• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 548 Views, 39 Comments

Elements of Heroism Interlude: Vacation - Bahamut0

Tirek has been destroyed b Burst Stream. And with all things peaceful, Burst and the Elements of Heroism have decided there's only one logical thing to do. Take some well-earned time off.

  • ...

A History of Firsts

Burst Stream stirred in his bed as he felt a ray of the morning sun hit his face through a crack in the blinds. Burst opened his eyes, and smiled at the sight that greeted him. He was fit snugly between Celestia, and Nightmare Moon. The two princesses holding him tightly and still slumbering with blissful smiles upon their faces. Burst liked holding onto his girlfriends like this, and almost didn't want to get up. Almost. The three of them were living at his house currently due to the vacation, but that was no excuse for Burst to lie about. 'Someone's gotta make sure we've got meals to eat.' Burst thought to himself as he cautiously made his way out of the embrace of literal goddesses, and headed for the kitchen. 'Think I'll make something simple.' Burst grabbed a large bowl, and some pancake mix from one of the cupboards, and a package of bacon and a carton of strawberries from the fridge. 'Time to get to work.'

Burst set to work getting the pancake batter ready, and getting the rest of the food ready. All the while, he couldn't help but hum to himself as he worked. However, he was so caught up in his efforts that he didn't notice that he had a visitor. "You never told me you had experience in the kitchen." Celestia said with a giggle.

"Celestia?!" Burst exclaimed as he spun to face her. "Weren't you sound asleep just a few minutes ago?"

Celestia stretched. "I got bored sleeping. Besides, if I'd stayed in bed, I wouldn't have the chance to see you at work. And I figured you could use an extra set of hands."

"You know I can't say no to any chance to be with you." Burst said with a smile. "The only thing I haven't prepared yet's the straberries. I've got my hands full with everything else."

Celestia giggled. "Shouldn't be a problem." Not a few minutes later, the two had managed to finish preparing breakfast. "You know, I don't think there's been a hero quite like you in all of our history."

"Well, there's only one me." Burst said with a smile. He then scratched his chin in thought when he saw Moon enter the kitchen. "Come to think of it, both of my relationships with the two of you are a history completely made of firsts. Celestia, you were my first kiss, my first date, and I'm the first one to just look at you as a regular person."

Moon smiled. "And in my case you'd be the first one to not be sacred of me. Plus all those things Celestia's been for you. Much like this is the first vacation I've had."

"I guess you could say this is my first vacation too." Celestia said with a small smile. "I can't thank you enough for taking over Luna's dream duties. It really allows for Luna and I to spend more time together. Granted, she still presides over the night court. But now, she gets to enjoy the day with me two." Celestia then looked thoughtfully at her coffee. "I don't think I've been this happy before."

Moon smiled. "And to think. It all started with that promise Burst made to you." She then looked at Burst. "Hard to believe such a simple act had such a grand impact. If it weren't for you, this moment wouldn't be happening.

"You...really think I did something that important?" Burst asked as he blushed lightly. "Truth be told, I was just trying my best to keep my promise. Everything else from then on was a happy consequence of that. I wanted to be a hero since I was a little kid, but I never expected it to actually happen. Much less win the hearts of two goddesses."

Celestia smiled. "Well. Maybe it also helps that you're quite handsome." She then smirked. "I certainly wouldn't have minded that dream we had a while back becoming a reality."

"Hasn't it already come true?" Moon asked with a smirk. "Especially since last night. I can tell we both enjoyed holding Burst close. And he certainly didn't mind being stuck between two heavenly bodies." Moon then turned her gaze to Burst. "You're so warm my precious light."

Burst blushed as he smiled. "Well...feeling like I'm melting in your embraces might have something to do with that."

"Or that heart of yours." Celestia said with a giggle. "I still remember hearing it's beat before falling asleep with you in my arms during Hearth's Warming. You also gave me that lovely necklace as a present. But that pales in comparison to the first gift you gave me."

Moon tilted her head. "And what present was that?"

"Well, it was a few years before you and Luna returned. I was crying at the moon, and then Burst snuck his way towards my room. He had no idea I was the princess." Celestia said with a fond smile. "He knew the truth about your banishment, and he asked me if I knew about the truth too. Any other child would have said the story had a happy ending, and I said I did. But what surprised me is that he told me that the story didn't end happily. And that he would give it a happy ending. He didn't even know I was the one he was making a promise to. And then, he gave me a plushie Optimus Prime he was carrying. He said it would help me sleep better. And I've held onto it ever since. I still keep it by my nightstand. Holding it close makes me feel like Burst's with me."

"Aww~! That's so adorable!" Moon cooed before looking in Burst's direction. "It figures you've been such a sweetheart since an early age."

