• Published 15th Dec 2017
  • 892 Views, 25 Comments

Sunset's Hearth's Warming - ThomasZoey3000

Sunset returns to Canterlot for the holidays so she can spend time with her family. This visit however will be met with surprises, meets and dealing with troublesome traditions on her dad's side of the family.

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A Good Side to Everypony

Chapter 8: A Good Side to Everypony

As expected, the police did indeed go to Sunbeam and Night Glide's house with angry looks on their faces, "there were no intruders at the Shimmer family home, it's merely family visiting," the police chief said firmly.

"No, they are intruders, you need to arrest the fools!" snapped Sunbeam.

She argued with the police for an hour, but soon grew bored and went to the living room, leaving Night Glide to try and sort out the mess. He managed it an hour and a half later.

"I apologize again for my wife, she sometimes does go overboard. You know her and the novels she reads."

"I suppose so," sighed the police chief. "Very well, we accept the apology, but if she reports something like this one more time, we'll be taking the two of you down to the station house."

"No worries Sir, it won't happen ever again."

The police accepted his word and headed off back on patrol. Night Glide by now was furious, and once they were out of sight, he stormed over to the living room where he found his wife, once again with her face in a book.

"You got alot of nerve saying our daughter, her family and grand-daughter are intruders in Moon Crest's home."

"Did you not hear me, they are intruders. No traitors that have been thrown out shall return to any of the Shimmer family houses or place of business, it's the way of the family."

"No, that's the way of your family!" Night Glide snapped angerily. "I love you and all, but this little stunt has gotten me mad at you."

"You got nothing to be mad about. I allowed you to go to that stupid play tonight, you should be grateful."

"Well you know what, I wish now I hadn't gone to the play, cause I had a feeling you would pull a stupid stunt like this. It's Hearth's Warming for goodness sakes, don't you think it's time to forget your family ways and move on?"

"No, and if you know what's good for you, you'll stop talking to those traitors ever again." Thinking her point had been made, she looked back to her novel.

"Hey, I'm not finished talking with you Sunbeam, lift your head up. Sunbeam!" But Sunbeam was in no mood to listen. "Your father was right, you are a difficult pony to live with." He stormed out of the living room and up to his room.

"Yeah, that's nice, don't need to hear it. Oh this is a good part."

At the Shimmer family home, Sunflower was trying to calm down her son from the scare, "I thought I was going to jail, I didn't want to go to jail, but they had hoof-cuffs and everything."

"I know, but it's okay, your uncle sorted everything out."

"Though if you ask me, they should've taken you," snorted Sun Drops.

Granite looked crossly to his sister, "and what do you mean by that Loser?"

"For that attitude, and all the stupid things you do! You give our family enough trouble as it is, and I think you being taken away by the police would be a good thing, maybe then you'll actually learn something."

"Why you!"

"Granite! Sun Drops! That's enough!" snapped their mother. "Sun Drops, go to Sunny Rays' room, and don't come out till morning! As for you Granite, back to the basement with you!"

The two young ponies walked off without another word. Sunflower locked the door behind Granite and groaned, "why do they have to take after their Grandmare? It's really getting me peeved. Pardon my language."

Upstairs, Sunset was writing to her friends about the whole ordeal, "I've heard of nights never to forget, but this is rediculous," she finished.

Sunny Rays was walking back to the bedroom after getting something from her room. Sun Drops walked past with an upset look on her face, "uh Sun Drops, are you alright?"

"Dumb brother, I wish he would go to jail, he's always ruining everything," she muttered, not even noticing Sunny Rays.

Sunny Rays walked back into Sunset's room, "I think Sun Drops and Granite had another fight."

"Yeah they did, I could hear them and Aunt Sunflower yelling, but that happens with siblings. Remember what I told you about human Rarity and Human Sweetie Belle?"

"Yeah, you were telling me that just two nights ago, but I believe every sibling should get along and be nice to each other."

"I agree with you there Little Sister." Sunset paused as her little sister used her magic to lift herself into the air, and place herself in the middle of her stuffed toy collection. "Impressive Sunny Rays. Anyways, it's ultimately up to Granite if he wants to be nice or not. I know he can be a good kid, he just needs more chances to learn to become a better pony."

Sunny Rays raised an eyebrow, "you're going to help him aren't you?"

"I'll try. I know he won't respond to stories, or firm talks, but maybe if given a chance, he can be shown that an act of kindess is better than being mean all the time."

"Do you think it'll work?"

