• Published 20th Jul 2012
  • 1,185 Views, 12 Comments

Revenant Soul: Genesis and The Weather Elements - cyber_pony13

The mane six meet a new colt who has ties to the anomilies in Equestria. Is he to be trusted?

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Chapter 7 Hello Crusaders

Twilight's House

Revenant was packing up the last of his saddlebags making sure he had everything he needed. Two weeks have passed since his arrival into Ponyville. Things were awkward at first but eventually he blended in with the rest of the citizens and he even made a couple other friends, one of them being Pip whom looks up to Revenant. Early on in his first week, he was able to find a nice house on the outskirt of Ponyville and was able to promote his business idea of a hiring hoof to the mayor. Lucky for him it was approved and since then he’s been getting clients to aid the citizens of Ponyville from repairing a roof to babysitting a couple fillies.

He looked around one last time in the library before throwing on his saddlebags. After making sure things were in good order from when he first arrived, he was making his way to the door. As he opened it, Revenant reflected on the last couple weeks he spent in Twilight’s house. It was pretty interesting, having Levia and Spike have a witty comeback contest, organizing the library in different orders that Twilight kept coming up with, trying out new spells with Twilight and being the test subject of some, boy that was bad. He was surprised how Spike and him got along, and was able to get him out of the library a couple of times with or without Twilight’s permission. No matter what happened in her house, he loved it.

“Yeah…good times, I can only hope to have more,” Revenant said to himself.

“Why do you say it like that?” Twilight said as she came out from the other room, “Just cause you’re moving out doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time together.”

“Yeah well, things are more fun when you live with someone.” Revenant responded. He couldn’t help but smile at her of how good it was to live with her. She could only return the smile back. “By the way, where’s Levia at?”

“Oh she’s with Spike on an errand run.”

“I see…well I’ve got everything I need and if she drops by tell her I’m at our new home. I’ll see ya around.” Then Revenant left. Twilight wanted to tell him something, but couldn’t find the words the words to say and just watched him walk away.

Revenant was leisurely walking through the town into the market place to help feed his addiction. If it was one thing that he couldn’t go a day without was…

“Howdy Revenant, how’s it going for ya?” Applejack greeted him as he walked up to her stand.

Was none other than an apple from the Applefamily. After helping out with some farm work with Applejack, Revenant learned of the irresistible, juicy, and tasty freshly grown apples. Ever since then, he’d been hooked and can’t get enough of them.

“Good so far, thanks for asking.” Revenant said as he eyed the apples. Applejack caught his gaze at the apples.

“I see yer hear for yer daily fix huh?”

“Uh-huh,” Revenant responded as he was deciding which ones to get. “Let’s see I’ll take that one, that one, that one….and that one.” Afterwards he gave Applejack the bits he owed and was about to leave when another one was tossed at him.

“And here’s one on the house for your hard work at the farm. You know I could still use a good workhorse such as yourself.”

“Well official place of business is at my new house so drop by whenever you can.”

“No problem, now don’t go eating all of them at once ya hear.” Applejack said as he walked away. He was too busy enjoying one of the apples to really care. She knew he was good business; Applejack just didn’t want him to spend all his bits on apples.

Revenant was enjoying his apple and looking around town enjoying the view more. Everything looked different now that he has settled in Ponyville. It wasn’t foreign anymore to him, it felt homely. He would pass by a couple shops and the owners would wave at him or say hello. Word of Revenant’s helping hoof business has really spread and been bringing in good business. Who would’ve guessed for such a nice town, a lot of crazy things happen.

Unfortunately for Revenant, while he was too busy enjoying his apple, he didn’t realize that he ended up near the local school or the pony he was about to bump into. *thud* too late…again.

“Oh jeez not again, I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention and I was…” He then recognized who he bumped into. “Terribly sorry Cherilee, I was in deep thought and I tend to lose track of where I’m at when I’m thinking.”

“Again, how often does that happen?” Cherilee joked with Revenant.

“Usually when I’m buying apples or when I’m buying new tools.” Revenant sheepishly answered.

“I see well perfect timing bumping into you. I was about to go look for you to see if you could help me with something.”

“That depends what do I need to do?”

