• Published 12th Dec 2017
  • 1,860 Views, 96 Comments

Twilight's Element - Lorhelei

Twilight is dead. But not her soul. She now resides in the mind of another pony in a new and peaceful Equestria. It's great, isn't it?

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Chapter 6: This Day Was Going To Be Perfect

<So… How fast does this train go?> asked Twilight, watching the mountains moving surprisingly fast from the corner of Emerald's eye.

"I don't know…"

<And how does it goes without touching the rails?> Asked Twilight again, already thinking on her next question.

"I still don't know."

<Mmm… Can you ask Tia about it? I really want to know>

"Yeah, I can feel that that," she said in a sad tone, "Princess, why did you picked my mind to come back? I can't help you with anything, I'm not smart, I'm not an alicorn, not even a unicorn..."

Twilight could feel Emerald’s sadness pouring into her. She suddenly felt useless and hopeless. <I don't know why, but there must be a reason... Ponies don't come back from their graves to possess other ponies mind that often. The reason why it happened and why it did to you is still a mystery, that's why we need to solve all of this! we need Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They may know what to do.>

"I don't think she had another pony into her mind if you ask me," replied Emerald, heads down.

Twilight chuckled <me neither, but she is the only one that has lived long enough to know something about this… Well… She, and probably certain creature>

"Why not we see this other creature? It may help us, right?"

<Yeah… But also may not... Besides, I don't know how to call him, only… only one of my friends had that power, but for what I saw, she may be long gone…>

"I… I don't know who are you talking about, but I believe you. I said I was going to help you with everything you need, and if you need Princess Celestia, then, I guess I need her too," she said with a faintly smile.

<I was thinking that… Maybe… The reason I was brought back was to solve all of this, to set things right, to help everypony… Isn't that too selfish?>

"Look, Twinkle…"

<Is that how are you going to call me? Twinkle?>

"Maybe… I just came with it, do you like it?" Said Emerald, looking up as if Twilight were over her head.

<Of course I do!> said Twilight, smiling.

"Well, I think that if Spike, that huge dragon from a library I didn't know it existed, said that you are our only hope to bury this once and for all, I would believe him."

<Maybe… Maybe you're right… Even so, there's something I cannot let just slip. Something wrong is happening here... I never thought I would see Princess Celestia hiding, fearing for her own life… She's not like that.>

"So… The plan is to discover who, ehem, did that to you, who is threatening the two sisters and the crown, and finally, help you to get out of my head, right?"

<In short, yes.>

"And this was going to be my day off…" she said stretching her wings, a jolt of pain traveling from one of her wings short after. She made a small gesture of pain and then resumed. "Oh well, at least Aurantia seems happy."

Twilight felt relief the very moment that Emerald looked at the smiling face that her friend had. In a moment, everything was fine once again. The pain on her wing, the tiredness, the uncertainty, everything went to the background in Emerald's mind. In that moment, her friend was alright, and that was enough.

<Do your left wing still hurts?> Twilight said, calmly.

"Yeah. Don't worry. Is not a big deal I just… Crashed down a little bit," replied Emerald smiling, "It was worth though."

<May I ask you what happened? I mean, if you can tell, I don't want to be intrusive>

"Maybe later. I don't want Tia to hear me out. If you don't mind of course."

<I understand. Don't worry!>

Emerald was smiling, she saw how on the other side of the train, a little changeling was watching the mountains that formed the landscape they were traveling in. She saw them since they appeared on the horizon until they disappear behind them as if looking for something.

"Tia, are you okay?" asked Emerald, smiling. Watching her moving her head from side to side.

"It has been years since the last time I used this train. I forgot how fast, and how incredible was the view from here!" Said Aurantia, her wings buzzing.

"If they allowed us to fly, we could have an even better view, until we got into the endless winter of the Crystal Empire, of course, nothing can fly through it."

"I know! I can only imagine how the snow feels between my hooves or the cold wind in my hair"

Emerald remembered how Tia's hive was surrounded by a desert, the legacy that an ever-hungry queen left to them. "Tia…You and I, and Twi… nkle, probably, we are going to have a snow day when this is over. I promise."

Aurantia saw the decisiveness on Emerald’s face and smiled. "Thank you, Emmy, that… That would be amazing."

Emerald saw through the window, far away was the Crystal Empire. Crystal walls surrounded the city just at the verge of the Crystal Heart protection. There was only one way to get in and only one way to get out. Out of the wall, where the eternal winter froze everything fool enough to stay for too long, was an outpost. Guards stood in and out of it with special equipment to endure the ruthless and cold wind as they ensured that nothing but the train came in or out. Inside of the outpost was a giant crystal that keep the place warm enough for the passengers to stay comfortable while they waited for their inspection.

