• Published 23rd Nov 2017
  • 737 Views, 12 Comments

Pokemon Ultra Cosmos - FandomPlays1234

Nova has vanished, The Ultra Beasts are back, Necrozma has turned evil, and Giovanni has returned with Team Rainbow Rocket, time for the ponies to return to Alola

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Chapter 13: Gladion

After the encounter with the two Ultra Aether Employees, Felix and Starlight decided to move on with the Island Challenge. Meanwhile Kukui and Lillie decided to go over to the Dimensional Research Lab to talk with Kukui's wife Professor Burnet. Twilight, Trixie, and Tempest was upset having to say goodbye to Starlight just as they met up but agreed that the safety of Equestria was first priority so they went back to the Aether lab on route 8 with Argo. Along the way Felix and Starlight decided to catch more Pokemon to add to their team.

"Well that's the another one down," said Felix as a third Pikipek fainted.

"You know, if you keep taking out Pokemon like that, your team won't be getting any new additions," said Starlight.

"I know, it's just that I'm not a huge fan of normal types," answered Felix.

"Your Silvally is a normal type," said Starlight.

"Silvally is different," said Felix. Before Starlight could make another argument the grass in front of them began to rustle as another Pokemon jumped out. This time it was a small brown creature with long ears, and a big fluffy brown tail with a white tip at the end. The white fur around it's neck bounced as it bobbed it's head up and down.

"Aww how cute," cooed Starlight.

"An Eevee, haven't seen one of these in a while," said Felix. Suddenly Rotom flew out of Felix's bag as it scanned the Pokemon and read off it's Dex entry.

"Eevee, Evolution Pokemon, Normal Type, It's genes are easily influenced by it's surroundings, even it's face starts to look like that of it's trainer," read Rotom. The Eevee let out a squeal as it sniffed at the two.

"Aww," cooed Starlight clapping her hooves together.

"Yeah I'm not catching this thing," said Felix.

"But it's so cute," whined Starlight.

"If you want it go ahead, I'm not stopping you," said Felix.

"You mean, you'll let me catch this thing?" asked Starlight.

"Yeah it's not like it's a law, I'm pretty sure the Guardian Deity of Akala isn't gonna come hunt you down for catching a wild Eevee," said Felix.

"Very funny," said Starlight pulling out a Pokeball. Eevee's ears twitched and looked up as Starlight aimed. Just as it looked like the Eevee was gonna run of, Starlight threw the ball, hitting it on the head and sucking it in as a white energy. The ball fell to the ground and shook once, twice, and finally three times before it clicked shut. Smiling Starlight walked over and picked up the ball and threw it calling out her new team member. Eevee popped out and happily ran over to it's new trainer and nuzzled itself against her hoof. "So cute," said Starlight cuddling her new Pokemon. Felix cleared his throat grabbing her attention.

"You done?" he asked tapping his foot impatiently.

"Yes, yes I'm done," said Starlight with a smug look. Felix rolled his eyes as Starlight got up and continued to Paniola Town.

Gladion sipped his tea as his Pokemon sat next to him eating the Poke beans Gladion had received from the guy at the cafe. He flicked his finger on the tablet in front of him. His mom had asked him to research more on the Ultra Beasts and Necrozma for future references in case anything happened. As he continued his search, he came across a news article from 3 years ago. Former Team Cosmos Admin Presumed Dead.

"Hmph so they finally gave up," grunted Gladion. He remembered how many Team Cosmo Grunts approached him and asked him about their missing "brother." The search had gone for about for about 6 years before they finally gave up for good. But now wasn't the time to think about this. What had they called themselves, Ultra Aether? Whoever they were they obviously knew about the Ultra Beast. But Gladion didn't seem to recall any organization called Ultra Aether. No news about this had been spreading. So who were they, they had said something like Anti Aether Foundation. Gladion decided that this should be something his mother should know about. Suddenly his Zorua nudged him by the leg obviously wanting his attention. "What is it boy?" he asked looking down. Zorua walked over to the window and scratched at something. Confused Gladion walked over and looked out to see two figures, a trainer and.... was that a pony? He quickly picked up his stuff and whistled. His Pokemon got up and followed their trainer out the door.

"Finally that was the last set of trainers," said Felix wiping away the sweat.

"Hey at least my Raichu had fun," said Starlight. Her Raichu let out an electric squeak as if it was agreeing with her.

