• Published 23rd Nov 2017
  • 737 Views, 12 Comments

Pokemon Ultra Cosmos - FandomPlays1234

Nova has vanished, The Ultra Beasts are back, Necrozma has turned evil, and Giovanni has returned with Team Rainbow Rocket, time for the ponies to return to Alola

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Chapter 1: Adventure Start

A day has passed since Felix's birthday and now he was on his way to see Melemele Island's Guardian Deity Tapu Koko for a visit. Along the way he ran into Professor Kukui who had the three starters he was looking after while the kahuna was gone. As he walked, he explained the whole Shiny Silvally delivery from Vincent to Kukui.

"Sorry Felix never heard of anyone named Vincent," said Kukui.

"Oh well that's too bad I guess," said Felix.

"Why don't you ask Lusamine?" suggested Kukui.

"I could try," said Felix. The two stopped in front of the entrance of the woods leading towards the ruins. "Thanks Professor I'll take it from here," said Felix.

"You sure you don't want a Starter?" asked Kukui.

"Nah I'm good but thanks," said Felix. "Lycanroc, Silvally lets go," said Felix turning towards his two companions. The two looked back at the professor before following their trainer in.

"I should probably tell Burnet about this," said Kukui once he saw Felix was gone.

It was another beautiful day in Equestria and Starlight had just finished her magic lessons with Twilight. Feeling hungry she decided to stop by Sugercube Corner for some sweets.

"Starlight I'm sure we can find better food someplace else," scoffed Starlight's friend Trixie.

"Come on Trixie don't be like that," said Starlight.

"Well it's true, most of the things they have there is too sweet," said Trixie. Just as Starlight was about to counter her argument, a bright flash caught the two's attention. The two looked up at the sky to see a slight tear in the middle of nowhere. "What is that?" asked Trixie.

"it looks like a hole in the sky," said Starlight.

"A what?" asked Trixie.

"A hole, but for some reason it looks like I've seen something like this before," said Starlight.

"Must be your imagination," said Trixie. Just as Trixie said that, the tear flashed as it soon transformed into a giant hole in the sky. "Sweet Celestia!" Trixie yelped.

"Wait I HAVE seen this before," said Starlight.

"What?" asked Trixie.

"I don't remember it's like a giant hole in the sky that spawns some sort of alien creature or something," said Starlight.

"Aliens!?" Trixie yelped.

"I don't remember it was like creatures from another world or something," said Starlight. Suddenly a strange jellyfish like creature slowly appeared from the hole and hovered down in front of the two mares.

"Monster, alien, beast!" Trixie screamed.

"That's it Ultra Beasts, that's what they called it!" said Starlight suddenly remembering. Just then the strange jellyfish like creature grabbed Trixie with it's tentacles and picked her up.

"Ah eww no get it off!" Trixie screamed.

"Trixie!" Starlight called out. Starlight jumped up to grab the creature, but it had already carried Trixie up to the hole. "Give her back!" Starlight growled charging her horn. The thing turned around and screeched as Starlight struck it with a blast of her magic, dropping Trixie in the process. "Trixie!" Starlight quickly ran over to her friend in attempts to see if she was unharmed only for the creature to suddenly drop on top of her and pick her up in Trixie's place.

"Starlight!" Trixie called out.

"Trixie go get help!" Starlight ordered as she continued to struggle. But before Starlight could even break free from the creature's grasp, she was instantly pulled into the hole and disappeared. Terrified, Trixie turned and ran towards Twilight's castle. Surely she'll know what to do.

Felix didn't like this. Sure Lillie was several years older than him, but even so asking him to walk across a bridge that was close to breaking was too much. The Spearows didn't make the situation any better. Thankfully Lillie had gone through the trouble of healing his only two Pokemon, one of which had an advantage against the small birds. As soon as Felix took one step on the bridge, one of the Spearows attacking Nebby came flying at him.

"Lycanroc I'm counting on you," said Felix. His orange coated wolf nodded as it jumped in front of him growling. "Lycanroc Accelrock!" Felix commanded. Lycanroc charged at the tiny bird and tackled it headfirst sending chunks of stones flying everywhere. The Spearow yelped as it flew back and went back to pecking poor Nebby. Lycanroc growled as it tried to advance on the three Spearows before his trainer halted him. "I got this," Lycanroc hesitated at first but moved back anyway. Turning his attention to Nebby Felix takes a deep breath as he advances forward.

"Be careful Felix!" Lillie called out to him. Felix gave a thumbs up as he slowly but surely inches his way towards the poor Pokemon. Once he manages to reach Nebby he swats away the three Spearow and shields Nebby with his entire body.

"Don't worry I got you," Felix told Nebby. The Nebula Pokemon looked up to see a trainer relentlessly being pecked and clawed by the Spearows. Feeling the need to save his guardian, Nebby began absorbing energy and lets the energy loose causing an explosion and destroying the bridge in the process. As Felix fell he grabbed Nebby and held him to his chest to protect him.

"FELIX, NEBBY!" Lillie cried out As Felix continued to fall, a bright light suddenly flew and struck the three birds and continued to fly after him. Before Felix could hit the water, the light suddenly swoops in and carries him back to the top where it lays him down next to Lillie and moves out of the way.

"Nebby are you alright?" Felix asked. Nebby let out a happy Pew as he looked up at his protector. The two plus Lillie turn towards the light that saved them.