Burst beamed at the compliment. "What can I say? I'm prone to doing grand gestures without knowing it." Burst polished off the last of his food, and rinsed his dishes. "If either of you need me, I'll be in the shower. And as much as I'd like one or both of you to join me, it's only big enough for one. Sorry." And with that, Burst stopped by his closet to grab his usual outfit and took it with him to his shower.

Moon sighed. "Well, that's to be expected."

"Hmm. I thought Burst would've used some of the bits he was rewarded for his heroics to upgrade his house." Celestia noted. "All those battles, and he's happy just coming back to his regular house. I've enjoyed my time here, but I do wish his bed was a bit bigger so we could have a bit more room while sharing it."

Moon smiled. "Well, that's just Burst for you. He's happy being where he feels at home. And me? I feel at home when I'm just plain happy to be where he is." Moon then met Celestia's gaze. "And thanks to this vacation, I'd say you're starting to feel the same way."

"Can you really blame me?" Celestia asked with a giggle. "It's not making time for a relationship while being the co-ruler of a kingdom. In fact, before you came back into my life, Burst and I rarely had time for dates. So whenever I had some free time, we made sure to make the most out of any date we could go on." Celestia then smiled at Moon. "But thanks to you, this vacation's become possible. You've not only made Luna's duties easier, but mine as well ever since you took over as the princess of dreams. And in a way, it's thanks to you that I've grown closer to Luna. Especially when both of you were banished to the moon." Celestia's smile faded slightly at the mention of that dark chapter in her life. "They say you never know what you have until it's gone. And I truly knew what I had with Luna being taken from me for so long. Something I only realized because you were created. And I mean this from the bottom of my heart when I say it." Celestia got up, and wrapped Moon into a tight hug. "Thank you. For helping me learn from my mistakes. For bringing me and my sister closer, and my first meeting with my dragon knight."

Moon slowly smiled as she returned the hug. "I've much to thank you for as well. You're literally the whole reason I was born. And in a way, I met Burst because of you too. Because of you, I found my precious light. You know? It's odd. Whenever we're feeling down, or when we're in some sort of trouble, there's Burst. Right by our sides. Always fighting with all he has, and however he can."

"That's just who he is." Celestia said with a smile. "He said he always wanted to be a hero. And thanks to us, his dream's come true. So in a way, the three of us are all responsible for each of us growing and completing each other." Celestia then had an idea. "You know? Nobody said our vacation had to be confined to here. And I know just the place to move it to."

Moon smirked. "Go on. I'm hanging on ever word."

"Well...I might have had a little hideaway built for when things get too stressful." Celestia said with a wink and a mischievous smile. "I haven't made too much use of it, but now definitely seems like as good a time as any to break it in. We can make plans to leave for it as soon as we're all packed and dressed."

Moon smiled. "Sounds like a plan." Soon enough, Burst walked out of the shower clad in his signature outfit. However, Moon took notice of Burst's hair. "Huh. You didn't tell me you were growing your hair out Burst."

"Hm?" Burst stopped by the mirror. "Oh. I just haven't made any time to get it cut yet. Huh. Come to think of it, it actually looks a bit nicer. Anyway, shower's all yours."

Celestia smiled. "Burst? Moon and I were discussing about a change of location. I've had a little place built for getting away from it all. And now seems like the best time to break it in. Interested?"

"Sounds great." Burst said with a smile. "Just gotta pack up my suitcase." And with that, Burst set to packing up some clothes. Moon also packed up a bag with some of her clothing as well. Sure enough, the three were dressed and Celestia led them as they flew towards the vacation home she had built for her. Both Burst and Moon were in awe at the sight of it. It was essentially a small mansion. "Whoa."

Moon took in the estate, and nodded. "You spared no expense."

"Benefits of royalty." Celestia said with a shrug. "Well? Are you two going to admire it all day, or actually head inside and enjoy it?" Wasting no time, the three headed inside. Burst and Moon set their bags down in their rooms. "Hope you don't mind, but I was hoping the three of us could share my bed."

Burst blushed a little. "Trust me. I don't mind in the least."

"Excellent!" Celestia said with a smile. "I'll be by the pool shortly. And I certainly wouldn't mind having some company." Celestia winked at Burst. "Well, I'm off to get changed."

'...I am about to witness a sight most people would kill for.' Burst thought with a smile as he left to change into his trunks. A few minutes later, and Burst made his way to the pool. He was amazed by the size of it, but his eyes were soon captivated by another sight. That being Celestia in a yellow bikini. "...If this is a dream, don't wake me." Burst was soon pinched by Moon. Who was also dressed for the pool. "Ow!"

Moon giggled. "What? At least you know you're not dreaming now." A sultry smirk then crossed her face. "Of course, that just means it's a dream come true for you."

