• Published 20th Jul 2012
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Revenant Soul: Genesis and The Weather Elements - cyber_pony13

The mane six meet a new colt who has ties to the anomilies in Equestria. Is he to be trusted?

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Chapter 17: Choices to Make

The mane six looked at Revenant with their own respective feelings towards him. A mix of love, hate, sorrow, and regret. The weather was calm but still had dangerous winds and the crashing of thunder could be heard. Levia and Fefnir hoped that things could finally be settled and that things can go back to the way they were. Sage was already foreseeing how this could play out and hoped that it went the right way. A cold small wind blew by signaling Sage that now everything has been set in motion.

“What do you mean by making things right?” Twilight asked him.

“Also why do you have the weather element and why is it all fine now? I thought only one of us could fix it?” Rainbow Dash asked as well.

“There is also the question of how did you even get here or know where to go?” Rarity asked.
Revenant pulled out a medallion with a faded gem in it.

“I got here with this, a long range teleportation medallion. I was able to track you girls by getting a hold of a couple friends I made through work and told me they saw you going on a train. I then went there to check the schedule of when you left and saw your destination. After that teleporting to the town by Neighagra Falls was easy.” He answered them. “To answer the next question I was able to make the element tranquil with the medallion.”

“But how…we were told that only an Element of Harmony could make it tranquil?” Twilight responded to his answer.

“Long-range teleportation requires large amounts of magic. Surprisingly, Spike’s dragon breath has potent magic in it to send Princess Celestia messages as well as receive them. Unfortunately the element absorbed all the charges left in the medallion rendering it useless but as well as drained some of my magic.”

“So you had Spike help you, gosh that little dragon of yours Twilight is so useful.” Rarity praised him.

“Then how did you find us exactly?” Applejack asked.

Revenant then tapped his horn with a smile.

“My magic…I can sense where ponies are at…especially with one who’ve I’ve split magic with.” He said looking at Twilight.

“Split magic? Isn’t that when you gave me some of yours back in the caves in order to escape?” Twilight asked.

“Yes it was. You see when unicorns split magic an eternal bond is created between the two. In a way it enhances senses and emotions, but always lets you know where the other one is at and if you know they are okay.”

Rainbow Dash then quickly tackled Revenant and pinned him down. She moved so fast that nopony didn’t have time to react.

“So that’s why she’s been caring for you so much! All because of your magic! I swear I should buck you so hard that you’ll get sent to Cloudsdale!” Rainbow Dash threatened him.

The girls quickly rushed over to pull her off him. She put up a little struggle wanting to kick his flank but Applejack was able to hold her back. Twilight went over to help him up.

“It’s alright I deserved that….” He quickly said to Twilight. “However though splitting magic doesn’t necessarily work that way.”

“Then how does it work?” Twilight asked him. Revenant turned to all of them to make sure he got his point across.

“It only works if Twilight was to do the same with me. Me offering my magic to her was simply opening the door and inviting her in. Only then when she would do it to me would the bond be formed. Once formed, nothing can break it.” Revenant explained.

“That’s so romantic…how come you get to be the lucky one Twilight?” Rarity asked her friend.

“Hold on before we all get mushy here, we still can’t trust you!” Rainbow Dash added.

“What in tarnation do you mean Dash? He comes all the way here to help us out and try and fix things. I know times got rough but…things just don’t feel right anymore.” Applejack told her friend.

“That’s right he’s one of our friends and we abandoned him when he needed us the most.” Fluttershy spoke up.

“Have you forgotten what he did in the mountains? What he did to Pinkie Pie? What he intended to do to all of us?” Rainbow Dash said going against her friend.

“I haven’t Dashie, because of that I now know that I should be a mummy for next Nightmare Night. Also I can never really be mad at another pony otherwise they wouldn’t smile.” Pinkie Pie jumped in. Revenant chuckled that Pinkie Pie always found a way to look on the bright side, even if she was oblivious to the situation.

“But he…” Rainbow Dash began but was cut-off by Fluttershy.

“We all make mistakes. Some worse than others but as long as we know that the pony is still them, then we can find a way to help them and learn to forgive.” Fluttershy finished up.

Everypony stared at the yellow pegasus with surprise of her newly acquired wisdom. She caught everyone’s gaze and began to cower under her wings. Whatever new found wisdom and confidence she had flew right out the window.

“Oh I’m sorry...I thought that it was best that I said something….that is okay of me isn’t it?” Fluttershy timidly asked.

Sage laughed and flew up to comfort her.

“My dear that is exactly what we needed to hear. When one has wise words to pass, speak of them whether your listeners choose to hear them. It is their undoing if they ignore them.” Sage assured Fluttershy.

He then turned to Revenant. Revenant knew the look that Sage gave him. It was time for him to settle things once and for all. No matter what the outcome he had to do it. What the others thought was up to them.

