• Published 23rd Dec 2017
  • 1,927 Views, 55 Comments

Spoiled Re-training - Foal Star

Spoiled Rich is now a very disrespectful filly and has been kicked out of daycare. Now Diamond Tiara has to help her mom become a good filly.

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Chapter 5: A time for manners

Soft Gem was now changing the foals sagging pull-ups. “Oh, look at them, you soggy butts. They’re at the point of leaking,” The fillies were just looking down in shame as Soft Gem cooed. “Now, I know you two are in potty training, but I can’t have huge accidents like that happening all the time. So, I'm going to put you two in diapers until you can learn your lesson.” She then took out a pack of Silly Filly diapers that were extra thick and colored pink.

Flower Petal whined “No, I dun wana wear diapees!”

Soft Gem just cooed and winked. “Then maybe you both shouldn't have drank all that tea and peed in your pull-ups,” The mare opened the package of diapers and pulled two out. “Now come on, lay down for me, sweeties.”

The fillies both slowly laid down, and the mare started strapping the two in the thick padding, and taped them up accordingly. Flower Petal just stared in horror as her legs could barely move due to the thick padding. “You gotta be kidding me! I can’ be seen in tese!”

Spoiled Rich waddled around a little, squeaking. “It makes me wook wike something tat Nanny De’Foaw woud use. I hate tat nanny!”

Soft Gem smirked. “Oh, you met Nanny De’Foal? I know her, she helped me set up this place.”

Spoiled and Flower Petal both turned, shouting together! “Wha?!”

Soft Gem nodded. “I used to run a normal day care in Manehatten, but I felt like I could do more with foals. Then Nanny De’Foal came and helped me make enough bits to set up a place for naughty fillies, so I could teach them to be nice.”

Flower Petal whined. “I not mean!”

Soft Gem cooed. “Oh, I never said you were, but I’m still going to make sure you two become good little fillies before the end of the Summer,” She then took out not just one but two of the embarrassing pink dresses with the dozen or so petticoats, slipped one over each filly, and cooed. “Now, I hope you two adorable cuties learn a valuable lesson today in being friends, or you'll be wearing these outfits tomorrow as well. Got it?”

Both fillies gave a nod and whimpered. “Yes Mws. Gem.”

The mare cooed. “Good, now come along. We have one more lesson, then its nap time,.”

Soft Gem lead the fillies out of the bathroom and upstairs to the right tower, which lead to a small, ballroom. It was frilly looking with pink tiles for the floor, and the walls painted white. The rest of the fillies stood in a circle as Soft Gem strode in and cooed. “Alright now, today we’re going to go over one some basic etiquette for meeting new ponies. Who wants to be our first volunteers?”

A whole bunch of fillies raised their hooves high in the air, shouting. “Pick me! Pick me!”

Soft Gem looked the foals over, tapping a hoof to her chin. “How about we start with Diamond Tiara?” Diamond Tiara blushed, coming up to the center. And then Soft Gem turned to see Flower Petal pouting. “How about we have one of our little trouble makrers give it a shot? Come on, Flower Petal.”

The filly blushed as she waddled across the room, with her diaper crinkling and poofing out her back end. The fillies all giggled or dawwed at her, with the little filly thinking. “This is the most embarrassing thing since when Mommy made me go potty in front of all her friends. Sitting on that training potty with all those grown-ups watching me was so humiliating.

When the fillies were facing each other, Soft Gem cooed. “Now, we shall begin with the introduction of new foals that joined us this year. They will perform simple courtesy first. Remember to take the right fold of your dress and bow your back legs slightly.”

Diamond rolled her eyes as she thought. “Ponies don’t do curtises anymore, unless they’re at those super fancy parties Mother used to attend. What does this have to do with etiquette? Back when Mother tried to give me lessons, she never brought this up, and she was very thorough about the ‘proper’ behavior for rich ponies.

Flower Petal blushed and whispered. “Hewwo, Diamond Tiawa, I Fwower Petaw.” she performed a perfect courtesy with her dress, revealing the back of her diaper, and making the foals squeal in laughter.

Diamond Tiara stifled her giggles and performed a courtesy back as she cooed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Flower Petal.”

Soft clapped her hooves together. “Excellent! That’s the way to do it! Now ,when we enter a conversation, we should begin by making sure we’re not rude. No calling names or insulting ponies, just talk about what you like to do and how you feel. But don’t try to talk too much about yourself, give the other pony a chance to speak.”

Soft then nodded her head, and Tiara (while blushing) continued. “Uh...you... uh, um...how’s your potty training coming along?” She asked at last, unable to think of anything else.

