• Published 23rd Dec 2017
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Spoiled Re-training - Foal Star

Spoiled Rich is now a very disrespectful filly and has been kicked out of daycare. Now Diamond Tiara has to help her mom become a good filly.

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Chapter 2: Having Cake and Eating it Too

Diamond Tiara was bouncing in her seat with unbounding excitement as Cheerilee was talking about an upcoming Summer project. In fact, she was the only one excited about it as Cheerilee told the class. “For this Summer, I want all of you to write a thousand word essay on friendship.”

The foals all groaned, and Cheerilee sighed. “Yes, yes, I know it’s not fun. But I think it’s important. As we’re all living in the same town as the Princess of Friendship, I think it's important that we all learn about friendship as well. After all, each of you will one day be responsible for carrying on the magic of friendship to the next generation. So, I want you all to play with your friends, and write about what you learn from the experience. I’ll expect the report to be finished and turned on the first day of class next year, so don’t procrastinate,” Then the bell rang and the foals all began running out the door, as Cheerilee shouted back at them. “Remember, don't forget the essay!”

Once free from the school yard, Diamond was running with the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders down towards her house, as Apple Bloom asked. “So, can I help Spoiled go potty again? I love carryin’ that little foal to her trainin’ potty, it’s so adorable.”

Sweetie Belle came over and exclaimed! “Yeah, I want a turn too! That sounds like so much fun! She just looks so cute sitting on that little bowl!”

Scootaloo came zooming by on her scooter and followed her friends down the road with a smirk on her face. “Yeah, I need to potty train that foal first! And be sure to take lots of pictures, no way am I letting her forget this!”

Diamond just laughed. “She’s my mom! If anypony’s going to potty train her, it’s going to be me! I just hope she sticks to the training potty, I’d hate to see her fall into the toilet.”

The four fillies ran all the way to Diamond’s place, bursting through the front door. But they immediately saw Spoiled Rich sitting down on the couch, rubbing her padded rump with a hoof. Filthy Rich turned to his daughter and sighed. “Diamond Tiara, we need to talk.”

The fillies sighed, and Diamond Tiara gulped as Sweetie Belle replied. “Hey...we'll see you after your dad’s done talking to you, okay?”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all quickly walked out the door, and Diamond gulped again, and sat down on the couch. “Oh no, am I in trouble?!” She thought, as she wondered what she could’ve done wrong.

Filthy sighed again as he explained. “Diamond, there’s somethin’ you should know. Spoiled Rich has been actin’ super naughty at Daycare, and now she’s been kicked out.”

Diamond gasped! “Oh no! And she seemed to be doing so well too! How did that happen?!”

Filthy sighed as he scratched the back of his mane. “Well...she stole toys, and even pushed another filly, among other things.”

Diamond turned to Spoiled Rich with a glare. “Why you would do such a thing, mother?”

Spoiled Rich whimpered, rubbing her eyes. “Well...I...I just wana...I wana be mowe popular than Fwowew Petaw! I sowie!”

Filthy growled. “That doesn't give you the right to be mean, Spoiled! We’re tryin’ to change this bad behavior for cryin’ out loud, that’s the whole reason I kept ya like this!”

Spoiled whined, kicking about. “But I wan the speciaw sparkwing potty and ta coow toys, ya dun get me what I want!”

Filthy, fed up with Spoiled’s behavior, came over and stomped a hoof. “Now Spoiled, you stop it this instant young filly, or you’re goin’ to your room all night long! And ya won’t even be allowed out to use the potty! Is that what ya want?!”

Spoiled just pouted, crossed her forehooves, and turned away with a “Hmph.”

Filthy then turned his attention to Diamond Tiara and pleaded with her, “Diamond, I think I'm gonna need your help. You see, I still have to run the store, and I can’t properly care for Spoiled and do that at the same time. And no way am I takin’ her to the store when she’s like this, I don’t need ponies gettin’ the wrong idea or thinkin’ she’s somepony else. So can you watch Spoiled, while you’re playin’ with your friends today? I know you already help potty train her, but do ya think you can handle other foalsittin’ responsibilities?”

Diamond gave a big smile and squealed with excitement, this was just what she’d wanted since her mom had turned into a toddler! “Of course, Father, I won’t mind! In fact, my friends and I were probably going to do some of that anyway!”

Filthy nodded, then he looked down at little Spoiled, still pouting. “Now Spoiled, you be a good filly for Diamond, alright? If I get too many bad reports from her, you’ll be spendin’ the rest of the Summer in boardin’ school, understand?”

Spoiled quivered at the thought. “As much as I hate being a foal, going to boarding school would be terrible! I had friends go there, and they said it was the worst! You got punished for every little thing you did wrong, even if it wasn’t your fault!” She mentally recalled, andthe filly just slowly nodded. “I undewstand.”

