• Published 20th Jul 2012
  • 1,185 Views, 12 Comments

Revenant Soul: Genesis and The Weather Elements - cyber_pony13

The mane six meet a new colt who has ties to the anomilies in Equestria. Is he to be trusted?

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Chapter 2: Revenant's Awakening

Now to help out understand the telepathy that will be used in the story, the text will be in purple. Whenever you see purple text it means telepathy is being used and sounds being heard through telepathy. Hope this helps and enjoy

“The embers……..fade. It doesn’t look like………..much time left………..Levia please………live on without me………….”

Within the caverns

“…and then Fluttershy flew up to the dragon’s face and told him to leave. Seeing timid old Fluttershy mouth off a dragon was pretty cool.” Rainbow Dash said to Levia.

“Wow and here I thought this yellow pegasus couldn’t harm a fly. You may be timid most of the time but you can get stern when you need to.” Levia addressed Fluttershy.

“Yes, but I hope we don’t run into any dragons while in here or any other creature for that matter,” said Fluttershy.

The girls had been going through the cave for an hour now and were telling Levia of the interesting things that have happened in Ponyville. The more she heard of it, the more excited she got to living with them.

“For a small peaceful town, a lot of crazy things do happen. Are you sure there isn’t no curse put upon your town, because
if there is I know a couple of spells that can help out?”

“It’s okay Levia, we’ll be fine and also there are no such things as curses.” Twilight responding to Levia’s question.

“But going through this dark cave does prove to be a curse of its own; don’t you think we should take a moment to rest?” Rarity began to complain. (Not whining just complaining)

“Yeah I reckon we could take a moment to rest up and gain our strength back.” Applejack suggested to the group.
Although Rarity and Fluttershy were starting to relax, the rest of the girls decided to join them.

To help pass the time, they informed Levia what they did throughout Ponyville. Levia began to question Rarity if she could style anything for her when they got back. Rarity agreed that she would work on something for her although she explained to Levia that is would take her time since she never worked on a ponysprite. Afterwards, Twilight told Levia of some of the holiday and events that happen throughout Ponyville. Levia was captivated the whole time hearing of the great events and holidays they had as well as how they were celebrated. What caught her interest was the Summer Sun Celebration of how all of the ponies stay up throughout the night and watch Princess Celestia arrive and raise the sun. She imagined how it would be to see that with her new friends, and hopefully with the friends she searched for.

“That sounds lovely. Tell me after this cave was cleared out was there any mining done to it?” The girls gave each other confused looks to hear a weird question from Levia.

“I don’t think so, why do you ask?” Twilight asked Levia. Then Levia pointed out to the girls of some unnaturally made tunnels within the caverns. “Huh, that’s weird. You’d think a cave that was once inhabited by a dragon would be clear.”

“Or maybe the dragon had babies and now they are all hiding in the cave growing up. *Gasped* that would mean Spike could have some dragon friends and each of us could have an assistant of our own. I hope there is a pink one in there and it likes parties and candy,” giggled Pinkie Pie.

“Or maybe they’ve gotten bigger and now are mean, scary looking dragons?” Fluttershy began to worry.

“Ugh, either way it wreaks of wet dog in these tunnels now. Let’s just hurry up and get this over with,” Rarity began to complain again.

“Just like you. When things start to get dirty you’re one of the first ponies to not get her hooves wet,” Applejack responding to Rarity.

*Twitch, twitch, twitch*. Pinkie Pie’s face had worry written all over it.

“Uh oh, my tail is a-twitch a-twitching',” and with that the mane six were preparing for the worst. Levia just sat on Twilight’s head wondering what all the fuss was about.

“Um….what is so special about Pinkie’s tail twitching?” Levia asked.

“Oh it means that something is about to fall Levy,”

“And how can you tell?”

“My Pinkie Senses!” responded Pinkie with her tail still a twitching.

“Uh…I’m not following.”

“Well what happens is that I get different feelings and they mean different things. Like when my back is itchy, it means it's my lucky day. And, when my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary is about to happen.”

“Okay so then with your Pinkie Senses do you know what is going to fall?” That’s when the ground began to shake and slowly crumble.

“Hmmm…I guess I would have to say us,” Pinkie said in her delightful tone.

Before the girls could react, the floor broke apart and the girls fell further into the caverns. RainbowDash decided to take flight and catch her friends. She grabbed Applejack who was using her lasso to catch Rarity. Fluttershy was clinging on to Pinkie Pie for dear life while Twilight was casting a teleportation spell. After all the chaos the girls look around to see themselves lost within the caverns, and worse they were separated.

