• Published 23rd Nov 2017
  • 737 Views, 12 Comments

Pokemon Ultra Cosmos - FandomPlays1234

Nova has vanished, The Ultra Beasts are back, Necrozma has turned evil, and Giovanni has returned with Team Rainbow Rocket, time for the ponies to return to Alola

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Chapter 10: Welcome to Akala

Felix yawned as he slowly got up. Scratching his eyes he slowly pulled himself off the Professor's sofa. He and Starlight had stayed overnight at Professor Kukui's place to prepare for today. He looked over to his clock to check the time. 8:30. He slowly got up and looked over to the loft where Lillie was sleeping. He could still see her sleeping peacefully next to Starlight. Smiling he got up and walked into the bathroom with a change of clothes and a bath towel. Felix wanted to shower before Starlight and Lillie woke up so that he could be prepared for the day.

"Phew finally now that I've completed the Melemele trials I can move on to Akala, hopefully I can find more Pokemon to add to my team, maybe even Starlight will find a Pokemon or two she likes," Felix thought to himself as he showered. He turned off the shower and slowly stepped out of the bath and dried himself off with the bath towel Kukui had lent him, meanwhile the bathroom door behind him started to open instantly grabbing his attention. He turned around to find Lillie walking in.

"Wha Lillie!" Felix yelped. Lillie scratched her eyes as she looked up.

"Oh morning Felix, something wrong?" she asked not noticing.

"GET OUT!" Felix yelled. Confused Lillie rubbed her eyes to clear her vision. Once her vision cleared she saw Felix standing there naked trying to hide himself with the bath towel. Realizing what she just did, she took a step back and gasped.

"Oh my god, Felix I'm so..."

"I SAID GET OUT!" Felix repeated. Without hesitation Lillie ran out and shut the door behind her. Feeling embarrassed Felix quickly started changing into his clothes and fixed up his hair before finally opening the door and walking out. He saw Lillie standing next to the door covering her pink face. "Geez Lillie don't you know how to knock?" Felix groaned.

"I'm so sorry Felix, I didn't mean it, I didn't think you'd be in there," Lillie started apologizing in a panicked voice.

"Lillie it's fine, just be sure to knock next time," said Felix. Lillie nodded and that was the end of that. The rest of the morning seemed normal. Both Starlight and Kukui woke up several minutes after Felix and Lillie did and the four ate breakfast together. Neither Felix or Lillie wanted to mention the incident from earlier. Once the four finished breakfast and made preparations to head out, they walked over to Felix's house and to say goodbye. Then they made their way to the marina.

"Oh boy a new island full of new Pokemon, aren't you excited partner?" asked Rotom.

"I guess so," answered Felix.

"Felix what's wrong, you don't seem energetic as usual," said Starlight.

"I mean I might be going crazy but, something doesn't feel right," said Felix.

"What do you mean?" asked Lillie.

"I don't know, something in my guts is telling me that going to Akala isn't safe," answered Felix.

"That's ridiculous, you're just overthinking things," said Kukui. "Come on cheer up, you'll have plenty of time to make new experiences on Akala, don't let things get to you,"

"Yeah I guess you're right," said Felix smiling.

"That's the Felix I know," said Starlight.

"You know, actually you guys take the boat, I wanna try out that mantine surfing thing," said Felix.

"Ooh good idea partner, hey professor how about we meet on Akala?" asked Rotom.

"You wanna go mantine surfing, you do that," said Kukui.

"Alright then see you on Akala," said Felix as he and Rotom made their way to big wave beach.

"Starlight you're not going?" asked Lillie.

"No I'm fine, I'd rather take the boat," answered Starlight.

"Nothing wrong with that," said Kukui. "Now let's get over to Akala Island with extreme speed woo!" declared Kukui as he led the two towards the marina.

