• Published 20th Jan 2018
  • 724 Views, 5 Comments

Biology is Confusing - BlueCuddlePonyGhost

Apple Bloom comes home from Health class and is nervous about discussing what she learned. But after her older sister convinces her, Apple Bloom asks about mating. Oh boy, Applejack will have to give "the talk" to her sister now.

  • ...

Chapter 1: The Talk

Author's Note:

*I only own the ideas for the story. All My Little Pony characters, places, etc. belong to Hasbro and DHX. My Little Pony All Rights Reserved.*

Chapter 1: The Talk

The sun glowed orange as Apple Bloom walked on all fours back home from school. The day had been both good, and weird. She had gotten tests back with good grades, and learned several things. Her day had gone good until Health class. She knew the class was about learning about your body and how to take care of yourself, but today was just ... odd.

She and her class had watched a video about the ... ahem ... "private parts" of their bodies. Apple Bloom knew that they had to get parental permission to watch said video, and after reading the permission slip, Granny Smith signed it. She explained to Apple Bloom that 'it was better to learn about the uncomfortable body topics at a young age rather than later on'. Whatever that meant.

However, it was one thing to learn about mating, it was quite another thing to actually understand it. Right now, Apple Bloom was just confused as to what the private parts were used for! Why was milk so important? They already got milk from cows! Why would a small egg be in a female's breast? Ponies don't lay eggs, so why have one at all ... Least of all in the chest area?! Why did stallions have little white beans with tails the side of a thread in their penises? What in Equestria was a penis?! Just looked like a big, roundish blob with a blank flank at the end. Why would a stallion need that between his legs? Just didn't sound right! And why have balls above the blob? What were the balls for? Just sounded like sacks of weirdness to her. And did the penis have little spikes on it? .... oh gosh no! Just don't think about it! .... and why did a stallion have to "buck" the female? Looked more like a hug of death mixed with a not-so successful attempt at Leap Frog.

All these thoughts and more ran through Apple Bloom's head as she was getting closer to home. But she decided to dismiss them for the time being. Apple Bloom opened the door, and walked into the house, saddle bag still over her back.

"Howdy Sugar cube! Dinner will be ready soon. Best go get washed up," Applejack told her little sister.

"Oh course. Let me put my bag away and I'll be down in a second," Apple Bloom replied before going upstairs to her room. She then turned the lights on, put her saddle bag in the corner and got washed up. As she washed her hooves, she got nervous. What if she had questions? What if Applejack thought of her taking the video too seriously? What if she thought she was being immature? Or Apple Bloom got scolded at for her questions?! Apple Bloom had no idea.

At dinner, it was just casual conversations. Granny Smith was talking about how the farm was looking good, in addition to being excited about how many apples they would get this season. Big Macintosh talked about how his chores went, in addition to how it was getting easier to plow the fields, Applejack talked about how she helped Pinkie Pie with baking some Apple pies, as well as hanging out with her friends, and then ... it was Apple Bloom's turn.

"My day was pretty normal. I got A's on my Math, English and Science tests, learned about trees, made a cup out of clay in Art class, and did a bunch of other activities at school. Nothin really new," Apple Bloom said. Her family members smiled.

"Way to go, sugarcube!" Applejack commented, happy for her little sister. The rest of dinner time was a quite casual evening of eatting and talking. Once their meal was done, Applejack washed the dishes, Granny Smith went back in her rocking chair, Big Mac went to read a book, and Apple Bloom went upstairs to do her homework. She wanted to get started while the information was still fresh in her mind. Luckily, she was able to concentrate.

A few hours later, she had finished most of her homework, with some quality time to spare. And the questions she had about her Health video still lingered in her mind. Then, there was a knock at her door.

"Hello? Apple Bloom? Are you in there?" came the voice of her older sister. Apple Bloom froze for a minute, then relaxed.

"Yes. Come in," Apple Bloom said before the orange mare came into the bedroom. Applejack closed the door before turning back to her sister.

"Hey Apple Bloom. How are you doing?" Applejack asked cautiously. She went over to the bed and sat next to her sister.

"I'm doing good. Just finished my homework, and was going to hang out," Apple Bloom answered honestly. Applejack smiled, then sighed.

"Listen sugarcube, I don't want to be pushy or anything, but I could sense you were nervous about something when you came home, and at dinner time. Are you sure you're alright?" Applejack asked kindly.