“Good,” Filthy smiled. “Now that we got that out of the way, I need to lie down for a bit. Diamond, you can go play with your friends until around seven, but I want you and Spoiled back by dinner, understand?”

The fillies nodded in unison as Filthy Rich got up with a yawn, and slowly went upstairs, as Diamond Tiara and Spoiled Rich quickly went outside.

Diamond Tiara went back to her friends with Spoiled waddling close by, who grumbled to her daughter. “Ya bettew not do anything embewassing with me this time.”

Diamond Tiara eyed the filly and asked. “Oh, so you didn’t like the ice cream we got you?” Spoiled shook her head no, and Diamond rolled her eyes. “Oh really? So I didn’t see you gobble your ice cream, and mine the last time?!”

Spoiled whined in response, as she confessed. “It was good, but ya always treating me like a foal! I’m your mom, and I deserve respect! I not some smelly foal who can’t even go potty without help!”

“Now listen here, Mother,” Diamond sternly cautioned. “You’re skating on thin ice with you getting kicked out of daycare for being such a brat. So you need to really start trying to learn to be a foal, or Father is going to take you to that boring boarding school. To say nothing of what I might do. Unless that’s what you want.”

Spoiled crossed her hooves. “Otay, I try to start being wike a filly, but ya gots ta do somting for me.” She demanded. Then she stomped a hoof and continued! “I want to be spoiled a wittle! If I gonna be stuck in this age, I deseweve betteew! I want new toys, a new twaining potty, and dowws! If I get tose, ten I’ww start acting nice.”

Diamond shook her head. “How about you act nice first and be a good little filly, then we'll see about getting you special things, deal?”

Spoiled pouted, but reluctantly agreed. “Fine, deaw.”

Then they approached Diamond Tiara’s friends, who ran over as Apple Bloom asked Diamond. “What’s goin’ on, Diamond Tiara? Are you in trouble or somethin’?”

Tiara growled. “I'm not, but Spoiled here got kicked out of daycare, so we have to play with her now and teach her to be a better filly.”

Sweetie Belle snickered. “Alright, guess it's fine with me, as long as she behaves.” And she pinched Spoiled’s little cheeks.

Spoiled sighed. “Remember your promise, Diamond,” She thought to herself.“If I’m good I’ll get rewarded later, and won’t go to that boring boarding school.” But then she just blushed and whispered. “Yeah, I got in twouble, I even got a spankie fwom my husband ‘cause he told me I was being a ‘pwot head’.”

“What did she do, Diamond Tiara?!” Scootaloo asked her friend.

Diamond groaned and rolled her eyes. “She stole a bunch of toys and pushed a foal, and apparently did some other things. A shame too, I thought she was getting better.”

Apple Bloom gasped in horror! “What?! Why would she do that?!”

Spoiled whined. “Because Flowa Petaw was being a poopy head, and I was puttin tat stupid fiwwy in hew pwace!”

But Scootaloo shouted in protested. “No, you’re just being mean, Spoiled! You deserve to be kicked out of daycare for acting like that!”

Spoiled just stuck her tongue out. “Whatevew, I dun have to wisten to you, Scootapoo!” She teased in a childish fashion.

“Spoiled! What did I say to you about being nice?!” Tiara scolded.

Spoiled sighed, seeing that all the Cutie Mark Crusaders were now glaring at her quite harshly. She sighed, looking down as she mumbled. “Sowie, I guess I just was jeawous.”

Diamond then turned to her friends and explained. “Well, now that she’s kicked out, it’s up to us to try to change her behavior and make her a good filly.”

Apple Bloom sighed, pulling her mane back as she asked. “So, what are we gonna do? How are we supposed to get her to be a good filly?”

“Well, Mother, did say that she’s going to try to be a good filly from now on.” Tiara said with a wink.

Spoiled sighed and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I did. But ya pwomiced I can get what I want if I do!”

Scootaloo eyed the foal and grumbled. “Okay, but that means you’re going to have to do everything we say, and you can’t be mean. ‘Cause if you do, the deal is off.”

Apple Bloom nodded with a wink. ”Yeah, so that means we get to help potty train ya, and no fussin’ ‘bout it either.”

Spoiled pouted and mumbled. “Fine, but dun be so embewassin when ya hewpin’ me. I could pwobably do it mysewf if ya didn’t make my puww-up so tight.” The fillies all giggled at the statement, and Spoiled turned her head away.

Then Pinkie Pie burst from seemingly out of nowhere (but actually just bouncing down the road) and gasped upon seeing the fillies! “Hey you girls! Whatcha ya playing?!”