"Not sure, but I got to try something. I rather not see another family torn apart, and a pony's life ruined by poor choices."

The following next day, the two families agreed to head out to the festival, except for Granite, who was still being punished, and Sunset, who agreed to watch over him.

"I can catch the festival another time," she said to her mother before she left.

"Alright, but be careful." She leaned in and whispered to her daughter, "Good luck with your plan."

Sunset gasped, "how did you know?"

"Do you think a mother doesn't know what her daughter is thinking? Plus Sunny Rays told me earlier."

"Alright, and thanks."

Once the family had gone out, she walked over to the basement door and unlocked it. She walked down some of the steps and looked over to Granite. He was staring at the wall, his hooves in bandages and an annoyed look was on his face.

"So Granite, did you sleep well last night?" she asked.

"No, now go away."

"Very well cousin. I'll just be upstairs cleaning everything up from breakfast." Granite waved his hoof angerily at her. Sunset smirked and added, "my mom left a plate of freshly made cookies out. It's too bad, cause if a pony helped me, maybe she or he could have a couple of cookies as a thank you."

She walked up the stairs and over to the kitchen. She stopped in the doorway when she heard little hoofsteps walking up the basement stairs and over towards her.

"Fine I'll help, but only because I'm hungry."

"Fine by me, let's get to work."

Using his magic, Granite lifted dirty dishes off the table and counter, and placed them in the sink. He turned on the water, poured in some soap and started washing them till they were spotless. He later passed them to Sunset, who dried them and put them away with her magic. Working together, the two ponies managed to get everything cleaned up.

Granite then walked over to the kitchen table and took as many cookies as he could.

"I'm going back to the basement," he said bluntly.

"Suit yourself, but there is milk up here and I'm sure you're feeling thirsty. I would've given you some if you didn't walk away."

He walked towards the door, but soon returned, "okay fine, you got me again."

Sunset smirked, "I knew that would work. Why don't you sit at the table and enjoy your treats? I'm sure a kitchen chair is better than that old matress downstairs."

This time Granite didn't walk away and thought about it, he actually sat at the table.

"Hmm, good cookies," smiled Sunset.

Granite was quiet at first, but after a fifth bite of the cookie, he spoke to his cousin, "Why are you being nice to me? I've done nothing to earn this, I'm the bad boy in the family remember?"

"I know, but being nice is what I do. All my friends back home will tell you that as well. Heck, I'd help my worst enemy if I could...to an extent."


"Is there a reason for your attitude, or do you think you're cool because of it?"

Granite didn't answer.

"Suit yourself, you don't need to answer my questions or talk to me. But take it from me kid, there are two ways you can live your life, the easy path and the harder one. One leads to a world of pain, and the other is much better, but I won't tell you how to live your life, it's your choice and yours alone."

"I'll take that into consideration."

Sunset smiled,"I will say this though, I am enjoying having a conversation with you. It's always great talking with family."

"I suppose."

After eating one more cookie, and drinking plenty of milk, Granite headed back to the basement, and Sunset locked the door behind him. She smiled though as she did, "you're a good kid Granite," she whispered, "I can see a bright future heading your way." And with that, she went to work on some chores around the house.

"Yeah sure, whatever you say. I don't care," and he stormed off down the stairs.

Back at Sunbeam and Night Glide's house, Night Glide was looking through some photo albums. He was mostly looking at the photos taken at Hearth's Warming during the days when Sunflower was loved by both parents.

"Those were the good old days," he muttered to himself. He then had to chuckle when he saw a photo of Sunflower stuck in a cardboard box. He remembered she was digging to the bottom of the box as there was another toy at the bottom.

"NIGHT GLIDE!" bellowed the voice of his wife.

"Do you really need to scream?" he groaned. He placed the photo album down on the bed, and walked downstairs. "Yes Dear, what is it you need?"

"I need you to go to the market and pick up some more food for our fridge."

Using her magic, she gave Night Glide a list of the food they needed.

"I'm on it Sunbeam."

"And don't talk to the traitors this time, or else you'll be sleeping outside throughout the entire winter season. Do I make myself clear, or do I need to scream it in your ears?"

"No, I heard you loud and clear."

"And what did I say?"

Night Glide sighed unhappily, "don't talk to the traitors, or I'll be freezing my flank outside all winter."

"Close enough, now go!"

With bits in his pocket, Night Glide walked out the door and over to the market. Sunbeam walked upstairs to get another novel to read, and that's when she spotted the photo album. She opened it up and saw the photos of Sunflower.

