• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 971 Views, 9 Comments

The Devil's General - The Party Pony

A brief glimpse into the life of Emperor Sombra's finest commander.

  • ...

The Legend of the Winter Fox

A foul wind blew through the abandoned city, howling through the ruins like a pack of banshees. The snow came down in thick sheets, enveloping the forms of charred houses and ruined office buildings. The imposing shadow of a half-destroyed sky scraper was perched precariously on the edge of the riverbank, but this didn't seem to stop the Crystal Legions from making an outpost there.

It was three years after the return of King Sombra, and the Crystal War was in full swing. The Crystal Empire had beaten back the Celestians in a series of brilliant campaigns, driving them to the city of Manehattan. For almost six months, the Royal Equestrian Army was besieged, surrounded on all sides by their enemies as the winter blizzards tore down from the north.

Presently, on the very top of the ruined office building, a solitary figure watched stoically. She was the Supreme Commander of all the Crystal Legions, the most powerful general in the world. The entire city stretched out before her, clouded in snow and black as coal. Towards the river far below, occasional bursts of flame marked the raging battle, though the sounds of fighting weren't loud enough to be heard above the roaring winds.

There was a clatter from behind her, as a lieutenant scrambled up the steps. He practically dived to the ground as he bowed. "My Lady!" he squeaked to the imposing shadow, "we have pushed the Celestians back to 8th Street. Brigadier Crimson Blade managed to capture over five hundred enemies when he flanked them from the ridge. What are your orders?"

"All the way to 8th Street you say?" the voice was smooth, deep, and almost velvety. "Brigadier Blade has done well. As far as the prisoners... give them blankets and fresh food as soon as it can be arranged. The Celestians have fought with nobility, and we have no reason to mistreat them."

"But... My Lady," stuttered the Lieutenant, his eyes wide, "But-but Emperor Sombra ordered.... er... He said to kill all enemy prisoners on sight."

"What Sombra doesn't know won't harm him." replied the Shadow, "chivalry is the code by which we must abide. It is what separates us from our enemies. If we are not chivalrous, then we are no better then the dog Celestia, who tries to force her tyranny on us. I hate the enemy as much as you do, lieutenant, but they have fought valiantly, and that makes them worthy of our respect. Do as I say."

The lieutenant clicked his hooves together and saluted crisply. "As you command, Nightmare Moon."

The Party Pony Presents:


Commander Nightmare Moon paced along the rooftop, not even taking notice of the howling blizzard that whirled around her. It was nothing compared to the two years of winter she experienced in the Northern Mountains, seething from her second banishment at the hooves of Celestia, and warmed only by smoldering thoughts of vengeance. Endless those days had seemed, nothing but a sea of snow and rock, spreading eternally in all directions. If it hadn't been for the messenger from the Crystal Empire, she would probably still be there now.


Nightmare Moon lay shivering, huddled in the shallow cave as snow swirled and danced in her vision. She hated snow. It had brought her nothing but ruin and misfortune, blinding her vision, stealing her warmth, filling her ears with the feral roar of the wind. It was white, like a constant reminder of her filthy traitorous sister, as if it was purposefully taunting Nightmare Moon with its very color. But someday she would escape; she would get away from the snow and back into the green hills of Equestria. Then she would do battle with her sister for the third time. She would not be defeated again; no, she would make Celestia tremble with fear, and scream ruefully for the day she had ever decided to trifle with Nightmare Moon. The tyranny of the sun would last no longer.

At least, as hideous as the snow was, it blocked out the sun. That searing ball of flame... that was something Nightmare Moon never wanted to see again. But all she could do now was husband her strength and wait until she was powerful enough to face Celestia once again. Closing her eyes, she rolled over with her back to the wind and tried to sleep.

"Excuse me." said a quiet voice, "I assume you are the one they call Nightmare Moon?"

Her eyes snapped open, and she leapt to her hooves. The stranger, whoever he was, was met with an explosion of blue magic, and crashed against the side of a rock with a clatter. He fell to the snow unconscious.

"What the..." Nightmare Moon stood over the body, suspiciously examining him. Was he an agent of Celestia? No, not unless uniforms had changed infinitely in the last thousand years. He was a dark brown pony with pitch-black armor and a crimson tunic. His hooves were shod with iron boots, and he wore a dark helmet with a red crest. Surprisingly, for all his finery, he wasn't carrying a weapon. Something seemed familiar about the uniform, but she couldn't remember what.

With sudden decision, her horn lit up with indigo magic, weaving a spell that would wake him up. It was only a moment before his eyes opened.