"Yeah but of course you needed help with that Vullaby, since it was a dark type," said Felix.

"At least my attacks didn't miss two times in a row," snickered Starlight. Blushing Felix tried to come up with a way to retaliate only for him to completely miss the ball.

"Ok you got me," said Felix embarrassed. Starlight laughed as she nudged him.

"I'm kidding, you did great," said Starlight.

"Really, cause i think you're doing great for a beginner," said Felix.

"Only because I have the greatest tutor ever," said Starlight.

"You're the easiest student I've ever had to teach," said Felix. The two laughed as the made their way towards Brooklet Hill.

"Stop right there you two," a voice spoke up. The two stopped and looked forward to see a young man in his teens standing in front of the entrance to Brooklet hill. For someone living in Alola he had a black hoodie along with black pants both covered with tears and rips. A red fanny pack was wrapped around his waist and his blonde hair covered his left eye as a bang. "You," he said pointing towards Felix.

"Me?" Felix asked.

"Yes, you, you're Felix?" asked Gladion.

"Who?" Felix asked. Starlight looked at him confused. Did he just respond who when this guy asked his own name. And why did he look so familiar?

"Hmm, so you have enough sense to be wary, not bad," said the teen. "I'm Gladion," That's when it hit her. Gladion, wasn't he the brother of Lillie? His name seemed to ring in Starlight's mind, but she just couldn't remember who Gladion was. "Me and my partner, Type: Null, are training to get stronger, we have to get stronger!" Gladion announced.

"Is that right?" asked Felix.

"Wait, now just wait a second," said Starlight stepping in.

"You I thought I recognized that face," said Gladion.

"What?" asked Starlight.

"You, you're one of those ponies who appeared from the Ultra Wormhole 10 years ago," said Gladion. That's when it struck her. That's right she met with this Gladion guy at Aether 10 years ago when Team Cosmos was still evil. "Not that any of it matters now," said Gladion. He looked over to Felix and crossed his arms,"Battle me, I won't take no for an answer,"

"Wait so you're FORCING me to battle?" asked Felix. But before Felix could argue, Gladion pulled out Pokeball and threw it calling out his first Pokemon.

"Go Zubat!" The ball opened as the small blue bat appeared flapping it's wings. Felix realizing he had no other choice but to do battle pulled out his Pokeball and called out his Pokemon.

"Lycanroc let's go!" His orange wolf burst out and growled at the opposing Zubat as it hissed back at him.

"Hmph a Lycanroc, well it won't take too long, Zubat supersonic!" Gladion ordered. The Zubat hissed as it howled at the Lycanroc leaving it in a confused state.

"Lycanroc bite on Zubat!" Felix ordered. But Lycanroc looked around as if it didn't see a Zubat and instead of attacking Gladion's Pokemon, bit down on it's own paw letting out a yelp. "Damn," Felix cursed.

"Hmph come on is that all you've got?" asked Gladion. Felix clenched his teeth before thrusting his arm forward.

"Accelrock!" he ordered. Lycanroc once again spun around looking for the Zubat. This time it managed to spot the Pokemon. Lycanroc charged only for it to miss the Pokemon by an inch and slam it's entire body into the side of a nearby tree. "Not again," said Felix face palming himself.

"Wing attack," Gladion ordered. Zubat's wings began to glow white as it turned around and struck the Lycanroc on the back knocking it back down onto the ground. Felix couldn't believe this, he was battling what seemed to be a level 17 Zubat with a Pokemon that was several levels higher with a type advantage and was still losing. But he couldn't go down, not like this.

"Accelrock!" Felix ordered. This time his Lycanroc shook itself back to normal and locked it's eyes on Zubat. It lunged at the Zubat and struck it right the center of it's stomach and knocked it down to the ground where it lay unconscious. Lycanroc quickly returned to it's trainer as Gladion called back his Pokemon. "Alright, nice work Lycanroc, I knew you could do it," said Felix. Lycanroc let out a happy bark as it licked his trainers face.

"Hmph, don't get too excited now," said Gladion pulling out a second Pokeball. "Go Silvally," said Gladion calling out his second Pokemon.

"Wait Silvally, Gladion you have a Silvally too?" asked Starlight.

"What do you mean too?" asked Gladion.