"No, these need to go."

In town, Night Glide spotted Moon Crest, Sunflower and their families at the festival. He wanted more than ever to say hello to them, but fearing he would be spending his time outdoors, he went the other way and avoided them. He got what his wife wanted, then made his way back to the house.

"Sunbeam, I'm back!" he called. "I got everything you were asking for, and I did not talk to the 'Traitors' as you call them."

But there was no reply from his wife. He put the food in the fridge, and headed upstairs. There, he recieved a shock. The photo album had been emptied out of many of the photos, and the photos themselves had been burned.

"Our family photos!" he cried in shock.

"Good ridence. Had I known they were around, I would've burned them up a long time ago," said Sunbeam, sounding quite proud of herself.

Night Glide turned around angerily and stared at his wife, "now you've really crossed the line, it's one thing to ignore our own daughter and her family, but to do this! I can't believe you would want to destory memories like these!"

"We don't need them, I'm doing you a favour. Now shut up and clean up, this house is a mess."

That was the last straw for Night Glide. Using his magic, he picked up a suitcase and started filling it up. Sunbeam saw this, "Night Glide, I said clean the house, it's a mess."

"You can clean it yourself. I can't STAND living with a pony who believes so much in her family's own stupid ways that she would destory memories from the past with her own children!"

"I'm doing this for you! You don't need fools like that stupid Sunflower, or that monster Sunset Shimmer."

"Oh you actually believe that fool Pen Pal, the same one that would throw our youngest grand-daughter out of the clock tower, now I know you've finally lost it!" Once his suitcase was full, he shut it and started walking away, "You're just as nuts as he is!"

"Watch your tounge Night Glide, or I'll make sure you'll regret it!"

"And you even threaten your own husband. Well guess what, I'm not giving you the satisfaction of throwing me out, I'm leaving! Good luck living your life alone Sunbeam, I am out of here!"

Sunbeam screamed after him, "Stop this foolish game Night Glide, and get to work!"

But Night Glide ignored her and soon was out the door. Sunbeam continued to scream at him, but he ignored her and continued on. He knew of one place he'd be welcomed into.

"Alright, that's that, the whole house is spotless, hope Mom and Dad like it," sighed Sunset. Using all the time her family and the Slabs were out, she had cleaned the floors, dusted everything off and washed the fabrics for a clean scent. Feeling proud of herself, Sunset decided to go to the kitchen and eat the last two cookies on the plate. Before she walked in, there was a knock on the door. "Those must be carollers," she thought to herself.

However as she opened the door, she was surprised to see that it wasn't Carollers, it was her grandfather.

"Grandpa? What are you doing here? What if Grandmare finds out you're here?"

"You can call her Sunbeam, we're no longer together," he answered. "I walked out on her. May I come in?"

"Yes, of course, come on in."

He walked in, placed his suitcase near the coat-rack, and after wiping his hooves on the carpet, walked over towards the couch. Sunset went into the kitchen and brought over the plate of cookies, and a glass of milk.

"Would you like something to eat and drink?" she asked.

"Yes please, I haven't eaten at all today."

He took the cookies up in his magic and started eating them. At that moment, the two families returned from the festival.

"Whoa Sunset, you cleaned up the whole house and...why is Night Glide here?" Sunrise asked in shock.

"He and Grandmare broke up."

"No, I walked out on her," he corrected Sunset. "If she broke up with me, she would've thrown me out. I wasn't going to give her that chance." He sighed and took a sip of the milk, "she destoryed the family photos, and that was the last straw."

Sunflower walked up to her father, after wiping her hooves clean, "I'm sorry to hear that Dad. You guys have been together for so long, I can't imagine you breaking up."

"Well it's happened, and to be honest, it's been a long time coming. She's been losing it." He then looked to Moon Crest and Sunrise, "I know I'm asking alot, but until I can get back on my hooves, would it be alright if I stay here?"

Sunrise looked to her husband, "it's your call, what do you say?"

"Dad, you don't need to ask, our home is your home. We can make room for you."

"Yes indeed," nodded Sunflower. "Concrete and I can sleep in Sunny Rays' room with Sun Drops."

"And you can have our bed," added Sunrise.

"Thank you," he nodded.

Sunrise walked over towards Sunset, "by the way, nice job in cleaning the house, though I don't think you were expecting this to happen, am I right?"

"At this point, I shouldn't even be surprised, anything is possible," she whispered back.