“Girls can you hear me, GIRLS!!” Twilight called out to her friends. Then she realized she could try the telepathy spell that Levia used on them. “Girls can you hear me, I’m using the telepathy spell that Levia taught us.”

“I here you all clear Twilight, it sounds like you’re right next time. Can you hear her too Fluttershy?” Pinkie Pie responding to Twilight.

“Um…yes I can hear her.” Even Fluttershy’s thoughts she is quiet.

“Pinkie Pie is Fluttershy the only one with you?”

“Yup, the rest of the girls must be somewhere else.”

“Twilight, Twilight is that you?” Rarity trying to communicate with telepathy.

“Rarity?! Thank Celestia you’re okay what about RainbowDash and AppleJack?”

“They are with me and fine Twilight where you are?”

“I don’t know. I must have teleported somewhere else but we need to find each other before we keep searching.”

*BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK* Twilight heard from the telepathy.

“Girls what was that?!?!” Twilight asked. Hearing the barking noises really made her worry.

“Um…Twilight this is AppleJack. Am I even doing this thing right? Whatever we are going to take a while cause it seems we’ve ran into them diamond doofuses again.”

“Wait, AppleJack!”

“Don’t worry Twilight,” Rarity said trying to reassure her friend. “She’s got RainbowDash with her and I’ve got some payback for them for ruining my fur when they made me drag that rusty cart.”

“Rarity wait up for us,” Pinkie Pie interrupting, “C’mon Fluttershy let’s go help.”

“Um…wait Pinkie I don’t think that’s a good ideeeaaaa!” Fluttershy trying to stop her party friend, but she was being dragged by her.

“Girls! GIRLS! Darn I can’t get to them now. What do I do? I’m all alone and lost.” Twilight began to worry.

“Don’t worry,” Then a little blue light began to float out of Twilight’s mane. “You’ve still got your magical ponysprite LEVIA FROST!” Levia exclaimed in a heroic manner. All Twilight could do was just stare realizing that the only backup she had was a ponysprite. “What don’t tell me you’re not happy to see me?”

“Oh no I’m glad you’re here. I’m just more worried for the girls though,” Twilight said while trying to put on a more grateful face.

“Yeah….you’re a terrible liar,” All Twilight could do was just look down on the ground and draw a circle with her hoof. “Don’t worry Twilight I’m sure your friends will be fine, besides I think it would be a good chance now to search for the weather element.” Twilight then began to ponder of how convenient the situation turned out to be. She thought to herself that maybe Pinkie’s tail twitching may have helped her out for once.

“Okay Levia, let’s hurry up and find the weather element and then help out our friends.” The two began to journey further into the cavern to search for the weather element.

“So who are those diamond doofuses that AppleJack was talking about?”

“Oh well that’s not what their names are. It is actually the Diamond Dogs and they are a group of dogs that act as jewel thieves. They captured Rarity one time when she was jewel searching, so we went to go save her. By the time we got there she was fine and the dogs seemed more scared of her.”

“So miss drama queen can put up a fight huh. Well if I was there, they wouldn’t stand a chance against me. I’d use my magic to blind them, and then I’d follow up with my Frost knick combo. Then I’d use some of my illusion magic to confuse them and get ‘em with the old magic barrage. Finally, in there confusion I’d get ‘em with the spell that Rev taught me to have them running with their tales between the legs.” Levia said gesturing all her motions of how the fight would play out.

“Hehehe… you’re a little spunky one aren’t you?”

“Yeah well it one of the many things that Rev likes about me, he says ‘it gives color to the situation even if it seems bleak.’”

“So tell me what Rev is like. You seem to speak of him fondly, you wouldn’t happen to like him would you?”

“What? No, I don’t like him that way. He is more like the big brother I’ve never had, but not to me but the rest of my friends. He’s always looking out for our welfare before his own but he’s been like that. He’s smart, tough, brave, understanding, and a little quirky but that’s what a bunch of others like about him. Although, I think what distinguishes him is how much desire he puts into something, whether it be a mission he was involved in, or be it just helping out another pony. He refused to give up and always found a way.”

“Levia, you aren’t trying to sell him off to me now are you?”

Before Levia could respond she stopped and just floated there. She began to feel a pulse of magic and she started to shake. Her head darted in many directions trying to find where the pulse was coming from. She finally saw a tunnel that gave off the most amounts of pulses and darted into it.

“LEVIA! Wait where are you going?” Twilight yelled while running after the ponysprite. Twilight was wandering what is it that could’ve driven Levia to dart off like that. She thought to herself that maybe she sensed where the weather element was or maybe some of Rarity’s magic. All she knew she had to keep up with her otherwise she would be left alone. Twilight followed Levia for a good five minute sprint until she saw the little ponysprite floating right in front of a wall. Twilight took a moment to get her breath back before she spoke up.