"Yes. I'm fine," Apple Bloom replied, her voice giving off a bit on annoyance.

"Are you sure? If anything is making you uncomfortable, you can always talk to me. I'll leave you alone now," Applejack responded before going to exit the room.

"Wait! Applejack, I-I do have something I want to talk about," Apple Bloom said, feeling she couldn't avoid the topic any longer. Applejack sat next to her and put a hoof over her shoulder.

"Yes Apple Bloom?" the orange mare asked gently. Apple Bloom sighed slowly, then look at her sister with a mixture of nervous and scared eyes. She was just about to cry.

"A-Applejack? Do you promise not to be angry at me?" Apple Bloom asked as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Applejack's face softened as she saw how upset her sister was.

"Oh, Apple Bloom!" Applejack said in a soft voice, pulling her sister into a hug. Apple Bloom cried softly as she embraced her older sister back. After a few minutes of crying, they separated from the hug, and Apple Bloom wiped her tears away.

"It's okay, Apple Bloom. You can tell me what's wrong," Applejack replied in understanding. Apple Bloom sighed, then spoke.

"Okay. So, today my class watched the mating video, and I was nervous about asking you questions about it. I didn't want to be seen as immature. There are so many questions that I have. I just- I just want to learn more so I can understand it," Apple Bloom responded calmly.

"I'm all ears sugarcube!" Applejack said, listening to her younger sister.

"Okay. So I wanted to know more about mating. Like why do stallions have those balls above the penis? What in Equestria is a penis? What are the white jelly beans with threads for? Do penises have spikes on them, and why? Why do stallions even need them? Also, why do girls have eggs in them? Mainly in the chest area? Why does "bucking" look like a weird version of Leap Frog? I'm sorry, but I'm so confused!" Apple Bloom exclaimed as she asked her questions. After saying everything she could think of, she let Applejack answered.

"Okay. So let me explain what's going on. First stallions have the balls and penis as a part of their reproductive system. Same with us girls for the breast area. You know what reproductive means right?" Applejack said carefully. Apple Bloom nodded.

"Good. So, for stallions, the balls help protect the penis in case they got injured there. The balls also hold the white jelly bean things. I will get to that in a minute. The penis not only releases the white jelly beans, but also urine when the stallions go to the bathroom. When a stallion reached sexual maturity, sometimes his body gets excited and will release the white jelly beans by accident. The white jelly beans with thread are released in a milk white liquid called semin or sperm. But make no mistake, semin and milk are two different liquids. Does this make sense so far?" Applejack said making sure she could continue. Apple Bloom nodded.

"Us girls have something called a breast. Inside it we have little egg sacks that are our reproductive parts. Down between our legs, we have what's called a vagina. It helps give the eggs a path to the boy's penis when having sex. But these eggs are different than normal eggs like from a chicken. Ours help with sex and are super tiny. Like this -" Applejack said before taking a pen and paper, drawing what she was talking about. It looked like a weird V with two lines and small ovals next to each other. Apple Bloom nodded again in understanding. Applejack continued.

"A long time ago when mammals were still evolving as a species, stallions and other animals did have spikes on their penises. No, not like Spike the dragon - more like pine needles on the penis. However, over time, the stallions lost them. The spikes shrunk and weren't needed anymore. Now, in order to have sex, a stallion puts his penis in the girl's vagina and rubs it against her vagina while it is in there. This stimulates both the stallion and mare sexually. Kind of like an exciting, tickle fight for the penis and vagina, but with no tickling sensation. When this happens, eventually the mare releases eggs from her breast to the stallion's penis. The same happens to the stallion with the sperm in his penis."

"Problem is, only one sperm can connect with the egg. So the sperm race each other to get to the egg. The winner gets to the egg and goes inside of the egg where the two start to develop. The develop part eventually is what turns into what we call a baby. And during the baby development, the mare gets pregnant. Because the mare's body is not only having to take care of herself, but also the baby, she gets into a bunch of phases. Mood swings, having trouble lifting herself off the ground, hunger moods, feeling apprehension around other stallions, and other stuff. The stallions even get protective over their mares too. Am I still making sense?" Applejack explained. Apple Bloom said "yes" as she slowly processed everything her sister told her.

