• Member Since 2nd Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen Jan 14th, 2020




Siren daughter of Sombra, Shadow Fall wants to have a normal life and explore the world. So she escapes her father's castle and becomes the awesome Rainbow Dash. Soon she and her new friends are battle villains together, including Sombra.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 21 )

saw an error, how did she pick the lock if she has bat wings?

Oh my gosh, thank you!:heart:

np, enjoying the story so far

Oh nice tho know i am wondering how they will find how rainbows true face will it happen before during or afterthe sombra fight?

Ok i figures something to do with the mirror
Also forced as in no choice or willing but no way out of itn

Yeah, when is the next chapter? I got a feeling this will be good.

Ok, seriously. Is it dead? Because it's been almost a year. If it's dead, then just tell us. No shame, just disappointed.

Please tell me it's not dead? And if it is direct me to similar stories? I like this one.

Well, god damnit. I think it's dead. I'll be keeping it on tracking just in case, but I think it might be dead.


Huzzah!!! :pinkiehappy:
When will you update?

A month, if not sooner

Wait: where the fuck did this come from!?

Interesting. Why do they look different. And please update.

Are you still updating this?

This a good story so far I can till that you put a lot of work into it I do hope that this continues and you guys in comment can you please not be main to the author he's doing the best he can

is this kind of a dash verse story

and please add more

So far, so good! Explain what happens at the Summer Sun Celebration. I have a high chance of knowing who Rainbow Dash/ Shadow Fall's mom is. :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowkiss:

More please. Sorry if I'm saying it again. But really, THIS IS AWESOME!!!

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