• Published 23rd Dec 2017
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Spoiled Re-training - Foal Star

Spoiled Rich is now a very disrespectful filly and has been kicked out of daycare. Now Diamond Tiara has to help her mom become a good filly.

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Chapter 3: The begining of an emberassing summer.

Spoiled Rich was pouting as she was sitting down across from the Cake Twins, and they were plopping blocks on top of each other. She was grumbling while helping them build a tower, complaining. “Is so stupid. I was just tryin’ ta teach that meanie Fwowa Petaw a lesson,” Pound Cake turned and babbled something at her and Spoiled continued. “Yeah! She was meanies, she always was shown off her stuff her mom bought her like she was bette ten me! As a foaw I gots to be bettew.”

Pumpkin Cake shook her head and crossed her hooves. “Bababa.” She remarked.

Spoiled blushed, she didn’t know what the twins were saying. “Well..I stole her stuff.” The Cake Twins shook their head and Spoiled whined. “So wha? She had ta coowest spawkinw twaining potty eva! What do you tink I should've done?”

Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake started babbling something together. But Spoiled couldn’t make it out, so she just sighed. “Oh, I wish I coud hear wha ya saying. I miss owa tawks.” Pound and Pumpkin Cake gave her big smiles and crawled over and gave the toddler hugs.

Mrs. Cake came into the room and dawwed. “Oh, it’s wonderful to have you over again, Spoiled. The twins missed you so much.”

Spoiled turned her head away with tears welling up and started crying. The foals were unsure of what to do, so they stepped back as Mrs. Cake came up, embraced the little filly, and kissed her on the cheek. “Hey, sweetie, what’s wrong?”

Spoiled whimpered, hugging the mare tightly. “Wew, I been having a hawd time, I was kicked out of daycawe, and Filthy Wich is mad at me, and I twyin to be a bettew fiwwy!” She started wailing as Mrs. Cake sighed. “Oh dear. Well, are you having trouble being a better filly?”

Spoiled sighed and confessed. “I twyin, I pwomice, I weawwy am! I hewped make cakes fow the twins today! I just dun know wha to do, I not used ta being nice, it feews weiwd!”

Mrs. Cake tapped a hoof on her chin. “Well, helping to bake those cakes was nice, but do you really need help to be a good filly? If so, I think I have an idea,” She took out a pamphlet depicting fillies in pink tutus and explained. “This is a fun filly school called ‘Little Princess Summer School’. I was thinking of enrolling Pumpkin Cake when she’s older.”

Spoiled groaned, looking at the pamphlet. “I dun know how to wead this, wha am I gonna do thewe if I go?”

Mrs. Cake continued with a smirk. “Well you can be a ballerina, play tea party, learn how to play a instrument, and you can take classes on your own time.”

Pinkie Pie then bounced in and shouted. “That sounds like a great idea! Spoiled needs some friends on her level!”

Bur Spoiled threw down the pamphlet and whined. “Bu...but I dun even want to go! I dun wana be pwain with otha foaws, tey mean and smeww funny.”

Pinkie came over and cooed. “Well, how about we get the Cutie Mark Crusaders to join you? I’m sure you can all have a lot of fun, and they could help keep you under control.”

Spoiled scoffed. “Thewe’s no way they gonna pway with me, especiawwy if tey gots to weaw wedicuwos outfits and act like pwetty fiwwies.” But then she smirked, thinking to herself. “But then again, I would love to see them be completely embarrassed. I deserve some retribution after they took me to school and had me changed in front of all their classmates.

Pinkie, meanwhile, tapped a hoof on her chin and mumbled. “Well...I’m sure I can convince them, at least for today. In the meantime, you can play with the twins, just don't get into trouble.” The pink coated energetic earth pony then bounced out of the nursery.

Downstairs, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were grumbling, as they were busy cleaning up the mess from the cake baking. Scootaloo, who was mopping, growled. “Sweetie Belle, I thought you said you were better at cooking now?”

Sweetie Belle blushed as she was wiping down the tables. “Well, truth is, Rarity doesn’t let me cook without her supervising. She still hasn’t signed me up for cooking lessons yet, she said she doesn’t want me burning down the house.”

Apple Bloom, who was washing the dishes, grunted. “Well ya should’ve told us that earlier, this stuff is impossible to get off!!”

Then they heard loud clopping noises and the fillies all turned towards the door. Pinkie Pie burst in and exclaimed. “Hey girls, how’s it going?!”

Scootaloo sighed, putting the mop down. “I guess we're doing fine, cleaning up this gopp is so hard.”

Pinkie just replied. “Oh, don't worry about that, I'll clean it up later. Right now, I have a very important question to ask all of you,” The fillies were now giving Pinkie their full attention. She continued, “Now I was talking to Spoiled, and I know the predictiment you’re all in trying to make her into a better filly, so I thought she should attend the Little Princess School, at least for a day or two!” She produced the pamphlet out of nowhere, and the fillies looked it over, gasping at how the fillies get to dress up in tutus and dresses, have tea parties, and do numerous other little filly activities.

Diamond Tiara looked up and asked. “So, Mom said she was okay with this?”

