• Published 15th Dec 2017
  • 885 Views, 25 Comments

Sunset's Hearth's Warming - ThomasZoey3000

Sunset returns to Canterlot for the holidays so she can spend time with her family. This visit however will be met with surprises, meets and dealing with troublesome traditions on her dad's side of the family.

  • ...

Till We Meet Again

Chapter 10: Till We Meet Again

At the Mental house, a lone pony sat at the front desk reading a new book she had only gotten that morning. She was just getting into Chapter Three when she heard screaming coming from outside, and heading for the building.

"What in the name of Celestia is that?" she asked, putting down her book.

The pony looked up and saw the police bringing in an old mare, who was screaming loud and long, "I don't deserve to be here, it's those stupid traitors that need to be here, all of them! Nopony disrespects the Shimmer family ways, now let me go!"

She stomped her hooves down hard, trying to hit the officers dragging her into the building.

"Will you just calm down and walk in a straight line for goodness sakes?!" snapped one of the officers. "Gosh, you're more trouble than that stupid Pen Pal we brought in moons ago."

They took the older mare past the front desk and towards a cell. The pony at the desk looked to the police chief, "what was that all about?"

"That mare is Sunbeam Shimmer, she's being brought in over attacking her own family with a shovel, and for believing certain ponies at the Shimmer family house shouldn't be there," said the police chief. "It's another case of the way she was raised, followed by anger issues and she had only been seperated from her husband."

"Yikes, then it's no wonder why she's acting this way."

The police continued to drag Sunbeam along until they found a cell. A doctor pony had heard them coming, and using his keys, opened up the cell for them, "put her in here boys."

"No, you can't do this to me! You should be taking Sunflower and Sunset, they're the monsters, not me!"

The police took no notice of that rant, and pushed her into the cell. She spun round to run, but the door was shut and locked.

"She's more trouble than most troublemakers we deal with," groaned an officer.

The ponies started walking away, with Sunbeam screaming at the top of her lungs. In the cell next to her's was Pen Pal, he groaned as he placed his pillow on top of his head.

"Ohh, will you be quiet you miserable old woman? Some of us in here are trying to sleep!"

"Oh shut up you! My stupid family's put me in here, and I won't stand for it!" Like Granite Slab had done before, she too started pounding on the door and demanding to be let out.

Pen Pal groaned, "I wonder if I can get transferred to another cell?"

But he would have no luck. He would be spending his Hearth's Warming in his cell, and listening to the screams of Sunbeam Shimmer.

At the Shimmer family house, Sunset was going to pull out another present, but was stopped by Sunny Rays.

"What's the matter Sis? Still a little shaken up over Grandmare's wild episode just now?"

"Maybe a little bit, but that's not why I'm asking you to stop. I just remembered something I wanted to give to you, Mommy and Daddy. Don't open anymore presents until I get back."

Sunset backed away from the tree, "very well Sis, I won't bring out anymore till then."

Sunny Rays turned around quickly and ran up the stairs. Less than ten seconds later, she was back in the living room and with her little surprise wrapped up in her magic, and covered by a clothe.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, Sunny Rays could really give Rainbow Dash a run for her money," Sunset said to her mother.

Sunrise could only nod in agreement, then turned her attention back to Sunny Rays, "now, what's that you got there?"

Sunny Rays pulled away the clothe, revealing the surprise. It was a picture with a frame, but the frame itself was made of some of the ruined photos, and right in the middle was the family photo.

"What do you think?" Sunny Rays asked.

"Sunny Rays, it's lovely, thank you so much," smiled Moon Crest and gave his little girl a hug.

"I didn't do this project alone, I had help from Aunt Sunflower, and she was the one who came up with the idea."

Sunflower just smiled. Moon Crest looked to his sister, "well thank you too Sis."

Sunrise took the beautiful new picture and frame over to the wall of pictures, and after finding a space for it, hung it up for all to see. It looked wonderful agmost all the family pictures.