“Revenant it’s time you tell everypony how you plan on making things right” Sage told him.

“Simple. By doing this.” Revenant then handed the weather element to Twilight and bowed his head to all of them. “I only ask for forgiveness from all of you. If so then I will do everything I can to make it up to everypony, but if not then I will fade away from your lives and leave you all to yourselves. I wish for no ill intent, I just want to have things be right again or at least try to make them right. Whatever your decision is I will hold no nothing against you and I will understand.”

“Revenant…” Twilight began to motion to him.

Then everypony’s attention was directed behind them. They heard a series of hooves clapping as well as melodramatic cheering. The clapping stopped when a pegasus in a lab coat revealed himself. The girls were all confused while Revenant saw him and began to feel his dark feelings rise again. This time he let them flow slowly. He figured he knew he was going to need the extra energy because of the weather element, but how long would he need it for was the issue.

“Beautiful, simple beautiful…the drama, the hate, the love, all of it was beautiful. Good show my little ponies you should all have your very own show, I’m pretty sure it would be a big hit for all.” The pegasus in the lab coat congratulated them.

“I’m sorry who are you?” Rarity asked

“Also what do you want, we thought everypony was all held up in the town?” Applejack added to Rarity’s question.

“Oh where are my manners I am Professor Windston at your service, now how can I help you all?” The girls all stared at him with even more confusion than before. “Oops silly me, all of you asked me what I was here for. Hehehe….sorry force of habit.”

“Professor…” Revenant growled.

“Ah Revenant good to see you again, how’s it been so far?” Professor Windston asked.

“Professor…I thought I….” Revenant growled while his voice began to distort.

“Hmm…speak up I can’t hear you. Try and be more clear and precise with your words.”

“I thought I had you put away for good you twisted colt!” Revenant shouted in his distorted voice.

The most of the girls quickly backed off while Rainbow Dash got ready to attack him again. Twilight was the only one who ran up to him and was ready to defend him. He saw the look in all their eyes and quickly calmed himself down.

“Ah I see that is still an issue though it looks like it has gotten better.” Professor Windston continued.

“Professor why no….how did you get out of jail. I thought I had you put away for life for your crimes.” Revenant asked in his normal voice but his tone was still intense.

“I had a ‘friend’ get me out of there that wishes not be named; besides if I went on giving out his name it would spoil the show. Also that prison really had a poor book selection in there so I do wish for a little compensation for that.”
After finishing up his rambling, Professor Windston whistled. Then a couple armored dogs with Rover, Fido, and Spot appeared out of nowhere along with a couple other ponies. Revenant caught the tattoos the ponies had on them and became confused himself. Things were really turning ugly for them.

“No…Professor why….why are ponies from Animardia doing here?” Revenant asked him.

“Wouldn’t you like to know but tell you what I’ve got a deal for you. How about I don’t send this bunch after you and your friends and I’ll let you all go, no questions asked.” Professor offered.

“And what do you want in return.” Revenant continued to ask.

“Still dense as ever I see” Professor sighed. “All I want it is that weather element that your friend has over there.”

“No way this belongs to Princess Celestia not you creeps…” Twilight then had an epiphany. “It was you…you were the one who has wanted the weather elements all along and you used the dogs to help didn’t you?”

Professor Windston cackled at Twilight’s intellect. He slowly applauded her before speaking.

“You are a bright one aren’t you? I got to say Revie boy she is quite the keeper, I hope you don’t mind that we borrow her for a bit okay?” Professor said.

“What?” Twilight asked in shock.

“No…you won’t lay a hoof on her.” Revenant said now letting his darkness flow. He slowly released it like he did in his training so he could control it.

“Ah don’t worry I won’t be laying a hoof on her, though paws on the other hand…” Professor signaled the dogs to move as well as the Animardian ponies.

“Now this time we’ll win.” Rover said as he lashed out at Revenant.

The rest of the dogs and the Animardian ponies followed in with the assault. Revenant swatted off Rover with his dark power while Twilight followed up with her magic to send a couple dogs back that followed Rover. A couple of Animardian ponies tried to flank them but Applejack used some of the rope to lasso them back and let Rainbow Dash come in with a tackle. The dogs tried to gang up on Pinkie Pie but she kept dodging their every attack. Rarity saw the opportunity and got a couple hits on them. The dogs tried to retaliate back but Pinkie would jump on top of them keeping them at bay. Pinkie Pie and Rarity made an excellent team of keeping the dogs off them. Fefnir went to aid Fluttershy and let her know when she was going to be hit from a blind spot. With Fefnir by her side, Fluttershy felt empowered and was able to keep the Spot and Fido off her. Spot would try and get a hold of her but she would use her wings to throw him off. Fido saw an opportunity and tried to smash her. He was met with a cold crash on his face. Levia made sure that no pony was going to get hurt. Sage joined Revenant and Twilight and would read the opponents move and let the two know when to strike.

