• Published 23rd Dec 2017
  • 1,926 Views, 55 Comments

Spoiled Re-training - Foal Star

Spoiled Rich is now a very disrespectful filly and has been kicked out of daycare. Now Diamond Tiara has to help her mom become a good filly.

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Chapter 1: Daycare Blues

Spoiled was sitting down at a plastic table in her bright pink pull-up, with little tiaras decorating the padding to serve as wetness indicators (much to Spoiled’s displeasure, why did they design such things? At least without them her “accidents” weren’t obviously known). She was sipping her juice from a pink sippy cup quite angrily. It had been six months since she was turned into a toddler, and she’d lost all her former dignity as a full grown mare. Now here she was, reduced to a toddler barely old enough for pull-ups, forced to mingle with common toddlers.

The mare just turned with a pout, watching Flower Petal, a pink coated earth pony filly with a bouncy yellow mane, wearing an adorable purple pull-up with flower decor printed on it. She was holding up her new pink blanket with flowers all over it, and a dark brown teddy in her hooves. She was shouting, shaking them about. “Look at my new blankie and teddy Mommy got me! I gonna sleep with them! “ She boasted! “I hug my teddy! I love it so much, I named her Mrs. Fuzzy Bear!”

As the rest of the foals were awwing at the filly and her new toy and blanket, Spoiled was eyeing her angrily and growled. “No fair that she gets all the attention! Filthy and Diamond never get me stuff like that! They just give me my daughter’s old foal stuff, I deserve better!” But no one heard but her.

Flower bounced around giddly with excitement. Then the teacher, Cocoa Butter, an earth pony mare wearing a pink frilly dress, came by the filly, shook her head, and sighed. She was slightly chubby, light brown coated, with a yellow and light brown mane, and the letters “ABC” printed on her rump for a cutie mark. She cooed. “Okay, sweetie, calm down. It's almost naptime.”

Flower Petal stopped bouncing and turned to Spoiled who turned her head back, still pouting. The filly waddled over and asked. “Hey, Spoiled Rich, what ya doing?”

Spoiled sighed, putting the sippy cup down. “Drinking juice.”

Flower giggled and sat by her. “Did ya see my new teddy?! And my new blankie?!”

Spoiled growled. “Yeah, I saw them! You dun deserve them.”

Flower pouted and crossed her forelegs. “Why you so mean?”

Spoiled turned and explained to Flower. “Because, I dun like ya, that’s why! I play with friends! And ya not my friend!”

Flower stuck her tongue out. “Okay, ya big meanie. No wonder nopony likes being around ya.” She jumped away as as the teacher shook her head, sighing. “That Spoiled, always causing trouble and never making friends. I wonder why she’s so grumpy all the time? I’ve been trying to help her make friends since the day she arrived here.” “Spoiled, it's nap time!” She called, getting the rich toddler’s attention.

Spoiled groaned, getting up and waddling over as the teacher tucked the foals individually under their sleeping mats with their blankets and stuffed animals. She came over to Spoiled Rich and tucked her in while sighing. “I wish you could get along with the other foals, Spoiled.”

Spoiled Rich grumbled, and snuggled deeper into her pink blanket with a stuffed rabbit. She then grumbled. “No, I dun want too.”

The teacher kissed the filly on the forehead and moved her mane back cooing. “Oh come now, sweetie. I wish I could help make you happy. You’re always so moody.”

Spoiled sighed. Well...can I have a teddy and a special blankie like Flower Petal?”

But the teacher just giggled. “You already have a stuffed rabbit, and your own blankie. I think you’re all ready for nappy time,” The teacher then looked under Spoiled’s covers and inspected her pullup. Seeing that it was clean, the mare complimented the foal. “You’re doing so well with your potty training though, another poopy in the training potty. Good job, sweetie. Keep this up, and you’ll out of those pull-ups in no time.” She then went over to a chart labeled “Spoiled’s Potty Chart” and posted a smiling sun sticker on “Monday” as she cooed. “Another good start, keep it up, Spoiled. Pretty soon, you may be ready to try your luck with the big pony potty, with assistance of course.”

Spoiled blushed hard and turned away. “Even if it's degrading being rewarded, just going on a potty feels so good. Both when doing number one, and number two. And the best part is, I don’t even have to wipe myself, other ponies take care of that for me.” She thought to herself, but just said out loud. “Thanks, Mrs. Buttery.”

Cocoa Butter blushed at Spoiled finally using the nickname the rest of the class gave her, and then she whispered. “Sweet dreams, Spoiled,” The mare then set a timer for two hours, left the room, and started cleaning up the mess of toys the foals left behind. She sighed. “I think I'm finally making progress with that little filly. This is the most well behaved she’s been since she got here.”