"... Nightmare... Moon?" he asked groggily. She nodded silently, waiting for him to explain himself. "I've.... I've been looking for you...." he continued, sounding more coherent as he went on. "I have a message from the Almighty Emperor. He wishes that you-"

"The Crystal Empire!" declared Nightmare Moon, her eyes shining, "I knew I recognized your garb! So that is the place from which you hail!" She began pacing back and forth, her mind racing along at full speed. "It must have returned! Well, of course it returned, Celestia and I only banished it, we didn't destroy it."

"If I may continue?" asked the pony cautiously. "The Almighty Emperor Sombra says that he has need of your services. In your time, you were a brilliant general. In fact, your skills with troops and tactics were why, he, ah, was defeated in the first place."

"How nice of him to remember." replied Nightmare Moon, rolling her eyes. "So, he sent you to take revenge on me?"

"No!" exclaimed the pony brightly, "quite the opposite! He understands that you, too, have come to understand the arrogant tyranny of Celestia and the evils of the war-mongering Sun Kingdom. He says that he is willing to forgive you past grievances, if you are willing to put your leadership skills to good use."

"You mean-"

"He wishes for you to become Supreme Commander of the Crystal Legions. If you pledge your fealty to the might of the Empire, Emperor Sombra will give you aid in defeating the Sun Tyrant. Together, he says, we are sure to have the victory."

This was all happening so quickly! From wandering aimlessly in the northern wastelands to leading an army! The sound of clashing armies, the shining armor and gilded banners, the metallic smell of blood and steel. She had missed it for an age. But now it would be hers once again.

The dark princess smiled. A cold, fierce smile. "So Emperor Sombra wishes to set Equestria ablaze with the force of our arms? Yes... the legends shall speak of this war as the greatest conflict to ever sweep Equestria! Tell Sombra that Nightmare Moon shall lead the Crystal Empire to victory!"


Speeches about glory and victory seemed so hollow now, standing on her solitary perch above the city. She had been observing the battle relentlessly, and in the last week she probably hadn't slept for more then a few hours. It was fortunate that she had excellent night vision, or else the battle that unfolded in the distance would be little more then a grey, shapeless form.

Commander Nightmare Moon paced along the rooftop. The steady clicking of hooves intermixed with the unnatural clack that came from her wooden leg. She had lost her real one in the Battle of Ice Peak, where she personally led her soldiers straight into the teeth of enemy lines. She had said, "I would never send in my warriors if I was not willing to take the risks myself."

But she paid the price for her chivalry. A stray arrow had torn through her left leg, and it had to be amputated. King Sombra had chastised her for being so risky, he said that honor on battlefield was obsolete, a useless vestige of bygone days. But if Nightmare Moon were to command the Crystal Legions, it would be on her own terms. And if she chose to hearken back to the honorable days of old in her methods, that was her own business.

Presently her thoughts were interrupted by a clatter from the steps. Tribune Blood Lust appeared, his night-black armor making him almost invisible in the utter darkness. He took off his crimson-crested helmet and bowed grandly before the Commander. "My Lady, the Emperor has arrived."

Nightmare Moon's face remained carefully expressionless, even as she inwardly sighed. A personal visit from Sombra was never a good omen. "Do you know, ah, why the Almighty Emperor is here?" she asked, choosing her words carefully.

"No, My Lady. He only sent word that he wanted to see you at once."

Barely resisting the urge to cringe, she nodded. "Very well. You are dismissed, Tribune."

Blood Lust scurried back down the steps, as Nightmare Moon turned to look at the city once again. The grey clouds smothered the land like a blanket, blocking out the beauty of the night sky. But deep in her heart she could still feel the moon and the stars, her faithful companions that endured forever. Battles may rage, soldiers may march, and the very bedrock of the earth may shake with the tumults of war. But the sky, the stars, the planets, the moon... they endure forever. Nothing, not even the treachery of the so-called Sun Princess could change the stars. Taking security in her alliance with the indomitable cosmos, Nightmare Moon sighed and started down the stairs.

It took a little longer then it should have, both because of her wooden leg, and because she was in no hurry to meet Sombra. But tarry as she might, she couldn't avoid it forever. She stepped out the doors and into the street.

Who does he think he is, a god? A massive chariot stood in the middle of the street, dark crimson with golden trim. The image of a massive eagle dominated the side, wings outstretched and talons reaching for some unseen prey. A dozen guards stood all around it, rigidly at attention, armor and arms polished perfectly. "HAIL THE EMPEROR" they chanted as Nightmare Moon approached. In perfect unison, they clashed their weapons against their shields before returning to attention; the salute of the Crystal Empire.