Despite the small amount of enemies this time, they were still able to pull their own weight. They were able to get their blows in and Applejack was even tossed into Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Rainbow Dash kept charging head in being relentless but would get hit in the process. She let the blows hit her and just kept going. The ponies knew that they couldn’t lose this one, not when they are so close to being done. Revenant began to feel the effects of his magic and was losing his strength. Rover was going to get him but Twilight took the blow for him. She staggered a little bit but shot a bolt of magic at Rover backing him off. Revenant felt as if he was going to lose control. It’s easy to fight and cut loose but when you have to defend somepony else, everything got harder.

The clash went on for a good ten minutes and everybody was getting fatigue. They slowly succumbed to their injuries and slowed down. Professor Windston the whole time was simply reading a book while they fought. He decided to see how they were doing and had an expression of disappointment on his face.

“Ah man, and here I thought we’d have it by now…oh well when you got to get something done its best to do it yourself as they say.” He said as he pulled a dark orb out of his lab coat.

He held up the orb and let the dark magic swirl in it and charge. After enough charging it attracted a lightning bolt into the orb and arced a dark lighting to everybody, including the dogs and the Animardian ponies. Everybody felt the pain and the agony. Professor Windston took pleasure in hearing their anguished screams. Twilight let go of the weather element and Revenant caught it before it could fall in the river next to them. It would’ve been bad since the current was still strong.

“Jeez…did you idiots forget the plan? We could’ve already been out of here now.” Professor said as he walked over to Twilight. “Allow me to remind what had to be done.”

He picked her up by her mane, pulled out a scalpel of his coat and held it to her throat. Everypony tried to get back up from the dark lighting but were still feeling its effects. Rainbow Dash was able to fight it due to her willpower while Revenant siphoned some of the dark magic from the attack to help him. Professor Windston backed up a little and pressed the scalpel to Twilight’s throat. Not enough pressure to break the skin, but enough to let her know how sharp it was.

“Okay then how about a new deal for all of you?” Professor Windston addressed everybody.

“No way I’ll….” Rainbow Dash began to speak.

“Hold on skittles, any closer and this purple one will have a little red color added to her coat.” Professor Windston reminded them.

Twilight tried to struggle free, but Professor Windston would use one of his free hooves to apply pressure to one of her pressure points. She felt the pain and it made Rainbow Dash and Revenant furious. The more rage they felt, the more they were able to fight off the effects and stand firm.

“What do you want this time Professor? Just let her go!” Revenant yelled as his voiced slowly distorted again.

“You might want to choose those words better…” He replied as he was about to throw Twilight into the river. He held her with his wing by her mane causing more pain. “Now here is what I have to offer. You give me the weather element and I’ll let you and your friends go. That way you could go home and let everypony know of your failure.”

Rainbow Dash wanted to hit him but she was worried what would happen to Twilight. She was fast but she’d be cutting it close if she was to try and get Twilight. If she happened to get caught into the current and tried to pull Twilight out, she might get sucked in as well. They really didn’t have any options. Sage began to look up and felt the wind go by him.

“Revenant….this is you moment now.” He spoke to himself. “Please make the right choice...”

Revenant looked around and saw his friends’ expressions to the situation. He didn’t want to fail after all he went through just to hand the element over but he didn’t want to lose Twilight either. The more he thought of it, the heavier the choices looked. Everything spiraled in his head until he heard a voice.

“What an interesting predicament we are in. I can help you Revenant….” The dark voice spoke to him.

His darkness was communicating to him again and he tried to fight against it.

“Easy there….I’m not all that bad…I only want to help.” The voice continued.

“And what benefit would you get out of this huh?” Revenant spoke to it.

“I wouldn’t worry about that right now. The more time you waste, the slimmer the chance becomes of saving her.” It grimly responded.

“Never…after what happened at the mountains…I will never let you take me again.”

“But this time the conditions are different. You said you were going to make things right but you won’t be able to unless you let me in.” It raged at him.

“No…I control you now. And I’ll find a way. There always is. I came here to make things right and that is what I’m going to do.” Revenant responded to the voice.

He looked at everypony one last time and then at Professor Windston. The expression on his face let the Professor know what he was going to do. He smiled at Revenant for the choice he was about to make.

“Fine….you can have it….it isn’t worth losing her.” Revenant said holding it out.

“Revenant no…” Twilight said.

“How sweet she doesn’t want you to. Sorry their girlie, he cares for you more than the element. How touching.” He then looked back at Revenant. “Now bring it here and remember no funny business or she goes for a rapid river ride.”