Spoiled was restless that afternoon, tossing and turning as the rest of the toddlers were deep asleep. She could hear the sucking sounds from the foals suckling their hooves. Also the gentle hiss of foals peeing in their pull-ups. Spoiled cringed on hearing the sounds of one foal’s nasal snores, hearing the breathing through clogged nostrils. “Ugh! How could Filthy and Diamond leave me in such a place! I would rather be napping with the Cake Twins! At least they had manners!” She thought to herself. She peeked her head over the covers, seeing Flower Petal deep in her sleep, snuggling her teddy, with her pull-up now slightly yellowed. The mare smirked. “Even if she’s popular, she’s still just a stupid foal. I dun pee-pee myself in my sleep,” Spoiled slowly got up from underneath her blanket and slowly waddled over, trying to limit the crinkling of her pull-up. She grumbled. “I hate these princess pink pull-ups. They so obnoxious and have these stupid wetness indicators,” She crawled to the sleeping filly and smirked. “Sorry, but I'm the princess of daycare. And a princess deserves only the best.”

She took the blanket off the filly, took out a spare pull-up and slipped it between her hooves, while taking the teddy. She squealed with joy, waddling away! She soon came to a small pink toy chest, which opened to reveal a bunch of stuff Spoiled had been collecting. Thye ranged from expensive dolls, to a train set, to a few stuffed dinosaurs, and even a sparkling pink training potty (much better than the old “My Little Potty” she’d been given). She smiled at her collection. “If I have to stay as a foal, I want to make the best of it.” The filly then stuffed the blanket and teddy bear inside, not noticing the shadow falling over her. “SPOILED!”

The foal squeaked, feeling a rush of pee fill her pull-up! And she turning to see a angry Cocoa Butter with fire in her eyes! “Did you steal Flower Petal’s teddy and blanket?!” She accused.

Spoiled gulped, scrunching her pull-up. She stammered nervously. “Uh...uh...I..uh..”

The mare didn’t wait for an answer. She simply turned to the chest, and she gasped upon seeing the horde! “My goodness!” She whispered. “This is Flower Petal’s special training potty! Spoiled, you know better than to steal that, it cost her parents a lot of money to buy it!” She continued digging, as Spoiled stood there. Frozen in fear and shaking all over. “Oh no, I'm in so much trouble!” She thought to herself, looking down at her pull-up. “And I just pee-peed myself too! Can this day get any worse?!

That afternoon, Cocoa Butter was hoofing out the stolen toys and other foal stuff. One little blue colt with thick glasses was now playing with his train set, running it around and making noises. One sweet light green costed filly was playing with her dolls. All the while Spoiled had to sit on a timeout stool and watch with a scowl (thankfully, in a clean pull-up, even if it was one of the princess pink ones). “I can’t believe I was caught during nap time!” She thought to herself. I was sure the teacher wasn’t around me when I was stashing the blankie and teddy. Is she psychic or something?

The angry filly shifted her gaze to Flower Petal who was now tinkling happily in her sparkling pink training potty, and hugging her teddy close to her chest. “I sorry for Spoiled stealing you, Mrs. Fuzzy Bear!” She spoke to her stuffed bear. “But she's just a big poopy head!”

The rest of the foals giggled, laughed, and started to chant. “Big poopy head! Big poopy head!”

Spoiled turned her head back to the corner with tears rolling down her eyes. Cocoa shook her head at the behavior and scolded the foals. “Now now, no calling other foals names. Spoiled may have done a very naughty thing stealing your toys. But we still need to be nice to her and be the example, right?”

The rest of the toddlers chanted together. “Yes, Mrs. Buttery!” The foals all reluctantly stopped teasing Spoiled Rich and resumed playing, as Cocoa Butter continued. “Now play time will resume for one hour, then its story time, then and your parents will be picking you soon after that. So be on your best behavior.” The class chanted again “Yes Mrs. Buttery!”

Cocoa Butter then helped Flower {etal off the training potty and pulled a new, purple pull-up over the filly’s rump. She then cooed. “Now Flower Petal, maybe you can help make Spoiled better by being a friend.”

Flower Petal was surprised and asked in a confused tone. “But why? She hates me, she steals stuff. I don't wanna be friends with her.”

Cocoa Butter cooed. “Sometimes, being friends changes bad ponies. Go on and try it.”

Flower Petal grumbled, waddled over, and sighed. “Spoiled, I not mad at ya,” She reluctantly spoke. “If ya want to play with fuzzy bear or use my special potty, I share. But dun steal, otay?

Spoiled just stared at the wall, not acknowledging the filly. “I don't have to apologize to you, stupid foal!

Flower Petal got angry upon seeing Spoiled ignored her. The filly gave a pout and crossed her hooves, making her dress fly up, revealing the purple pull-up. She shouted. “I’m trying to be friends, and you still being a big, poopy head!”