"You would know, wouldn't you?" Burst asked with a smile. "Well, no sense in keeping either of you waiting. Cannon ball!" And with that, Burst leaped into the pool! Making a splash upon hitting the water! Surfacing a few seconds later! "Ah! The water's awesome!"

"Glad to see you're having some fun." Celestia said with a smile as she slipped into the water. "But you've struck first. Now it's my turn!" Celestia then splashed Burst!

Burst smirked as he shook off the water. "Oh, it's on now!" However, the two were to busy splashing each other to notice the wave Moon had generated with her magic. And it soon crashed down on the two of them.

"You forget that the moon controls the tides." Moon said with a triumphant smirk. Only to get splashed in return. "Haven't had enough yet, have you?" And with that, Moon joined the fray in full force. The splash battle ended with all three combatants floating on the surface of the water. "I won't lie. This is really nice."

Burst sighed happily. "Yeah. Can't argue with that. Just the three of us here. To be honest, just the three of us together is nice period." Burst then felt his stomach grumble. "I don't know about you two, but I think the flight here combined with our little swim's built up my appetite."

"Lunch does sound like a good idea." Moon said with a smile as she climbed out of the pool. "Hope you've got good stuff in the fridge Celestia."

Celestia smiled. "Trust me. You won't be disappointed." Celestia and Burst followed Moon into the kitchen, and quickly prepared lunch. "So how are you enjoying my home away from home so far?"

"It really is perfect for a vacation." Burst said as he took a bite out of his sandwich. "Wonder what else you had built in this place."

"I may or may not have a private movie room." Celestia said with a smirk. "Hope you don't mind sharing a seat with me and Moon."

Burst smiled. "Sounds great. Hope you've got a good movie library."

"Burst? She probably has the ultimate movie library." Moon said with a smile. "So what's first on the screening list?"

Celestia smiled. "Burst's new weapon gave me an idea of what to start with." And with that, Celestia led Burst and Moon to her movie room and put on the movie. Both she and Moon snuggled against Burst as they grabbed a seat on the couch. Burst just smiled, and put his arms and wings around both of them as the title card rolled. The three sat there for the duration of the movie. Snuggling against each other as they found comfortable spots on the couch.

Sure enough, the movie came to an end. And Burst tried to get up and leave. Only for Celestia and Moon to tighten their hold on him. "Hey, where's this coming from?"

"Oh. Sorry." Celestia said with a blush. "It's just...we don't want to let you go." Celestia then looked down in thought. "Especially since your first battle against Tirek."

Moon rested her head against Burst's shoulder. "We were so scared of losing you. Seeing you hurt so badly, it tore at us. All Celestia and I could think about while we were imprisoned in Tartarus." Moon and Celestia then tightened their holds on Burst. A few stray tears falling from their eyes. "I don't think either of us can really imagine a life without you."

"And you'll never have to." Burst said. "I'm a full Avatar now. Like you two." He then wrapped Celestia and Moon in a hug from his wings. "We literally have all of eternity together. And there's no one I'd rather spend the rest of my immortality with." Burst then kissed Celestia and Moon. "I love you both so much. Nothing's ever going to change that. Both of you are why I'm here now." Celestia and Moon smiled lovingly and kissed Burst in return. Burst returned the smiles in kind, and nuzzled them. "Want to watch the sunset? That's the only way I can see this being more romantic."

Celestia and Moon nodded. "Sounds perfect." They said in unison. The three of them headed out to the balcony, and smiled as the sun set beyond the horizon. And with that, the day started to draw to a close. They made a pizza from scratch, and Burst soon washed off and changed into his sleeping clothes minus a shirt.

"This day's been perfect." Burst thought out loud as he headed for Celestia's room, and crawled onto the bed. "No way it could get better than this."

"Oh, we'd beg to differ." Moon said with a sultry smirk as she and Celestia surprised Burst. Burst's wings instantly shot out upon seeing Celestia and Moon in little more than night gowns. "I think we made him speechless. Another chapter in our history of firsts."

Burst blushed! "You two really want to take things that far?"

"Trust us Burst. We really do." Celestia said as she and Moon climbed into bed. "Besides. I'm pretty sure part of you wants to continue from where we left off on that dream." Celestia then placed one of her hands on Burst's chest, and a seductive smile crept onto her face. "And, it's been far too long since I've held a lover in my arms."

"....I'm not sleeping tonight. Am I?" Burst asked with a small smile.

Moon giggled. "Do you really want to miss out on this?"

"Not in the least." Burst said as he pulled the covers over them.

The next morning
Burst's eyes fluttered open, and he couldn't help but smile at Celestia and Moon holding him close. He almost wanted to get up. Almost. Burst smiled as he settled back into their embrace. Celestia and Moon noticed, and happily snuggled against him. They still had plenty of vacation time left. Today? Today would be solely focused on cuddles.