• Published 12th Dec 2017
  • 1,858 Views, 96 Comments

Twilight's Element - Lorhelei

Twilight is dead. But not her soul. She now resides in the mind of another pony in a new and peaceful Equestria. It's great, isn't it?

  • ...

Chapter 4: Once Upon a Time

Spike began to pull dozens upon dozens of papers out of his box in many sizes and shapes. Piles of paperwork, blueprints and various other items came from what seemed like an infinite space contained in a box no bigger than a pony head.

Aurantia’s wings began to buzz as names began to pile one over another, her hooves focusing on taking notes at the same buzzing speed as her wings.

<What is all this?> asked Twilight, her eyes growing bigger with each paper that passed in front of Emerald’s eyes. Anxious at not being able to take it in her own hooves or magic.

“I don’t know,” she said, as spike continued to organize the documents. “Spike? Can you…” asked Emerald, her eyes darting between the papers and the excited changeling.

“Of course, just give me a moment, let me finish to put this in chronological order,” he replied without looking at her, totally consumed by his work as his claws moved with great expertise.

After almost a minute passed by and the dragon’s task didn’t seem to be nearly over, <Why is he taking so long… How much time was I—I…> Twilight asked.

“Sleep?” Emerald offered.

<Right… Sleep...>

The question was painful for Twilight and by extension, for Emerald. A myriad of questions and hypothesis stampeded into Twilight's mind. She tried to ignore them in order to do no harm to Emerald. Meanwhile, papers kept piling up higher and higher before them. After a few more seconds, Tia chimed in, pencil still writing at burning speeds. “Are these… are all of these from operation ‘Return of Harmony‘!?” The buzzing sound of her wings followed her excitement as she started to circle around Spike and the papers from above, taking pages and pages of notes at lighting speed and creating her own notes from them, “Yes they are! Ohmygoshohmygosh! I had read about them, It was like super-secret information that Spike and the Captain of the Royal Guard acquired after Twilight’s d—“

A dragon claw lunged quickly into Tia’s mouth, silencing the small changeling mid-sentence, “Disappearance. Yes… Yes, they are,” he said with glistening eyes, “Twilight… Emerald... first of all. I need to make this clear,” said Spike before releasing Aurantia, “and I want to be the one who tell you this,” he gave the little changeling a warm and reassuring smile, his apology shown on his face.

Aurantia ceased her buzzing, her hooves touching the crystal floor one at the time as she broke eye contact with Spike before returning to where she was seated, head down, “I… apologize,” she said.

Spike smiled sadly at the changeling. “It’s okay, do not worry,” he said, still smiling. “The truth is… Twilight… You...” Twilight felt Emerald’s heart pumping strongly, anxiety building up inside her, she looked at Tia's eyes seeking for comfort. Her friend's brightful eyes now filled with pitiness made Emerald uncertain, and Twilight suspicious of the truth.. Tia’s eyes were glued to the floor as Spike continued. “You died a hundred and fifty years ago.”


For a moment. Nothing happened.

Spike maintained his focused sight. Aurantia stood in silence, both carefully waiting for Emerald’s reaction.

But there was none.

Emerald only felt a vague sense of hope vanishing out of her as those words sank into her mind. She didn’t feel bad, not even the least, instead, it was like if something was now missing, gone into her own mind. Her heart became slower, her surrounding seemed grey and dull, everything disappeared. Everything was silent. Everything was meaningless.



"Are..." Emerald lips were shaking as her eyes were looking into the deep dark corner. "Are you... Are you okay?"


Spike set his scaly arm in front of the little changeling. Aurantia saw his face; his eyes avoiding hers and his claws tightening. She touched his arm and he lowered it just enough for the little changeling to see her friend, and lowered her head a moment after. They didn’t dare to look at Emerald, not at all. Tia was trying with all her strength to keep her body to fly to her friend’s side, to be with her and tell her that everything will be fine. She left her notebook and pencil on the ground and crossed her arms, shaking, eyes closed. Spike did look at the little changeling, leaving his claw on her shoulder afterward, knowing how hard it is to left a friend on its own, even if it is for its own good.

