• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 547 Views, 39 Comments

Elements of Heroism Interlude: Vacation - Bahamut0

Tirek has been destroyed b Burst Stream. And with all things peaceful, Burst and the Elements of Heroism have decided there's only one logical thing to do. Take some well-earned time off.

  • ...

You're My Treasure

Rarity stirred from her slumber as she caught the scent of something cooking. She got out of bed, and found Inferno cooking breakfast. A sly smile graced Rarity's face as she strolled on over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "You didn't tell me you could cook darling. Any other secret talents you've been keeping from me?" Rarity purred.

"You wish." Inferno said with a smirk as he kissed Rarity. "I was hoping to surprise you with breakfast in bed. But I guess I can't do either with you being awake now."

Rarity nuzzled against Inferno's cheek. "Oh, don't worry darling. I'm certain there's a way you'll be able to make it up to me." Rarity then leaned into Inferno's ear and whispered. "I certianly wouldn't mind you serenading me during an evening."

"Wouldn't mind giving you a private show." Inferno said with a wink. "You might wanna grab a seat. Breakfast's almost done. Hope you like pancakes."

Rarity smiled. "That sounds wonderful Inferno." The two sat across from each other. Simply enjoying the other's company. "You know, I bet no one ever would have guessed I'd have fallen for the rockstar type. Though I must admit, I always had hoped for a handsome prince to sweep me off my feet. Not being romanced with a dragon."

"Maybe your story's a twist on the classic fairytale." Inferno said with a loving smile. "Maybe this dragon sees you for the gem you are. Something that shouldn't be let go of." Inferno then caressed Rarity's face with one of his dragon-angle wings. "A treasure that only comes by once in a lifetime."

Rarity took hold of Inferno's wing, and admired its new appearance. The scales now looked like black feathers, and the wings were still dragonic in frame. But the way it all came together just made Rarity marvel at it. As well as how soft the feather-scales were. "You certainly did save me from a vile prince." Rarity said with a loving smile as she closed her eyes. "But a dragon always protects its treasure." Rarity slowly opened her eyes, and gazed lovingly at Inferno. She then gripped Inferno's wing tighter. "Seeing you fight Tirek...made me afraid that I'd lose you. And made me realize just how much I love you Inferno. You were willing to give your life for me. Even for just the slightest chance that you could save me, you would fight. You've more than lived up to your potential as a lover. And because of that, I treasure you darling."

"Well, Burst said it best when he went nightmare form." Inferno said with a smile. "When something precious is taken from a dragon, or something threatens what they hold dear, they'll go to any length to protect it."

Rarity blushed. "I was right. You do know how to treasure a lady." The two polished off their breakfast.

"So...anything in particular you want to do?" Inferno asked. "We've got plenty of days left for vacation. We might as well make good use of them."

Rarity smiled. "Well. It just so happens that there's a fashion event going on in Canterlot that showcases some of my work. It could get boring standing around there all by myself." Rarity pulled Inferno's head closer to hers. "Care to keep me company darling?"

"Rarity. I'm not letting you out of my sight." Inferno replied with a smirk as he and Rarity shared a kiss. "First, we'd better get dressed. And take all the time you need. I know you like to show-off." Inferno winked at Rarity before heading to his room and changing into his usual outfit. However, he decided to slip on the new coat he'd received after his ascension. "It's design is just like Burst's." Inferno noted as he smiled to himself. "I guess that makes me Rarity's dragon knight." Inferno soon exited, and waited for Rarity. Taking a moment to reflect on the history of their relationship. 'Hard to believe I fell so hard for her in just a single week.' Inferno thought to himself. 'Then again. It's easy to see why Spike had such a huge crush on her.' Inferno then frowned as he remebered how horrible Rarity had been treated by Blueblood at the Grand Gala. 'I still can't believe there's anyone that utterly disgusting who would treat her that awful.' Inferno was soon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Rarity coming down the stairs. And he couldn't help but smile when he saw her. 'Well, good things are better when they're a rarity.' Inferno then offered his hand. "Ready to go?"

Rarity giggled as she took Inferno's hand. "Lead the way darling." And with that, the two made their way to the train and headed for Canterlot. Rarity dozing off and resting her head against Inferno's arm. Inferno wrapped one of his wings around Rarity. About an hour or two later, the two arrived in Canterlot.

"Hey. Rarity." Inferno said as he gently nudged Rarity awake, and pulled his wing away. "I can understand you needing beauty sleep. But it's rude to keep people waiting."

Rarity's eyes fluttered open, and she stretched. "Mmmm. Thank you darling. Always nice to know you're always there when I need you. That being...well, always."

"My pleasure." Inferno said with a smile as he and Rarity dpearted from the train. "We still have a couple hours before the event. And I don't know about you, but I could do with some lunch."

