• Published 23rd Nov 2017
  • 737 Views, 12 Comments

Pokemon Ultra Cosmos - FandomPlays1234

Nova has vanished, The Ultra Beasts are back, Necrozma has turned evil, and Giovanni has returned with Team Rainbow Rocket, time for the ponies to return to Alola

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Chapter 16: UB Adhesive

Felix and Starlight walked out of the Pokemon Center ready to head over to Wela Volcano Park to tackle their next trial. As they walked Felix held up his shiny new Waterium Z up to the sun to see it reflect light.

"You excited to test it out?' asked Starlight.

"You know I am, in fact this should help me with my next trial," answered Felix.

"That would be the case, that is if you had a water type," said Starlight. Felix's hopes were instantly crushed to find out that Starlight was right. He knew that he couldn't give this to Silvally since he would already be holding the water type memory drive.

"Damn it I knew I should've caught that Wishiwashi when I had the chance," said Felix.

"Hey relax, I'm sure you'll be able to find another water type before the trial," said Starlight.

"I hope you're right," said Felix.

"Trust me you'll be fine," said Starlight winking.

"Hey look," said Rotom pointing forward. The two turned to see two strange trees blocking their path. Both had small green balls attached to their hands like leaves and small yellow dots on their stomach.

"Are those trees?" asked Starlight.

"No their Sudowoodos," answered Felix.

"Allow me," said Rotom scanning the two trees. "Sudowoodo, Imitation Pokemon, the evolved form of Bonsly, The result of it's holding the same pose all the time is arms that have become supple yet strong," read Rotom.

"Truth is they may look like trees so you may think they're grass type, but they're really rock type," said Felix.

"So water types have an advantage?" asked Starlight.

"Hmm you learn quick my little apprentice," answered Felix. "One dose of Waterium Z should do the trick," said Felix inserting the blue Z-Crystal into his Z-Power Ring. However instead of engaging in a battle, both Sudowoodos turned around and ran off.

"Well that was easy," said Starlight. Suddenly a familiar voice spoke up from behind them.

"Oho, These Sudowoodo are fascinating Pokemon as well, worthy of being a research topic all on their own!" The two watched as both Phyco and Soliera of the Ultra Recon Squad walked up next to them. "The way they mimic plants in order to avoid water.... How very interesting," said Phyco.

"Just as our research suggested, Captain Phyco," said Soliera.

"Indeed...We must gather data about Pokemon if we want to win Pokemon battles after all," said Phyco. The two turned around and faced Felix and Starlight. "That being said, there is no need for us to use these odd Alolan Pokemon," said Phyco.

"What do you mean?" asked Felix. Phyco turned to Soliera and nodded,"Soliera, if you would be so kind...."

"Trainer could I ask you to face me in a Pokemon battle?" asked Soliera.

"Well I mean we're not in a rush or anything so I guess it's fine," answered Felix.

"Then I will face you with my Poipole," said Soliera pulling out a beast ball. Soliera threw her ball and called out a mysterious purple creature. The thing was small and glowing blue eyes. Three small needles were sticking out on the top of it's head making it look like some kind of stinger.

"Go Silvally!" said Felix throwing his Pokeball to call out his Pokemon.

"Hmm what an interesting looking Pokemon," said Phyco scratching his mustache.

"So is yours," said Felix.

"Well we'll see which one is more rare in a minute," said Soliera pulling out a small yellow bottle. She pointed the bottle at her Pokemon and sprayed it with some sort of substance.

"Oh great," said Felix.

"What is it?" asked Starlight.

"She just used a X Special Defense," answered Felix.

"What does it do?" asked Starlight.

"It raises the opponent's Pokemon's Special Defense by two stages, so that Special Attacks can't do as much damage," answered Felix.

"That doesn't sound good," said Starlight.

"Damn Straight it doesn't," said Felix. "Silvally, Iron head!" Felix ordered. Silvally's head suddenly turned into a light grayish color as it charged at Poipole and slammed it in the stomach.

"Hmm interesting," said Soliera. "Charm," she ordered. Poipole began dancing around as small hearts began to pop out and around Poipole. Silvally took one look and shook itself to keep itself from falling for the opposing Pokemon.

"Oh great," groaned Felix.

"What now?" asked Starlight.

"She just lowered Silvally's Attack Stat by two stages. answered Felix. "Well no matter, Iron Head!" Felix ordered. Silvally's head began to shine in the same light grayish color as it slammed itself against Poipole's stomach, however Poipole shook it off like nothing mattered. "Damn it, that barely did anything," groaned Felix.

"Charm," Soliera ordered. Poipole began to dance around again as more hearts began to pop out of Poipole. Silvally shook it's head trying hard not to fall for it's looks.

"Multi Attack!" Felix ordered. Silvally lunged at the Poipole while raising it's talons. It's talons began glowing in a white light as Silvally slashed Poipole. Silvally quickly returned to it's trainer only to find Poipole not fazed.

