• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 1,887 Views, 55 Comments

Karma - Chemtest

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Turner sighs as he sits at the table, “Come on, Kendrick, did you really have to let someone else figure it out?”

Twilight looks at Kendrick, “Kendrick? I thought he was called Grey?”

Kendrick clears his throat, and speaks for the first time in the new world, “My real name is Kendrick, Dinky just called me Grey because I had no way to communicate.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow, “So why would she choose Grey? Your armor is a lot more towards blue than it is grey.”

Kendrick looks at his armor, noticing it’s faint blue hue, “It was grey back then. I take a liking to the name, but I am Kendrick in the end.”

Twilight nods, “Okay, well, that brings me to a more important topic.” She turns to Turner, “Mister Turner, why did you not inform me of your discovery?”

He smiles, “Please, just call me Turner. You see, being a Princess and all that, I assumed you were too busy.”

Twilight glares at him, “The truth, Turner.”

Turner sighs, “Because I personally thought you knowing wouldn’t lead to the best outcome.”

Twilight shakes her head, “Come on, Turner, you’ve been here for a year. You should know I would continue with caution.”

Turner snickers a bit, “Caution? You haven’t exactly shown much in the past.”

Twilight widens her eyes, “Not shown cation? When have I not shown caution, Turner?”

Turner smiles, “Oh, you want a list? How about that time when I had to stop parasprites from eating Derpy’s house? Or that time I spent my entire day preparing for a disaster that never happened? Or how about that time you almost destroyed the entire town by switching your friend’s cutie marks? How about those times, huh? Look, Twilight, you are an absolutely brilliant pony, with an astounding mind, I’d rank you near me even. But you act rashly and quickly. I mean, yeah, there are times where it’s best to just say geronimo and jump in the deep end, but not all the time.”

Twilight takes a few seconds of silence, absorbing his words, “I... I can’t argue with your logic, Turner. Still, you should have told me.”

Turner leans in, “Why, Twilight? I don’t think Kendrick is of that much interest to you.”

Twilight shakes her head, “Then you didn’t think deep enough, Turner. You seem like a very, very smart pony. Surely you’ve read the work of Gallopleo.”

Turner shakes his head, “I am smart, if I might be so egotistical, but I cannot say I am familiar with his name.”

Twilight smiles, “He was the top anthropologist of all time. He worked along with Da Whinny in a study of what makes humans so different than ponies. In the end, they found that ponies and humans were almost the exact same in every biological way. Their brains were the exact same, copies of one another, their organs were the same, everything was the same or similar. There was no biological reason that humans should act like they do.”

Turner nods, “So, they ruled it must have been something else.”

Twilight nods back, “Correct. They called in the great Thaumutoligist, Doctor Tempus, one of the best ever. He cast a scanning spell over a selection of one thousand different humans. Different races, genders, ages, ability, everything. And he found on all of them, a single spell. Something that pushed down their brain’s proper function, and replaced it with animalistic rage and savagery. Yet, it was impossible to separate the magic from the human, as they didn’t have an example without it.”

Turner smiles, “Kendrick, he’s a human without it. That’s where you were going, yes?”

Twilight nods, “Yes, correct again, Turner.”

Turner leans back, “Only one problem. Now, with my understanding of magic, it is very hard to change another creature’s mind, especially an entire species. Something like that, it would require almost an entire alicorn’s worth of magic per day.”

Twilight shoots back, “Or a very strong, singular burst of magical energy.”

Turner leans in, “A burst that is impossible, no? I don’t believe even Discord could do such, and he’s the most powerful being on the planet!”

Twilight leans back, and thinks, “No, Discord wouldn’t be able to do it. But perhaps something on his level, combined with some other magics, could do it.”

Turner shakes his head, “It would require the same amount of energy as three Discords. Unless Discord decided to increase his power three fold, I don’t think it’s possible. Take every unicorn, hell, even every alicorn, and combine their power together. Maybe, and just maybe, would they be able to do it. That would only be if every child, adult, elder, and Discord agreed to use their entire stockpile of magic. Your theory about a singular burst of magic is good, but unlikely. No, it would make more sense for some powerful creature to cast the spell every day.”

Kendrick looks between the two, “Some powerful creature, eh? Tell me, would Celestia be considered a powerful creature?”

Twilight nods, “Oh yes, she is the most powerful magic being alive right now, with the exception of Discord.”

Kendrick nods, “Well, I have my own theory. I believe Celestia is the one making the humans savage.”

Twilight leans back in shock, “What?! Celestia would never do that!”