“Well I realized earlier during class that I needed to take care of some errands. So I let out the fillies early for recess so I could find you to fill in for me. That isn’t too much to ask is it?” Cherilee asked.

“It seems everypony has errands to take care of today,” Revenant chuckled, “Sure I’ll fill in for you, just go over the lesson plan with me for today and I’ll continue it.”

“Are you sure, it is a little more difficult teaching these young fillies here?”

“Eh I’m a quick learner.”

“Well alright then, just follow me into the classroom.” Cherilee said as she led Revenant into the school. Out in the playground three little fillies saw Cherilee with the stallion walk into the school and began to gossip.

“I knew it!” The little white unicorn jumped for joy. “I knew Ms. Cherilee had a special somepony to meet with today!”

“Sweetie Belle, I don’t think that’s what he is here for. Didn’t you see him bump into her earlier?” The orange pegasus responded.

“But Scootaloo, didn’t you see how she was throughout class today? Ms. Cherilee knew she had to ‘take care’ of something today and she probably let us out for recess early so he can meet up with her.” Sweetie Belle continued.

“Ya think she would have her colt friend show up while we are all still here?” Scootaloo continued to pursue the issue.

“Girls, aye don’t think he’s her special somepony. I’ve seen him before helping out my older sister around the farm. I think he’s that new pony that they’ve been talking about.” The little yellow filly interjected.

“Now that I think about it Applebloom, Rarity has been talking a lot about a new stallion in town, maybe it is him?” Sweetie Belle added to Applebloom’s speculation.

“Maybe cause RainbowDash spoke of a new stallion that she couldn’t trust yet.” Scootaloo added.

“How come RainbowDash can’t trust him? He seems nice and my sister seemed to be okay with him.” Applebloom said.

“I don’t know, but if RainbowDash doesn’t trust him, then neither do I” Scootaloo responded.

“C’mon girls, how about we find out what he is like in class today to see if he really is all that bad.” Sweetie Belle said being the voice of reason.

“This look like another job for the…” Applebloom initiated.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!” All three of the fillies yelled.

“And that’s it for today’s lesson plan. You think you can handle it?” Cherilee asked Revenant.

“Basic pony biology seems easy enough. I’ll be sure to cover in great detail where ponies come from and debunking the whole pegasus brining the foal through the window myth.” Revenant joked.

“That’s not funny.” Cherilee sternly responded.

“Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Don’t worry I won’t touch that subject.”

“Well alright then, I’ll call the class in from recess and introduce you to them.” After calling in the class and a few introductions Cherilee told the class she should be back before the end of the day. Then she left, leaving the class in the hooves of Revenant.

“Alrighty then, now that formalities have been done let’s continue where Ms. Cherilee left off. Any questions before I begin?” Then a white hoof went up into the air. “Ah yes…Sweetie Belle is it?”

“Yes Mr. Soul…”

“Please, it’s Revenant and go on.”

“Okay Revenant, are you Cherilee’s special somepony?”

“Sweetie Belle! He meant ask a question about something the class, not that!” Applebloom said correcting her friend.

“Well didn’t see that one coming…No I’m not, she’s just a client, any other questions?”

“Oh well do you have a special somepony?”

“SWEETIE BELLE!!!” Scootaloo and Applebloom yelled at their friend.

“Or that one either…No I don’t. I barely got here so I’m more concentrated on getting myself settled in before I can indulge in such luxuries. Anymore questions you have to ask?” Revenant asked sternly. He didn’t wish to continue on the matter.

“Well do you have a special somepony in…”

“SWEETIE BELLE! Enough before you get yourself in trouble.” Applebloom said full of worry for her friend.

“Interesting…you with the bow, are you her friend?” Revenant asked Applebloom.

“Um…yes sir.”

“Excellent since your friend is so interested about my personal affairs, how about I answer those types of questions while you two are helping me get settled in my new house or should Ms. Cherilee be notified of such matters.”

“*gulp* no sir.” Both the little fillies somberly said. Scootaloo could only bury her face in her desk as the other fillies snickered at them.

“Good now then let’s get on with the lesson.”

