• Published 23rd Nov 2017
  • 737 Views, 12 Comments

Pokemon Ultra Cosmos - FandomPlays1234

Nova has vanished, The Ultra Beasts are back, Necrozma has turned evil, and Giovanni has returned with Team Rainbow Rocket, time for the ponies to return to Alola

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Chapter 9: Solar Eclipse

It's been almost a week since the encounter with Ultra Recon Boss N and eight days since Starlight's abduction. The ponies of Equestria had heard about what happened and prayed for Starlight's safety. Even the ponies from her village came for visit wanting to help get her back. But now Starlight's safety is not the only thing the ponies have to pray for. Two days after the encounter with N, mysterious dark clouds appeared over the skies of Equestria and the sky had darkened to a state where it almost seemed like night. The moon had passed over the sun and settled in that spot causing a permanent Solar Eclipse. When Luna was confronted, she had admitted that she had nothing to do with this. Now as the ponies continue their daily lives, the Solar Eclipse continues to strike fear to those in Equestria.

"I don't like this," said Spike nervously.

"None of us does sugarcube," said Applejack staring up at the darkened sky. Spike jumped off the stool and headed back into the castle with Applejack following behind. The two entered the room where Twilight was flipping through pages to try and see if history was repeating itself only to have no luck.

"Did you find out anything?" asked Spike.

"No, there's nothing in these books that explains this situation," says Twilight panicked.

"There has to be some sort of explanation," said Cadence nearby.

"I'm sorry but there really isn't anything about a permanent Solar Eclipse," said Twilight.

"Do you think that maybe Necrozma has something to do with this?" asked Spike suddenly scared.

"No, I don't believe in that, there's no way Necrozma would just...." Twilight stopped sort when something hit her. She had remembered something Dulse had said. Necrozma had it's light stolen from himself many years ago, now his unending rage would lead him to steal the light that was stolen from him. But why would Necrozma target Equestria of all places. Nothing made sense, Twilight had questions with no answers, and now Equestria was contaminated with paranoia. Ever since Celestia spread the word about the Ultra Beast Army and Necrozma, everypony would be too afraid of going outside. Now their fear was starting to come true.

"Twilight!" Applejack's voice had brought her back into reality.

"Wha, what happened?" asked Twilight.

"You're sweating are you ok?" asked Fluttershy.

"I'm fine," lied Twilight. Nothing was ok, not even her. This world was being driven towards the darkness and nopony knew how to stop it. Time was running out and she still had so much to do, so many questions left unanswered. The only thing she and her friends do right now, was to pray that their world would be ignored a little bit longer.

Above the skies of Equestria the permanent Solar Eclipse continued to linger as the changelings in the hive nervously gazed at the darkened sky. Thorax had tried to calm down and ease the panic running up and down the hive. They had received a warning from Princess Celestia 48 hours ago and since then, the hive had been spreading disturbing rumors about the situation.

"Now, now everyone please calm down," said Thorax.

"How can we calm down, this is not normal," argued a changeling.

"Everyone please I'm sure Princess Celestia has everything under control," said Thorax.

"I'm telling you this is a bad omen," said another changeling. The other changeling began to talk amongst themselves leaving Thorax in a tight spot. He looked up at the eclipse and prayed that Celestia would find a solution.

The darkness had hung above ponyville and Canterlot for a while, but now that the changeling hive was also experiencing the same sinister crisis the dragons hoped that they wouldn't have to go through the same thing. Unfortunately for them, their prayers were left unanswered as the darkness slowly crawled over the dragon lands as well. Princess Ember had gotten the warning and was prepared for what was to come next. However fighting back against the darkness, she had yet to figure out.

"I have a bad feeling about this," mumbled a dragon. The other three in the group nodded.

"Princess Ember any responses from the princess of friendship or Spike?" asked a dragon.

"Afraid not, I don't think we'll be hearing from either for a while," answered Ember.

"Shouldn't you be trying to calm everyone down at the very least?" asked the dragon.

"Even if I did, it wouldn't be very effective," answered Ember.

"I guess you're right," said the dragon. He jumps up next to Ember and looks up at the Solar Eclipse. "Do you think they'll be able to fix this?" asked the dragon.