“Twilight?" asked Emerald, her eyes darting from side to side, trying to figure out what did she miss, what did she lost to feel like if her own world were breaking apart before her eyes without her even noticing. "This isn’t funny... I... I know you are there," she said, wimping, "I can feel it… Somehow… So please... Please answer me… Twilight...”

<> A few moments passed by. Emerald could hear a deep breath before Twilight spoke, <you’re right. I can’t hide from you, can I? I’m sorry… I just—>

A huge and broken smile grow on Emerald’s face as she faintly heard Twilight’s voice on her ears. “I-If you need time, y-you should take it Twi— “

<No, no. I’m fine… I- I kind of knew it already…> Twilight’s voice quivering, <Is just...The city, Spike all grown up, all the creatures around, the castle…> her broken voice caused Emerald’s ears to fall flat along with her head, <dragons grow pretty slow, you know? … I thought that at least sixty years did pass. I think… I think I was wrong… Just like a hundred and fifty years ago…> she said with fake chuckle.

“Twilight, you don’t know that, maybe— “

Spike interrupted, a decisive and regal tone broke the long remained silence. “Twilight, I know you probably knew it already. The fact that many years did pass without you. Now you know exactly how many. I wanted to tell you this because you…” Spike glimpsed at the papers on the floor and took a long breath before continue, “you succeeded,” he said, releasing a sigh, massaging his nose bridge and avoiding Emeralds eyes. A mix between regret and sadness painted on his face.

<Did I?>

Emerald tilted her head. “Did she? In what?”

“In— “

“In creating our new world, Emmy,” replied Aurantia quickly with a enthusiastic voice. Noticing a bit after that she just interrupted Spike. She turned to see him at his eyes while he returned the gesture with a reassuring smile and a nod, prompting her to continue.

The little changeling stored her book again and turned to Emerald, full of determination, “the one you are living in this very moment, silly. She is the one that made all of this possible,” continued Tia, looking for a approving look from Spike once again and receiving it in an instant, “you made all of this possible, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” she walked and sat in front of Emerald, “it was only after yours—” she coughed, “—disappearance, that all the creatures in the world saw how vulnerable we were if we are alone. If the Princesses of Equestria couldn’t stop an attack in their own castle, there was no more hope for any of us,” her head lowered. “No kingdom possessed such power as Equestria, yet, it was not enough to stop whoever did the attack that night…”

“I always hated history class,” said Emerald, her voice softer with each word, “but something is telling me that Twilight do likes this one,” she said with a faintly smile.

Aurantia got closer to Emerald, trying to bring comfort, not to the Princess, but her friend, “I know Emmy, this one is short, I promise,” she said, getting closer to her friend as she talked. She raised her head and look at Emerald’s face, “not much after that incident a hundred and fifty years ago, all the races in the event that you organized signed the pact in an instant. They all wanted to collaborate to find whoever did that to you and for never let it happen again to no creature,” she did look directly into Emerald’s eye with a certain bright on her eyes, “you inspired them, Twilight. They loved you, if they did hold any doubt in collaboration, that attack did only give them an excuse to join the treaty. If anyone failed, it was your attacker and any creature who was behind.”

“W-why didn’t I know about this?” Emerald’s voice was shaking, Twilight feelings mixing with hers.

“Because you fell asleep in class too often, you dummy,” she chuckled while she took Emerald’s head and drag it close to her chest. Twilight said, releasing a giggle, a faint one, but one that Emerald did notice and was glad to feel.

<And how often was that, Emerald?> she said, her voice less broken than before.

Emerald didn’t fight Aurantia’s embrace and just let her fiddle with her mane. It often stuck on the holes of her legs, but she never cared, she loved that, the way she combed it in such a slow pace and the feeling of her chitin on her head .

Emerald took a deep breath to enjoy the moment. Her voice slow and tired. “N-not that often, actually, I— “

“She slept almost a whole school year, I had to help her study before every and each one of the test,” interrupted Tia as she kept her hooves moving.

<Almost a whole school year? I only knew one pony capable of such expertise at napping, she… She might not be around anymore though…> Twilight’s tone waved with each passing word on her last sentence while Emerald could felt the weight of Twilight’s feelings.