"I'll show you what she means," said Felix calling back his Lycanroc and pulling out his second Pokeball. "Go Silvally!" said Felix calling out his Shiny Silvally. As the Pokeball opened, Felix's Silvally emerged and landed swiftly onto the ground, it's yellow fur sparkling in the sunlight. However instead of it's head and tail fins being pure white, they were colored in an orange tint. Gladion's eyes widened upon laying it onto Felix's Silvally.

"What a Shiny Silvally, but how?" Gladion asked.

"Well in all honesty I don't know myself," answered Felix.

"What do you mean, you don't know yourself?" asked Gladion.

"Truth is I got this Shiny Silvally as a birthday gift from someone named Vincent," answered Felix.

"Who?" asked Gladion.

"Vincent," repeated Felix. Confused, Gladion decided to put this battle on hold. For some reason the name seem to linger in his head, as if he knew someone named Vincent except he didn't know where. "Well are we going to continue or what?" asked Felix.

"I'm afraid not, we're putting this battle on hold, in the meantime, you," said Gladion looking over to Starlight.

"Me?" asked Starlight. Gladion nodded.

"Remind me of your name," said Gladion.

"Starlight, Starlight Glimmer," said Starlight. Starlight Glimmer, yeah no doubt about it this WAS one of the ponies that appeared from the Ultra Wormholes 10 years ago. "Um sorry what does my name have anything to do with this Vincent Felix mentioned?" asked Starlight.

"Listen closely, you've heard about Nova right?" asked Gladion.

"Nova, you mean that one guy from Team Cosmos, who was always dressing differently from the grunts and was being bossed around by Nebula?" asked Starlight.

"Yeah that's him," said Gladion. "I don't know if you've heard but 10 years ago after Team Cosmos got disbanded, Nova suddenly disappeared without a trace," said Gladion.

"What you mean he just suddenly disappeared?!" asked Starlight.

"Yeah, according to rumors he got into an argument with Nebula and ran off before he got a chance to talk. After that he wasn't seen in almost a month and everyone had forgotten about him," answered Gladion.

"What happened?" asked Starlight.

"Nobody knows for sure, but about a year after the search has started almost everyone in Alola had denied Nova's existence," answered Starlight.

"I've heard about it, apparently everyone said, they've never seen or knew a guy named Nova right?" asked Felix.

"Yeah pretty much," said Gladion.

"So what does this have to do with this Vincent guy?" asked Felix.

"About a year and a half after Nova's disappearance, a member of the Aether Foundation named Vincent also disappeared without a trace," answered Gladion.

"What Vincent too?" asked Starlight.

"Yeah, both of these vanishing was so close to each other we thought there might have been a connection to each other, but since Vincent's disappearance, no other vanishing has been reported," answered Gladion. "Nobody in Aether knows where or how Vincent disappeared, and the last time anybody saw Vincent was the day he left Aether,"

"Wait what do you mean left Aether?" asked Felix.

"Vincent was suddenly called down by Aether's Branch Chief, Faba and the day after he got called down, he told everyone in Aether he was leaving for vacation," answered Gladion. "Truth is Lusamine didn't allow him to take the week off, and when she tried confronting Faba, he said he knew nothing about this, since then nobody has seen or heard from Vincent,"

"And you're saying that after all these years Felix got a birthday present from someone who's gone missing for 8 years,"asked Starlight.

"That's what I want to know, how did Vincent manage to get his hands on Shiny Silvally, especially since Faba was the only one who knew about this, where did Vincent go, and why he's suddenly sending birthday gifts to someone he doesn't even know," said Gladion.

"This is starting to get really weird, we should probably report this to the professor," said Felix. Starlight nodded in agreement.

"Listen sorry for getting you caught up in my problems, I suggest you take on the trial before you go talk to the professor," said Gladion.

"Alright," said Felix. Gladion took out his Pokeball and called back his Silvally and walked past the two in the opposite direction Felix and Starlight had come from.

"Vincent where are you?" Gladion mumbled to himself.

"This is getting creepy," said Starlight.

"I understand how you feel, but for now let's just try to focus on the Island Challenge," said Felix. Starlight nodded in agreement as she followed Felix into the Pokemon Center.

Author's Note:

Chapter 13 complete. So now Felix has had his encounter with Gladion. Not only that but the mysterious person Vincent has been mentioned as well. But why would Vincent suddenly vanish and where did go? Like Starlight said, this is getting really creepy. Hopefully Felix can figure out whats going on. Maybe even help find Vincent. But for now there are bigger tasks at hand.

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