“Levia, why did you dart off like that? You could’ve easily left me behind or at least tell me what the rush was for.”

“They're here.” Twilight was confused to see that was all Levia had to say.

“Wait what’s here? Is it the weather element, my friends, the Diamond Dogs?” Twilight asked Levia.

“The element and Revenant. Twilight I need you to hit this wall.” Levia sternly said to Twilight.

Twilight could not believe what she heard. Being told to hit a rock wall was a crazy idea that even Pinkie Pie wouldn’t do.

“What!?!?! Are you crazy? How is hitting a rock wall going to help?”

“Because it isn’t real; it’s an illusionary wall. It must have been setup to fool somepony thinking that there is nothing behind it. Twilight you need to hit this wall to break the illusion.”

Twilight was still in shock hearing of what she had to do. She went up to the wall to feel if it was really there. As she thought, she felt a normal cold, hard, cave wall.

“Levia, sweetie, that’s a real wall and no illusion. Hitting it won’t do us any good.”

“Then try your magic. As long as something with enough force hits it, the illusion will disappear.” Twilight had to think it over for a minute before responding.

“Okay I’ll do it, but I don’t see how this will work.” Twilight then light up her horn and started to charge up one of her bolt spells. She charged it up enough to make a burn in the wall and not break it to prevent a cave in. She fired the bolt and made contact with the wall. To her surprise the wall began to disappear and reveal a hidden cave glowing with magic. Twilight was speechless to see what just happened.

“C’mon let’s go in,” Levia said trying to push Twilight in.

“I can’t believe it. How…how did you know that would happen?”

“It's illusion magic, me and Rev have dealt with in the past now let’s go in there.”

Twilight walked in the cave to see a dome shaped chamber with a hole in the ceiling that allowed little sunlight to penetrate. The cave was filled with snow and ice crystals that reflected of a beautiful aura of magic. The further they walked in; Twilight saw her reflection and noticed that she started to have a lavender glow to her. She began to feel more magic flow through her and less tired. She thought to herself that this must have been what Rarity felt in the snow.
Then they saw it, the weather element on a frozen pedestal. It looked like one of the Elements of Harmony with the encounter of Nightmare Moon, but had a snowflake on it. The element glowed with the same color that was in the snow and the crystals.

“So this is the weather element. Okay I’m about to make it tranquil now.” Twilight began to concentrate on her element. Levia was searching around the place looking for something until she came across an unusually sized snow pile. She dug around in it for a little bit and gasped at what she saw.

“Twilight wait! I need you to come over here and help me.”

“Levia don’t we need to…”

“RIGHT NOW!!!!” Levia screamed for Twilight.

Twilight hurried over to see how frantic Levia had become.

“Okay Levia why are you so…” That’s when Twilight noticed what was in the snow pile. She aided Levia to uncover a pony laying there. Twilight went up to him to see if he was alright but when she put her hoof on him, she felt he was cold. “Oh no.”

“Rev...Revenant wake up, wake up it’s me Levia.” Levia said to the unconscious pony.

Twilight thought to herself that this the one Levia went on about. All she could feel was remorse that they’ve come so far to see Levia’s friend in this condition. Twilight then noticed some writing on the ground near Revenant.

“Levia, I think you need to look at this,” Twilight called out to the ponysprite. “It may be something that he left behind for you but I can’t read it.”

“It is probably written in a secret text that only Revenant and the rest of my friends can read. Let me take a look at it and see what it says.”

Levia took a moment to read it and then pondered on the message. She started looking around for something until she spotted hiding behind some saddlebags a fire pit with only a few embers still burning. Levia gained some hope and knew what to do.

“Twilight we’ll be able to save him but I need your help.”

“Sure, what are we going to do?”

“You see that fire pit over there?” Levia pointing to it. Twilight nodded her head in agreement. “Good, what we need to do is re-light the fire. There are still some embers so we should be able to do it.”

“Oh I see, we will light the fire and bring him near it so he can warm up.”

“Not really. Yes we will light the fire but once it’s lite, everything will be alright.”

“Wait how is that going to help?”

“There isn’t much time to explain just help me out,” Levia said to Twilight.

Twilight decided that it was best to aid in whatever way she could.

“Okay what we are going to do is feed our magic into the fire. The best way for this to happen is to concentrate on the embers and give them magic. After that, just imagine the fire growing with life as we feed it with more magic and that should work.” Levia explained to Twilight as they approached the fire.

