• Published 31st Jul 2017
  • 743 Views, 7 Comments

The wolf and the bat - DustyDusk123

Dusk, a very shy bat pony, lives in a cave. Hes too scared to meet anyone until a certain somepony entered his cave...

  • ...

Hide and seek

Arrow was home, Valentine walked up to her and was very angry because Arrow was with Dusk

Arrow looked at Valentine, Valentine yelled at Arrow: "You stupid ugly mut! Stay the fuck away from MY boyfriend!"

Arrow sighed, rolled her eyes and said: "Listen, we are just friends. Besides, he doesnt even like you! Infact he is kinda starting to hate you! He would rather date his favourite food over you! Which is an apple!"

Valentine gasped and yelled back: "Your lying! Your not allowed to lie you ugly mut!" Valentine slapped Arrow.

Arrow yelled in pain and ran outside, Valentine grunted abit and ran after her.

Meanwhile at Dusks cave

Dusk was still laying down, when suddenly Arrow came running in. Dusk asked: "Whats wrong?"

Arrow then said panting: "Its *pants* Valentine... *pants* Shes after me because she thinks i *pants* like you"

Dusk gasped and said: "Follow me, and promise not to tell anything about what im about to do!c

Arrow looked confused but nodded at the same time while Dusk was climbing to reach for a big rock, he pushed it aside revealing a exit. Arrow gapsed and Dusk said: "Follow me!"

As they went out by the hole, Dusk closed it behind him right before Valentine could see it.

Valentine stepped in and was surprised to not see Dusk or Arrow in the cave, she grunted and said: "Dusk! Arrow! Come here!" No reply, she sighed and walked out.

Meanwhile, Dusk flew while carrying Arrow, he flew somewhere in the forest but he knew where he was. He has lived in the forest for so long he knows the way in his head.

Valentine was looking around the forest for Dusk and Arrow, she gave up and sat on a rock. She didnt want to look too far in the forest incase she got lost.

Meanwhile Dusk and Arrow landed at a safe spot, Dusk told Arrow: "We are now hopefully for enough from Valentine, we are safe now!"

Arrow sighed in relief and said to Dusk: "Thanks Dusk, for getting me out of trouble"

Dusk laughed a bit and said: "No problem, no one deserves such a sister"

Arrow giggled and aksed: "You really would choose a apple over her?"

Dusk said very sure of himself: "Mhm, and im not going to chance my tought about it!"

Arrow laughed and said: "Heh, good"

Valentine was still sitting on a rock, when suddenly out of nowhere she got attacked by a wolf. She yelled and Dusk heard it.

Dusk told Arrow to follow him and a minute later they saw Valentine in a tree with a wolf trying to climb it.

Dusk sighed, went to the wolf and petted his head so it calmed down. Arrow and Valentine looked surprised.

Dusk told the wolf: "Dont attack her, she doesnt deserve it" The wolf nodded and walked off.

Valentine jumped out the tree and hugged Dusk and said: "Ooooh my hero!"

Dusk didnt looked amused at all, he simply pushed her off and said: "Please never do that again..."

Valentine then said: "B-but you did that for me! That must mean you love me!"

Dusk sighed and said: "I did that because you dont deserve death, your not innocent but you didnt do bad enough to deserve death. No move before i call it back!"

Valentine then said: "B-bu..."

Dusk interupted her with a whistle, the wolf walked back and stood next to Dusk and growled at Valentine.

Valentine screamed and ran off, Dusk laughed and gave the wolf a apple and told it: "You can go now, stay safe" the wolf nodded and walked off.

Arrow walked to Dusk and asked: "How did you do that?!"

Dusk shrugged and said: "I got lonely so i became friends with the wolves, thats all"

Arrow giggled abit and said: "Pffft, your silly"

Dusk answered: "Heh, i know" and they walked back to his cave. They both sat down, bored again.

Arrow then said: "We can play truth or dare again if you... dare..."

Dusk laughed and said: "Sure"

Arrow asked dusk: "Okay... truth or dare?"

Dusk said: "Hmmmmm... truth!"

Arrow then said: "Tell me honestly, what do you think of Valentine?"

Dusk then replied: "She has too much make up! It just looks like she is trying too hard to look nice!"

Arrow then said: "Ugh, i know right? All i do is put a bit of water on my face so its clean"

Dusk: "Wait, you have no make up? Wow! And you look so nice!" Dusk blushed while realising what he just said.

Arrow giggled and said: "Thanks, sir blush alot!"

Dusk sighed and said: "B-bat ponies j-just blush more e-easily shut up!"