"Okay. Well eventually, the body of the mare tells her when the baby is suppose to come out and well ... it's painful. very painful. Eventually the filly comes out, the mother rests, and that's what happens. Anything you want me to explain more of?" Applejack finished before asking her sister for clarifying.

"So mating is like a stallion having a fancy tickle fight with the mares vagina, stallions release the sperm, who is racing it's siblings to get to the egg, the sperm goes into the egg, then they develop into a baby which goes out of the mare at the right time, but until then the stallion and mare become moody, and the mare also has a very bad, sometime terrible time before the baby comes out, and when it comes out it hurts like heck?" Apple Bloom asked trying to understand it all.

"Yup. That's pretty much it!" Applejack answered back. Apple Bloom looked like she was doing a math equation in her head until she gasped.

"But if the sperm goes into the egg and becomes the baby ... THAT MEANS WE ARE ALL SECRETLY STALLIONS!!! WE'RE ALL MEN!!!" Apple Bloom exclaimed before she started to run around screaming, terrified of the fact that this realization could change everything she knew about the world of Equestria!

"Apple Bloom! Stop! That's not true!" Applejack shouted before grabbing her sister with her hooves and sitting her on the bed again, stroking her to calm her down.

"Yes, the sperm does become the baby with the egg eventually. But, that does not mean we are all secretly stallions. When the sperm and egg connect, they carry bits of DNA with them from both parents into the baby as it develops in the mom. The DNA given to the baby are what's called traits. Traits are things that determine if you are a boy or girl, eye color, color of your coat and mane, style of your mane, your personality, and other qualities about you. Most of the time, you get the most common or dominate traits passed to you, but the less common traits or recessive traits can also be passed down. There really is no way to know why you get one trait more than others, but that's just the way you are. Any more questions?" Applejack explained carefully.

"What if I want to have a tickle fight with my vagina by myself? What is that called?" Apple Bloom asked.

"That is called masturbating. I do not recommend you try that at your age. It's not exactly mature, polite or a good habit. Some ponies do it to make themselves feel the pleasure or passion of the tickle fight for themselves, but it's not something most ponies should do. That also is what is called clop, or buck or fuck when others insult you or when they mention those words," Applejack explained.

"That's just horrible," Apple Bloom said in response. She then looked at her sister and smiled.

"Thank you for explaining what my Health video was about Applejack. I feel much better now," Apple Bloom said before hugging her sister.

"You're welcome Apple Bloom. I love you," Applejack replied, hugging her sister back. After a minute of hugging, they separated, got off the bed and went downstairs.

The End

Comments ( 5 )

This was nice.

Okay, not gonna lie - that was amazing. Some spelling and mild punctuation issues peppered through it, but that was... pretty damn good.

... Why is a fan fiction about ponies talking about sex education so cathartic for me right now?

Edit: I would drop the Fetish tag from this. There isn't really any kind of fetish going on as they don't really discuss that topic nor is there anything particularly explicit happening. Same goes for the Romance tag.

Thanks for commenting on my story. Additionally, thank you for the corrections. I went back and corrected everything. If I missed something, please let me know.

I was thinking of maybe doing a sequel to this, but I don't know. What do you think?

Please message me back if you can

It looks like virtually all typos were handled, and most of the punctuation stuff, though you gave yourself a new set of "punctuation" issues. I mostly skimmed it though since I already read it in it's entirety before. As far as a sequel goes, I dunno. It seems pretty solid as it stands currently. I don't think it'd hurt if you wanted to do a sequel, writing is always fun when you've got the inspiration and energy to do it and every bit of writing is practice.

The errors I found are as follows:
Ellipses don't need spaces before and after unless you're quoting something directly.
Ellipses don't need spaces [. . . ] unless you're quoting something directly.
If you're doing it as a spacer, you can just... leave it normally.

"Way to go sugarcube!" Applejack comented, happy for her big sister.

Little sister. Also "commented". And a comma after "go".
I think that last sentence could be safely tucked into the one before it also.

"A-Applejack? .... Do you promise not to be angry at me? ..." Apple Bloom asked as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Applejack's face softened as she saw how upset her sister was
Ending period is needed; don't need the ellipses after the question mark.

reprodictive = reproductive.
strocking = stroking.

Thank you for telling me what to fix. I took your suggestions and fixed the mistakes

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