Emerald thought on what would happen to her if she did lose Tia, her mind coming only to dead ends everywhere. She couldn’t conceive her life without her friend. She wanted to comfort Twilight, but her mind was dizzy due to Twilight’s feelings.

The very moment Emerald’s was about to open her mouth, Tia interrupted, “I know, Princess, you must be devastated for this, but it was not in vain. That day Twilight’s treaty was born. A treaty in your name. That is what made all of this possible. From new technology everywhere in a couple of years thanks to research, peace, and an outstanding amount of agreement of all kind. The very fact that I can be here with Emmy,” her voice becoming softer, “with many other creatures and… all this new and different races that now lives in this new Ponyville… It is all because of that single moment in history, is all because of you…”

Aurantia dropped Emerald’s mane and hugged her, noticing then how Emerald was shaking, “without you and your sacrifice, Princess, we would never have been able to walk in a society without fear of any kind…You did this, Princess Twilight… You did succeed at uniting the kingdoms. It’s in the books too, see!” she released Emerald from her embrace causing a groan from Emerald as she lied down with a frown.

Tia smiled, then, she took out from her chitin a notebook covered in brown, a totally different from the one she had been writing in, “Right here, in page— “

“W-where do you keep all that stuff?” asked Emerald with a smile and misty eyes.

“I have my secrets, Emmy,” replied Tia with a smirk. “Here it is and I quote: It was by Princess Twilight Sparkle’s death, that the world felt the loss of the hero they much needed. Her death didn’t pass unnoticed, and it was that after a couple of days under Princess Celestia’s charge that a new and united Equestria was born. One that meant a new future for every single creature. One that followed what the Princess wrote in the ‘Twilight’s Treaty, and one that stood for the values that The Princess of Friendship left for us,” she brimmed, “I had always believed in what the Twilight Sparkle in the books wanted to teach us, in that Twilight Sparkle that believed that every creature can be friends with each other’s and that we could work together for a better life… And I hope that that Twilight Sparkle is the same one that is now within my dearest friend…” Tia closed her book and saw in silence at Emerald’s face.

That brief moment of silence broke the moment Emerald jumped to hug Aurantia, dropping her book and making a loud eco across the room. “I love you so much Tia! You are the best… Did I told you that already?” she said without letting Aurantia go, her tears dropping onto the crystal floor as she rubbed her face on Tia’s chest.

“Just a hundred of times, Emmy… I love you too,” she said, returning the gesture in kind, “but tell me,” Tia separated to see Emerald’s face, “how much of that was Twilight’s doing?” she said with a smirk.

“Well~, about fifty-fifty I would say,” replied Emerald, nuzzling her friend afterwards.

<She seems like to be a very special friend for you, Emerald. The kind that you should never take for granted.>

Emerald began to remember those past days with Aurantia. How she had to protect Tia in school from bullies that made fun of her yellow tone at the point that she changed it often. It was until Emerald stood for her that she began to use her yellow and pink colors again. They both had been together since then, “She is…” Emerald’s life came like a flash in front of her eyes as she noticed how Aurantia where in every single one of her happiest memories. “Yes… Yes, she is,” she said with a single tear rolling through her face.

“Are you alright, Emmy?” asked Tia, tilting her head.

“Yeah, yeah, Twilight just got emotional, you know how she is,” Emerald chuckled.

<Hey! That wasn’t me! … This time …>

Emerald did only smile, slowly releasing Aurantia from her grasp as she looked into her eyes, “Thank you, Tia,” said Emerald before dropping her hooves onto the floor and picking up Tia’s book, “this is yours,” she said before giving her back.

“Thank you, Emmy. Actually this book— “

“Ahem” interrupted Spike. “That was an incredible job Ms. Aurantia” —Tia blushed— “but allow me to take it from there,” Spike pointed to the first column of the papers, “The information I’m going to tell you does not come on any book you could have read, nor you should know it. So, please, nothing that you hear here can be said outside of this room… Was I clear?” Spike voice suddenly became serious as the room ambient become heavier.

Twilight gulped, Emerald and Aurantia just nodded.

