• Published 20th Jul 2012
  • 1,185 Views, 12 Comments

Revenant Soul: Genesis and The Weather Elements - cyber_pony13

The mane six meet a new colt who has ties to the anomilies in Equestria. Is he to be trusted?

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Chapter 8: Digging Up the Past

A couple things before you begin. Sorry for the delay but work has me going crazy. Secondly, one of my pre-readers did inform me there were a couple themes that were too dark so I'm sorry if you find them that way too. Finally, this one is split into 2 chapters due to going into Revenant's past and his endeavors. Don't worry though, the adventuring continues after this chapter but other than that enjoy.

It took ten minutes for Revenant and the crusaders to arrive at his new house. Revenant’s house was a nice looking one story house. It was a cottage design that most of the citizens of Ponyville had but with an added gate to the entrance of the house which gave it a more Victorian feel. Inside the house was just as pleasant as its exterior. Before entering Revenant decided he would give the crusaders a tour of his house. Upon entering there was a small space for anypony to wipe their hooves before entering the living room which also had a help desk for Revenant to discuss business with anypony. There were a couple of couches with a coffee table in the center of the room and a dining table on the other side of the room. Revenant then led them over into the small kitchen and laundry that were right next to each other in the room behind the dining table. Not much décor but since anypony wouldn’t really spend time in there, Revenant didn’t bother with that area much.

“Well girls, what do you think so far?” He asked the crusaders.

“This is a nice house you’ve got her Revenant. You live here all by yourself?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“No, Levia should be here but it doesn’t look as though she is here.” Revenant responded.

“Levia? Who’s she?” Scootaloo asked.

“One of my closest friends, you girls will meet her soon enough but for now follow me.” He said as he led the girls to the basement.

In the basement were a couple of boxes that had to be moved up into his study and then unpacked. Some light poured into the basement but with no renovating done to it, the basement was a pretty dark place. The crusaders were a tad frightened of how creepy it was.

“Don’t worry girls, there’s nothing down here, I’ve cleared out all the ghosts before moving in.” Revenant calmly said.

“Gh-gh-gh-ghosts?!” The crusaders said in frightened unison. Revenant got a small laugh out of them.

“Sorry girls couldn’t help myself. This place isn’t haunted, but this basement does need some renovating. For now, let’s just get these boxes up to my study.” He said calming down the crusaders.

The crusaders quickly got the boxes and moved them into the study, in order to not spend any more time in the basement.
Within Revenant’s study was a single desk and chair in the middle of the room, two empty bookcases on the side walls, and a draped window behind the desk. A door within the study led to Revenant’s room which was locked for the time being.

Things were going well for the unpacking process. Revenant took the time to meet the crusaders and understand how they became that in the first place. He then asked them what they have done to earn their cutie marks. After hearing of all their failed attempts, Revenant got a small laugh out of it. The girls seemed a little hurt by it, but he assured them that he was only laughing at the fact that their determination was unbendable and that they should keep trying, knowing that they will succeed.

“Got to say girls your determination is admirable, but I don’t think you need to try everything.”

“Then what is it that we can do to earn our cutie marks?” Applebloom asked.

“Well little ones, you need to find out something that you’re good at and then branch on it to discover what the pinnacle of your talent is.” Revenant said.

“I don’t get it?” Applebloom asked.

“Well let’s take me for example. When I was young I discovered that I had a specialty in a different branch of magic and did everything I could to expand on it. Only from there did I discover exactly what I truly specialized in and earn my cutie mark.” Revenant explained.

“But you don’t have one…” Scootaloo interrupted.

“Yes that is also true. My memory is still a little hazy from my past but I know that it has something to do with my magic, so as long as I keep expanding on it, I’ll get it once again.”

“But what if you don’t get it back this time?” Sweetie Belle asked

“Then I keep on doing what I do and make the most of my life.” Revenant casually responded.

“WHAT!? But how if you don’t have your cutie mark?” Sweetie Belle continued to pursue the issue.

“Because having a cutie mark doesn’t necessarily tell ponies who I am. Through my actions, the way I treat others, and the way I live my life defines me. I concentrate more on my life and those who are important to me and do the right thing. Try it girls and you may get your cutie mark sooner than you think.” Revenant told the girls. They pondered on it for a moment but Scootaloo broke the silence.

“I thought we were going to do something that would earn our cutie marks today not learn more about how to earn them.” Scootaloo complained.