Inferno nodded. "Sounds like a plan. I'll pay for it though." The couple soon found a restaurant to eat at, and grabbed a seat. However, Inferno noticed that Rarity's usual enthusiasm for Canterlot was strangely absent. "Hey, are you alright? Normally you're gushing about this city."

"Oh. I'm fine Inferno." Rarity said with a dismissive wave. "It's just...after all of my previous experiences here, maybe it's not as glamorous as I had envisioned it during my youth." Rarity sighed. "The prince charming I had set my eyes on turned out to be an utter scoundrel. And now that I think about it, almost every high-class person here is horrid save for Fancy Pants. And then I started thinking about what you told me." Rarity slowly smiled. "You taught me who I should really make happy. You've come to my rescue on more than one occassion. The only thing I regret about you is that I didn't see who I was looking for right under my nose." Rarity then placed her hand on Inferno's. "That lovely fire within your heart burns so bright. So warm. Especially when you hold me. Never let it die."

Inferno smiled. "It won't. And neither will I. You know. Me being immortal now that I'm an Avatar." The two enjoyed their meal, and soon made their way to the event location. It made Inferno glad to see Rarity so happy. However, their happy moment soon came to a screeching halt. Specifically because a certain spoiled brat of a prince spotted the two of them together.

"YOU!" Blueblood screamed as he pointed at Inferno! Blueblood stomped over. "I still remember how you humiliated me at the gala! Did you really think I'd not hold that against you?!" Blueblood got in Inferno's face, and scowled at Rarity. "It seems that common wench has found her true place with a beast like you." Blueblood said with a sneer.

"....What did you just call her?" Inferno asked coldly.

Blueblod sneered. "You heard me. A common wench. She obivously doesn't appreciate a fine specimen such as myself." Blueblood then tossed his hair in annoyance. "So of course she'd find happiness with a beastly mongrel like you."

"And yet I've done more for Equestria in a few years than you have in your entire life." Inferno replied with a frown. "But you know what? I don't care what you call me." Inferno then punched Blueblood in the gut! "But NOBODY insults my girlfriend like you just did. You want to settle things Bluebrat? C'mon." Inferno summoned his sword Ignitis Fang. "Maybe I didn't hit you hard enough last time for you to learn a lesson."

Blueblood scowled as he constructed a sword from his magic, and got into a dueling stance. "Then prepare yourself." Blueblood thrust his sword at Inferno, but Inferno leaped over and kicked Blueblood in the back! Making the spoiled prince stumble forward! "You'll regret that!"

"Yeah. Sure I will." Inferno said with a smirk as he readied his sword. "Let's just see how your 'elite training' stacks up against me." Blueblood wasted no time charging at Inferno! Only for Inferno to trip him up, and use Ignitis Fang to knock the sword construct out of Blueblood's hands before pointing Ignitis Fang right in Blueblood's face! The tip of the blade mere inches away from him!

Blueblood quaked in place seeing the sword mere inches away from his face! "Please! I'll do anything! J-Just don't scar my face!"

"Scar you? C'mon dude! You haven't gotten me that mad." Inferno said with a frown. He then cut Blueblood's pants to ribbons revealing his boxers. "I'll just humiliate you. Now get!" And with that, the spoiled brat took off screaming all the way! "That'll teach him." Inferno said with a nod. "Now, where was-" Inferno was caught off-guard by Rarit leaping into his arms. "Yep. This feels about right. Want me to carry you all the way to the event?"

Rarity nodded as she nuzzled against Inferno's cheek. "Naturally, darling." And with that the two headed for the event. Things went smoothly enough, and the couple was soon on the train back home. "You know? I just thought of the perfect reward for you when we got home Inferno."

"What's that?" Inferno asked.

Rarity giggled. "You'll see~!"

Inferno shrugged. "Well, knowing you, you won't disappoint." Soon, they were back home at Carousel Boutique. And Inferno had changed into his sleeping clothes. Only to hear a knocking on his door, and see a note slipped under his door. Inferno took the note, and read it. "Meet me upstairs." Inferno blinked, and headed for Rarity's room. And his face nearly went red and his wings shot out when he saw Rarity in her sleepwear.

"Good of you to be punctual darling." Rarity said with a smile. "Don't be shy. Come closer. You made me feel so loved today. Now? I think you deserve some appreciation."

Inferno slowly headed towards the bed. "So...what now?"

"That's easy." Rarity said with a giggle as she crawled up to Inferno. "Now I show you how much I treasure you darling." And with that, Rarity promptly began to make-out with Inferno. Soon breaking their kiss for air. "Don't you dare let me go."

Inferno smiled as he put one of his hands on Rarity's hips, and another on her back. "Wouldn't dream of it Rarity." Inferno then resumed their make-out session. The two soon laying beside each other. Inferno stil holding Rarity tightly. Wrapping one of his wings around her. "I love you so much Rarity. Your heart's my treasure."

"And your heart is mine." Rarity said with a blissful smile as she nuzzled against Inferno's bare chest. "And I'm never letting go of it." And with that, the two drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.