Spike did only look at both mares in front of him before continue, “two weeks after Twilight’s death, her brother: Shining Armor, Princess Celestia, and I started a secret investigation, the one you may know as ‘Return of Harmony’. Many other creatures got involved, but none of them were told about the true objective of such operation,” Spike moved between columns and papers. “We managed to find some names, plans, and evidence, but before we could find the culprit, Celestia shut down the investigation claiming that it was attracting curious eyes and ears on her and her sister, threatening the peace we achieved until that day,” he sighed. “The change began because of a king’s fall. We didn’t want to risk any creature to thing that it was just a transfer of power. And so, after fifteen years of investigations, the case was over,” he said while drawing an imaginary line between two piles of papers and the rest.

<Fifteen years … who could have such power to threat Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in their own castle? In thousands of years something like that never happened before …>

“Maybe followers of the Storm King? He had more power and wealth that any creature, even the Princesses. Even now we still searching for his vaults all over the world,” followed Emerald, “vaults full of magic artifacts and lost antiques with unknown power.”

“If you are talking about Storm King’s allies as suspects,” continued Spike, “we already thought about that. They weren’t. We send an Agent that Twilight must remember, one devious cat that knew kludge town very well,” he took another piece of paper with the photo of a brown cat with a top hat.


“She said: Capper!?” Emerald faked a gasp.

“The same. We found that none of the Storm King’s allies were involved, in fact, we found them before they could do anything and judge them in trial. But, what we found was something else. The bullet that … killed you. We discovered why nopony could stop it. It was made from the same material that the last Royal Guard’s weaponry, the same mineral that our friend Frizzle used on the Princesses the day we meet. A black stone capable of nullify all kind of magic.”

<Tempest? Tempest were off to tell the world the fall of the Storm king’s!>

“Before you ask it, no, she never left Equestria, in fact, she never left Canterlot,” continued Spike. Taking away another pile of papers.

“Emmmm,” interrupted Emerald, hoof raised. “She already asked it.”

“Of course she did,” said Spike rolling his eyes, “what Tempest did couldn’t be just forgiven, the reason why Princess Celestia didn’t sent her to tartarus was because of a deal. She would teach Celestia how she was able to nullify magic, and she would work to protect Equestria from then on. Duty that she accomplished in the Royal Guard as captain not long after. She retired after thirty years of service and passed by a few decades ago…” a faint smile curved Spike’s face, “She seemed happy. I mean… If you wanted to know,” he added, his voice noticeably lower.

A single tear rolled through Emerald’s face, “I think she said thanks.”

Spike painted a reassuring smile on his face, “I’m glad… continuing with the project, we found that the weapon was a prototype developed in S.M.I.L.E, made to use the new bullets that Tempest helped to develop for Celestia’s secret agency,” he separated a blueprint from the rest of papers. Letters in red and white marked annotations in all kind of parts of the machinery, “after that, Celestia told us to stop.”

Emerald ears twitched, “Twilight ask if it was a betrayer among that secret agency.”

“About that… Shining Armor used his influences as former Royal Guard Captain to investigate the agency. We found just a codename. A deviant ex-agent mare called ‘Fiddle’. She had an obsession for music and utterly for Twilight…”

“Then, you did found the culprit?” asked Emerald, dubious.

“Not exactly… You see, she was an ex-agent, she couldn’t get into the S.M.I.L.E research facility to take the prototype or the bullets. Also, she couldn’t slip between the Royal Guard, the Night Guard, and the Wonderbolts at the same time. She was an expert in language, not camouflage, sharpshooting, or infiltration… Somepony else did help her in her task…” Spike dropped the blueprints and took another file with documents from the middle column.

<Then… The one who helped her needed to be somepony into the Royal Guard… Or even the Night Guard, or the Wonderbolts…>

Emerald raised her hoof again, “not exactly, Twilight. The Wonderbolts didn’t had an ‘on paper’ schedule. They were instructed at the moment they arrive to the Castle about their patrols and times in order to prevent any filtration.”

Twilight stood awestruck, <And how do you know that?>

“There is only one kind of history you need to learn to enter to the Wonderbolts, and it is its history…” Emerald lowered her hoof, and contemplated the dumb folded faces of Tia and Spike, “What? I still hate it…” she mumbled.

