• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 547 Views, 39 Comments

Elements of Heroism Interlude: Vacation - Bahamut0

Tirek has been destroyed b Burst Stream. And with all things peaceful, Burst and the Elements of Heroism have decided there's only one logical thing to do. Take some well-earned time off.

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It was the day after Tirek was destroyed. Burst Stream looked out the window, and took a deep breath. All the while, he contemplated on all that had passed. His chance encounter with Celestia when he was a little kid. His training. All the friends and battles he'd been through. And how he'd ascended. So much had happened in just a couple of years. And Burst was freaking exhausted. Then, an idea came to him. Burst took out his phone, and immediately texted his friends to meet up.

Sure enough, all the Elements of Heroism were assembled. "Glad you all could make it." Burst said with a smile. "You know, we've had one crazy life ever since we all joined up. Especially after that last fight. Which brings me to an important announcement." Burst then raised his fist to the air! "As of right now, the Elements of Heroism are going on vacation!" Burst saw the grins on the guys' faces. "We've fought pretty hard, and I think we could all use a good rest. Besides, something tells me your lady loves are looking quite forward to spending more time with you. So-" Burst noticed that the guys had already bolted off to their respective girlfriends, and chuckled. "Heh! I guess they've already made their plans. Well then...." Burst dialed up Celestia. "Who says we guys should have all the fun to ourselves?" At the same time, each of the guys infromed their respective girlfriends of their newfound period of freetime. To which the girls had a similar agreement.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Celestia had just finished hearing Burst tell her about his recently declared vacation period. She slowly smiled as the thought circulated in her head. But she instantly frowned when she remembered how much her royal duties took up her life, and sighed. Luna noticed her sister's distress, and decided to engage her. "Sister? Is everything alright?"

"No Luna." Celestia said sadly. "Burst just informed me that he and all his friends have all gone on vacation. And there's been nothing I want to do more than join him. Especially after his last battle." Celestia then held herself. "I can't think of any other time I've worried about him more than that time."

Luna put a hand on Celestia's shoulder, and smiled. "Then go to him. I can handle both the day and night shift now. Especially with Moon handling the dream department now. Not to mention that assistant of yours, Raven, is quite proficient at her job. So things should go fairly smoothly. And something tells me Burst would definitely appreciate you spending a bit more time with him. Go to him. That's a royal decree!"

Celestia giggled as she hugged her sister. "Thanks Lulu." Celestia then took to packing her bags. 'It's been so long since I've actually had some time-off. And I can't think of anyone better to spend it with.' Celestia thought to herself as she finished packing, and soon flew to Burst's house. She knocked on the door, and greeted Burst with a big smile. "Hi Burst!"

"Celestia?!" Burst sputtered as he stumbled back a bit! "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I join my boyfriend on vacation?" Celestia asked with a mischievous smile. "Don't worry about Canterlot. Luna's handling it."

"Taking advantage of me taking up some of the workload are we?" Moon asked with a smirk. "Glad my work's paid off. Besides. I bet you've been wanting to share a bed with Burst again."

Burst blushed while Celestia giggled. "Well, I can't lie. He does make a good pillow. Hope you don't mind sharing him."

"Burst belongs to both of us." Moon said with a smile as she walked over and she and Celestia embraced Burst. "And there's no way we're wasting any moments with him."

Burst smiled as he nuzzled against his girlfriends. "I just hope the rest of the guys are having as much fun as I'm going to."