For her part, Nightmare Moon half-heartedly put her hoof to her chest. "Hail the Emperor." she replied, less enthusiastically.

And sitting in the midst of the chariot upon a throne of ice and iron was Emperor Sombra himself. He wore long black robes of expensive furs, lined with purple and gold. He wore an iron crown, embedded with four glittering crystals, representing the four tribes of the Crystal Empire. His fur was black as midnight, his glaring magenta eyes the only features visible in the imposing shadow. "Commander Moon," he growled. His voice was as cold as the northern blizzards. Despite all the blood and death she had seen in the last three years, Midnight Moon still considered Sombra the most terrifying thing on earth.

"My Emperor," she responded cordially, trying to keep her voice even. "It is an honor to have your presence here. But if I may venture to inquire... what is the reason for this pleasant visit?"

"You now exactly why I'm here." Emperor Sombra's voice was quiet but furious, and Nightmare Moon could feel a chill run down her spine. "You have disobeyed my orders. Again. I received word that you acted in direct defiance of my decree regarding enemy prisoners."

Nightmare Moon's fear was swept away with a sudden surge of anger. "My Emperor, with all possible due respect, thou hath installed me as supreme commander over these troops, and I will order them as such. Before I took charge, this army was little more then a disorganized peasant rabble. I trained these ponies, I armed these ponies, and I drilled these ponies. This is my army, and I think thou should start seeing it as such."

Purple magic radiated from Sombra in sheer rage, like smoke billowing from smoldering coals. "You are nothing." he hissed, "who gave you this army? Who gave you the armor and the weapons? You are nothing without me."

"Thou art nothing without me." declared Nightmare Moon, refusing to give him an inch. "Remove me from command. I dare thee. See how long your mighty legions remain loyal and disciplined when their beloved Princess is gone."

Princess and Emperor glared at one another, the sheer heat of their anger like a searing flame. But even amid the standoff, a single quiet voice interrupted. "Excuse me. My Emperor, My Princess, I think I have a solution to your quarrel. May I have leave to speak?"

Emperor Sombra and Princess Nightmare Moon whirled around to look at the newcomer. He was a white unicorn dressed in the red robes of a minor noble. Despite having two of the most powerful beings in the world glaring at him, he didn't as much as flinch. Emperor Sombra, almost stunned at his nerve, motioned for him to continue.

"My name is Blueblood." said the unicorn smoothly, flashing a charming smile. "As you might know, I'm a more, ah, recent addition to this glorious Empire. I was in the service of Equestria, but that was hardly ideal. After seeing the incredible infrastructure of the Empire..." -Emperor Sombra gave a small smile in spite of himself- "...and it's brilliant tactical victories at Rainbow Falls and Ice Peak..." -Nightmare Moon knew it was just flattery, but couldn't help feeling a little pride- "... I decided to convert and join this incredible nation. However, if I may venture to offer my advice...

"You both need one another. My Emperor, you need Commander Nightmare Moon to lead your armies, or else they will fall into ruin. My Princess, you need Emperor Sombra to feed and supply your army, or else they will starve. By fighting amongst ourselves, we only give the cursed Sun Tyrant time to gather strength. We have no time to argue, we must hit the Celestians hard and fast. First raze Canterlot and slay Celestia. Then, when the banner of the Iron Crown floats above Equestria, we can sort out everything else."

Emperor Sombra and Nightmare Moon eyed one another warily. "I'm not asking you to forget about your arguments," continued Blueblood, "only to post-pone them until the important things have been dealt with."

There was a moment of silence as both ponies considered this. At last, Commander Nightmare Moon let out a long sigh. "I am sorry I became upset, My Emperor." she said quietly, "but I have morals, I have standards. You may not believe in chivalry, but I still hold it as my defining principle for life. I will not kill defenseless prisoners."

Emperor Sombra continued to glare, growling his words as if it somehow cancelled their meaning. "I am sorry I tried to interfere in your Legion's affairs, Commander. I installed you as the leader of my forces, and I should entrust you to handle such things yourself.

"And you," he snarled, turning to Blueblood, "while I'm furious that you would dare interject your mewling opinion on my affairs... you also showed incredible skill in persuasion. You are a weasel and a fink... and perhaps there might be room for you in the Diplomat Corps."

Blueblood preened. "Thank you, My Emperor." he trotted quickly away , before Sombra could change his mind.

There was a moment of silence, before Sombra screamed to the guards. "What are we waiting for, you idiots? Let's move out!"