“Ahem,” Spike coughed, “you are right, Emerald. Still, if she is asking about the Wonderbolts role in this, we found nothing. As Emerald said, they were instructed on the act. There was no way for them to filter such information. And there was another problem… The Royal Guard shouldn’t know the existence of S.M.I.L.E., the fact that she could get the schedule means that there was more than one pony helping her… From those who let the door open, to the ones who put your scenario in that sight of view for Fiddle to shoot…”

<Oh my…>

“And what about the Princesses? What they did about it?”

“Celestia got cold with everypony after Twilight’s death… Something changed on her. She became distant, tired… She never looked at us in our eyes after that… She blamed herself for what happened… And because of that, she dismantled S.M.I.L.E. and her Royal Guard to create a new Guard from scratch. She became fearful, doubtful of her own actions. She lost her self-confidence… I don’t know what could’ve happened if Luna weren’t there for her sister…” some papers slipped from Spike hands as his claws began to shake.

“But… It’s over, right? It was a hundred years ago. Nopony could live more than that, and the agency was disbanded too… wasn’t it?” said Emerald, panicking.

“I wish it was the end, Emerald… I really do…” Spike massaged his nose bridge to ease the headache, “after a while. Shining Armor and I decided to talk with Celestia. She… she got mad at us for continue the investigation on our own… She… She then broke contact with the outside world… The last time I saw her was at Applejack’s funeral a few decades ago…”

Emerald tears began to cloud her view. “What happened with Twilight’s friends?” her voice quivering.

“I’m sorry, Twilight… They all died long ago… If makes you feel any better, they all lived long and happy lives and died in peace with their beloved ones by their sides…”

“‘Except for me’”, said Emerald, “I mean, for Twilight… That was what she said…”

Spike raised a brow, noticing Emerald’s word, but forced himself to ignore the matter. He took a deep breath “Twilight, Emerald, Ms. Aurantia. You must go to the Crystal Empire. Tell Cadance that I sent you. Ask her about Shining Armor’s notes on the project Harmony…” he began to select few specific papers and put them inside a folder, “not too long after we found the link with the Royal Guard and told her Celestia about it, Shining were almost killed by the same weapon. We couldn’t confirm who used it, but the bullet was exactly the same… Neither they manage to replicate the prototype, or it was something we are missing… After that, Shining never left the Crystal Empire in fear that they might attack Cadance or Flurry Heart… I was traveling when the notice that Shining Armor died because of natural causes got to me…” he sighed. Tears visibly dropping to the floor despite his tries to hide that fact, “I wasn’t there for him after all…” he said, his voice broken as his shaking claws made the task of collecting the documents almost impossible, they were now too big for them. He remembered how those papers, now dusty and fragile, were once his life as it gave him purpose after Twilight’s death, and how Shining Armor was the only family he had left.

Spike paused for a second, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath that lasted a few seconds, “I returned a decade ago and brought all this books with me. And with all the knowledge I acquired I created this library. The Twilight’s Library… And, well… I hope you like it…” he paused and looked at Emerald, “honestly, I never thought you would see it… And I’m grateful to be wrong,” a faintly smile returned to him.

<Oh Spike… I love it…>

“Yes… She loves it.” Emerald cleaned her misty eyes with her arm, “and also does Tia, and so I… I think I like it too,” Emerald rubbed her arm with her hoof again, “but first, let me get this straight. We must go to the Crystal Empire, see Cadance, try to reunite your notes with Shining’s, found what really happened, explain it to one of the rulers of all Equestria so she can stop blaming herself for all eternity about something that happened a hundred years ago… And what about Twilight?” she said, her brows crossed.

<Emerald… I… If it’s true that I died, and I think it is. I’m afraid there’s nothing we could do about it… I’ll try not to be a burden to you… But… I’m afraid this is permanent…>

“That’s not what I was talking about, Twilight. You can’t just live inside me, that’s just not fair for you! There must be a way to get you out, maybe with another body! I don’t know, Tia might know a way to make another body for you or something… There must be a way!” her voice becoming lower with each word, “It’s just… Not fair…”

Aurantia and Spike crossed sights. Tia nodded after that.