Pinkie Pie nodded. “Yup, but there is a catch, she wants you four to join her.”

Scootaloo just stepped back and pleaded. “I can’t go! I don’t want Rainbow Dash seeing me wearing a tutu, and going to some frufru school! She’ll never want to be my big sister if she finds out!”

Sweetie Belle nodded as well. “I don’t wanna go either! If Rarity saw me in a tutu, she’d make one for me! I don’t like being her fashion victim all the time, she did it way too much when I was little!” She cringed, just imagining Rarity showing her a sparkling pink tutu and saying: “look what I made for you, darling!”

Apple Bloom also squeaked, putting her forehooves to her face. “Dear Celestia, if Applejack found out I wore a tutu, she would never let me forget it! Heck, Granny Smith would take a picture of me to put in the album! I’d never live it down!”

Diamond sighed, and turned to her friends. “Listen, what’s going on with Mother is my responsibility, you don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to.”

The fillies all looked each other with nervous expressions and whispered amongst each other for a little bit. Then they reluctantly nodded in agreement.

“We’ll go, at least for the first day. We promised to help take care of Spoiled Rich, and if that means going to that school, so be it.” Sweetie Belle told Diamond.

Scootaloo then stomped a hoof. “And Pinkie Pie, you better keep this a secret! I really don’t want Rainbow Dash or anypony else to know. Not my parents, not my aunts, and especially not Rarity!”

Pinkie laughed. “Of course I'll keep it a secret!” She told them. “You just have to make a ‘Pinkie Promise’.” They then all did the chant: “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” And then Pinkie clopped her hooves together. “Excellent! I'll tell Spoiled the news, and we can sign you up today!”

The fillies all squealed! “Today?!” But Pinkie bounced out of the kitchen before any of the fillies could protest.

Spoiled now strapped in a stroller, with the Cake Twins whining and kicking about. Mrs. Cake was trying to calm them down. “Settle down, sweeties, Mommy needs to buckle you all in.”

Spoiled waited until the twins had calmed down (with pacifiers bobbing in their mouths) then asked Mrs. Cake. “So, we weally goin to see the schoow?!”

Mrs. Cake booped the toddler's nose. “Yes we are, Spoiled. As soon as everypony is ready that is,” The mare then turned to the other nervous fillies and asked. ”Are you four ready?” They all nodded slowly. then Mrs. Cake strapped a diaper bag around her and cooed. “Alright, let's get going. Pinkie Pie, you're okay running things here by yourself, right?”

Pinkie did a salute. “You can count on me, Mrs. Cake. Sugarcube Corner is in good hooves.”

The group then went down the road, where they met Filthy Rich walking down from the opposite direction. He smiled at the group. “Oh, Mrs. Cake, I was just comin’ by to see how Spoiled is doin’.”

Mrs. Cake cooed. “Oh, she's been an angel. She helped make the twins birthday cakes for tomorrow, and she played with the twins all day. They sure loved seeing Spoiled again, and I think they were most impressed when Spoiled showed them how a big pony goes potty.”

Filthy dawwed. “Oh, that’s wonderful to hear, glad my little darlin’ can serve as a role model for others,” He then turned to Spoiled Rich and asked her. “So, you’ve been behavin’, right? No more fights and temper tantrums?”

Spoiled nodded and babbled. “Yea, I been behaving, Filthy. Bu I miss being able to tawk to the twins, I can’t undewstand them anymowe.”

“Well, maybe that Time Turner pony could help ya out, if ya ask him nicely,” Filthy said with a wink. He then asked.” So where ya’ll headin’?”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all squeaked at the question, but Mrs. Cake happily answered. “We’re going to the Pretty Princess School to sign up Spoiled Rich and the Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

Filthy laughed. ”Wait, there's another boardin’ school?”

Mrs. Cake shook her head and explained. “It’s just a Summer program for fillies, and I think it would be wonderful if Spoiled attended. They have ballerina classes and everything.”

As Mrs. Cake went on explaining, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo went up to Diamond and whispered. “Tell your dad to keep this a secret, please!”

Diamond immediately turned to Filthy and spoke up. “Hey, Dad, can I ask you something real quick?”

Filthy looked down at his daughter. “What’s wrong, my little Diamond?”

Tiara gulped and waved a hoof. Filthy lowered his head, and then Tiara whispered. “You have to keep this a secret, I don’t want everypony to know about this, more for my friends sake than mine. Though I certainly don’t want ponies getting the wrong idea about any of this.”

Filthy nodded. “Okay, I promise,” He then whispered. “I’m glad you’re doin’ this for you mother. I think this little filly Summer school might just be the thing that changes Spoiled into a sweet little filly. It beats her bein’ Celestiaknowswhere if I need to track her down, and it’ll cut down on the chances she has for mischief.”

Diamond sighed in relief, and then Filthy Rich turned to Mrs. Cake. “I’m so glad you’re doin’ all this, it means a lot to me. I should come along and sign up little Spoiled here, think of it as my way of repayin’ ya for your services.”

