• Published 23rd Feb 2018
  • 1,885 Views, 14 Comments

Blue and Purple - BlueCuddlePonyGhost

Twilight and Rainbow Dash have always been best friends, study buddies, and helpful to one another. But during their free time, with books to read, playtime, and cuddles to go around, what adorable madness will they have?

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Chapter 4: Growing Feelings and Confessions

Chapter 4: Growing Feelings and Confessions

Knocking was heard on the front door at six thirty. Spike stopped cooking and looked to make sure Twilight heard the noise. Good news was that Twilight had stopped playing with the bed sheet in the library.

"I'm coming!" Twilight called out as she raced to answer the front door. She had just been getting washed up before hearing the knock. Twilight opened the door to see all of her friends in their winter outfits.

"Hello everypony! Come on in!" Twilight greeted her friends cheerfully as she held the door, and let them into the castle. Every pony walked on all fours into the dining room, and sat down. Spike of course, brought the food.

"Hello every pony! For dinner, we got lasagna with bread, and a separate plate of fruits and vegetables on the side. Enjoy!" Spike announced, putting the plates of food next to the group of ponies.

As they ate, every pony discussed their daily activities; Twilight was practicing some new spells, Applejack was busy getting whatever apples she had secure and warm, Fluttershy was caring for her animals, and dealing with changes in their behaviors, Pinkie was making deliveries for The Cakes, Rarity was making some new dresses to better suite the cold weather, and Rainbow Dash was helping the weather ponies to help prevent the weather from getting worse.

Eventually, every pony finished theie dinner, and was full. Not too full for dessert though.

"Mmmmm! That was delicious, Spike! Thank you," Twilight said to her assistant, feeling full from the meal.

"You're welcome Twilight," Spike replied kindly, before getting up to clean the plates.

"May we have dessert now?" Pinkie Pie asked curiously, but also politely.

"Yes Pinkie Pie," Twilight replied kindly. After Spike left with the dishes, a minute later, he had arrived with the brownies.

"Brownies are ready!" Spike announced before putting the brown squares of goodness, down on the table. The group of friends then took a brownie or two, and politely ate them while enjoying the chocolatey goodness, and continuing to chat. Once they were done eatting, Spike took the plates and went to go do the dishes.

"Thank you, Pinkie Pie. Those brownies were delicious!" the alicorn thanked the pink earth pony. Everypony agreed and thanked Pinkie Pie as well.

"You're welcome, Twilight! You're welcome every pony. But I can't take all the credit! Rainbow Dash helped out too," Pinkie replied, turning her attention towards the cyan pegasus.

"You're welcome every pony. Say, now that we're all done eatting, may we, you know, go hang out?" Rainbow Dash responded politely.

"Of course. Every pony is excused," Twilight said kindly. Spike then grabbed the empty brownie dishes, while everypony went to go recuperate from their big meal.

The Princess of Friendship helped Spike clean up, while every pony went to their bedrooms to get warm, and chill out. Rainbow Dash decided to read some "Daring Do" books for a while until she was sure Twilight was alone. To make sure they were alone! It was bad enough that she had practically confessed her feeling for Twilight, but if the rest of their friends found out, her reputation could be ruined! Or her relationship with Twilight! She just had to be careful! She carefully walked to Twilight's bedroom, knocked on the door, and made sure no pony was around. There wasn't. The door then opened.

"Hi Rainbow. Come in," Twilight said casually, before letting the rainbow colored pony into her bedroom, then closed the door. After letting the pegasus sit down, Twilight trotted over and sat next to her.

"What's going on Rainbow? Why did you want to see me?" Twilight asked, concerned about her friend's wellbeing. Rainbow Dash sighed.

"You know how we both blushed after hugging and getting nervous?" Rainbow retorted, recalling the events of the day. Twilight and her blushed.

"Yes. I remember," Twilight replied softly.

"Did- Did you feel warm, happy, and safe being around me?" Rainbow Dash asked nervously.

"As much as I want to deny it, and after thinking it through, I honestly think I did. I could guess it was the atmosphere of the room, us trying to relax from the scary awkwardness of the blanket ghost incident, or even just our friendship. Maybe even a combonation of those things! But all I know is that afterwards, I couldn't stop thinking about you, or get rid of the feelings I had until I casted a silencing spell in the library, then screamed my feelings to the heavens. What about you Rainbow?" Twilight asked cautiously.

"I felt the same, and did the same while flying. Without casting a spell of course! And yes, it could be any of those things! Still, if the feelings lasted that long -and even coming back now- we've never had romantic feelings last this long!" Rainbow Dash agreed.

"Exactly! So, to answer your question, I say yes! Based on the fact that both of us are feeling the same way about each other. What I'm saying is -" Twilight said until she stopped.

"That we both have feelings for the other, but are nervous because we don't want our friends to think of us as weird, have it affect our friendship or worse?" Rainbow commented, saying what both she and the alicorn felt.

"Yes, that's just what I was thinking!" Twilight said, surprised Rainbow took the words out of her mouth.

"That's what I was thinking, Rainbow. You see the thing is, with both of us thinking the same way, and having the same emotions, I just wanted to tell you - I love you Rainbow Dash. I really do!" Twilight responded, hoping her friend wouldn't be upset.

"I'm really glad you feel that way, Twilight. Since, I feel the same way about you! I love you too Twilight Sparkle!" Rainbow Dash commented, as the two ponies blushed, then sharing their emotions, looked lovingly into each others eyes.

"This is so different, but feels good! Rainbow, how can we hide this from the others?" Twilight asked concerningly.

"Easy. Just act like nothing is happening, be buddies during the non-romance moments, and during the romantic moments, go all out! Just don't let your feelings get the better of you," Rainbow Dash suggested, cautiously. Twilight thought it over for a minute or two, then smiled.

"Yes. That will work. As long as we don't let our romance go to our heads, we should be fine!" Twilight replied in agreement. After they both were in agreement, the cyan pegasus and purple alicorn stared at each other, feeling their passionate love grow inside like a flower about to bloom. The loving gazes they gave each other, leaning in to show their affection, wrapping their hooves around each other in a blissful hug, cuddling as they sat on the Princess of Friendship's bed.

The cuddles and hugs were soon followed by smiles, "I love you" comments, and more hugs. They leaned in more, staring with love at each other as they hugged lovingly. Passion towards the other increased, and they leaned their muzzles in for a kiss-

Three knocks banged on Twilight's door. Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash froze in fear, blushing apple red as they did so. They were going to get caught!

Comments ( 5 )

son its always been popular what rock have you lived under

No rock. Otherwise, Maud would probably want to talk to me about living under them.

Yes, I am very much aware how popular this Ship is.

Love this story so far! can't wait for more c:

please make another chapter, I love this concept!

Needs more! This is great, I hope you continue. :twilightsmile:

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