• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 557 Views, 7 Comments

Other View Universe: The Beginning - Polaris Solarmoon

What if Fluttershy was the smart one?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Ponyville. A simple little town near the edge of the Everfree Forest,and one of the best places to conduct my research on the wildlife there.

I have been studying the anomalies that happen here for months, but my research yielded no results. So I am going to head outside my lab and see if any of the locals here in Ponyville could help me.

I am Dr. Flora Shy,and this is my mission.

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville when I went outside my laboratory which lies at the edge of the Everfree Forest,the sky was a nice blue and there were no clouds, even Celestia's Sun was shining bright as I walked over to Ponyville.

("Sigh.... Now if only everyday was like this.") I had thought to myself.

It took a little longer than usual for me to reach Ponyville because I had took my time on this nice and quiet little trip.

The townsfolk were going about their business, so I had paid them no mind.

I continued on my aimless path until I reached the bakery, where this particularly irritating earth pony worked.

She may seem all fun and games,but she is too hyper even for a pony like myself.

Thankfully said earth pony wasn't there,so I was able to get in and out without much fuss.

("Hmm,where to next?") I thought to myself as I left the bakery, only to run into said earth pony.

"Hi Dr.Flora!" she says cheerfully.

Sigh. It seems I spoke too soon.

"Jackie Apple, do you not have anypony else to bother at the moment?" I said,hoping to divert her attention elsewhere.

"Aww,you're no fun." I had heard Jackie say right before she bounces away.

("That was close.") I had thought to myself.

I eventually walked over to the library and got myself another book.

I often read books when I have nothing else to do.

"D-Dr. Flora... What brings you here?" a familiar voice says from within the shadows.

Because the voice sounded like if were a near whisper, I knew that it was Shine Spark.

She is a rather shy pony,but she means well.

I had said my goodbyes to Shine Spark and left the library, I had realized then that I wasn't able to tell Shine that she should follow me, she is my assistant,after all,and often helps me with most of my inventions.

Sigh... It's best if I countinue with my little adventure and see if Stormy Diamond is at home.

She's...well,a rather unique pony who's known for her ability to somehow control the weather,mix that in with a cocky attitude and you get a stubborn unicorn who will not back down if any of her friends are in danger.

Despite this,she is a personal friend of mine.

"Yo, was' up Flora?" Stormy Diamond says to me as I pass by her.

"It's Dr. Flora," I said.

"Whatevs mare, so how ya doin'?" Stormy Diamond says.

"I am fine, how are you?" I ask her.

"Jus' chillin, by the way,ya seen Joy anywhere?" she says.

"No, I have not seen her "Storm",why do you ask?" I said.

"Eh,no reason,figured you'd know where she went is all." I hear Stormy Diamond say before she leaves the area.

("Well, that was odd.") I had thought to myself.

I then decided to go to the market so I could buy some apples from "Peachy" Pie.

Why she's named Peaches Pie,yet she sells apples,is beyond me.

I walked up to Peachy's stand and said," Hello Peachy,may I have a few apples?"

"Why howdy there, Dr. Flora! Of course you can,that'll be two bits." Peachy says happily.

I paid for the apples and then went to see if Joyous Rainbow was around someplace.

It didn't take me long to find Joy as she was currently painting a picture of the sky.

"Hello,Joy,"I had said to her.

"Why hello Dr. Flora dear! How are you?" Joyous Rainbow said.

"I am fine,I have come here to see if anypony could assist me with my research regarding the Everfree Forest. Oh,and I do believe that Stormy Diamond was looking for you." I said.

"Looking for moi?" Joyous Rainbow said.

"Yes,Joy,she is."I had told her.

"Well then, let me finish my masterpiece,and then I'll go and see her."Joyous Rainbow said.

"That'll be good,now then I'm going home. It seems like I must do my research on the anomalies in the Everfree Forest alone." I had said as I left the area.

It was going to be a long walk back home to my laboratory,but at least I had got some exercise in for today.

I often wonder what would've been if I wasn't the smart doctor that am now,or if Jackie Apple wasn't hyper,and if Joyous Rainbow wasn't as artistically gifted as she is now and took a more athletic direction. There are so many possibilities that even I myself have had difficulty trying to keep track of it all. However this does spark my curiosity a bit, so I'm going to see if I could make a machine that should allow me to visit other worlds and see the many possibilities that could happen myself.

It'll be a rather long process,but if it works, then I'll wil be really happy.

So I headed back home and went inside.

I have a lot of work to do...

*the next day*

I was busy,very,busy with my research regarding the machine that I wanted to build that would allow me to visit other worlds and see for myself the many different possibilities, I was so busy in fact that I never even noticed the odd purple light in my lab.

"Excuse me miss..." I hear a voice say,I had no idea that somepony was visiting me, so I went over to her.

After I got a closer look I had suddenly realised that the pony in front of me was Shine Spark,but she seemed different than how I remembered her, she seemed more confident.

So, I said the only thing that could come to mind...

"Oh goodness, Shine are you alright?"


Author's Note:

This may be may be my best story yet, at least for now...

Thank you for reading!

(I'd like to gives thanks to sarahann603 for helping me with this story and I hope we could work together soon.)

Comments ( 6 )

This is an interesting concept and I think it deserves more than just a single chapter.

But more importantly, what if it was admitted that Pinkie Pie is the smart one?

I like the concept, you did a nice job with the characters, and the story is nice, but i think it’s a little rushed.
you jumped in from introducing one character after another before bolting to the next. the only thing that seemed to get me through the story without being confused is that i know the mane 6 and often wondered what their personalities would be like swapped. you left a lot up to my imagination and it was a little sloppy.
Now i’m not attacking you for writing a story. it was a good story regardless, but i think you could do better and maybe pace yourself a bit. spend more time on character development, introduce us to the characters one at a time, maybe over the course of several chapters as they attempt to help Dr. Flora but their personalities end up making it impossible, it adds to the story and may net you more reads and thumbs ups. that’s just my opinion.
and have a thumbs up from me. it was a nice read, i just wish it was a little longer.


I don't do character development too well..., So I leave it out,it'll be nearly impossible for me to that sort of thing,and even if I do people will still dislike it,it's just how it goes.

Ps: and I wanted to get this done before my last story of the year which I call The Grand Finale which will be my best story yet!😊

I get it, you write how you want and hope for the best.
Keep it up and i’m looking forward to the next one.


Remember when I said that the story The Grand Finale would be my best story yet...

Well here it is https://www.fimfiction.net/story/391798/the-grand-finale

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