Aurantia got closer to Emerald, “Twilight. Spike and I will find a way for you to recover your life or give you a new one, but first we need to set things right. We need to end what Spike and Shining Armor began. Whoever started this, we need to make sure isn’t working against Equestria anymore… If it’s true it was an organization, we need to find proofs and get Princess Celestia’s help,” her face a mix between sadness and decisiveness.

<But… There’s so much things I want to know… So much things I missed…>

Emerald didn’t think it twice, “Spike, can’t you come with us? That would make things faster, also you could talk with Twilight a little more…”

“I’m afraid I can’t… If those behind the first attack are as powerful as we thought, a dragon like me wandering around will surely raise some flags… The reason why I trust you is because of Twilight is with you… And she deserves some answers.” he looked at the folder between his claws and at the box, “We all do… For those who can’t get them anymore…” said Spike, heads down.

“Twilight is… she wants to know what else she missed, about her friends, about her family… About you,” Emerald’s eyes misted.

“And I want to tell you… But this is simply not the time… If I don’t comeback soon to the library, some creature might notice it.”

“I see…” said Emerald resigned. Her ears twitched afterwards.

A few moments passed in silence. The only sound made was the pencil on Tia’s notebook and the occasional weep that Emerald did.

Twilight didn’t want to separate from Spike again, she wished she could stay there and talk with him like she used to. She wanted to give her little assistant a huge hug and cuddle with him in front of the chimney, like they used to. She wished that nothing of that would happened, but that would be just a selfish dream. So much creatures find new purpose and new life after her death. Emerald and Aurantia are something she never thought she would see. Ponies and Changelings that were such close friends like if it did never matter.

<If only it had not cost me everything…>

Twilight’s words dwelled on Emerald’s heart. She wanted to comfort Twilight, but she knows that she was right. It was because of that attack that the world was how it’s now. It’s because of that that she had Tia by her side.

“Twilight. You are my friend now… And I swear I’ll do anything in my power to help you get through this… I will be there for you. With you. Even if you don’t want to… What are you going to do? Run?” said Emerald with a smile.

<… Thank you, Emerald… You are a really good friend… I appreciate it.>

“No need to thank, Princess. I should apologize for not realizing who you were, but you heard her, I’m bad at history.”

<No problem. I myself didn’t expect to be so important after a hundred years though, it feels weird. To your life been told so much into the past, and your yesterday to be in history books…>

“And weirder things are going to happen. Something tells me that.”

<It was me, I was thinking about that,> Twilight laughed.

“Oh… Well, guess we are going to the Crystal Empire?”

<To the Crystal Empire it is>

Spike could only see Emerald smile, but it was everything he needed, he saw the folder one last time and ensure that all the right documents were in, “everything is ready then. Take this and use them to find what Shining and I failed to do…” Spike left out a little laugh, “I can’t believe that after a century, we still depending on you so much, Twilight… Thank you… For be always there for us…” his laugh contrasting with his misty eyes.

Emerald ear twitched as her eyes began to fill with tears. After a second she just nodded and trotted to Spike.

She got as close as she could to where Spike was sitting, and in a fast movement, she took Spike unprepared and planted a soft kiss on his forehead.

Emerald got away without seeing him at his eyes, “She said: Thank you Spike, for everything you have done. Also she wants to know those new spells you learnt, or something like that,” said Emerald, a huge smile planted on his face. One that made Spike see, even if it was a fraction of a second, the same smile that Twilight had. One that was so pure. So bright.

So full of hope.

One that the world didn’t deserved. One that he felt like he failed to protect.

One that come to save him once again.

His words were taking from him for a couple of seconds as he touched his forehead trying to understanding what did happen, realizing it just a moment after, a huge smile planted on his face. He sighed “take care of the little Emerald, Twilight. And Emerald. Good luck with Twilight.” he chuckled while Emerald ear twitched, “after this is over, you should go and see the girls’ grandsons and daughters, maybe you can tell them stories about their grannies…” Spike eyes drifted from Emerald’s and into Twilight’s bed, “It’s a shame you didn’t let me some ‘Sparklings’ to take care of, right? Twilight,” his smile turning into a smirk.

Emerald’s green coat turned red as she felt her face becoming warmer. “Oh please, Twilight! How old are you? Twelve!? Why does that make you blush!?”