Emerald and Aurantia stepped down the train. Every creature looked at the two silver spider brooches as they walked into the inspection room. Inside, questions about what they were doing there, how much time they will spend, and even how much bits they were carrying were the norm. If the guards decided, they could begin an even more meticulous inspection. They looked for almost anything that could be a weapon or the slightest threat.

Emerald had nothing with her except for a badge that identified her as a Wonderbolt, her type of blood, name, and rank, all in a single piece of metal.

On the other side, Aurantia was struggling explaining why she had so many books with her, she explained her pencils, her notes, even the folder that Spike gave her, sealed, as the guards were passing a blue crystal around her brooches in order to confirm that she was the one that was supposed to wear them.

After the crystal confirmed who she was, they stopped asking about their possessions, instead, they asked about her family, names, place, and age.

After almost an hour of waiting and more questions for Aurantia, she came out of the room, shaking, tired.

"They only asked me for the brooches on Ponyville…" said Aurantia. "I did read about the security here, but I never expect it to be so…"

"High?" replied Emerald.

"Abusive…" said Aurantia, "It's like they were expecting an attack from me, like, I don't know… They just hated me… I saw ponies come in and out of the room but I remained there…"

Emerald sighed, "the Crystal Empire and changelings never stood as friends…I saw it before... The way they take any changeling as an enemy is just… Disgusting."

"It's okay, Emmy, let's… Let's keep moving. With all this security, I don't have much hope for them to let us see the Princess."

"Me neither, but hopefully our friend Twinkle can think on something," said Emerald while pointing to her head.

As they crossed the outpost into the walls of the Crystal Empire, the cold became a warm and cozy feeling and the atmosphere turned into one of a living city. They crossed the gateway and, suddenly, they stood in another world.

Houses and giant buildings, all made of pure and brilliant crystal. Ponies and all kinds of creatures were walking on the street, laughing and smiling as if the world outside didn't exist. The sun shone brightly on the middle of the sky, making Princess’ Castle even more beautiful, even more marvelous and, below, the Crystal Heart protecting every creature around.

Emerald felt a surge of melancholy coming from inside, from Twilight herself. The Crystal Empire changed little to none besides the huge walls that surrounded it, the same buildings were there, the same houses, the same business, and the same castle. The only thing that changed was their population. There was now so much life where only were a few ponies. Not only crystal ponies but all kind.

They walked the streets. Twilight noticed how the names didn't change. Emerald was there just heading in front, to the castle, while Aurantia was buzzing side to side writing notes about everything she saw, from ponies to flowers and even the street. She wrote of how the endless winter was outside, waiting for the Crystal heart to lose its power, she noticed how they all looked at her and then smiled, unlike in the Outpost, she felt welcomed.

In no time they stood in front of the giant Castle's door. Around it was several guards, watching, waiting.

"Excuse me, sir, my name is Aurantia Argiope, I came here to talk with Princess Cadance, may I-I see her?" Her voice low and calm.

The guard looked at her, at her brooches, and at Emerald. "The Princess isn't taking any visitors today. I apologize for the inconvenience ma'am."

Aurantia looked at Emerald as she only shrugged at how her only plan was dismissed.

<We could explain politely our situation, I'm sure they will understand, right?>

Emerald rolled her eyes and looked at the guard, "Sir, I'm afraid this is international business," she said, putting her hoof in front of Aurantia.

"And you are?" Asked the guard, looking clearly at Emerald in her eyes.

"Emerald Dusk, sir," she said taking out her badge, "I'm an official Wonderbolt and I'm here to escort Miss Aurantia to an audience with the Princess, sir," said Emerald, confidently looking at Aurantia, "Right, miss?"

The guard stopped and took the badge, it has the Wonderbolt emblem and the name, he saw the pegasi, still doubting.

"R-Right. My mother, Protensa Argiope has some issues that she wants to discuss with Princess Cadance. Unfortunately, she is busy in the hive, that's why she sent me here instead."

The guard looked at the pair of silver brooches and hummed, "I don't have any appointments today, miss, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for inspection."

"I have been waiting enough!" Exclaimed Aurantia, anger showing in her face, "now, l-let's be clear. If I come back to the Hive saying that 'I don't have a-an appointment', t-two things are going to happen. First, I'll come back here, furious, then, you are fired. So, I could go back n-now, or you can keep whatever y-you are doing here. What's going to be, sir?"