Twilight didn’t understand how it was going to work, but seeing how serious Levia was about this, she had to do it. They both began to concentrate on the few embers that were still lit and started to feed it their magic. Twilight couldn’t see how this was helping but she saw how hard Levia was pushing herself, so she had to put more magic into it. That’s when she noticed results. The embers burned brightly and caught fire to the rest of the pit.

“It’s small but we need to keep going.” Levia strained to Twilight.

The girls fed more of their magic into the fire and it started to grow. Twilight realized how hard this was for her, but seeing Levia it looked like she was barely hanging in there. Twilight then decided to pick up the slack and feed even more magic to the fire. The fire grew with more intensity and Twilight felt that she was being pushed to her limit. She felt that she couldn’t stop though and then she started to glow with more intensity and her eyes became filled with magic. The fire reacted with this and began to grow out of control. Twilight noticed that this was getting dangerous but couldn’t stop, she was losing control. Twilight was doing everything she could to not lose control but she was overwhelmed by her own magic. The fire burned with more intensity and then exploded with pure magic which broke the girls’ concentration and ceased their actions. Levia and Twilight came to their surprise that everything seemed fine and that the fire was normal with magic flowing around it.

“Did…..did it work?” Twilight asked.

Then they hear some groaning from behind them. They turn around to the unconscious stallion getting up. Twilight could now see his features as he approached them. He had a strong build to him, kind of like Big Mac but lean, had dark blue fur, a sharp horn, a red mane that had a pale streak in it, and turquoise eyes.

“Where….where am I?” He asked.

“Revenant!” Levia exclaimed and embracing her friend, or at least his face. He could feel some of her icy tears touching his face. “I’m so glad we found you. I was so worried when I lost all of you guys and almost lost it. Thankfully Twilight and her friends took care of me and offered to help out.”

“Twilight?” Revenant then looked to see the lavender pony standing there. “I see, well I’m here now Levia so I will take care of you.” He then turned his attention to Twilight. “I take it that you are Twilight.”

“Oh yes I’m Twilight Sparkle and I did help Levia out. Princess Celestia is actually the one who took most care of her.”
“Well I still must thank you for helping her and agreeing to help out.”

“Oh it’s nothing really. Just let me get this weather element and then we can go.”

“Hold it.” Revenant said to Twilight. “I understand that you may be on a mission but allow me to regain my magic back. From what it looks like I am the cause of this anomaly so allow me to fix it.”

Twilight was unsure of what he meant by that, but then again a lot of things have been happening that she doesn’t know so she allowed him to do what he needed to do. Revenant then walked up to the weather element and shot a beam of magic from his horn. The beam connected and began to siphon away the odd glow it once had and the snow and crystals began to look normal.

“Now that’s better. Thank you for allowing me to do this now you can continue with your mission.” Revenant then walked over to his saddle bags and began to rummage through them.

Twilight then went up to the element and concentrated on it to release her element. When it appeared, a stream of magic came from the Element of Magic and surrounded the weather element. Twilight felt the weather element go dormant, thinking that it was now tranquil.

“Did it work Levia?” she asked the ponysprite.

“Yeah it worked, now let’s get it, regroup with the others and get out of here. I’m all for the cold but caves aren’t really my thing,” Levia said happily.

“Hehehe well then I guess we should get out of here as soon as we can.” Revenant said while throwing on his coat and saddlebags. He put out the fire and took one last look around before making his way to the group. “Well as you may know I’m Revenant Soul, pleased to meet you Miss Sparkle.”

“You can call me Twilight.”

“Very well then Twilight, shall we find your friends and make our way out of here.”

“Sure but shouldn’t you rest up a bit. We did find you freezing and unconscious.” Twilight was concerned for the stallion. She didn’t know if he would be able to make the trek in such a condition.

“I’m still lightheaded from it but I’ll be fine, thanks to you and Levia lighting the bonfire.”

“No problem there Rev. You know I’m always here to help you out.” Levia interjected.

“Yes yes I know you are. Why do you think I keep you around?” Revenant joking with the ponysprite.

“Well I thought it was my spunky attitude that kept me around, but I guess not,” Levia said pretending to pout. Revenant just rolled his eyes in humor, grateful he had his friend back. Twilight used her magic to put the inactive weather element in her saddlebag and they were making their way out of the hidden cave.

“So how did you end up here in the first place?” Twilight breaking the silence after about five minutes of walking.

“I’m still not sure myself, one moment I was in the forest with my friends fighting off some predators, then things got weird, a white light engulfed us, and next thing I know I’m in this cave.” Revenant replied. Twilight realized now that when she and the girls use the Elements of Harmony to defeat Discord, it also separated Revenant and his friends.