At first Revenant went into the lesson like any normal teacher but he could see that some of fillies were losing interest. Instead, he decided to do a more interactive version of the class. He called out three random fillies of different species and had them each do different things that would specialize in what each species could do. For the pegasi, they would go outside and he would use his magic to bring some clouds close enough for them to work with it. Revenant decided to have the rest of the lesson be taught outside so the class could have fun while learning. All the students were having so much fun with the lesson; Revenant didn’t realize he was done with the lesson. So he then got everypony back inside to review what they learned.

“Okay then class, now that we are done let’s review what we’ve learned.”

“AWWW.” The class said in unison.

“Now now, I know you all were having fun outside but that doesn’t mean we can spice up this review.”

“How would we do that now Mr. Soul… I mean…” Applebloom said.

“It’s okay like I said earlier, call me Revenant. Now then how about every time somepony gets a question right, they get a piece candy from this jar.” Revenant said as he levitated a jar full of different colored candy out his saddlebag.

“Uh…Revenant I don’t think that’s much of a…” Scootaloo began to speak but then Revenant shot a piece of candy in her mouth with his magic. She then was able to taste the rich flavors of the candy and had the look of satisfaction on her face. The other fillies in the class were surprised to see him use magic with such precision.

“You were saying?”

“That these are awesome, where did you get these?” Scootaloo ecstatically asked.

“Now that is a secret, so then let’s get this going. First question, why is it that earth ponies have better stamina and endurance when it comes to strenuous work than the other two species of ponies?”

“Oh that’s an easy one. Its cause earth ponies have had to work hard for most of their lives and couldn’t use magic to help them.” Applebloom answered.

“Ah but what of the pegasi, they couldn’t use magic either so wouldn’t a pegasus be just as good as an earth pony?” Revenant added on to his question.

“Oh isn’t it because pegasi can use the weather to help them and earth ponies have to make up for it by working harder and dealing with the harsh conditions, especially when it’s really hot.” Twist jumped in.

“But that doesn’t mean earth ponies are better than the pegasus race. We could do your stuff and ours just as good.” Scootaloo interjected.

“Very good teamwork there girls, I think that deserves a couple pieces for you two.” Revenant said as he levitated a couple pieces to them. “Now then Scootaloo, since you’re ready to defend the pegasus race, how about you next?”

“Sure…I can answer anything…” Scootaloo nervously responded.

“If you say so, then tell me…Out of all the weather conditions that happen, which one does a pegasus most benefit from?”

“Well that would have to be during a storm since pegasus can control the weather and cause lighting to appear.” Scootaloo confidently responded.

“You are correct but lacking in your answer. You see a unicorn’s horn can act as a natural lightning rod and with the proper magical spells, they could use it for their own benefit. So how would the pegasus benefit more than a unicorn?”

“Um…well…” Scootaloo said nervously trying to find the answer.

“Revenant, allow me to answer that one.” Diamond Tiara raised her hoof in the air.

“Not so fast, Scootaloo here is trying to ‘prove’ the pegasus race is superior and having somepony else aid her wouldn’t really help her point. So Scootaloo, do you have an answer?”

“Of course I do…its cause…” Scootaloo then saw her scooter and thought of how she powered her it like a battery. “It’s because pegasi have a natural connection with lighting so during storms, we could use lighting to get ourselves all pumped up like a battery and work through the storm plus we don’t need no magic to help.

“Are you sure? It took you a while to come up with that one.”

“Uh…yes I’m sure…” Scootaloo said hoping she was right.

“Well then that’s correct, however lack of confidence does deduct a piece so you won’t get as many as the last question.” Revenant said as he gave her a piece. “Still good answer though.

Okay then as discussed earlier, a pegasus benefits more from stormy weather, and due to an earth ponies enduring past they can handle harsh conditions especially the heat. Now for a unicorn, what they lack physically is made up mentally and their natural resistance to the cold…”

Already some fillies were raising their hooves to answer the question.

“Easy there little ones I’m not even done yet. Now in the cold, the mental state of a unicorn is stimulated, thus improving their magical capabilities. Would anypony care to answer why?” After that all of the raised hooves went down and the class started to discuss it amongst each other. Then Sweetie Belle stood up to answer but stopped as everypony looked at her. “Well then, you have an answer?”

“Um...no I don’t…” Sweetie Belle sadly said as she started to sit back down.

“Oh c’mon now, you stood up because you have something to say.”

“I do…it’s just that…I don’t want to be wrong.” Sweetie Belle lamented.