“She did never was with a stallion before,” Spike was trying to cover his smile with his robe, and utterly failed, “also she is a little ‘shy’ for that kind of matters”


“Are you serious?” replied Emerald, joining the laugh, “and how you managed to go through str— “

Spike coughed, “she had her Twilight Hour now and then,” replied solemn.

<You knew it!?>

“Really? Tia often help me with that by transforming into— “


Emerald had a ringing on her ears, “All right, all right. Just for you to know that Tia and I are really close friends,” she said with a treacherous smile painted on her face.

<Please, don’t make me feel that…>

“Don’t worry. It isn’t forced if you enjoy it.”

“Emmy.” a single word came from Tia.

“Right, right. I’m sorry, Twilight. I’m not going to force you to go through anything you don’t want… besides, you aren’t that lucky,” Emerald smirked as huge as she could.

“Emerald Dusk! You will stop perverting the Princess of Friendship right now or no more snuggles for you!” Tia said while crossing her arms,



“Okay, okay… I’m sorry, Twilight… This time for real. I apologize if I did bother you. I tend to be a little blunt when I’m stressed.”

<It’s okay, Emerald. This is still your body after all. And if you have something to do, you shall not mind me.>

“Still I’m not going to do anything you don’t want to do. That’s definitely not how I work.”

Twilight smiled, <All right, Emerald. I appreciate it… More than you think.>

“I think I can feel it. Don’t worry Twilight. The offer still stands.”


“Just saying. Or are you going to be against the wishes of a Princess, Tia?”

“No, but, I—“ Tia’s chitin wasn’t yellow anymore as it turned into a pinkish shade of red.

As the voices of the mares joking in front of him began to sound distant, Spike remembered how Twilight and her friends used to talk like that, making fun of each other’s like sisters. He often didn’t mind to not being included into those talks, he saw them laughing, smiling, having a good time, and being so happy, that alone was enough for him. It was everything he needed to be happy. It was everything he could wish for.

To see his friends’ happy.

He found new hope in that simple talk. He imagined how awkward it was for Twilight for talking and imagining those things. He pictured her, cheeks turning red as the ruby he was holding on his claws, her wings desperately trying to cover her face and shy smile that came along.

Just like it was more than a century ago, his problems seemed to be nothing but far cries of a phantom threat that might never come. He saw those mares, and remember those moments. The times from so long ago when he was Twilight’s number one assistant. Those times when he was…


He realized how much he needed that… Friends.

Friends to share his burden and his joys. To carry his sorrow away. To being there with him.

I missed this so much… he thought.

Yet, his lips said something else of what it was in his heart. “You should go now, I’m already late and I know somepony that would lecture me in the importance of punctuality if I’m late,” a melancholic smile forming in his face, “Ms. Aurantia, I wish we’ve had meet in another circumstances that allow us to socialize a bit more, maybe I could teach you about the Elements of Harmony if you like.”

Aurantia snapped from her talk and tried to dissimulate her brush, “I would really love it! Spike, Sir,” her eyes darting side to side hoping that she will never meet Spike eyes, “any lecture with you will be fine.”

“It’s settled then. I wish you a safe return, my new friends,” he said while storing the box in its secret compartment behind Twilight’s mirror.

Spike got closer to the door. A single and slow breath from him poured green flames into the door, unlocking several magic locks as the flames traveled upwards. In an instant, the sound of the crowd invaded the former quiet room.

“And Emerald,” said Spike, his tone less formal than before. “Thank you. For making me remember what Twilight taught me many years ago…”

“And what was that?” replied Emerald, head tilted.

The Magic of Friendship.

The door closed.

Spike split from Emerald and Aurantia side, and with a deep smile, they both departed from Twilight’s Castle.

Towards the Crystal Empire.

Author's Note:

Hey!... Ehmm... I'm not that dead, yet. So~

Just say I am a bit better on english, and I'll try to not rely too much on editors and trust a bit more in my style

In other words, I'll try to work more and doubt less on what I do and how I do, hehe. I just want to deliver the story. I apologyze if it becomes hard to read. English not only isn't my first language, everything I learnt has been because of what I have read on books, stories, etc. So, that.

I'll say something else in a blog, hehe. Thanks for reading!

Really... Thank you very much for reading ^^