• Member Since 26th Mar, 2017
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Polaris Solarmoon

An author who's stories may not be good but at least he tries...


Glitter Brightstar is throwing a massive party and everypony is invited, even ponies from other universes! This massive party is to celebrate the many different stories that I myself have made throughout this one year alone. This party will have the likes of The Different View Universe, The Other View Universe,The New View Universe,The Mirrorverse, The Dark Matter Universe and a new Universe I call The Ultima Universe. Not only that, but this will be the first crossover fic I've ever done.

Glitter Brightstar:This party will be super fun!

(one more thing,I'm not just featuring my own universes. Other universes I do not own can join the fun too!)

(This is also my last story for this year.)

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 54 )

It was another nice day in Ponyville. The birds were singing and the flowers were blooming. It was so peaceful that even Twilight Sparkle was outside. She is currently at a picnic with her friends, let's see what's going on shall we?

She eventually got her answer when a bright purplish pink light had appeared right next to her. What stepped out of the light was a surprise for most of them, it was Glitter Brightstar.

It is time...The day has come for the Grand Finale! This will be the last story for the year so I decided to make this the best story yet!

I've been thinking and I've decided to submit this story early so I could get to it faster, I have the thousand words I need but that doesn't mean that this story is done, it still has around six more chapters until I finish it, if anyone wants to add a universe please let me know.

Ps: I apologize if every chapter is short but I don't have much time until the new year so I have to get this done as soon as I can.

The Naturae Six and The Master of Earth verse would be interesting to see here.

Alright then I'll add them, but I might need a reminder as to whose who in those worlds.

Meet Professor Twilight Sparkle,known to her friends as Sparkie. She has Pinkie's extroversion,outgoing,talkative,hyper,and fun-loving nature,and fondness for kids,Twilight's fondness for math,science and magic,intelligence,innocently insensitive remarks,organization obsession,love of books,love of knowledge,and adorkability,and both of their kindness. She's a math teacher for little fillies,and she currently resides in Ponyville,previously being a teacher at Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns.

She’s the Element of Laughter,and always tries to make her students laugh while teaching them. She loves to make ponies laugh in general and being exceptionally good at it. It's why her class was one of the fillies' and colts' favorite classes,besides how friendly and kind she is. They don't like her squeeing over them,though.

Diamond Heart(Rarity):
Diamond is a shy,introverted,and soft spoken pony,feeling more at home in the mines or at home alone then when other ponies. She may be socially awkward and has stage fright,but is a very kind and gentle individual regardless.

She has a love of beauty and is an artist at heart,though,unlike Rarity in canon,turns gems into beautiful works of art instead of making dresses. She does not mind spending her time in the mines all day,because,in her mind,it’s worth it,because she gets the jewels she turns into works of art in there. She does know how to clean herself up,though,and knows how to bring out other’s inner beauty,because as a filly,it was her dream to do this. Her generosity is only overshadowed by her kindness. She usually stays away from the spotlight,but has her drama queen moments. She can be tough and resourceful,and despite being socially awkward,has been manipulative with the Diamond Dogs.

She is the Element of Kindness.

Her backstory:
When Diamond was a filly,she was still pretty shy,but had designed the dresses for her school’s play anyway. In fact,her backstory was exactly the same as Rarity in canon,except her horn lead her to an abandoned mine instead of a single rock.

When Diamond saw the diamonds,she got an idea. She used some of the diamonds to jazz up the dresses she designed,she used the remaining gems to create stunning works of art. After creating one,she created another,then another,then another,then another,each one more beautiful than the last.

Eventually,Diamond concluded that she wanted to do this the rest of her life,and that’s when her cutie mark appeared:a diamond heart,which symbolized her good heart,and her talent.

Rainbow Dash:
Rainbow Dash is,in this AU,the owner of a large mansion in Canterlot and was raised by strict,yet well meaning parents who realized long ago that acting anything but prim and proper in front of the nobles would lead to them not taking you seriously. Turns out,they were right.
Rainbow likes that she has the immense wealth to get away with being generous and giving money to charities,but hates that she has to act demure,fragile,gentile,prim,and proper in order to be taken seriously,and also hates the snobby attitude of most of the nobles. In fact,she went to a vacation at Ponyville in order to get away from them.
Personality wise,she’s the same as canon,except she’s very gen
erous and a bit less loyal(though is still pretty loyal). She got her generosity from her parents.

Rainbow still went to flight camp with Fluttershy.

In this AU,Applejack has an ancestor that had a closer connection to the earth than all the other earth ponies. In fact,you could say he had super powers!