"Hopefully," answered Ember. The two looked up as the dark clouds slowly flew over their heads.

Celestia's castle was easily one of the most distinguishable piece of architect in all of Equestria, but now that it was completely dark nopony could see the building itself except the lights inside the building. Deep inside Luna was attempting to fix the problem by trying to lower the moon. However the moon itself seemed to be surrounded in some sort of dark energy that prevented Luna from using her magic. Not even Celestia, who once lowered it without any trouble at all, could lower the moon.

"Princess is it working?" asked Sunburst.

"Afraid not, we tried everything, the moon just won't go down," answered Celestia.

"What do we do?" asked Fluttershy.

"If only there was some way we could take control of the moon, we could easily lower it without any problem," answered Luna.

"But at the moment there seems to be some sort of dark energy surrounding the moon hat prevents us from lowering it," added Celestia.

"Who would do this?" asked Rarity.

"Whoever it is, I'll beat them," said Rainbow Dash.

"I wouldn't act so confident," a voice responded. The four turned around to see N, Zossie, and Dulse walking up to them.

"Wha, who are you?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"You may call me N, and these are my two subordinates Dulse and Zossie," answered N. "As for you I wouldn't try and threaten Necrozma," said N in a serious tone.

"Necrozma?" asked Rarity.

"Do you three perhaps know something about this?" asked Celestia.

"I wouldn't say for sure," answered N. "But don't start jumping to conclusions just because I said Necrozma," said N.

"What do you mean?" asked Sunburst.

"We're just assuming this is Necrozma's doing but we can't be sure," answered Dulse. "After all we've never heard of Necrozma possessing the ability to move the moon," said Dulse.

"Well if it's not Necrozma then who is it?" asked Rarity.

"That's something you should hope to discover in the future," said N pointing out the window. The group turned around and looked out towards the Solar Eclipse. Could Necrozma be responsible for this? Nopony knew. Somewhere out of Canterlot and ponyville, the Hippogriffs watched as the darkness slowly devoured the light above their home. The skies over Appleloosa was also experiencing the sinister clouds over their skies. Along with them, Los Pegasus, Baltimare, Filly Delphia, Cloudsdale, Griffonstone and even the Crystal Empire. Soon all of Equestria's skies will be covered in darkness and the Solar Eclipse will soon be the only visible thing in the sky.

Larry sat in the Champion's chamber looking up at the sky through the see through ceiling. The night sky was filled with nothing but sparkling stars. Tonight was it, the night of the Lunar Eclipse. Sure enough from the corner of his eyes, Larry saw it. The red moon shining brightly. However even with it's shiny bright red tint something was off. Getting up from his chair, Larry walked down the stairs and onto the warp platform and was instantly transported to the entrance of the league.

"What are you doing out here?" asked a female voice. Larry turned around to see Professor Burnet standing near a giant boulder next to the entrance.

"Burnet didn't think you'd be here," said Larry.

"Though I'd might come since I have a better view from up here," answered Burnet. "You didn't answer my question though.

"I can't shake this feeling," Larry answered.

"It's about Necrozma isn't it," suggested Burnet. Larry nodded. "I figured, yeah no doubt about it, everyone is on edge about this," said Burnet.

"Has Gladion called you back since our last meeting?" asked Larry.

"Not yet, it appears Aether is very busy," answered Burnet.

"I see, well no need to rush it," said Larry. Suddenly the sound of footsteps came from towards the hill leading towards the league. The two turned to see Argo climbing up the slope. "So you've returned," said Larry.

"Of course wouldn't want to waste your time now would I," said Argo.

"True, I suppose, anything new?" asked Larry.

"Afraid not, the public is only getting more and more paranoid with the situation," answered Argo.

"I see, thanks for the update Argo, your free to go," said Larry. Argo nodded as he walked back down the hill.

"Burnet, contact Lusamine, we're taking drastic measures," said Larry.

Author's Note:

Chapter 9 complete. So Equestria's sky is completely dark now and a permanent Solar Eclipse has occurred. It's only a matter of time before the situation gets even worse. Hopefully Felix would be able to fix this. He IS the son of Symon and Amber after all.

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