• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 547 Views, 39 Comments

Elements of Heroism Interlude: Vacation - Bahamut0

Tirek has been destroyed b Burst Stream. And with all things peaceful, Burst and the Elements of Heroism have decided there's only one logical thing to do. Take some well-earned time off.

  • ...

Sweet, Shadows, and Ships

Akage watched in amazement as Pinkie scarfed down another cupcake in nearly a single bite. Making him wonder if it was a good idea to take Pinkie on a date to Sugar Cube Corner. "How you're not bouncing off the walls with all the sugar in your system, I'll never know. And it never ceases to amaze me."

"Hmmm." Pinkie scratched her head in thought. "Maybe it's because all of my blood IS sugar?"

Akage let out a small chuckle. "Well, it certainly explains why you're so sweet."

"Awww~!" Pinkie cooed as she wrapped Akage in a tight hug. "You too Akage!" Pinkie then released Akage, and looked him over. "Y'know, I thought you being a ninja would be all serious."

Akage smiled. "Well, my training made me a discisplined shinobi. But that type of demeanor is reserved for missions. In truth, everyone in my village is quite emotional. Especially since our whole clan is like a gigantic family." Akage smiled fondly as he remembered playing around with the other kids in his village.

"Wow! You're close just like my family!" Pinkie beamed.

Akage nodded. "True enough. But I suppose I've got a family here too. The guys, the other girls. But most of all, you." Akage looked Pinkie right in the eye. "Who better to make me smile than the Element of Laughter?"

Pinkie smiled as she came to a realization. "I think the guys can say the same! Especially with how things are now!"

"What do you mean by that?" Akage asked.

Pinkie pulled out a list seemingly out of nowhere, and it held the names of all the guys and girls. Most surprising of all was that there were lines between each of the guys and girls. In specific, the lines were connecting the people who were currently dating. "Well, think about it. Inferno has Rarity. Steel's got Rainbow Dash. Tyrannus has Fluttershy. Ace has Sonata. Fang has Aria. Venus has Adagio. North has Applejack. Twilight has Nightfall. Ice has Indigo Zap. Burst has both Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon. And you've got me. So it looks like there's gonna be some point where we'll all have faimilies of our own!" Pinkie then turned to the screen and whispered. "Don't worry! Shadow and Spike will get their ships in time!"

"...Wow." Akage said in awe. "You really take your friends seriously."

Pinkie just beamed before pulling Akage into another embrace. "I always take what makes me smile seriously." Pinkie then shared a brief, but sweet kiss with Akage. Akage just smiled blissfully as the two pulled apart. "The kiss wasn't that surprising, was it?"

"...The best things in life are usually unexpected." Akage said with a chuckle. "That's why they're called surprises." And with that, the two resumed polishing off the remainder of the sweets before them. "After all. You surprised me. And I never expected to meet the love of my life here."

Pinkie then silently put her hand over Akage's. Both simply enjoying the moment of peace they had with each other.