Sun Drops looked to her brother firmly, "don't worry, I won't wreck that picture, I learned my lesson," he said.

"So, you'll be good for now on?"

"I'll try. Most of the time," he muttered the last part, but mostly everypony heard him.

After that, the two families went back into opening presents until there was none left under the tree. Afterwords, Sunset got out her camera and took as many pictures as she could for her friends to see. She even managed to get a photo of Granite Slab smiling, but in the next one, he was grumpy once more.

During that time though, Sunset could see that Sunny Rays was looking at her teddy bear and playing with it. She was glad her sister liked it, but knew just a teddy bear wouldn't make her stop missing her once Sunset had returned to the human world.

"There must be a way for us to talk on a regular basis without me moving back to Equestria," she thought to herself.

Then it finally came to her, "of course, now why didn't I think of that the last time I was here?" She walked over towards her mother and asked, "may I go out for just for a little while? There's somepony I need to see."

"Of course honey, just be back soon okay?"

"You got it Mom."

Sunset got on her winter jacket, scraf and hat, then she set out. She passed many homes along the way, and at each one, she could see happy families. It made her feel grateful for everything in her life, and more than grateful that Princess Twilight kicked her flank when she had turned into a raging she-demon.

"This life is better than being alone," she thought happily to herself.

At last, she reached Canterlot Castle. The guards let her in, and she walked through the nicely decorated hallways, admiring the decour all around her. She thought for sure if Rarity of her world saw this, she would have a difficult time getting her to leave the place. Sunset chuckled at the mere thought.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were in the throne room and talking about old times. As Princess Luna was finishing, there came a knock on the door.

"Sorry to interupte your Hearth's Warming your highnesses," said a royal guard. "But there's a pony here to see you."

"Oh, and who would that pony be?" asked Princess Celestia.

"It's Sunset Shimmer."

Celestia smiled, "Well then, let her in." The guard nodded and went back to the doors. Moments later, Sunset walked into the throne room. She stopped before them and bowed to show respect. Celestia walked down from the throne and over towards Sunset, "hello Sunset, it is good to see you again, I heard you were back in Canterlot."

"How did you know?" she asked in surprise.

"I've been hearing from other ponies you were back."

"Oh." She figured probably Honey Tree or Moon Crest or somepony she knew would've told the Princesses of her return.

"Still, it is wonderful to see you back in Equestria once more. I trust you've had a wonderful Hearth's Warming."

"Well there have been a few hiccups from my cousin Granite Slab and his attitude, but he is working on it," she added. "And just this morning, we got attacked by my Grandmare; Sunbeam just because my Aunt Sunflower, her family and I were staying at my family's home. She just got hauled off to the mental house I believe, but apart from that, everything was fine."

"I'm glad to hear it." Celestia sighed as she looked out a window. "Though I can't say I'm surprised about Sunbeam, even when she was a student of my school for gifted unicorns, she was always a bit of a hoof-full."

Princess Luna stepped down from her throne next, "so, what brings you here Sunset?"

"Well I was wondering if I could ask for a little help. You see, I love my family, but I don't want to leave my friends in the human world, so I was wondering if maybe you could help me keep in touch with my family."

Right away, Celestia understood.

"Of course Sunset, I got just the answer. I'll go get them, wait here."

Sunset smiled, "Thank you Princess Celestia."

Celestia smiled as she turned and headed off to another part of the castle, leaving Sunset to talk with Princess Luna.

The rest of the day went by quickly, and before long, all the ponies were getting ready for bed. Sunny Rays had been smiling the whole time, but as evening came and her sister was packing up for her return journey, she looked sad.

"Are you sure you can't convince Sunset to stay here with us?" she asked her parents.

Both of them shook their heads, "it's her choice Sunny Rays," said Moon Crest. "As much as we beg her, I don't think we'd be able to convince her to leave that world and return to Equestria. Besides, you know how much she cares for her friends there too."