“I’m sorry Revenant.” Twilight apologized.

“For what?”

“For this, because a while back my friends and I had to stop an evil draconiquis from creating chaos in all of Equestria but us stopping him also caused you and your friends to get separated as well.” Revenant took a moment to think over of what Twilight said and how to properly respond.

“You did what you had to do. You saved your land and its inhabitants from danger so you did the right thing,” said Revenant trying to reassure her.

“But it’s not okay. Because of what happened you are now missing your friends and none of us know where they are at.”

“Twilight did you forget what I said that finding Rev would make everything better?” Levia said to Twilight who now feels a little embarrassed for forgetting. “You see, Rev has a link to all of us so he will be able find us or be able to let the others know where we are. So don’t worry, we will find our friends and then we can be a family again.” Levia was full of confidence now that she had her friend back. Twilight realized how strong the bond is between the two was.

“Sorry about that I just feel bad about it that’s all.”

“Don’t, now let’s change the subject to something more pleasant,” Revenant said.

“Well…I have more questions to ask actually.”

“And I may have the answers, so ask away.”

“For starters, what did you mean by gaining back your magic when you went up to the weather element?” Twilight asked Revenant.

“Well it starts out with the bonfire back there. Back in my country I learned how to restore a pony’s vitals and magical capabilities through my bonfires. What I did was mix a restoration spell with some soul magic and pyromancy to create a bonfire that fully restores anypony,” Revenant explained to Twilight.

“Really, I didn’t know that you could be able to combine spells,” said Twilight while taking more notes on the new types of magic she has been hearing.

“Taking notes huh. You wouldn’t happen to be interested in some private lessons would you?” Revenant asked.

“Revenant, you aren’t trying to do what I think you are doing?” Levia said to him through telepathy.

“What, can’t a unicorn teach another one some new spells and share their ideals of magic?” Revenant thought back to Levia.

“Not when there isn’t much for you to learn since you develop your own spells and by magic you mean magic right,”

“Why what other magic do you think I mean?” With that Levia shot a cold spark of her magic at Revenant.

“Levia, what was that for?” Twilight asked.

“Sorry Twilight, I just had to make sure that Revenant still had his senses because of his prolonged period of sleep.”

“Yes and now that I have my senses about me can I continue?” Levia nodded to Revenant to continue, “Okay then, about the bonfires they can be created and lit through the use of magic. By feeding your magic into the fire, it creates the flame that allows magical discharges to flow through the area and rejuvenate others.”

“So how did you lose your magic then?”

“Now is where things get interesting Twilight. You see the bonfire is connected to the casters capabilities of magic. The more skilled the user, the more lively the fire will be and its effects. Now when I ended up in this cave, I set up a bonfire to rest. Then when the weather element went out of control, it reacted with my fire and started to siphon away not only my magic, but my life. I decided to put out the fire but I wasn’t able to so I brought the flames down to a minimal to what I thought would prevent my demise only delayed it.”

“Luckily we showed up and got you back on your hooves sleeping beauty,” Levia teasing Revenant.
They all got a good laugh out of Levia’s comment. Revenant realized that he hasn’t had this much of a laugh since his times back home. He then thought to himself that to himself that wherever the place Twilight lives may finally be a place for him and Levia to finally to call home. He would have to find the other two and then they could all be a family again with a new group of friends to be with.

His thoughts of joy faded when he felt an unnerving presence nearing them. A familiar feeling of uneasiness rose within in him, and knew exactly what it meant. Twilight noticed how his expression changed was concerned with the sudden change.

“Revenant what’s wrong?”

“You don’t sense Twilight?”

“No I don’t, what is it?” Then Twilight began to hear what may have caused Revenant to tense up. She heard the sounds of a group approaching them, but it wasn’t the sound of hooves, but the sound of a group of wild dogs. “Oh no, don’t tell me they found us and more importantly I hope the other girls are okay?”

“You know who is coming?” Revenant asked preparing himself.

“Yeah the Diamond Dorks,” Levia answered while shadowboxing. Revenant raised an eyebrow at Twilight.

“A group of jewel thieves that are called the Diamond Dogs, we’ve had a run in with them before but at least we were all together then,” said Twilight giving clarity to the situation.

“Well I think I can make up for a couple amount of your friends,” Revenant then turned his attention to the direction of where they were coming from. “Well let’s get ready, the fun is about to start.”

Revenant has now finally awoken from his long nap, jeez what a sleepy head. Enough of that, hope you readers are enjoying the story so far and just tell me how it's coming along. Help spread the story too, one of your friends may find this interesting at all. Sorry for advertising if that's okay. Any questions or concerns leave them in the comments.