Emerald turned back, confused, looking at her friend and asking her if that was the same creature she boarded that train. On the other side, the guard was sweating, struggling to even talk as the solely mention of the name "Protensa" makes him clear of who he was dealing with.

"I-I understand, Miss, b-but there's n-nothing I can d-do."

"Let. Us. In. Dear."

The guard saw the shine on Aurantia's eyes and then the two brooches. He broke. "S-Sorry Ma'am! P-Please don't tell the Princess a-about this! I don't want to lose my job! Please!" He moved aside and gesture his friend to open the giant wooden door.

"Thank you, sir," said Emerald, walking at Aurantia's side and into the castle, making an effort to not to laugh.

After a moment, the door was closed behind them.

"Oh. My. Gosh. What was that!" exclaimed Emerald, "Who was that! That was amazing! Even Twilight asked me if you were okay! Wait, are you okay?"

The little changeling was shaking. Her eyes fixed in the hallway and her wings slightly open. Her lips trembling, whispering words she already said as if she couldn't believe what she just did.

"Tia?" asked Emerald, touching her friend's shoulder. "Are you there?"

Aurantia's heart was racing, she could hear her friend but it was only a far cry on her mind. Her heart was pumping in her ears, her wings felt heavy and her body of steel. Her legs was shaking as her thoughts began to get clearer within each passing second.

Immediately, Aurantia collapsed onto the ground, heavy breathing and smiling. "That. Was. Incredible!" she exclaimed, "I just thought about my mother and began to talk like she does and, and, I don't know! I thought I was going to faint right in front of the guard! Emmy That was so unbelievable! Let's never to that again! I was so scared!"

Emerald smiled, she came closer to her friend and give her a huge hug. "You are the best!" She said, moving Aurantia's hair out of her face. Her big and shiny eyes in tears. "Come on Tia, we have an appointment with the Princess," said Emerald, giving her friend a hoof. The little Changeling took it, and together they followed the red carpet that led the path to the throne room.

<She sure is amazing> said Twilight, smiling at the way Emerald saw her friend shaking and how she felt.

Emerald smiled, "sure she is," she said, calmly, "sure she is…"

They were now both walking inside of the crystal castle. Candles and a red carpet lead the straight path right to the throne room. Emerald noticed how empty the palace felt, still, dished the thought a minute after, thinking that it was normal. Aurantia was talking about the history of the castle, about Shining Armor and Cadance, about Flurry Heart and the Crystal Heart. For her, the guards didn't even existed, she was alone with her friend in one of the most important places of all Equestria, watching, pointing, smiling and taking notes on everything from the shape of the crystals to how the lights in the windows lighted the whole castle due to reflection. The lights shone with the rainbow from time to time when the right beam struck the right crystal, making the whole path a light show.

Minutes later, they were in front of another door and four guards keep it safe.

"The Princess is waiting," said one, giving the sign to the others to move their black crystal spears and open the door.

"Thank you, sir," said Emerald, prompting Aurantia to follow her inside the room.

As soon as they crossed the door, the guards firmly closed it behind them, making a metal sound indicating that it was locked from the other side.

They looked in front of them. The throne was there, in the middle of the room, brilliant and magnificent as the sunlight reflected a myriad of colors around like if they were dancing for her king and queen.

"I wasn't expecting visits today," said a female voice behind the throne as the creature began to show itself, "still, I'm truly honored to receive a daughter of my friend Protensa," the creature showed her pink horn, pink coat, and slim figure. A golden crown rested on her head and her mane and tail shone like the crystals in her castle. "Then, what issue shall we discuss?"

"Princess Cadance!" said Aurantia, "w-we have very, very unbelievable news… Uh, we wanted to talk with you, Princess, in private, i-if isn't that too much to ask."

"I'm eager to know what has Protensa so intrigued, after all, she always set an appointment beforehoof. Always. I wonder what happened," said Cadance, getting closer to both mares, "but first, I want to know why did you both lied to my guards. Now." She said, planting firmly her hoof on the ground, creating an echo through the room.

Emerald stood in front of her friend, her head up watching Cadance in her eyes, "Princess, we-"

"I want her to speak, not you, escort," said Cadance, moving Emerald aside, enveloping her in her blue aura. "Now."

<Something's wrong, that's not the Cadance I used to know!>

"It had been a century, Princess, ponies change!" Replied Emerald, trying to get through Cadance magic.