The rest of the foals burst into laughter and Soft Gem eyed Diamond Tiara, but Flower Petal pouted, putting her hooves to her hips. “My potty twianin is doing vewy wew, I onwy weawin a diapee becawse I gots in twobwe.”

Diamond blushed and cooed. “Oh, well that’s great to hear. My cousin, Spoiled Rich Jr. is also in potty training. She’s pretty much learned to go potty by herself, but she does have an accident now and again. And there was this one time, she tried to use the big pony potty, and fell in.”

All the foals laughed even more, and Spoiled Rich pouted, sitting on her padded rump. It had been so embarrassing when Randolph of all ponies had to fish her out.

Flower Petal giggled and asked. “So, does she go pee-pee in her puww-ups on accident, wike me?”

Tiara cooed. “Yeah, a little, but I don’t think she likes talking about that. Let’s change the subject.”

Flower Petal shrugged, she’d hoped to learn more about Spoiled’s embarrassing secrets. “Otay, wew do you wike pwetty pink dwessies?” She asked.

The fillies all giggled, and Diamond replied. “Well, to be honest... I love pink dresses! I think they’re lovely, and very cute. In fact, Flower Petal, I love your dress, and I think that diaper is perfect for it.”

Flower Petal blushed now trying to hide the padding as Soft Gem dawwed. “Oh how wonderful. Now I may have a few critiques for how that conversation went. Mainly, I think subjects like potty training are a private matter. Don’t you think so, Diamond Tiara?”

Tiara looked down. “Sorry, Mrs. Gem, guess I hadn’t thought of that.”

But Soft cooed. “It's alright, just think about that for next time. Now, we need two more volunteers, because one example is hardly an example,” She peered around the room at the fillies, and then cooed. “How about you, Sweetie Belle? And you too, Spoiled Rich Jr.? Please come up.” Theltwo came over and both looked at each other, as Soft Gem continued. “Now, remember to courteous, and proceed with a light conversation. But no talking about private matters like potty training.”

Sweetie Belle squealed, as she did a quick (and) clumsy courtesy. “Hello, Spoiled Rich Jr., my name is Sweetie Belle.”

Spoiled Rich crossed her hooves and growled. “Ya know my name is Spoiwed Rich.” Fortunately, nopony else overheard.

Soft Gem just replied. “Spoiled Jr., you can’t be rude, remember? Not unless you want to sit in time out.”

Spoiled sighed, she didn’t want to get into any more trouble for the time being. “Awight, I get it,” She rolled her eyes and continued. “I sowwy,” She bowed a little. “Sowwy, Sweetie Bewwe, I didn mean ta be wude.”

Sweetie Belle giggled, as she waved a hoof. “It’s no problem, sweetie. So, how are you liking this Summer school so far?”

Spoiled blushed, scrunching her diaper. “Weww, I guess is fine so faw, aside fwom being put into diapees,” She then looked up and asked. “Wha abou you? Do ya wike wearing dwessies too?”

Sweetie nodded. “Yeah, it’s fine. I don't mind it at all.”

Spoiled scoffed. “Oh yeah?! Ya suwe?!”

That prompted Soft Gem to glare at Spoiled and scold. “Spoiled Jr., that was mean, apologize right now!”

Spoiled scoffed, but reluctantly obeyed. “Fine. Sowwy, Sweetie Bewwe.”

Sweetie just replied. “It’s alright, I accept your apology. I know you didn’t mean it,” She then whispered. “But remember your real name, unless you want everypony to know the truth.”

Soft just looked up a the clock. “Okay, we have time for one more introduction demonstration,” She commented. “Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, come forth.”

Apple Bloom turned and responded. “Alright uh-“ She tried curtseying, only to stumble and fall on her face.

Scootaloo just shrugged and pouted. “I’m not doing no courtesy.”

Apple Bloom got back on her hooves, and grumbled. “Come, on get goin’. You know we gotta do it.”

Scootaloo gulped, doing a quick bow. “There, happy now?” She asked.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and growled. “Even I know that was terrible.”

Scootaloo stuck her tongue out, and Soft Gem eyed the two fillies and asked. “Girls, is that how we introduce each other?” The fillies blushed and shook their heads no, and Soft Gem gave another nod. “Good, now start again with the cursties, both of you need the practice.”

Scootaloo groaned. “Alright.” She reluctantly sighed, gave another curtsey, and blushed on seeing how clumsy it was.

Apple Bloom did a curtsey next, also stumbling a bit, but ultimately gaining her balance. Soft Gem gave a nod, clopped a hoof on the ground, and cooed. “Now, please continue on. Introduce yourselves, why don’t you?”