All the fillies all turned around and gasped upon the excited pink pony! Diamond Tiara then explained. “We’re just thinking about what to play with Spoiled, Pinkie, that’s all.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Oh, well it’s Pound and Pumpkin Cake’s birthday today. and I need help baking their cakes!”

Spoiled was going to protest, but Diamond Tiara gave her an eye and the little foal plopped on her pull-up in a pout and mumbled. “Awight, wets go make cake. Beats whatevew ewse I was gonna do today, I guess.”

Pinkie Pie placed the filly onto her back and squealed. “Great! Now come on, all of you can help!” The remaining quartet of fillies then followed Pinkie to Sugarcube Corner.

Eventually, Pinkie plopped Spoiled on a table in the kitchen, and started getting out the baking supplies. “Alright, Cutie Mark Crusaders, you make Pumpkin’s Cake! Spoiled and I will make Pound’s Cake!” She instructed.

The crusaders all saluted Pinkie Pie, as Sweetie Belle added. “You can count on us! Don’t worry, I got better at cooking! Rarity made me take lessons.”

The fillies went over to the table and started getting supplies, while Pinkie turned to Spoiled and poked her belly. “Okay, cutie, let’s get started. First thing’s first, Spoiled, can you help me make the batter?”

Spoiled sighed and babbled. “Suwe, wha do we put in it?”

Pinkie Pie got out a bag of flour and cooed. “Flour first! Can’t make a cake without flour,” She led Spoiled Rich’s hooves to pour the flour, gently aiding the filly, then Pinkie got out a jug of water. “One cup of water.” She instructed.

Spoiled became hypnotized by the pouring water, and then Pinkie started stirring and cooed. “Okay, sweetie, now put that lump of butter into the bowl,” Spoiled nodded, took the butter, waddled over, and plopped the butter into the mixture with a great deal of effort. Then Pinkie instructed. “Alright, now take the sugar and pour some in!”

Spoiled took the cup and her foalish instincts took over, as she started to scoop the sugar into her mouth. “That’s good!” She giggled and started eating more sugar, scooping hoofuls of the white powder into her mouth. She continued shoving sugar into her mouth until it was all gone. It having spilled all over her mouth and onto the table. Spoiled blushed at the mess, and Pinkie laughed, starting to pour a cup of sugar (from another bag) into the bowl. “It’s alright cutie, I got it. But all that sugar’s not good for you, so please don’t eat more of it. Now, how about you help me pour it all into the cake pan?”

Spoiled squealed in delight, waddled over to the bowl, and helped pour the batter into the cake pan! She cooed, looking at the lumpy batter smoothing out, as Pinkie hummed and put the cake in the oven. She turned to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders with a lumby brown goo in their bowl, and Sweetie belle was trying to stir it. “I’m sure I followed the instructions this time.” She insisted.

Apple Bloom wasn’t so sure. She was reading the instructions and commented. “I think we put too much flour in.”

Just then, Diamond Tiara came into the kitchen with a bottle of baking soda. “I got the baking soda!” She declared, pouring it in.

Pinkie laughed and cooed at the scene. “Come on, Spoiled, looks like we need to help your friends.”

But Spoiled only pouted and growled. “Tey not my fwiends, tey mean to me.”

Pinkie just cooed. “Spoiled, sweetie, friends don’t only do what you want! Now come on, have some fun, okay? You should really be enjoying your second foalhood, especially now that you’re not going to that daycare.”

Spoiled shrugged, and before she could protest, Pinkie bounced over to help the Crusaders with their cake.

A hour later the kitchen was a mess, with flour and sugar splattered all over (thanks in no small part due to Spoiled’s sugar binge earlier, which she’d payed for with a particularly stinky accident that embarrassed her to no end). Spoiled was now pounding it with her hooves, which only became covered in flour and sugar with her foalish instincts taking over. Pinkie just laughed and ruffled the filly’s mane. “What a great baker you are, Spoiled!

Spoiled blushed and groaned, looking around the table, seeing it completely covered with sugar and flour. “Just wonderful looks like my foalish instincts got the better of me again. Next think you know, I’m gonna start sucking on my hoof and giggling at draining water.” She thought in complete shame.

Pinkie laughed, and hugged Spoiled. “You’re just too adorable in this state, Spoiled! I wish you could stay like this forever!” She then plopped the foal onto her back again and asked, “Now, what should we do next?”

Diamond Tiara turned, faintly smirking on seeing her mom hug Pinkie Pie’s mane. “How about we let Spoiled play with the Cake Twins for a little while?” She suggested.

Pinkie laughed. “Great idea, they missed her so much!” She then bounded away as Diamond waved goodbye.

Spoiled sighed, and hugged Pinkie’s mane tighter for protection. “Well playing with the Cake Twins will be fun at least.” She thought to herself.