“Well it never hurts to try. If you’re wrong, you’re wrong. What matters is that you tried and that you learned something so give it a shot.” Revenant calmly reassured her.

“Okay then…” She then took a deep breath before giving her answer. “A unicorn gets smarter in the cold because there roots came from cold lands and a lot of early magic was developed based off of ice since they saw how structured and powerful it was. So then they would have their minds develop in the cold so it hereditarily passes down throughout the species.” Everypony just watched in awe of how Sweetie Belle answered the question. Even Revenant was speechless.

“That’s…that’s correct.”

“Is that all?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah that’s all. I really have nothing to add on to that. Since you answered so well I believe you and Applebloom won’t have to help out today after class.” Revenant said as he gave her a good chunk of candy.

“Really? Thank you Revenant.” Sweetie Belle said with excitement.

“Yup although… now I won’t be able to answer those questions from earlier, oh well then.” Revenant said trying to tempt Sweetie Belle. He could settle in on his own but with extra help he’d be able to get his business going faster.

“Oh well…I guess I could…if you don’t mind?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Not a problem and thank you. I’ll be sure to let your older sister know of how well you did today.” Revenant said. Sweetie Belle then sat down with a smile. “Okay then last question, whoever wins this one gets the whole jar. I warn you though, this is a tough one.” The class was ready to tackle this one. “Well guess we’re all ready to answer, okay then here it is. Out of hearing of how each race is superior in their own particular way and how each one could topple the other, which race out of the three is the best one and why?”

Revenant could’ve sworn he heard a pen drop. For once, the whole class was in complete silence and looking through their books to find the evidence for their answer. It seemed an eternity was going by until a familiar voice broke the silence.

“Sorry I’m late everypony I…” Cherilee said as she walked in. She was cut-off seeing of how hard the students were looking through their books and notes. Cherilee stood there in amazement to see the kids working so hard for their academics.

“Ah Ms. Cherilee you have returned, tell me how did things go?” Revenant asked.

“A little delay but fine…”Her focus was still on the class. “Revenant, why is the whole class studying very hard right now?”

“What isn’t this what a teacher would want from her students?”

“Well yes but I’ve never seen them like this?”

“Well they got bored with the lesson so I made things a little fun for them and made a small competition out of it.”

“Really!? I must say it seems very effective, you wouldn’t mind being an assistant sometime to help me out would you?”

“It would be my pleasure Ms. Cherilee.” Then the school bell rang to release the students.

“Well thank you Revenant I’ll be sure to drop by your house to pay you.”

“Take your time, there’s no rush. Well little ones it seems our time is up. I hope you all had fun and maybe we can pick up this competition next time. I’m off see you later fillies.” All the fillies waved at Revenant goodbye as he left. Shortly afterward Cherilee let them go home for the day.

“Wait, Revenant!” Sweetie Belle said as she caught up with Revenant.

“Ah Sweetie Belle what is it?”

“Didn’t you say you wanted help?”

“Sure, but I was kind of joking. If you still want to help by all means follow me also where is the rest of your friends?” Revenant asked Sweetie Belle. He knew they were probably close by, he could sense them.

“Oh well they said they had to do other things so guess it’s just you and me.”

“Darn, well thank you Sweetie Belle. It’s real shame that they can’t help because they might’ve been able to get their CUTIE MARKS if they helped.” Revenant emphasized hoping to draw out the other two.
Then out of the blue Scootaloo came racing by on her scooter and Applebloom tagging behind. Revenant chuckled of how his ploy worked like a charm.

“Cutie Marks?” Both the small pegasus and earth pony asked.

“Yes girls I really mean it. You might be able to get your cutie marks or at least know what to do to get them.”

“Then what are we waiting for let’s go.” Scootaloo said with excitement.

Revenant laughed of how excited the three were. He knew that they didn’t want to but he wanted to help them earn their cutie marks. When he was there age, he remembered the joy he felt when he got his. Unfortunately, he doesn’t remember what it was so he’ll settle for helping these fillies on theirs. Revenant took another apple from his saddlebag, began to eat it, and led the girls to his new home.

Sorry if this chapter felt dry but it has some clues of how they will be affected later on in the story. Other than that next chapter is coming up shortly and many thanks for your patience and support.