"I guess so," she sighed unhappily.

Up in her room, Sunset was still packing up. She smiled as she looked to the items Princess Celestia gave her, "don't worry Sunny Rays, this will bring a big smile to your face, I know it will."

The following morning, it was time to say good-bye. The Slabs were the first to leave, having packed up their things the night before as well.

"Well apart from Mom causing that rampage yesterday, and Granite being...well Granite," said Sunflower. "I still have to say, this was a wonderful visit and I was glad to finally get to see my favourite brother again."

"Sunflower, I'm your only brother."

"I know, and that's why you're my favourite."

Moon Crest chuckled and wrapped his hooves around his sister, "you take care of yourself and your family back in Manehatten, and come back from time to time, you're always welcome here."

"Or back at my house," said Night Glide, "the door will always be open for you guys."

"Thanks Dad," smiled Sunflower. Then the smile faded, "but won't you be lonely without anypony to talk to?"

Night Glide shook his head, "I'll be fine, and I won't be alone forever. I was actually thinking of turning my home into a bed and breakfast, so other ponies can come and have an 'at-home' experience while visiting Canterlot."

"Sounds like a good plan Night Glide," smiled Concrete.

"Thanks. It'll take some time, but it'll get there."

He walked forward and gave his daughter a hug. After a few more good-byes and promising to meet up again, the Slab family left the Shimmer family property and headed off for the train station.

"I look forward to the next time we meet," smiled Sunset.

Since she wasn't due to leave till a little later, Sunset offered to help clean up the place. She started by making her parent's bed, then cleaning up Sunny Rays' room and finally washing all the pots, pans and dishes until they were all sparkling in the sunlight. All the while, she saw Little Sunny Rays stare sadly towards her.

All too soon, it was time for her to leave.

"Seems like only yesterday you had arrived to celebrate Hearth's Warming with us, and now you're going back again," said Sunrise. "We did enjoy having you around though, I wish you could come back more often."

"I wish so too, but it depends on my busy life back home. I mean, my friends and I are due to visit a place called Camp Everfree once the weather warms up, and don't get me started on all the baddies plotting to bring darkness to my world. That and school of course."

"Of course," both parents nodded.

Sunny Rays wasn't really looking up to Sunset, she was merely looking down to the floor. Sunset walked over towards her, "I know you're going to miss me, and while a talking teddy bear can help, it's just not the same as talking to me is it?"

"No," she answered sadly.

Sunset lifted Sunny Rays' head up gently with her hoof, "well I got something that might be able to help you." Using her magic, she brought out one more wrapped up present. "Go ahead, open it."

Sunny Rays unwrapped it, revealing a bright blue book with her cutie mark on the cover.

"It's a journal much like the one I use to talk with Princess Twilight. Only this one will allow you, Mom or Dad to talk to me anytime you wish, and while I may be busy at times, I will always reply back." Using her magic again, she brought out another book. It was light blue too, only it had her Cutie Mark on it. "Hopefully that will help till the next time we meet."

"Oh it will," smiled Sunny Rays and gave her sister a hug.

"So that's what you went out to get yesterday," said Sunrise.

"It is indeed," smiled Sunset. "I couldn't leave without giving you guys something to help keep in contact with me."

At that moment, they all heard the sounds of a five chime steam whistle, which meant the train for Ponyville was due to arrive any minute.

"Guess it's time for this mare to go home." Using her magic, Sunset lifted up her saddlebags onto her back, got on her winter gear, then walked to the front door. Before leaving, she did recieve a few more hugs from her family. Moon Crest was first, then Sunny Rays gave her another one and finally came a hug from her mother.

"Do take care, and this time, for the love of pete, don't burn yourself while cooking," Sunrise said with a chuckle.

Sunset laughed, "I'll try Mom, but you know I can't make promises."