<B-but this is wrong, where is Flurry Heart!?>

Cadance got even closer to Aurantia as if she could know what she was thinking, "w-we lied, b-but we have a good-"

"There's no good reason to lie a Royal Guard! Tell me. Who. Sent. You."

"S-Spike! P-P-Princess. Spike sent us!" Replied Aurantia, her eyes closed in fear.

"He would send me a letter first, stop lying!"

"We are not lying, Princess! I swear!"

Aurantia was shaking while Cadance got closer and closer to her. Her eyes filled with anger. "Were them!?" She asked. "Are they going to finish their dirty job!?"

<We have to do something!>

"Yeah, sure, but she doesn't believe anything we said!" She said, still pushing through Cadance magic.

<Wait… I know what to do!>

In an instant, memories of something Twilight used to do began to flow into Emerald's mind, memories of something strange, something unique.

Her cheeks turned red as she was watching those memories one by one as Twilight were remembering them with a melancholic smile.

"Princess… I'm not going to do that…" said Emerald with a troubled face.

Cadance was still getting closer to Aurantia, her horn began to shine as she spoke, "Tell me. Who sent you."

"Princess, we came here with Princess Twilight Sparkle, allow us to show you, please!"

"She is long dead… A century now… Now, for the last time. Who sent you!"

<If you don't do it, Aurantia's going to get hurt!>

"Guards! Come—"

"Sunshine… Sunshine… Ladybugs awake…"

Cadance looked aside, slowly, "What did you…"

"C-clap your hooves and… And…" Emerald closed her eyes as she turned back, moving her flank side to side "do a little shake..."

Cadance stopped her magic. The magic shield was gone as she got away from Aurantia. "How… How did you know that?" asked Cadance, astonished.

Emerald turned back, heads down, "Princess Cadance… Twilight Sparkle told me… She… She is inside of my head."

"You… You're lying, aren't you?!" she said, the blue light of her horn began to disappear as her face showed pure confusion. "This has to be a trick!"

"No Princess, I'm not," Emerald got closer to Cadance while she was trying to set distance of whatever she thought Emerald was. "She said that it was your greeting from when you were foalsitting her... She showed me how you did it many times…"

Cadance remained silent for a moment, she got away of the little changeling a focused on the pegasi on her side, "there's only one creature that knows that damned dance"

"What?" said Emerald

"What?" said Aurantia


Cadance looked down and smiled. "You surely are harder to kill than I thought, Sparkle."

Suddenly, the room was filled with green light as green flames appeared around Cadance. In a matter of seconds, the rainbow colors of the room were no more, and from the flames, a fanged grin showed herself. Cadance pink coat, horn and crown turned black, her wings translucid and her eyes green as from the fire came a figure that Aurantia knew very well.



Author's Note:

I really hope you like it.

Comments ( 26 )


Awesome story btw


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so glad you liked it! I'll try to have the next as soon as possible :')

Now that's a moment that calls for a clap of thunder and a dramatic musical cue. Thanks for the new chapter!

Thank you very much! For real, thank you very, very much!

<<==「To Be Continued」=====<<

Is this a JoJo reference?!?!

I'm totally speechless...

Hello :3
Can't wait for next chapter uwu

Man, I had forgotten this awesome story, I love the characters of both Emerald and Aurantia.

Oh, and I hate that cliffhanger completely. Pls update :raritycry:

Ever since I wrote that last line I felt guilty for that huge cliffhanger, haha. I'm very very sorry about that.

I hope I can go back to the writing mode soon, thank you so much for thinking in it :')


This was an awesome chapter, keep up the amazing work :)

Thank you! I really appreciate it :')

You’re welcome! 🙂 *hugs*

Great story. Hope to read more in the future.

I will, thank you! :')

Excellent story. I hope to read more chapters in the not so distant future.

I do hope too... :'c

Please update this!!!!😉☺😲😏

I'm trying, hehe... I'm trying to treat my mental health first. The show finale put me down in a very deep hole I thought I was already out and well... This is hard, hehe...

Still, I haven't forgot about any of this... I will use this forced vacation to think in better ways to carry the story.

Thanks for the comments :')

Take care of yourself first, the story looks interesting and I would love to see it finished. But if you need some help, just talk to someone, as hard as it may seem, talk to someone who is willing to listen and build from there.

your health is important ...
I'll wait however long it takes for a new chapter

Thank you so much... I'm still looking everyday into my notifications. Many things happened on recent years, but I'm still here, I still want to do this, somehow.

Thank you for your comment. I really appreaciate it.

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