When Applejack was born in this AU,she inherited these super powers from her ancestor,but they didn’t show until she was a little child,after her parents died. She could talk to animals and plants,and could manipulate the earth around her. Her family,frightened and knowing of no other being who could possess this level of magic other than Princess Celestia,turned to the princess for help.

And that’s how Applejack became Princess Celestia’s student.

Personality wise,she’s the same as canon,except she has more knowledge from being the Princesses’ student. She also has more of a desire to understand and learn than canon.


When Fluttershy was at summer flight camp, she was the weakest flier out of all the young pegasi there. As such, she was bullied a lot, until one day when Rainbow Dash stood up for her, challenging the bullies to a race. During the race, Fluttershy was knocked off a cloud and sent plummeting towards the ground below, only to crash land into the top of one of Sweet Apple Acre's trees. It turns out that summer flight camp was above Sweet Apple Acres(in this AU,at least),and after some introductions and Big Macintosh wondering why the long legs of a little filly were sticking out of a tree,the Apples(except Applejack,who was away at Manehattan) allowed Fluttershy to stay at the farm until her parents came to get her. Eventually,the Apples became used to Fluttershy being around,so much that when she was old enough,she came back to work at Sweet Apple Acres. Her cutie mark came from trying to apple farm and succeeding because she didn't want to be weak and useless.

Fluttershy is hardworking,reliable,responsible,stronger than she looks,and protective of her 'little sister' Applebloom,but she's also 'cowardly',nervous most of the time,VERY shy and introverted,a pushover,indecisive,and soft spoken. She holds both of her families close to heart,and sisterhood is very important to her. She doesn't really interact much with other ponies besides the Apple family,but she does write to her family everyday. However,despite her fears,when her friends are in danger,she will always come through for them in the end. She still likes animals here,but can't understand them,and,while not as kind as her canon counterpart,is still very kind and empathetic.

She holds the Element of Honesty,as even though she's shy,that does not stop her from being honest with others. She rarely ventures outside of the farm,leaving Applebloom(or Applejack) to be the talker when the Apple family does sales,with Applebloom usually accompanied by Fluttershy and Big Mac to keep an eye on her.She's overjoyed to see Rainbow Dash,and has been sending letters to Canterlot ever since Rainbow left to go back home.

Enigma Pie(Pinkie Pie):
When Enigma was born,both of her parents didn’t know why she was pink,and they both knew Cloudy Quartz didn’t have an affair or anything. In my headcanon,it was from either Nana or Granny Pie,but here,it was from an ancestor neither Cloudy Quartz or Igneous Rock knew about. How Enigma Pie was born pink was a mystery to them,an enigma. And so the name,Enigma Pie,was born.

Enigma’s is almost the same as Pinkie’s,except the part when she saw the Rainboom. Enigma,filled with joy and noticing the Rainboom was from another part of the world,felt a desire to know what other wonderful sights were in the world.

And thus,Enigma Pie’s adventurous spirit was born,and after a tearful goodbye with the Pie family,Enigma traveled the world,going to Yakyakistan,The Dragon Lands,and even beyond Equestria in just five days!(It’s Enigma Pie,don’t question it.)

One day,while she was rock climbing,she missed a rock and fell down the mountain. Thankfully,her harness saved her,and Enigma was giggling and wanted to do it again because of the adrenaline rush.

And that’s how Enigma became a daredevil.
Eventually,Enigma had traveled the entire world,except a little town called,Ponyville. Wondering what wonderful sights were there,Pinkie traveled to Ponyville the day of the Summer Sun Celebration.

Personality wise,Enigma Pie has most of Pinkie Pie’s personality,with Rainbow Dash’s love of fighting.adventuring,being a daredevil,and loyalty.(How she got the fighting part was that Enigma had to fight bad guys on her journey,and when she did,she discovered that she liked it,and looked forward to more fights. How she got the loyalty part was that she was close with another adventurer named Sasha,and when Sasha died in a accident,Pinkie vowed to always stick by her friends’ sides and never let them die,as she had Sasha. Sad,I know.) She’s the type who’ll leap into battle striking a fierce battle pose,and then foes using hoof-to-hoof combat and Looney Tunes style logic and gags,and alternating between serious and laughing and giggling in the Looney Tunes sections of the fight. She’s a strange one,alright,but her friends love her for it.

Ivory Fire:
Meet Ivory,a cocky little pony whose claims to be the fastest runner ever are totally realistic. She loves to run,and rarely,she can run fast enough to produce the Sonic Fireboom,a feat that not only is impossible,if it was possible,ponies thought that a pegasus would be the one to do it.

She’s a drama queen,and is very materialistic,but would never abandon her friends. She has an eye for detail and knows how to bring out the beauty in others,but rarely uses it.

She’s the Element of Loyalty.