Apple Bloom grumbled. “Alright, well..uh.. Scootaloo, how was the uh tea?”

Scootaloo shook her head and gagged. “Awful, I hate tea! I would rather drink soda or milk anyday over hot water and leaves.”

The fillies all giggled and Soft Gem coed. “Calm down, Scootaloo, mares don’t only drink tea you know.”

Scootaloo then continued. “Now... uh, Apple Bloom... how you uh liking this place so far? You like wearing those dresses.”

Apple Bloom was just glaring at Scootaloo. “She does realize we’re supposed to blend in, right? She thought, but the farm filly just mumbled. “Yeah, they’re fine, I guess.”

Scootaloo giggled and cooed. “Oh really?! You sure you like that tacky plaid dress?!” Then she burst into laughter as Soft Gem shouted! “Scootaloo, how dare you make fun of Apple Bloom for what she’s wearing! If she likes that, that’s perfectly fine!”

Soft came over and cooed. “Now apologize, or it’s time out for you.”

Scootaloo groaned and rolled her eyes before mumbling. “Sorry, Apple Bloom, I was just playing.”

Apple Bloom smirked. “It’s fine, Scootaloo, just try to be a little more respectful next time. We gotta set a good example for all the fillies here.” She then nodded, and they both did a clumsy curtsey, before waddling back through the crowd of fillies.

Soft Gem then spoke up. “Now, that we’ve finished with some lessons on manners, I believe it’s time for a nap. Then we shall resume with an introduction to ballet,” The fillies all groaned, and Soft cooed. “Now, I shall change your dresses and get you to the nap room, come on.” The mare lead the fillies downstairs with the group of fillies chatting. They came to the changing room, where the dresses were taken off, and the fillies were put into nightgowns (and footie sleepers for the smaller fillies). They were then lead to a open room where little glow in the dark stars and moons littered the walls, with sleeping pads and bags.

he fillies were lead to an assigned sleeping area and started settling down, with Soft Gem nudging fillies asking for water or a plushie, as they buried themselves under the covers.

Flower Petal turned to Spoiled Rich and babbled. “Hey, fiwst fiwwy to pee-pee their diapee while ya taking a nap, is ta weaw piddwe pants.”

Spoiled smirked and cooed. “You on, soggy Fwower! Pewpawe to wose!” They both eyed each other, as Scootaloo was whining. “I don’t want to take a nap, I’m not a foal!”

Soft Gem cooed. “You don’t have to, Scootaloo. You can play board games in the back, but try to be quiet, okay?”

Scootaloo sighed in relief. “Oh thank celestia,” She waddled over to a small table, seeing Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom setting up a game of Cumulus. Scootaloo sighed. “At least they have this game, I play this once in a while with Rainbow Dash when I get sick.”

Sweetie giggled. “I heard Rainbow Dash is really good at this game, and that she only lost once when she broke her wing a few years back.”

Scootaloo scoffed. “She was off her game. Trust me, she would never let anypony beat her when she’s really ready.”

Sweetie smirked, sitting down. “Alright then, Scootaloo, you take the first move.”

Scootaloo scoffed and continued. “Hmm. I hit Cloud Four.”

Sweetie giggled. “Nope, you missed.”

“Darn!” Scootaloo remarked.

Apple Bloom sighed. “So, how ya three holdin’ up so far?” She asked her friends.

Diamond Tiara sighed. “Not gonna lie, this has been annoying. I’m sorry for dragging you girls into this/ I know it’s been really embarrassing.”

Sweetie was busy scratching her chin, deep in thought. “Hmm, Cloud Five.”

Scootaloo shouted (though not too loudly). “Darn it, you zapped my weather pony!”

Apple Bloom sighed. “I have to admit, that whole ‘courtesy’ thing was really embarassin’, but I’m glad we’re doin’ our best for Spoiled Rich. I just wish she was more acceptin’ ‘bout all of this.”

Scootaloo growled. “Cloud Eight.”

Sweetie giggled. “Nope, you missed again.”

Scootaloo whined and complained. ”You’re cheating, Sweetie Belle! There’s no way I could miss twice.”

But Sweetie scoffed. ”I’m not cheating, I don’t ever cheat!”

Soft Gem cooed. ”Girls, quiet down! If I tell you again, you’ll be taking naps with the rest of the foals.” They all whispered in unison. “Yes Mrs. Gem.” The mare nodded and left, as Sweetie Belle blinked. “Wait, why did we do that?”

Diamond shrugged. “I have no idea. But that mare, she seems familiar somehow.”

Scootaloo nodded and whispered. “Yeah, she reminds me of Nanny De’Foal. Maybe they’re related?”