"Tapu Koko," Lillie said. The four stare at each other before the island guardian let out a screech and shot up into the sky in a ball of electricity.

"Are you two alright?" asked Lillie turning towards the two.

"Yeah we're fine," answered Felix. Suddenly Nebby jumps out of Felix's arms and crawls over to a spot near Lillie and picks up something. He turns and crawls back to Lillie.

"Nebby you found this?" asked Lillie. She took the object from Nebby and states,"This Sparkling Stone it's almost warm somehow," "Oh um Felix I think this belongs to you," said Lillie giving Felix a black stone. Reluctantly he took the stone and placed it in his pocket. "One more thing, I'm afraid we might get attacked again so can you see us back in Iki Town?" asked Lillie.

"Yeah sure thing," said Felix. Lillie smiled as she made her way down the stairs leading to Iki Town. "Come on you two," Felix said to his Pokemon. The two followed after their trainer not noticing the guardian watching them from the trees.

"Hey Felix looks like you already met with my assistant yeah!?" said Kukui greeting them.

"Yeah had to help her out of some troubles," said Felix.

"Meh no worries as long as she's safe it's cool," said Kukui.

"Don't worry Professor i'm fine, and I've already met Felix so no intros needed," said Lillie.

"Heh guess you're eager to meet everybody I guess," said Kukui. Felix shrugs. "Oh by the way I've contacted Burnet about Vincent, she said she'll come talk to you,"

"And here I am," a female voice spoke up. The group turned around to see a woman wearing a grey tank top. She had white hair with a green head band.

"Burnet this is Felix, he's a trainer due to start his island challenge soon," said Kukui.

"Nice to meet you Felix, I'm Burnet," said the woman shaking his hand.

"Felix, and these two are my companions Lycanroc and Silvally," said Felix. Suddenly Silvally began growling at something catching the group's attention. "What is it Silvally?" asked Felix.

"Felix look," said Lillie pointing to the sky. The group looked up to see a strange tear appear out of nowhere.

"Is that?" Felix asked. Suddenly a bright flash covered the area and soon a giant hole had opened up where the tear was.

"An Ultra Wormhole," said Burnet. Suddenly a familiar Jellyfish like creature slithered out holding something in it's tentacles.

"UB-O1 Nihilego," said Lillie.

"Wait it's holding something," said Felix pointing to the purple mare struggling to break free from the beast's grasp.

"Is that?" asked Lillie.

"Help!" the mare screamed.

"Did it just talk?" asked Burnet.

"Yeah well if it needs help, Silvally save the pony!" Felix commanded. Silvally hissed as it lept up and tackled the beast causing it to drop the mare. Both Burnet and Lillie ran over to help the mare up while Silvally retreated back to it's trainer.

"Are you alright?" asked Lillie.

"Yeah I'm fine answered the mare.

"Wait aren't you?" asked Lillie.

"Yeah I'm Starlight Glimmer," said the pony.

Lillie's eyes widened as she recalled the memories of Starlight from 10 years ago,"Starlight oh it's so good to see you," said Lillie hugging her.

"Uh what?" asked Starlight.

"Starlight it's me, Lillie" said Lillie.

Starlight's eyes widened when she realized that it was the same person who helped her get back to Equestria,"Lillie!"

"So you finally remembered me," said Lillie Starlight nodded.

"Guys get out of the way!" Felix ordered. The three looked up to see Nihilego approaching them. Lillie got up and held out her arms glaring at the beast.

"I won't let you hurt my friend," said Lillie. Nihilego screeched when it attempted to capture Lillie. That's when it happened. Sudden memories from when see was a child came flooding back, the horrifying experience of almost being captured by the beast when Silvally saved her at the very last moment. Back then not even her brother Gladion could save her. With fear in her eyes she watched as Nihilego continued to approach. Unable to contain her fear Lillie let out a scream.

"Lillie?" asked Starlight. She watched in horror as Lillie collapsed onto the ground trembling. "Lillie what's wrong?" asked Starlight. Suddenly a stream of light dropped down in between the group and the beast as Tapu Koko let out a screech and stared down at the beast. "Is that?" asked Starlight.

Lillie looked up to see the guardian in front of her,"Tapu Koko the guardian deity of Melemele island," Tapu Koko lunged at Nihilego and knocked it back towards the Ultra Wormhole where it fled and disappeared.

"And there it goes," said Kukui.

"Lillie are you alright?" asked Starlight.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks to Tapu Koko," said Lillie facing the guardian. Tapu Koko stared at her before it let out a screech and shot up into the sky back towards the ruins of conflict.

"Hey what's all the ruckus out there?" a voice asked. The group turned behind them to see a young man wearing an orange coat with orange khaki shorts and sandals. His green hair tied back into a ponytail by a yellow band.

"Sorry Hau did we interrupt your beauty sleep?" asked Kukui.

"Nah just wanted to see what was going on out here, thought I saw an Ultra Wormhole just now," said Hau. "Did I miss something?"

"Well it's a long story," said Felix.

"Well go on then, I like long stories," said Hau.

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 complete. So we've already encountered UB-01. Yes I know that's not how the story went. I'm not trying to mimic the entire story EXACTLY as it should be, so some scenes MAY change as well as the dialogue. I recently finished playing Ultra Sun and I'm planning to play Ultra Moon as well since I got a copy of the game yesterday so I'm really excited for that. But yeah scenes and dialogue may change. Also I wanted to know if I should include characters from both the anime and games so let me know.

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