Arrow replied: "Pfft, i can see that..."

Dusk sighed and wanted to ask Arrow "Truth or dare?" But he got interupted by Valentine walking in, she said: "Stealing my boyfriend huh?!"

Arrow gasped and said: "V-Valentine?!"

Valentine rolled her eyes and said: "Your just jealous that i can actually affort decent make up!"

Arrow then said: "No, im not! I hate make up! Naturallity is better then your fake 'beauty'!"

Dusk then said: "Ehm... i agree with Arrow..."

Valentine then said: "I dont care what you prefer your coming with me!"

Dusk then quickly pushed Valentine to the wall making her unable to run and yelled to Arrow: "RUN! I WILL HOLD HER BACK!" Arrow nodded and ran off.

Valentine giggled and said: "What are you gonna do with me now, hm? Come on tell me... im curious..."

Dusk looked disgusted and said: "Gross! Ew! Im not planning to do ANYTHING with you!"

Valentine sighed and tried to kiss him, Dusk saw it and threw her away abit further into the cave and ran off. Valentine wiped the dust off of her and sighed and walked outside and yelled: "You can run! But you cant hide, cutie!"

Dusk ignored it and kept running until he saw Arrow somewhere hiding behind a rock, he walked to her and asked: "Arrow? Your okay?"

Arrow nodded, "Just hiding from mega bitch..." she said.

This made Dusk kinda laugh, he then said: "Well... im just glad your safe!"

Arrow sighed and then replied: "And im glad you could find me, blushy"

Dusk blushed abit and said: "Stop callling me thaaaaat!" Arrow laughed at this. "Dont laaaaaugh!"

Arrow stopped laughing when she suddenly heard Valentine yell: "Oh Duskyyyyy?! Where are you my little hero bat?! I miss you already!"

Dusk looked disgusted and said: "Uuuuugh... i cant believe her! I only saved her because she doesnt deserve death!"

Arrow sighed and told Dusk: "Just be quiet... otherwise se might hear us..." Dusk agreed and nodded.

Valentine then said: "Come on Dusk! I loved it when you pushed me to that wall! Your legs are so strong!" Dusk had a disgusted look on his face.

Arrow giggled at it, any boy at her school would instantly come to her if she said that to one of them.

Valentine countinued: "Please Dusk! I want you!"

Dusk looked annoyed, very annoyed. Arrow tought to himself: "Oh this isnt good, this is only making him gonna yell in anger more!"

Valentine then said: "Come on Dusk! We will be the perfect couple!"

Dusk face was red of anger, he looked furious. Arrow saw it and she tried hugging him, it felt very warm because of Dusks anger, and it didnt seem to help since his face didnt change at all.

Valentine then countinued: "We can share appled together!"

Dusk snapped and tought: "Thats it! She brought appled into this!" Pushed arrow off and jumped very high and landed infront of Valentine and hissed very loudly.

Valentine was shocked, Dusk then said: "You can call me hero, you can call me your little bat, you can say you liked it when i pushed you into the wall" he grabbed her neck and countinued: "but if you think that brining apples into this is funny, i will destroy you with my bare hoofs until there is nothing left of you but DUST!" He threw Valentine on the ground.

Valentine looked very scared and ran off, Dusk face was very red.

Arrow went to Dusk and hugged him to calm him down. The warmth of Dusk began to fade away, and his face went normal again. Arrow sighed in relief and said to Dusk: "Wow, your scary when your angry!"

Dusk hissed abit and replied: "Ugh... i hate it when ponies try to use apples to lure me! Its so stupid!"

Arrow felt him becomming angry again, she hugged him tighter and pet his head and whispered to him: "Shhhh, dont worry... shes gone now..."

Dusk calmed down again, he sighed and said: "Fine..." Arrow letted him go and they went to his cave and sat there.

Dusk looked at Arrow after a minute and said: "S-sorry that i was so angry..."

Arrow giggled and said: "Its fine, it feels good to see that someone finally yelled at Valentine, heh..."

Dusk sighed and laughed abit after: "It did feel good to be honest, finally releasing that anger..."

Arrow said to Dusk: "Listen, if she annoys you again, feel free to be as angry as possible. She deserves it..." she sighed and looked at her phone and saw the time, she said: "Ugh... i have to go again... Bye Dusk!" She walked off while waving at Dusk.

"Bye!" Said Dusk while waving back, he sighed and layed down on the rock he always sits on, he considers it his spot and the only pony that he wanted to share it with was... Arrow.

To be countinued

Author's Note:

Yay, long chapter! Woohoo! I hope you enjoy it!