• Member Since 19th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Commission Status: FULL

Comments ( 28 )

Before I add this to my read later list, I need to know one thing:
Does Dash end up becoming a sub in this?

I feel like I know the answer, I just need to be sure.

No. Dash does not become a sub in this.

I figured that, but just had to double check, since the short description said Dash got captured in it.

On an unrelated note, how much progress have you made with the fics you mentioned in our conversation in the PM's?
Just curious.

Practically none. Right now I'm on a pretty tight schedule, which I've blown to hell because this story idea slapped a bridle on me and rode me until I finished it. Roughly 90 hours from original concept to published story.


slapped a bridle on me and rode me until I finished it

...I would say what an odd statement, but given some of your other fics, it's not.

Roughly 90 hours from original concept to published story.

Is that the overall total including sleeping and eating and other non-writing activities?
Or is that just the time you spent actually working on the fic itself.

Arzoo #6 · Aug 8th, 2017 · · 9 ·

Started off good, then turned into the typical Damaged "every fetish monster acquires consent and lovingly empowers their victim and becomes good" crap.

I don't mind happy ends and all but it gets super formulaic.


There are more than a few rather dark, depressing stories on this site you can read instead...? I mean, it would be like me commenting on every dark story that it didn't have a happy ending. It just seems strange to be the only thing you feel worthy commenting on.


If you don't like then don't read, simple as that. Considering you have ZERO stories published, how about you make one and upload it instead of being a critic.

8352102 Just to point out, this kind of repeated poking is a really great way to annoy a writer. Most writers come up with their own ideas, or take an idea from a source they spend hours planning with. Pitching ideas at a writer who is working mostly on commission is, IMO, a little rude.

Have you wondered why there hasn't been much progress on Trixie's Commitment? I had someone sending me multiple messages every day trying to derail the plot I had planned for it. :rainbowdetermined2:

Arzoo #10 · Aug 8th, 2017 · · 7 ·

Golly. And I'm sure you demand all the commenters that DO like the story publish stuff too, right? "Publish stuff or you don't count" is pretty stupid as arguments go. I also find it baffling both of you ignored the part of my comment making it obvious why I started reading this; I liked it at the start.

I comment on tons of stuff, probably including most of Penalt's stuff. I'm not required to like everything. You're not required to attack every negative comment. I already said it was the formulaic nature that was the problem (this was a fast edit after the post to clarify, maybe you missed it?)

If you want to further attack me, do it in PMs and not the story comments. I expressed an opinion on this story, but there's no need for a nasty comment chain over negative feedback.

Arzoo #11 · Aug 8th, 2017 · · 2 ·


Lol, getting the horses of people randomly pitching ideas to stop is probably as hopeless as getting that guy in the Crossovers group to stop spamming everyone's feeds.

It autocorrected hordes to horses and I refuse to fix it.

8352461To be fair, complaining about a story without a dark tag on it for having a non-dark ending is a little... odd.


I think everyone responded before I added in that last sentence at the end :( jokes on me for thinking I edited fast enough.

It wasn't the non-dark end that bugged me so much as feeling very much like every single thing you write; if you'd been the author I wouldn't have even made the complaint because it's simply your pattern and expecting otherwise is silly.

No offense when I called you out, by the way. I meant crap as a mildly negative synonym for "stuff" rather than trying to imply it's bad. I'm just not a fan of your style, even though you write fetishes similar to what I like (which is why I ending up reading most of it anyway).


It wasn't the non-dark end that bugged me so much as feeling very much like every single thing you write; if you'd been the author I wouldn't have even made the complaint because it's simply your pattern and expecting otherwise is silly.

And yet you made comments exactly like that in my latest story:



Anywho, not commenting further. Just going to thank Penalt for writing something awesome and leave it at that. :twilightsmile:


I suffered whiplash on that one; until that second chapter was added I had felt it was very different from your usual style, and liked it a lot.

This was the first time i had said anything like that towards Penalt since our initial conversation.
And i was just askibg out of genuine curiosity.

As for the second part:
1. I apologize for all of those messages. Sometimes an idea or several come to me pretty quickly and i have to get them told to the relevant person, or else it would bug me forever.
2. I didn't ( and still don't) know what you have planned, so it was kind of impossible for me to know which of those ideas would derail it


Well, I through it was pretty good.

Kinda don't know what to say.
This story have unique concept. And terrible writing and more terrible clop. Also, shitty sugarly-love ending. So, i don't know how to score that. To bad for +1 but not to bad to -1. So, i stop in the middle, aka nothing.
But it my fav, which count. Probably. Definitely count somewhere!:pinkiecrazy:

Can you give me an example of a better story so that I can improve?

This was fun. Things probably moved just a bit to quickly after that climax, but the idea was solid throughout.
Well, at least Rainbow got a few perks.
Keep going! ;)

So is this it or it is possible that it will have a sequel in the future?

I have no sequels currently planned for this story. It was intended simply as a one-shot.

Really enjoyed this story! The story’s idea is something I wanted to see in a fic for a vary long time! :twilightsmile:

Glad you enjoyed it.

The story is great, just whole Twilight is dying thing and Windigo becomes pony seemed a little rushed

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