“Well I did say you would learn to but maybe we could try something…” Revenant was cut-off when he heard his door open and set of hooves walking in. “Interesting, I wasn’t expecting any visitors…”

“Revenaaaaant, I’m home! I also brought the gang over.” A familiar voice called from the living room. “Where are you?”

Revenant and the crusaders left the study to go see who arrived in his house. To his amusement, it was Levia with the mane six.

“Hi Revenant” The mane six greeted him.

“Hey girls, what brings you hear?” Revenant asked the group.

“Well me, Rarity and Dash were on our way to pick up the fillies at school but saw they weren’t there, so we asked Ms. Cherilee and she told us that we’d find ‘em at your place.” Applejack answered Revenant.

“And I was on my way to give you an invite to a party tomorrow at Sugarcube corner.” Pinkie Pie answered next.

“What of you Fluttershy?” Revenant asked.

“Oh well….I was coming by to see if you would help me with some of the animals back at my home…that’s if you don’t mind?” Fluttershy asked.

“A jobs a job, I’d be gracious to help you,” Revenant then turned to Twilight, “And you?”

“It looks like you left behind this book behind back at the library so I decided to bring it back to you.” Twilight answered. She then levitated him his book from her saddlebags.

“Interesting, I thought I had everything. Oh well then, thank you for returning it back to me.” As Revenant got his book, a little foldable picture frame fell out of it. “Oh you dropped something, let me…”

As Twilight went to pick it up, Revenant quickly snatched it up, opened it to see what it was. To his dismay, it was exactly what he feared. His expression went somber after viewing it and put it back in the book.

“Revenant is everything alright?” Twilight asked. The rest of the girls were concerned of Revenant’s sudden change.

“It’s…it’s nothing, nothing at all,” Revenant sighed, “Thank you girls for dropping by and crusaders, thank you for the help.”

“No problem Revenant, if it makes you feel better you can join the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Sweetie Belle offered.

“Hehehe…that sounds like fun. I’ll be sure to keep in touch with that.” Revenant chuckled. “Well I’m a little tired so we can talk tomorrow. Have a safe trip home.”

“Revenant, why don’t you show them around our new house?” Levia suggested.

“I’ll do that tomorrow Levia; I think I’ll turn in early tonight.”

“Revenant, I’ve noticed that something’s been bugging you over the past two weeks we’ve spent with you,” Twilight said. Revenant then turned to her with a look of concern. “I didn’t want to say anything thinking that you were still just adjusting but something is wrong. You could tell us what it is.”

Revenant was pretty hesitant to respond to Twilight.

“Just leave him alone Twilight. If he doesn’t want to say anything about it then let him be. Besides we don’t really need to worry so much about him.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Rainbow Dash, how could you say that? Obviously something is wrong with him and Twi just wants to help. And what’s with you? Ever since Revenant has been around you haven’t been too friendly around him.” Applejack scolded Rainbow Dash.

“I have my reasons.”

“RainbowDash…” Applejack said getting annoyed.

“Girls enough, we don’t need to argue over this,” Twilight said trying to calm down the two. Revenant could see his past was an issue with the group. He decided that it was time they know.

“Thank you Twilight for your concern and RainbowDash is entitled to her feelings towards me,” That definitely caught every pony’s interest. “I think its best that you girls know.”

“About the picture?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah and some.”

“Are you sure Revenant? Do you really think now is the best time; especially with the fillies here?” Levia asked motioning to the crusaders.

“Yes, they need to know. Besides if I’m to be accepted, then they need to know.” Revenant took a heavy sigh before beginning. “Please take a seat girls, this is a heavy story for you to take so before I begin let me give some guidance.”
The girls took a seat on the couches and on the floor. Levia brought cushions for those who were on the floor.

“Okay then, if at any time you feel as though we need to take a break don’t hesitate to ask. If you feel as though we need to continue another time then we will. Other than that any other concerns before I begin?” Revenant addressed the group.

“Nah just I want to hear everything about you so we can know who you really are.” Rainbow Dash smugly said. The girls glared at their cyan colored friend.

“Then I will heed your request. Alright guess I’ll start from the beginning. Back in Animardia when I was a filly, I was a very energetic, optimistic, and joyous colt. Much like you are today Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie Pie smiled at the thought while a couple of the girls raised an eyebrow imagining how he would’ve been at that age. “Things were great, until my father disappeared on us.”

