walks right up, and punches Grey hard. Grey is sent back to the ground, and Kendrick smiles. He stomps down again, “You shall pay for stopping me!”

But, as Kendrick raises his foot, a near deafening sound fills the clearing. A bright purple light is cast over both of them, forcing them to look away and close their eyes.

They can hear footsteps as the portal fades. Then, they hear the clacking of metal.

Grey looks over, and sees another man standing there.

He stands taller than both of them, easily six feet if not taller. He is decked out in a long, dark trench coat. A MP40 sits on his back, a repeater next to it, with a revolver in his hands. Not a single piece of skin is shown on his body, covered gloves, pants, boots, and other such items. The most striking thing, however, is the mask of a plague doctor on his face.

Kendrick looks over, and growls, “Who the hell are you?”

The man simply draws the hammer back on his revolver, “Step away from him!”

Kendrick shakes his head, and walks closer to the man, “Do you even know what’s going on here?! How about you put down the fucking gun before I make you!”

The man moves the gun slightly down, and fires. The bullet rips through Kendrick’s armor, and through his knee. Kendrick collapses, shouting in pain. The man keeps his revolver on Kendrick, “You are trying to hurt my brother!”

Grey looks at the man again, “Wait... brother?”

The man rushes over to Grey, and embraces him, “Kendrick! Oh god, Kendrick... it’s been four years.”

Grey embraces back, “Four years? It’s only been four days for me.”

His brother leans back, “Different time streams. Kendrick, I thought you were dead. I’ve changed so much, you’ve changed so little. I’m now called Survivor.”

Grey shakes his head, “How did you find your way here?”

Survivor smiles, “I had help from two people, I’m sure you know them. Edis and Karma, they told me all about what’s going on.”

Grey looks down, “Karma still cares?”

Survivor nods, “You might not be her Champion anymore, but she doesn’t want your darker side to defeat you. You need to do something to regain your position.”

Grey smiles slightly, and draws his katana, “I... I won’t be going for regaining. The sins we have committed are too great to just go back and act like nothing happened. Kendrick, come over here.”

Kendrick yells, still grasping his knee, “Fuck you!”

Grey sighs, and moves over to Kendrick. He drags Kendrick’s hands away from his knee, and raises the katana, “These are the hands that hurt so many, and this is the blade.”

Grey moves swiftly, and cuts off Kendrick’s hands.

Survivor rushes over, “What the hell are you doing?!”

Grey smiles slightly, “Dying, Survivor. We’ve survived death two times before, and we haven’t paid for our crimes. This is the mind that brought harm to so many.”

Grey shoves the katana into Kendrick, right though his gut.

Survivor takes a step back, nodding slightly, “If you believe it is for the best.”

Grey steps back from Kendrick as he begins to bleed out. He holds the katana in one hand, “These are the hands that held the blade.”

He slices his left hand off, and put’s the blade in his mouth. He slices down, cutting off the other hand.

Grey spits the katana to the ground, “Survivor, pick the blade up. Stab me through the gut with it, and then throw it off that cliff. I am the body who caused so much harm.”

Survivor picks the blade up, and hesitantly stabs it through Grey. He then takes the blade out, and tosses it down below.

Grey smiles as the purple glow comes back around Survivor, “Thank you, brother. It is time for you to return home.” Grey collapses to one knee, “Forget me... become your own. Don’t worry... I am at peace.”

Survivor disappears, leaving Grey to fall to the ground completely.

Kendrick coughs, and crawls over to Grey, “We... can’t... just...die.”

Grey looks over at him, “We will. Did you... want another outcome?”

Kendrick lays down, “Life. I... don’t...care. I want to live.”

Grey is suddenly attacked by a bright light. He leans back, but can’t look away.

Both his and Kendrick’s armor begin to glow bright silver. The armor begins dragging them towards each other, filling them with an almost unbearable heat.

Their armor begins to melt, in a way. It brings the skin with it, forcing the two into each other,

They begin to merge, their armor melding them into one.

Then, when it all done, a single figure lays in the middle of the clearing.

He wakes up, shaking his head. His mind is... peaceful. No shouting for blood, no call for peace. Kendrick is gone... Grey is gone.

The man looks as melted silver begins to rush over to him. It connects to the stumps that used to have hands, and begins shaping itself.

The rest of the armor begins to glow the same color as the molten silver. Then, finally, the silver hardens, and his armor seems to break.

The black shade falls off it, like a shell from an egg. Underneath, the armor glows. The silver glow is pleasant, and makes one feel like they are protected.

The man looks at his hands, only to see them back. Except, now, they are made completely of silver. In one of his fingers, there is orange writing, and there is a blue glow in the one next to it. He opens his palm, and can instantly see a blue crystal within it.

Then, the tranquility is interrupted. A loud crashing sound in the distance.

He looks over, in the direction of Ponyville, and sees a plume of smoke rising from the town.

He instantly rises to his feet, remembering all about the town.

He reaches to his back, feeling two handles there.

He grabs on, and pulls both weapons out. Then, he charges through the forest, towards Ponyville.