• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 1,887 Views, 55 Comments

Karma - Chemtest

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Kendrick finally breaks through the forest, emerging into the outskirts of Ponyville. He reaches up, and awakens the pony on his head.

Dinky slowly wakes up, “What? Oh, we’re here!”

She jumps off Kendrick’s head, down to the ground below. She jumps around to face him.

She smiles, “Come on, my friends are this way!”

She hops away, literally almost bouncing off the ground. Kendrick rushes to follow after her, not wanting to lose his only inside equine.

She rushes along, until she reaches a certain spot. She looks at it, and her smile turns to a frown, “Aww... they left again.”

Kendrick catches up, his breathing only lightly increases in pace, due to his now improved stamina.

Dinky speaks, sadness prevalent in her voice, “They always do this.”

Kendrick looks down at her, seeing her on the verge of tears. He hesitates for a second, but then reaches down and pats her head. The motion itself provides no comfort, but it reminds Dinky of who is with her.

She looks up at Kendrick, and smiles through her sadness, “Whatever, I don’t need them. I got you, Grey, and we’ll be friends forever!”

Kendrick simply gives her a thumbs-up, and smiles from behind his helmet.

Dinky nods, all hints of sadness gone, “Well, let’s get you home, Grey. I’m sure mom will come up with some way for you to stick around.”

Kendrick nods, and she sets off towards town. They both enter.

Ponies all around gawk at the human as he passes, awed in sight of his dark armor. But most of all, they stare at the filly who has climbed back to her perch on top his head.

Kendrick stares as well. However, it is not at the ponies. No, it is at the other creatures that inhabit the streets.

Humans. Gigantic humans... all easily a foot tall over Kendrick. They all wear variations of clothing, some barely at all, most have a shirt on and a few have pants. They are all held by leashes, either by ponies or to buildings.

The humans all sneer at Kendrick as he passes, growling and trying to charge towards him. Yet, they are mostly pulled back by their leashes.

One of them manages to break free of it’s handler. It rushes towards Kendrick, trying to fight him.

Kendrick takes a few steps back, and holds out a hand. The gesture has no effect on the man, and Kendrick prepares himself.

The man goes for a swing at Kendrick’s head. Being three feet taller than Kendrick, it is a downward punch. Kendrick steps to the side, and lashes out with his own attack.

He grasps the man’s throat, and brings him closer, examining him.

He quickly notices that something is lacking. His eyes, or, rather, his pupils and irises. All that is within the eye is a black circle. Not one that’s filled in, no, the same white color of the eyeball fills it as well. But that circle is there, glaring at Kendrick.

The second thing about the eye is what truly surprises Kendrick. That circle of black is one of a savage animal. It is clear that this human has no higher thoughts beyond those of a savage dog.

Kendrick throws the man back, sending him stumbling away. He points towards the man’s owner, summoning all his authority into it.

The man stumbles back to his feet, and charges Kendrick. He yells, and places a punch into Kendrick’s chest.

Kendrick feels the impact of the fist on his armor, and can feel a bit of pain on his body. Without the armor, such a blow would have surely shattered him. However, with the protection, Kendrick is able to stand perfectly and return a blow.

Using his height to his advantage, Kendrick goes for an uppercut to the man’s groin. When the blow lands, all he can hear is a scream, and all he sees is the man falling backwards.

Kendrick places his boot on the fallen man, and the other humans begin to crawl away from him. He looks around in triumph, until he spots the pissed look on the owner’s face.

Dinky leans down to his ear, and whispers, “We gotta go, quick.”

Kendrick nods, and rushes past the owner. Dinky shouts directions to him, and he follows them perfectly.

He eventually makes it, stopping right in front of two buildings.

One, is a clock shop. Rising from the shop is a giant tower, with a giant clock on it. The other, is a lot smaller. At least half as big as the other houses in Ponyville.

Dinky opens the door to the smaller one, “Come on!”

They both enter the house, Kendrick having to squat down to get in. He hears someone humming, and looks up. The pony humming also looks up.

A grey mare, winged, with similarly yellow eyes to Dinky, yet ones that go in different directions. She gasps upon sight of him, “Dinky, what is this?!”

Dinky smiles, “He’s Grey! He saved me from some wolves! He’s going to be my best friend!”

The mare shakes her head, “Dinky... we talked about this.”

Dinky pouts, “Please? Look, he’s smaller than everyone else!”

The mare looks at him, “Perhaps so, but we don’t know if he belongs to somepony.”

Dinky smiles, “He’s a Guard Human!”

Derpy looks back at her, “Or he could belong to some noble and got lost! We have to make sure he doesn’t belong to anyone, and even then we couldn’t fit him!”

Someone peeks their head inside. A stallion speaks, “Excuse me, Miss Hooves, but is everything alright?”

Kendrick turns around to face this newcomer. A tan stallion, brown hair slightly spiked, a green bow tie around his neck. The mare responds, “This human saved Dinky and now she wants to keep him.”

The stallion looks at Kendrick, “Hmm, you are awfully small for these humans. Did you truly save her?”

Kendrick gives him a thumbs-up.

The stallion takes a step back, his eyes widening, “Wait... impossible.” He steps forward, looking Kendrick in the eyes, he then looks even more shocked as he meets them. The stallion speaks, “Adolf Hitler assumed control in 1829.”

Kendrick shakes his head in response. He holds up his fingers. One finger, nine finger, two sets of three.

The stallion looks towards the mare, “I do hope you don’t mind, but I might be able to keep him in my place. Would you be alright with that, Dinky?”

Dinky smiles, “Oh, thank you Mister Turner!”

Turner nods, and begins pushing Kendrick out the door. Kendrick tries to resist, but Turner whispers to him, “Earth, don’t fight with me.”

Kendrick hears his words, and follows willingly.