Kendrick smiles, “Oh, it makes perfect sense. Humans are good as labor animals, and for pets, aren’t we? It seems your people use them as guards, workers, and as pets. Now, tell me, why would a Princess want to worry about humanity when she could simply make them all so dumb that she didn’t have to play to them.”

Twilight shakes her head, “Play to them? You are insane!”

Kendrick growls at her, “Think, Twilight, don’t let your emotion get in the way of your logic! A Princess unties a land after a deadly war, that land would be full of turmoil and rebellion. Humans want rights and privileges for themselves, and ponies want rights and privileges for themselves. Celestia, being a pony, would obviously take favor of the ponies, and shower them with all these rights and privileges above humans. The humans get mad, they pick up their torches and pitchforks, it becomes clear that if their demands are not met, they shall start another war. Celestia can’t have that happen, but the humans are too useful to kill. She needs them, yet she can’t afford to take the unfair privileges away from ponies or they would rise up. So she casts a spell to make all humans into savages, animals who don’t give a rats ass about rights or privileges. Ponies get the privilege of having humans as their literal pets, and the humans are permanently taken care of.”

Twilight narrows her eyes, “But we already agreed it couldn’t be done all at once. She would need to cast it every day, and she doesn’t have the time in her schedule for a spell of that size.”

Kendrick smiles, “Oh, really? I know of one spell she casts per day, she even has a set time for it.”

Twilight leans back, “No, you can’t be implying-“

Kendrick nods, “Not just implying, I am saying it. Celestia can’t raise or lower the sun, it’s physically impossible to move such a giant celestial body. No, she goes out under the guise of raising the sun, only to cast the spell on the humans.”

Twilight stands up from her chair, and shouts, “You are insane!”

Turner stands from his chair, “Twilight! Sit back down and act like a scientist!”

Twilight turns to look at Turner, “You can’t tell me you believe what Kendrick is saying?!”

Turner slams a hoof on the table, “We are having a discussion, Twilight, I would prefer it be civilized. Personally, I see very little flaw in his theory, but we don’t know. We will preform the test, and then we will find out where it is from.”

Kendrick slightly laughs from his seat, “Are you asking me to wait, Turner? I am afraid I shall reject your request. If Celestia is truly doing such an act, then we must waste no time!”

Turner turns and looks at Kendrick, slight dread appearing on his face, “Kendrick... what do you mean to do?”

Kendrick stands from the table, his armor glowing it’s ever blue hue, “I intend to march up to Celestia, and personally kick her ass until she tells the truth. Then, she shall be properly executed for her crimes, and I shall assume my role as King Kendrick.”

Turner takes a step back, “You must be joking. Are you truly saying you are about to kill Celestia because of your theory?”

Kendrick reaches a hand down, and places it on the table. He laughs a bit, “No, Turner, it is because she is in the way of my ambitions. This world is so primitive, it is clear her rule is weak. This country needs someone strong at it’s head, and that someone is me. The magic is the excuse I’ll give to the media. The real reason is the reason all creatures operate off of. I must gain more power.”

Turner slams his hoof down, “Have you gone mad?! Power!? You sound like Hitler, Kendrick, snap out of it!”

Kendrick smiles, “Was he really so wrong, though? Yeah, the genocide was bad, but was he really so wrong? He simply seized power, until all those weak decided that he had gained too much. Those weak will never rise against me if I crush them first.”

Twilight growls, “You want to invade Canterlot? Then come at us, we’ll be ready!”

Twilight rushes out of the door, and Kendrick rushes after her.

Twilight bumps into Dinky. She quickly grasps the filly, “Dinky, we need to go, Kendrick’s gone mad!”

Kendrick slams his katana at the side of her throat. It doesn’t cut through, but the strength and slight sharpness is enough to cut her, and leave blood on her neck.

Twilight grabs Dinky, and quickly flies away.

Kendrick growls, and turns around. He sees Turner, standing by the door. Kendrick offers out a hand, “Come, Turner, you are near human, you understand me.”

Turner glares at him, “Oh, I understand you perfectly. You are a madman, some sort of genius who puts his ambitions and logic above all else. Go on, leave to Canterlot. I couldn’t care if you die or win. Either way, you’ll learn the faults of your ambition.”

Turner slams the door in Kendrick’s face, ignoring his outstretched hand. Kendrick then takes notice of the glow coming from the crystal within his gauntlet.

He closes his fist, ignoring the crystal. He instead turns to Canterlot, and begins to move to it.