Mrs. Cake smiled and waved a hoof. “That sounds delightful. Now come on, let’s go.” She started going down the road with Filthy laughing, while the Cutie Mark Crusaders grudgingly followed. Such was the price of their agreement though, and it’s not like it would be for the entire day every day.

The group eventually made it to a large pink roofed building with towers over head, making it look not unlike a filly’s doll house. The Cutie Mark Crusaders groaned, and Scootaloo gulped while looking around. “Hopefully nopony from school is here.” She whispered to herself.

They then continued onward to the building, inside were mothers with little five year olds running around, and a purple coated earth pony mare stood at the front entrance. She wore her pinkish-white mane braided into curls, and her eyes were pure gold, with a lovely pink dress covering her lower quarters (including her cutie mark). She cooed. “Oh hello, welcome to The Pretty Princess School! Who will be joining us this lovely Su-” She then spotted the stroller, and put her hooves to her face and squealed. “Oh, look at those cute babies!”

Pound and Pumpkin Cake both raised their hooves and started babbling excitedly. Spoiled just blushed and tried hiding her pull-up.

Mrs Cake laughed and cooed. “Oh, aren’t they? They are just so excited today,” Mrs Cake picked her foals up and hoofed them to the caretaker, who held them close to her hooves and nuzzled them.

As they tried to grab her mane, the mare cooed. “Oh, what are the little cuties names?”

Mrs Cake just dawwed at the scene as she explained. “The little filly chewing on your mane is Pumpkin Cake, and the little colt pounding his hooves on your desk is Pound Cake.”

The mare giggled and snuggled them both, then said to them. “Hello Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake, my name is Soft Gem,” She gave each foal a kiss on the forehead and hoofed them back to their mother. “What wonderful foals, but who's that little miss potty in training?” She asked, as she spied the toddler in the stroller.

Spoiled gave a pout and growled. “I’m not Miss Potty! I Spoiwed Wich!”

Soft Gem laughed and waved a hoof. “Oh, you're no Miss Potty, you’re Miss Grumpy Pants.”

Spoiled shouted. “Gwumpy Pants! How wude! Ya stop it wight now!”

Soft Gem just gave a light giggle and cooed. “Oh my, we need to work on that temper, Miss Grumpy Pants.”

Filthy Rich chuckled and blushed. ”Uh...mam, that’s my...uh...sister’s daughter, Spoiled Rich Jr., she’s three year old and spendin’ the Summer here in Ponyville.”

Soft Gem went and wrote down the information in a notebook, before she replied. “Oh, thank you, Filthy. Sorry, I just like teasing the foals a little every now and again,” Then she looked up and asked. “Now, can you tell me who these other fillies names are?”

Filthy gave another nod and continued. “Yes of course, the little pink coated earth pony is my other daughter, Diamond Tiara, she’s almost eleven years old. And before you ask, yes, she’s potty trained.”

The caretaker wrote the information, down then peered over and cooed. “Oh, aren’t you lovely? But I have to admit this place is for five year old fillies and younger. I don’t mind having older fillies, but the activities may be a little bit embarrassing for you.”

Diamond gulped before she nodded. “Yeah, well I won’t mind them too much. They sound fun, really.”

Scootaloo put a wing over her face and whispered. “Yeah, go ahead and sign me up too.”

Sweetie Belle just gave a nod and Apple Bloom grumbled. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

The mare turned to Filthy and asked. “Um...are they all your daughters too? No offense, but I was under the assumption that you only had one daughter.”

Filthy shook his head. “Oh no, they’re Diamond Tiara’s friends, they just came long to keep her and Spoiled Jr. company. And they’re all potty trained too, even Spoiled Jr., though she’s still workin’ on her independence from pull-ups at the moment.”

Gem squealed, clopping her hooves together. “Oh, what wonderful friends! I just need their names and we’ll be good to go.”

Filthy blushed, and turned to Sweetie Belle before he asked. “Uh, forgive me Diamond Tiara, what are your friends names? I think I know one of ‘em.”

Diamond mumbled. “The orange coated pegasus is Scootaloo, the white coated unicorn is Sweetie Belle, and the yellow coated earth pony is Apple Bloom. All of them are ten, but Apple Bloom’s the oldest by about three months.”

The caretaker wrote down the names in her note book.“Thank you, I think that’s all I need. Now, the first day of class is tomorrow, but like the pamphlet said, you can come in at any time for any activity. I just need a hundred bits up front for the entire Summer.”

The fillies all cringed as Filthy laughed. “Oh don’t worry, I can afford it.” He took a bag out and placed it on the desk.

The mare took it and cooed. “Alright then, little fillies. I hope I see you all tomorrow.”

Filthy took out a hoof, and the mare took it and they shook. “Thank you, I’ll be sure to have them ready to go tomorrow.”

Mrs. Cake (who was putting bottles into the mouths of her foals) then commented. “Well, this has been fun, but I’d better get going, the twins are getting fussy.”

Soft Gem cooed. “Go on, You’re all adorable! Have a lovely day,”

They all strode out the door, as the Cutie Mark Crusaders just shook in their hooves, all hoping nopony would ever find out about their Summer.