Spoiled turned and growled! “Am not! You the big poopy head! You smell like one too!”

Flower Petal babbled. “Ya ta biggest poopy head in ta whole world!”

Spoiled shouted. “Nu uh! I deserve all that nice stuff, ya don’t!” And she pushed Flower Petal onto the floor. The filly started wailing as Cocoa came over hugging, Flower Petal, glaring at Spoiled. “Spoiled, I’ve had it with your behavior! Today is going to be your last day in daycare!”

Spoiled turned away and stuck her tongue out! “I dun care! I hate daycare, is stupid!”

The filly turned away as Cocoa escorted Flower Petal (who was still sniffling), and Cocoa thought. “How could a little filly be so mean? There has to be some way to change her into a good foal. There has to. Otherwise, she’s gonna grow up to be even worse than she was before.

Filthy Rich was trotting down the road in his fancy suit, with a smug grin printed on his face while humming to himself. “What a great day,” He thought to himself. “Hopefully, I'll be getting a good report about Spoiled. She hasn’t been neglecting her potty training, or painting on the walls. That’s got to be a good sign, right?” He continued walking, until he came upon a big, pink roofed schoolhouse like building. The stallion looked overhead and read the sign printed in bright baby blue. “Foalville: A land of foals” Filthy chuckled. “What a cute name. I'm so glad I found this daycare.”

The stallion then strolled right in through the front, and entered into a giant room filled with toys and foals running around. The adults were running about, talking to each other or to the foals. The tots were jumping up and down, showing off pictures filled with scribbles all over it.

Filthy then turned his attention to Spoiled in the timeout corner and groaned. “Oh no, what did she do this time?”

Cocoa then came up to him with a worried look on her face, and gulped as she told him. “Filthy, I’m so sorry, but I need to speak to you in private.”

Filthy sighed, and followed Cocoa towards a small pink office. He sat down and the mare sat across from him as she continued. “As you can clearly see, Spoiled was very naughty today. Even more so than usual. She has been stealing foals toys for the past few months.”

Filthy gasped! “What?! I mean, why would she do that?! Doesn’t she know better?!”

Cocoa sighed. “Spoiled thinks she can be popular if she takes the new cool toys that the foals bring. I noticed stuff disappearing, but I chalked it up foals losing their toys, after all they do it all the time. It wasn’t until I looked into Spoiled’s chest full of stuff that I found the source of the disappearances. She even stole a filly’s training potty.”

Filthy sighed, running a hoof through his mane. “What else happened?”

Cocoa continued. “Then that same filly tried to make friends with her, but she was pushed by Spoiled,” The mare gave a long sigh, before adding. “I’m sorry. I’ve tried with your foal, but she's too mean and disrespectful. I can't have her be in daycare until she learns to respect other foals.”

Filthy shook his head. “Well, Diamond will be out of school soon and can spend time with her. But I fear I don't know what to do. I tried disciplinin’ her and tried bein’ nice, but nothin’’s worked.”

Cocoa took out a pamphlet and asked Filthy. “Have you ever heard of ‘Young Princess Academy?’” Filthy shook his head as she hoofed him a pamphlet and continued, “Well, it's a school where young fillies learn manners and how to be polite. They have tons of activities, but they can be rather strict with the fillies there.”

Filthy looked down at the fillies all standing at attention in the picture, looking rather glum in grey skirts. He gulped. “Uh, I don’t think she needs to go there just yet. How about we try helpin’ her at home first?”

The caretaker gave a nod and continued. “That’s understandable, I wouldn't want my filly going there either. It's just that Spoiled is really, well…”

“Well what?” Filthy pressed.

Coca sighed, and nervously looked up as she explained. “Well, to put it bluntly, she’s just mean. She not only shoved a filly and stole all those things, but once she put sand in a colt’s pull-up, and I even caught her trying to flush a foal down the toilet just yesterday.”

Filthy shook his head, while looking down at the pamphlet. He couldn’t believe all these things he was hearing about Spoiled. “Even as a filly, Spoiled’s still a brat,” He thought to himself. “I don’t want to send her to a place like this, but it might be the only option. She’s only got half a year left until I gotta turn her back to normal.” But he only spoke. “Well, I promise that I'll see what we can do at home before we take drastic measures. Hopefully, by the end of Summer, Spoiled will be a well behaved little filly, and maybe even out of pull-ups.”

Coca got up from her desk, and smiled. “Thank you for being understanding, Mr. Filthy Rich. I know you're trying to do what's best.”

Filthy nodded and left the office, while groaning and thinking to himself. “What in Equestria am I going to do? Hopefully, Diamond Tiara has some ideas on how to turn her mother into a good little filly. I really don’t want to send her to that stuffy academy.”