“Oh my…what happened to him?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know, my mother said he had an important mission to do when he left, but the only word we got from the kingdom was that he never returned.”

“What did your dad do for a living?” Scootaloo asked.

“He was part of the royal guard for the kingdom. He was the spitting image of the perfect warrior. He led many victories against rival nations and was very benevolent to those under him. Everypony trusted him with their lives. Sadly, after that day, no pony every heard of him again.”

“And what of you mother? She must’ve been very shocked to hear the news.” Rarity asked.

“Oh it was but I had to be strong for her. During those years is when we encountered Levia and her friends. Turns out they worked with my father on his missions and were the last ones to see him.”

“So tell us Levia, what happened to Revenant’s old man?” Applejack asked.

“I’m not entirely sure. Things were going well but before we entered a restricted area that an enemy at the time was trying to take. Before we went in, he told us to leave and look after his family. We did everything we could do resist, but he was serious and when he gets serious…it’s best to listen to him. After that we met Revenant and his mother and looked after each other since.” Levia explained.

“Yup and during one day in the market with my mother, some stallions thought it would be a good idea to mug us. I was still young at the time so I got messed up badly,” The girls were shocked to hear how rough things got for him. “That moment was when I discovered I had soul magic. I succeeded in keeping them off and some guards came by to arrest them, but they saw what I could do and took me and my mother as well. It was then that the kingdom decided that I would be trained to be part of the royal guard. My mother protested it but I told her that this was my chance to find out what happened to my father.”

“Dear Celestia, that’s horrible. They practically stripped you away of your foal-hood.” Rarity said.

“I can relate to that…” Twilight quietly said. Revenant heard her.

“It wasn’t as bad as it sounds. It’s pretty similar to Princess Celestia taking you in under her tutelage Twilight.”

“Yes, but at least for me it was something I wanted to do for knowledge. You on the other hoof, they were training you for war. Your mother was afraid that she would lose you too.” Twilight added.

“True but I had to make the best of the situation. Through my training, I built strong relations with the royal family and they practically accepted me as one of their own. Things actually were going well until I became old enough to enlist.” Revenant paused to gather his thoughts before continuing. “My mother’s anxiety finally got the best and had her bed written. The royal family allowed me time to spend with her because they knew what was about to come next.”

“What…what happened after that?” Applebloom dared to ask.

“My mother passed away, but I promised her to always make my life worth living and to always endure. After that I dedicated my life to the guard and was enlisted into the ‘knights of the blue flame’.”

“Hmm…that sounds cool what are they?” Scootaloo asked.

“They are a higher echelon of the royal guard that specifically serves the royal family. That is where I met my master, Lord Sif. He took my training to a higher capacity than I could ever imagine. He grew on me and eventually became a father figure to me. He was rough, hard, disciplined, but also kind and caring…just like my old man. Unfortunately, with the ‘knights’ I still couldn’t find out what happened to my father. I got close but never found the missing piece. At least things got better by then.”

“What do you mean by that? Did you find a clue that would help you find your dad?” Twilight asked. Revenant then smiled and pulled out the foldable picture frame.

“No, but I found something better, something that my mom and dad would’ve wanted me to find all along.”

“Oh I know, I know.” Pinkie Pie said jumping up and down. The girls raised an eyebrow to see what their pink friend had to say. “You found the mare of your dreams didn’t you Rev?” Revenant shook his head in disbelief.

“I don’t know how Pinkie Pie but you’re right…I found love.” He then handed the group the foldable picture and let them open it to see. They all gasped at what they saw.

Within the picture frame were two pictures. The one to the left was Revenant only a couple years younger but with a beautiful cream-colored mare with her hooves around him. Her hair was naturally combed to where even Rarity was jealous but what her most distinctive feature were her golden eyes. They both looked happy being with each other and the picture to the right was a small filly with a pale green coat and a hazelnut mane, similar to the mare’s mane.

“Wow Revenant she’s gorgeous, who is she?” Rarity asked.

“That mare is Terra Belleza, and she was my wife.” Revenant responded

“His…wife…”Twilight thought to herself.

“You two look so happy together and…is that your child in the right?” Fluttershy eagerly asked.

“Yeah, my pride Junior,” Revenant answered.

“So how did you two meet?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Funny story how we met. Let me tell you it.”

Initiate flashback sequence in next chapter.