Waving good-bye, she walked down the pathway to where her Grandfather was waiting. He gave her a big hug. "You're always welcome in my home Sunset."

"Thanks Grandpa, and I promise to bring back some railroading things for your collection next time around."

Night Glide smiled, "I look forward to our next meet, but hopefully next time, things will be quiet around here."

"One can only hope." She giggled and rolled her eyes.

She turned and headed to the train station. Her family waved to her until they were out of her sight. At the train station, Sunset wrote into her brown journal, "I'm coming home, meet me at the statue. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer."

A short while later, Sunset's friends and the human CMCs were waiting by the portal. They were a little cold granted, but they didn't seem to mind. Well, except for Rainbow Dash.

"I hope she gets here soon, I'm going to become a rainbow popsicle if I have to wait too long."

Human Applejack laughed, "am I actually hearing that correctly? Rainbow Dash, the girl who plays on every single team and plays in all kinds of weather is actually freezing out here?"

"Give me a break, I'm normally moving around while playing the games, but I'm not really moving around this time."

"Then why not run for a while?"

Rainbow Dash was about to reply back, when Scootaloo shouted, "she's coming!"

Sure enough, Sunset walked through the portal, and this time standing on two legs, and with her saddlebag converted over into a back-pack once more.

"Welcome back Sunset," smiled Scootaloo.

"Thanks Scoot, and thanks everyone for coming. I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas, and I can't wait to hear about what you got."

"Forget our stories, we want to hear yours," said Applejack. "Let's get your things into Rarity's car, and we'll get going."

"Rarity's car?" Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow. Applejack nodded and pointed to a shiny light blue Mustang car. Sunset gasped, "you mean, your parents got you that car?"

"Yes indeed," nodded Rarity, "and with my Driver's license in hand, we can go anywhere we want to go, and in style no less."

Rainbow Dash groaned, "yes that's good, now can we go? I'm freezing."

"Alright, alright, we'll go," chuckled Applejack. "There's no need to whine about the cold."

The others laughed while Rainbow sulked. Sunset could only smile and after throwing a gem back through the portal, went to join them. As she walked towards Rarity's car, she noticed her bag glowing.

"A message from the princess?" asked Scootaloo.

"Not quite." She opened up her backpack and pulled out the light blue journal. Inside was a message reading, 'love you big Sister'. Sunset pulled out a pen and wrote down, 'Love you too Little Sister.'

"When did you get another journal?" asked Applejack.

"Let's get back to my apartment, and I'll explain everything from there."

And on that note, they climbed into Rarity's car and Applejack's family van, and headed off back to the apartment. One thing was for sure, Sunset knew her friends would be surprised by the stories she had to tell.

The End!

Comments ( 5 )

love it so far. please make a sequel soon.

Sunset will meet up with her family again one day, don't you worry about that.

Great ending.

will there be a direct sequel after this story, about what happens to sunset after this, like her coming back to equestria after a few months, to get to know her sister & other relative's more & another [problem adventure] pops up & they have to deal with sunbeam & pen pal escaping because they started talking & realized they both had grudges against sunset & want to deal with her [permanently] & it takes THE ENTIRE shimmer family to bring them down. hope you like & might use this idea, please and thank you!

But he would have no luck. He would be spending his Hearth's Warming in his cell, and listening to the screams of Sunbeam Shimmer.

Deal with it bitch. :duck:

"I'll try. Most of the time," he muttered the last part, but mostly everypony heard him.

Good enough. :ajsmug:

At that moment, they all heard the sounds of a five chime steam whistle, which meant the train for Ponyville was due to arrive any minute.

Wonder what kind of 5 chime that is? :rainbowderp:

Human Applejack laughed, "am I actually hearing that correctly? Rainbow Dash, the girl who plays on every single team and plays in all kinds of weather is actually freezing out here?"

Mhm. :ajsmug:

I hope you pinkie promise that. :pinkiesmile:

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