Dr. Fluttershy:
Dr. Fluttershy is a shy doctor who wants to understand the Everfree. She has Twilight’s brilliant mind and wanting to understand friendship and Fluttershy’s low confidence in herself and social awkwardness. Her best friends are Ivory Fire,Purple Star,Rainbow Canvas,Applejoy,and Pink Lady,even if they annoy her sometimes.

Angel is her bolder assistant. While he may act like a spoiled brat at times,he means well.

She’s the Element of Understanding,as she wants to understand everything.

Purple Star:
Purple is a shy astrologist whose idea of fun is staying up and watching the stars. She knows all of the constellations and planets,and loves reading about them. She has Fluttershy’s kindness(though Dr. Fluttershy is pretty kind herself),and Twilight’s desire to learn. She doesn’t do well with most ponies,but she has best friends in the form of Ivory Fire,Dr. Fluttershy,Rainbow Canvas,Apple Joy,and Pink Lady. In fact,Ivory performed the Sonic Fireboom while protecting her from some bullies.

She’s the Element of Kindness.

Rainbow Canvas:
Rainbow Canvas is a curious one. On one hoof,she has Rarity’s artistic skill and eye for detail. On the other hoof,she has Rainbow Dash’s brashness,cockiness,love of fighting,and tomboyishness. Yeah,she isn’t like Joyous Rainbow at all,except the fact they both paint pictures. Except Rainbow Canvas paints action scenes and athletes,while Joyous probably paints celebrities and rainbows. So even that is different.

She's the Element of Generosity, as she's very generous.

Pink Lady:
Pink Lady sees the Apple Family and her biological family as her families,and is fairly hardworking. She also turns work into a game,and has Pinkie’s bubbly optimism.

Apple Joy:
Apple Joy is a hyper,joyful pony who loves making new friends and cheering ponies up when they’re down. She’s dependable,hardworking,and down to earth,though is also really stubborn and prideful.

She holds the Element of Laughter.

Pink Lady has the Element of Honesty, by the way.


Here is the chapter for the Master of Earth universe: https://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/1158801

The two of us will team up and write our own characters, howver the story has to be both short and funny can you do that?

Glitter Brightstar:Pretty Please?*looks at you with puppy dog eyes.*


Yeah I figured that due to the fact that this world is based on my Other View Universe.

I will try.

How's this?
"Now, remember, class," Professor Twilight Sparkle, known to her friends as Sparkie, said cheerfully.

"Put the crow feather in your potion instead of the chicken feather. If you don't-"

Suddenly, there was an explosion of glitter. Twilight fliched as some glitter hit her face,and when she opened her eyes, there was a purple unicorn who almost exactly like her, except taller(Sparkie is a filly's height), didn't wear glasses, and had a poofy mane and tail.

Sparkie's jaw dropped.

If you're wondering, Glitter was summoned by the explosion.

Is this okay?


Yeah that might work, although it'll be Glitter Brightstar's universe swap spell that causes the explosion.


Ok now can you repeat that,but within the chapter itself and without color, if you want to that is....:fluttershysad:


I honestly don't know the person who helped me with The Fight of the Century was able to do it, maybe it's because the story was submitted.


Never mind I copy pasted what you put down, now all I have to do is edit it.

Ok I've done my part, what do you think should go next?

("Hello everypony!" The unicorn says happily as she bounces in place.)

"Hello everypony!" The unicorn says happily as she bounces in place.

"Um, hi?" Sparkie said.

"Who are you, and why do you look like me?"


Yeah,way ahead of you on that one, I've already fixed it within the story.

"Um, hi?" Sparkie said.

"Who are you, and why do you look like me?"


I finished another of my parts

( "I'm Glitter Brightstar and I'm here to give you and your friends some invites to my party!" Glitter Brightstar says happily.

Glitter Brightstar then whispers into Sparkie's ear and says,"As for why I look like you, you'll have find out later.")

"A party?" Sparkie's eyes lit up. "I love parties!"

"So,when is it?"

This is coming out well, why didn't I think of this before...

"It's tomorrow, so will you come?" Glitter Brightstar says cheerfully.

"Yeah!" Sparkie said excitedly.

"Can we come too?" The kids in Sparkie's class asked, having already put on their best puppy dog eyes and were looking at Glitter.


I have to apologize but do not have any time to add anymore universes, so I've decided to make one last chapter and that is it, if you want to come and help me with this chapter that would be greatly appreciated thank you.

Chapter link https://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/1159249#edit


Here would be a good time to help me here...

Arrival of Professor Twilight Sparkle A.K.A Sparkie

(apparently she came alone...)

Are you still here?

Because if your not then I'm just gonna continue this on my own, i apologize if I accidentally make your character seem o.o.c

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