With much saluting and fanfare and clatter, Emperor Sombra's chariot disappeared down the darkened street, bound for the distant North. Nightmare Moon let out a long sigh of relief. She reveled in the relative silence of the abandoned street, glad that her conference with Sombra was finally over.

With a tuneless whistle, Nightmare Moon limped down the alleyway towards Headquarters. Suddenly, she found that Tribune Blood Lust was at her side. "My Lady," asked the Tribune shakily, "I was wondering if I might ask you a question?"

Nightmare Moon nodded curtly to her loyal subordinate. "Of course. Anything."

"Er... My Lady... why do you treat the Celestian prisoners so well?"

Nightmare Moon let out a long sigh. "Because they're not just Celestians, tribune... they're soldiers. Brave, courageous soldiers. I don't agree with the things they're fighting for, but they fight for what they believe in. Just because their overlords are evil does not mean that they themselves are evil. I do not fault them for the sins of their tyrant. I treat them as I would want our own soldiers to be treated."

Tribune Blood Lust nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose I never really thought about it that way."

Nightmare Moon smiled sadly. "You know, there was a time when everyone thought that way. When armies had little more hatred for one another then opposing sports teams. When they treated one another as equals, as fellow professionals. That was the warfare I knew. But this..." she gestured vaguely towards the battlefield. "Explosions, screaming, urban fighting. What happened to the glory of warfare? What happened to the days when armies would array themselves in green fields with gilded banners and shining armor? This isn't war. At least not the war I knew."

"War changes, My Lady."

"Aye. And so must all things change. But... where is the art, the subtlety, the skill? In all this wanton brutality... where is the honor?"

The tribune thought about this for a moment. "I suppose, in the course of modern battles... there is no honor."

Nightmare Moon sighed sadly.

"Thou speaketh the truth, young tribune. Thou speaketh the truth."

Author's Note:

So basically this is some headcanon I came up with for the Crystal War AU (The Cutie Re-Mark Pt. 2). The question is, why didn't any of the other villains take over? Most of the villains (The Dazzlings, Sunset Shimmer, Tirek, etc...) can be explained away because their appearance is more-or-less the result of certain actions. Tirek, for instance, only escaped Tartarus because Cerberus abandoned his post. Perhaps in this alternate timeline, some convoluted event meant that Cerberus stayed his post, and thus Tirek remained in Tartarus.
The only villain that can't be explained in this way is Nightmare Moon. Since she came before Sombra, something had to happen to her. Couple that with the need for an awesome villain to work under Sombra, and you have this story.

So basically my headcanon goes like this:

  • Celestia, with full knowledge of the ancient prophesy, does everything she can to prepare for the return of Nightmare Moon.
  • Nightmare Moon returns, but Celestia is waiting for her. The two duel for supremacy for three days, with no clear winner. The earth trembles with the force of their conflict
  • On the fourth day, Celestia is victorious. Her sister is cast from the sky. Without the elements of harmony, she can't be exiled to the moon. So Celestia settles for the next best thing: she exiles Nightmare Moon to the frozen wastelands of the North.
  • Nightmare Moon is bored out of her mind for two years until the Crystal Empire returns. United by their mutual hatred of Celestia, Emperor Sombra and Nightmare Moon forge an alliance.

I've been thinking on doing a full blown story on a Stalingrad-esque Siege of Manehattan with acting General Rainbow Dash and Supreme Commander Nightmare Moon vying for supremacy. It may or may not pan out.

In any case, thank you for reading :)

Comments ( 9 )

And how do the Mane Six fit in on all of this?

"War changes, My Lady."

War never changes

War changes

War never changes, just the way we fight them...


War never changes the same way water is not ice.

Well, this can't be the Crystal War timeline, really. Because in that one, Sombra uses mind-control helmets to force the Crystal Ponies into battle.

Welp, this one is going in the favorites! Yeah, this is totally something I'd reread. You've just gotta love the honor in the heart of Nightmare Moon. You did a great job keeping her and Sombra how they should be, though I do think Sombra's use of the word "idiots" is a bit too modern, and I think that "buffoons" would have been much more fitting. Also, you may want to seek an editor for this story. There are a lot of little mistakes: too many to point out. Here's one, though:

armies had little more hatred for one another then opposing sports teams.

You want to use "than" here. "Then" is used to describe time. For example, I kissed Twilight, and then I hugged her tighter than a corset.

This is quite good. Though Sombra is definitely in disadvantage should NM turn on him once Celestial is dead.

Nightmare moon is Basically Erwin Rommel... And thats completely fine by me

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