The sun was high up in the sky as a gentle tropical morning breeze blew through Koni Koni City on Akala Island.Meanwhile Viola was snapping photos of nearby bug that was crawling on a leaf in the Lighthouse point area. She was visiting Alola with her sister Alexa for a vacation. Alola was a completely different region from Kalos. She'd never thought that she would come to liking it so fast. They had just arrived several days ago and was staying at the Hano Grand Resort for the time being. This was her third day here in Alola and she had already met a lot of new Alolan Pokemon.

"You like taking pictures?" a voice called out. Viola quickly turned around to find Larry standing at the gate.

"Well of course, I mean bug types at the very least," Viola answered.

"Just bug types?" asked Larry.

"Well mostly bug types," answered Viola. Larry nodded his head as he walked over and bent down to get a closer look.

"You know what this is?" asked Larry pointing to the bug.

"I'm afraid I don't," answered Viola.

"This is a Grubbin, this is a very popular bug type among the people here in Alola only because of it's final evolution," said Larry.

"Well final evolution or not, I'm a huge fan of bug types," said Viola.

"Nothing wrong with that," said Larry standing up. "I'm Larry, Larry Dawes, Champion of Alola," said Larry holding out his hand.

"Viola, I'm a gym leader from the Kalos region that specializes in bug types, me and my sister are here vacationing in Alola," said Viola shaking his hand.

"Welcome to Akala Island, one of the four main islands here in Alola, we're glad to have you here," said Larry.

"Thanks," said Viola.

All these years that he lived in Alola, he never thought that he had a surfer's talent, but after going mantine surfing Felix had proven himself wrong. Even after learning as a beginner he managed to strike a high score.Now he had landed in Heahea beach. Jumping off the mantine he took his beach points and went off to look for his friends.

"Man that was fun, hey partner thanks for letting me tag along with you," said Rotom.

"Anytime Rotom," said Felix. Felix walked up the stairs leading into Heahea city and noticed Professor Kukui's boat pulling in. He ran over to the harbor as his friends were getting off.

"Hey Felix it seems you made it here before us," said Kukui.

"How was mantine surfing?" asked Starlight.

"It was actually really fun," answered Felix. "Rotom and I really enjoyed it,"

"Good to hear that cousin," said Kukui.

Well, well looks like you finally show up," said a voice. The four turned around to see Argo walking up to them. "Welcome to Akala Island, glad you could make it," said Argo.

"Wha, who are you?" asked Lillie.

"My name is Argo, I'm the current Team Cosmos Admin," answered Argo.

"Team Cosmos, you mean the one that got disbanded?" asked Lillie.

"Yes, however don't get me wrong, i'm not here to cause trouble," said Argo.

"Then why ARE you here?" asked Starlight.

"It's about Necrozma," answered Argo.

"Necrozma?" asked Lillie.

"If you want to know more, just meet me in the Aether lab on route 8 I'll explain everything from there, until then I do hope we can get acquainted,"said Argo turning around. "I bid you four Alola!" he beamed as he walked off.

"That was weird," said Felix.

"Well he told us to meet him on route 8," said Starlight. "But who is he?" she asked.

"Who knows," said Kukui.

"Well we're here in Akala, let's not waste time and start exploring, the next trial is just up ahead Paniola Town partner so let's get to it Felix!" Rotom said.

"Alright calm down, no need to rush, come on Starlight," said Felix walking off towards the Pokemon Center.

"I suppose it's about for us to head out too," said Kukui.

"Of course Professor," said Lillie. Nebby in her bag let out a pew in agreement. As the two walked off, they split off with Felix and Starlight and headed towards the Tide Song Hotel. None of the four noticed the Ultra Wormhole above the harbor, or the Ultra Beast that emerged from it.

Author's Note:

Chapter 10 complete. So now Felix and his friends are on Akala Island. Hopefully very soon things will start taking place. Now that Felix and his gang met Argo, maybe they will be able to learn more about Necrozma. Now I don't want any of you screaming at my face about Viola and Alexa. They're only in this chapter because I want them to be in it. And also I didn't talk about how Felix did in mantine surfing because I don't think it's important enough to be in this chapter. But now that an Ultra beast has snuck into Alola how will the story play out. Hopefully someone will be able to stop it.

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