Revenant grimaced at the thought of that. He shook his head and walked over. The rest of the girls felt helpless watching Revenant hand over the element to Professor Windston. After handing him the element he backed up a little bit and put the element in his lab coat. The dogs and the Animardian ponies began to cheer but Sage knew better.

“Hehehe….I knew you’d make the right choice Rev…now Twilight yours will be coming up next…”Sage mumbled as he just laid there and smiled.

“There you have what you want now hold your end of the deal.” Revenant said to him.

“But of course I am a stallion of my word.”

After that he let go of Twilight into the river. Everypony was shocked to see what happened. Rainbow Dash quickly darted after Twilight. Revenant felt all his rage build up. He grabbed Professor Windston with his magic and held him up by his lab coat.

“What the hell! I thought you wouldn’t do that!” He screamed in his demon voice.

“Oh I said I would let you and your friends go and well…I let her go didn’t I?” He cackled.

“I’m going to kill…no I’m going to destroy you!” Revenant yelled as his voiced distorted.

“Are you sure you should be wasting your time with me when your lavender princess his heading to the falls now?” Professor wickedly grinned.

Revenant cursed under his breath and took off after Twilight. He was pretty behind but pushed all his magic through his body to keep him going. He felt his speed pick up but he knew that he wouldn’t maintain it for long. His body would begin to breakdown.

Rainbow Dash was speeding fast and water flew around her. She neared Twilight and reached out a hoof for her. Twilight was about to grasp it when a wave broke off from the current and slammed Rainbow Dash into the bank and carried Twilight underwater. Seconds later she emerged trying to gasp for air and saw that Rainbow Dash lost her distance. Rainbow Dash got up and took off as she saw Revenant pass her by. Revenant saw they were nearing the end of the river and would break off into the falls.

“No…not now. I need to save her…” Revenant cursed to himself.

“Then allow me to aid you.” The dark voice returned.

“Shut up, you’ll only do more harm than good!” Revenant replied.

“Then how about I tell you what you can do…” Revenant hated it but he had to listen to it. “Remember, you made a contract with us and those who make the contract are given a special ability. You have it in you but you renounced it. If you want to save her, then you need to use it once more.”

Revenant remembered what that ability was. It what was truly that defined the definition of control and allowed the user true freedom. But Revenant knew that every time it was used their came a price and it would slowly build until the user couldn’t pay the fine.

“Well you say that you have control, now prove it….show the abyss that you have control.” The voice told him.
It didn’t take long for Revenant to realize that he had no choice.

“Fine….I’ll do it…but not to prove a point to the abyss...but to save Twilight. To save the mare that I love.” Revenant responded to it.

Revenant then looked into his soul and saw the ability. He released the restraints he put on it and let it flow through him. It felt different then his darkness. He didn’t feel power, but freedom, he felt limitless. The magic flowed to his horn and quickly opened a rift that Revenant ran into. Within the rift everything was dark but he could see within it. He saw the shades of other who made contracts and failed. The world around him was surrounded by the shadows and he moved freely through it. The voice manifested within in him to show his reflection but a more demonic form of him.

“Welcome back to the abyss Revenant…or should I say Abysswalker…”

Revenant then felt a magical sensation brand itself on him. He quickly looked back to see a dark sword with a shining light behind it being surrounded by a dark light had appeared on his flank. His cutie mark had reappeared. As the manifestation faded so did the darkness around him and Revenant fell into the river next to Twilight. He quickly grabbed her and held her above the water. She was struggling but then saw that she was in Revenant’s hooves.

“Revenant…how did you….” She began to ask.

“Hang on! We’re about to hit the falls!” He told her.

They neared the falls and felt the current build. Rainbow Dash saw and picked up her speed. A cone began to form around her. She was still far behind and didn’t know if she would catch them in time even with a sonic rainboom. Both Twilight and Revenant fell off the falls and began the plummet to the rocks below.

“Twilight hold on!” Rainbow Dash screamed as she saw them go over the ledge.

A few seconds later she broke the sound barrier and sped towards them leaving behind a rainbow trail. As she went off the edge she saw the both of them were nearing the rocks. She would be cutting it close and didn’t know if she would save them, but she had to try. Revenant couldn’t take the chance and let his ability flow again. Seconds later the couple was only a foot away from the rocks when the rift opened up and engulfed them both. A second later it disappeared and Rainbow Dash flew by where she thought she would’ve caught them.

“Twilight….TWILIGHT!?!?” Rainbow Dash called frantically as she looked for her friend. “TWILIGHT….TWILIGHT….WHERE ARE YOU………..TWIIIIIIIIILLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!”

Rainbow Dash cried as she frantically looked for her friend. Moments later the storm cleared up but the storm in Rainbow Dash’s heart was still raging. She failed to save her friend and now she was nowhere to be found. She dropped by bank next to the river and sobbed uncontrollably. Nopony would be able to hear her cries over the sounds of the falls crashing against the rocks.