"Venoshock!" Soliera ordered. A large puddle of purple ooze suddenly appeared beneath Poipole. As it screeched. a stream of ooze shot out and struck Silvally in the chest.

"Silvally are you alright?" asked Felix. Silvally looked back at it's trainer and nodded. "Alright Multi Attack!" Felix ordered. Silvally lunged at Poipole while raising it's talons as it began to glow in the white light. Silvally brought it down slashing Poipole, this time doing actual damage. "Yes nice work Silvally!" Felix complimented.

"Venoshock," Soliera ordered. Another small puddle of purple ooze appeared beneath Poipole, as another stream of ooze shot out and struck Silvally on the left side of it's face.

"Silvally steady," Felix ordered. Silvally shook off the remaining of the purple ooze and readied itself by getting into battle stance.

"Hmm you're strong, but let's see if you can keep going," Soliera smirked as she pulled out a yellow spray with an orange handle. She held it up and sprayed Poipole on the wounds completely healing it from the damage it had taken earlier.

"Oh come on a Super Potion!?" Felix groaned. "Fine you wanna play like that, Air Slash!" Felix ordered. Silvally opened it's mouth as a small orb of air began forming over it's mouth. It thrusted it's head forward towards Poipole as multiple blades of air struck Poipole in the chest. However Poipole didn't look fazed as if the attack didn't do anything.

"Venoshock," Soliera ordered. Poipole launched a stream of purple ooze, from the puddle that appeared beneath it, at Silvally. Silvally was once again struck and struggled to stay on it's feet. It winced as a small drop of tear appeared over it's eye.

"Silvally hang in there," said Felix pulling out a super potion of his own. He quickly sprayed the wounds healing Silvally before it could take anymore hits.

"Toxic," Soliera ordered. Poipole screeched as it emitted a nasty purple gas that surrounded Silvally. Silvally began to gasp and cough as it's face began to glow in a deep shade of purple.

"Oh shit," cursed Felix.

"What?" asked Starlight.

"Silvally just got poisoned," Felix answered.

"Poisoned!? Quick take it to a Pokemon Center so he can be healed," said Starlight.

"I can't I have to finish this battle," said Felix. "Iron Head!" Felix ordered. Silvally gasped as it's head began to glow in the light grayish color and headbutted Poipole in the stomach. Poipole yelped as it backed up from the impact. "Alright finally some damage," said Felix. Suddenly Silvally began to cough as it began to tremble. "Silvally hang in there," said Felix. "Iron Head one more time!" Felix ordered. Silvally lunged at Poipole and tackled it with it's metallic head causing Poipole to flinch. "Alright nice job Silvally," However Silvally only seemed to be getting worse.

"Felix," said Starlight.

"Don't worry I got this," said Felix. "Let's finish this with an Air Slash!" Felix ordered. Silvally opened it's mouth as it began to charge up the attack. Once it was fully charged Silvally thrusted it's head forward and struck Poipole with a barrage of air blades. Poipole let out a pained screech as it collapsed.

"Poipole return," said Soliera calling back her Pokemon.

"Alright we did it we beat Soliera," cheered Felix.

"It is not Poipole that failed in this battle, It is I, as a trainer, who have failed," said Soliera slumping down.

"Alright Silvally let's get you fixed up," said Felix. pulling out a first aid kit. He opened the case and pulled out a small stick like object and called over his Pokemon. Silvally walked over and let Felix rub the stick over it's chest as the poison was attracted to it like a magnet and was absorbed by the stick. Before Starlight knew it, Silvally looked in better shape in no time. "There feel better?" asked Felix. Silvally let out a happy screech as it nuzzled Felix.

"What was that?" asked Starlight.

"What oh this?" asked Felix holding up the stick. "This thing is a tool that allows trainers to heal their Pokemon's status condition after each battle," answered Felix. "We call this Pokemon Refresh," said Felix.

"Cool, I assume this is a function where you get to care for you're Pokemon?" asked Starlight.

"That's right," Felix answered. The two turned towards both Phyco and Soliera who were still watching them.

"Thank you very much," said Soliera. "I was able to understand Poipole better, but it seems my Pokemon battle skills leave much to be desired,"

"That Z-Power Ring of yours, it's light feels somehow nostalgic," said Phyco.

"Do you think it is the same light our ancestors gazed upon?" asked Soliera. "The light said to have come from the Blinding One?"

"Who can tell, yet is our duty as the Ultra Recon Squad to find that out," answered Phyco. The two greeted Felix and Starlight farewell before walking off in the direction the two originally came from.

"Well that was weird," said Starlight.

"True but none of that matters right now, come on let's continue to Wela Volcano Park," said Felix. Starlight nodded as the two continued down the path.

Author's Note:

Chapter 16 complete. So now Felix had his first encounter with one of the new Ultra Beast. Poipole aka UB Adhesive. It may have been a difficult battle for Felix and Silvally but at least they managed to beat Soliera. Now it's of to Wela Volcano Park for the Fire Trial.

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