• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 546 Views, 39 Comments

Elements of Heroism Interlude: Vacation - Bahamut0

Tirek has been destroyed b Burst Stream. And with all things peaceful, Burst and the Elements of Heroism have decided there's only one logical thing to do. Take some well-earned time off.

  • ...

True Love Never Changes

Cadence was sitting at the kitchen table, and let out a deep sigh. "Great. Aunt Celestia got to take a vacation, and she made it so that she doesn't have to worry about the citizens flocking to her. And me?" Cadence then stared at the ceiling with a frown. "I won't be able to venture five feet without getting mobbed by my subjects they love me that much. I wonder how my aunts deal with this?"

"Yeah. The Crystal Sapiens really love us since our battle with the Umbrum." Shining Armor said as he took a sip of his coffee. "Heck, they even had to remodel the statue of Spike they made because he grew up. But I guess we really can't blame them." Shining's ears perked when he heard Chrysalis walking into the kitchen. "Oh. Morning Chrysalis."

Chrysalis yawned as she grabbed a bowl, and poured some cereal into it. "Morning lovebirds." She said with a small smile as she grabbed a seat.

"You know, I thought you'd have been used to more royal tastes." Cadence noted.

Chrysalis shrugged. "I lived in a desert wasteland for all my life. Not exactly a wide range of food to expand my tastes. The only thing I've got a refined taste for is love." She then nuzzled against Shining Armor. "Especially the love from you two." Chrysalis then giggled. "I just realized you live up to your name Shiny."

"What do you mean?" Shining Armor asked with a puzzled look.

"You were my knight in shining armor when the Umbrum released." Chrysalis said with a wink. "Looks like Cadence wasn't the only one who had a fairytale ending."

Shining Armor blushed as he looked to Cadence. "Aren't you going to do something about her flirting?"

"Nope." Cadence said with a smile. "Your mine and hers now too. So you're just going to have to deal with double the affection." Cadence then got an idea. "Hey, Chryssy? You can still shapeshift, right?"

Chrysalis nodded. "I can. I usually practice it in the mirror. Why?"

"Well, we were hoping to have a regular day outside the castle. And we were hoping you could cast a group disguise over us so we can avoid getting mobbed by the people. So can you do it?"

Chrysalis nodded. "Sure. But what do you want the disguise to be?"

"Try making us all Earthbounds." Shining Armor replied. "And maybe change-up our colors a bit? Even if we change our type, we'd still be easy to spot with our color schemes."

"Hmm. Give me a minute." Chrysalis said as she furrowed her brow in concentration. The three of them were soon bathed in a green magical aura, and opened their eyes as the magic died down. "Well? What do you think?" Chrysalis revealed that she now had Cadence's color scheme, Cadence had Shining's, and Shining had Chrysalis's. "Pretty decent palette swap, right?"

Shining blinked as he looked himself over. "Maybe you and the changelings should have broken into the acting business. You could fit any design needed for a production. Plus, you'd all be great at stunt doubles."

"Why thank you." Chrysalis said imitating a stage bow. "But after living with a mask for so long, I like my real face showing. So what's first on the list?"

Cadence shrugged. "I guess we could grab take a stroll around the empire. Oh! Almost forgot!" Cadence flew upstairs, and soon returned with a bag of bits. "We're disguised, so we won't get stuff at the snap of our fingers. Better come prepared." And with that, the trio of royals took to the streets. As they walked, they couldn't help but notice how friendly the citizens were.

"Odd." Chrysalis noted as she saw some changelings getting along quite well with some crystal-sapiens. "I thought the only reason the crystal-sapiens were so friendly was because the crystal heart amplified their positive emotions. But they're kind to even my people." Chrysalis then held herself. "Especially after...well, you know what."

Cadence put a hand on Chrysalis's shoulder. "We do. But Heart Eater was literally driving you crazy. You had your people to think of. But now, I can see where your desperation came from. You wanted the best for your people. Much like how we want the best for our people now."

"Cadence...it isn't that simple." Chrysalis said with a sigh as she shrugged of Cadence's hand. "I was a terrible leader. Burst Stream even pointed it out when he exposed me." Chrysalis looked to the sky. "So many better ways I could have ensured the prosperity of my people. Easier ways. A good leader considers all their options. Even in the most desperate of situations. Me? I caved into Heart Eater's influence. Treated my own people like tools. I honestly wouldn't blame anyone if they saw me as some sort of heartless monster. It's for the best I've abdicated my crown. I knew I wasn't ready to be queen when my mother passed away. I promised her I'd do a good job ruling. And look how that turned out." Chrysalis then felt herself being hugged by Shining Armor and Cadence. "But I guess it all worked out in the end. I know what love is now." Chrysalis closed her eyes and took in the warmth. "And I don't feel incomplete anymore."

Shining smiled as he nuzzled against Cadence and Chrysalis. "Love isn't easy. But when you have it, don't let it go. It can scary, happy, sad, and axious all at once."

"Shouldn't that be my line?" Cadence asked with a smirk. "Well, now it's turn for my 'feels' line. You don't need to change Chrysalis. Because when love's real, you don't need to hide. True love never changes."

Chrysalis blushed and stumbled a little. "I appreciate this. But...I think I'm almost love-drunk. Literally."

"Our bed back at the castle just might be the remedy for that." Shining said with a smile as he carried Chrysalis on his back as they returned to the castle. Shining Armor smiled to himself seeing his wives cuddling against him. 'Makes me wonder when we'll have little bundles of joy bouncing around to interrupt moments like these.'