• Published 31st Jul 2017
  • 744 Views, 7 Comments

The wolf and the bat - DustyDusk123

Dusk, a very shy bat pony, lives in a cave. Hes too scared to meet anyone until a certain somepony entered his cave...

  • ...

Day at the beach

Meanwhile in Arrows house, it was very hot because its summer

Arrow was laying on her back on the couch, sweating heavily. Valentine stole her fan because hers broke.

Arrow then tought to herself: "Wait... isnt Dusk's cave cold?" She stood up and walked to the door.

Before she could open it she heard Valentine yelling: "Where are you going mut?!"

Arrow sighed and said: "Outside" she panted and countinued: "Maybe find a cool spot!"

Valentine rolled her eyes and said: "Whatever..."

Arrow sighed and opened the door, ot was a little bit cooler outside then inside but still hot, she walked off to Dusk's cave.

At Dusk's cave which wasnt hot because the tree's blocked the sunlight.

Dusk was sitting in his cave, it wasn't warm for him. After all he wasnt a wolf pony with alot of fur, and his cave was much cooler.

Arrow walked in panting and Dusk looked up and saw Arrow and gapsed, he then said: "A-Arrow? Are y-you alright?!"

Arrow nodded: "Its just *pants* warm... its summer *pants* after all..." she sighed and plopped down.

Dusk stood up and put her down next to him, Arrow sighed and said: "T-thanks... *pants* V-Valentine took m-my fan, hers broke..."

Dusk was confused, he didnt know what a 'fan' was, he asked: "Arrow? Whats a 'fan'?"

Arrow giggled and said: "Its *pants* a thing that keeps you cool... *pants* but she stole mine..." she sighed after.

Dusk shrugged and said: "My cave is alwayd cold... im just glad it isnt winter..."

Arrow looked at Dusk and asked: "Why not?"

Dusk then replied: "Its extremely cold then and i have to find leaves to use as a blanket."

Arrow then said: "Oh, must be annoying"

Dusk nodded and sighed, he then said: "So... what now?"

Arrow tought and got a idea, she jumped up and ask: "You wanna go to the beach?"

Dusk jumped up and said happily: "Yes! Can we go right now?! Pleaaaaaaase?!"

Arrow giggled and said: "Sure, come with me it isnt that far."

Dusk and Arrow walked to the beach but while walking Dusk noticed Arrow slowing down and he asked: "What is it Arrow?"

Arrow panted and answered: "Its... *pants* so... *pants* hoooooot..." she fell down sweating extremely.

Dusk gasped and put her on his back and ran to the beach and said: "Dont worry! I bet the water is cold!"

They arrived at the beach

Dusk was running towards the water, he asked: "You mind if i throw you in?"

Arrow screamed: "DO IIIIIIIIT!"

Dusk nodded and threw her in, Arrow instantly cooled down and said: "Oh g-god, thanks Dusk!"

Dusk replied: "No problem!"

A wave hitted Arrow and threw her on the beach, Arrow then said: "Ow! Those waves are strong!"

Dusk then said: "Hm? Really?" He got in the water, a wave hit him but because he is much larger it didnt really affect him. He turned to Arrow and said: "Meh".

Arrow then said: "Yeah but your like 3 times larger then me!"

Dusk sighed and got out the water, he then said: "I cant help it!"

Arrow then said: "I know... sorry"

Dusk sighed and said: "Meh, its okay."

Meanwhile at Arrows house, Valentine was bored

Valentine sighed and got bored and wondered where Arrow went, she sad: "Shes better not with my boyfriend!"

She used her magic to track her phone, she then said: "The beach?! Ugh, i bet shes with MY boyfriend!" She got up and got out the house and walked off to the beach.

Back at the beach

Arrow and Dusk were playing in the water, Arrow kept standing behind Dusk so he could block the waves. Suddenly they heard: "STAY AWAY FROM HIM@"

They turned around and they saw a angry Valentine, she grabbed Arrow with her magic and pulled Arrow to herself

Dusk gasped and Valentine said to Arrow: "What are you doing with MY boyfriend?!"

Arrow rolled her eyed and said: "Just playing at the beach, and we arent even dating weirdo!"

Valentine sighed and said: "I dont care your staying away from hi-" Valentine got hit by a sand ball.

Valentine then yelled: "WHO DID THAT?!"

Dusk yelled back: "ME!" And threw another one at her.

Valentine turned to him and saw he made a sand fort, she dropped Arrow when another sand ball hit her.

Valentine then said: "So... you wanna fight hm, cutie?"

Dusk threw another one and said: "You gross!"

Valentine wiped the sand off and started walking towards Dusk

Dusk screeched and kept throwing sand balls at her, but Valentine made a shield with her magic

Dusk hid behind the sand fort and heard the steps getting closer, he hugged his own legs and screeched when suddenly he heard: "HEY!"

He looked and saw that Arrow threw a sandball against Valentine.

Valentine was about to throw one to Arrow but Dusk threw one at Valentine.

Valentine then said: "Ow, s-stop it!"

They both kept throwing sandballs at her and Valentine yelled: "ENOUGH!" And she teleported away

Dusk and Arrow cheered and run towards each other and hugged each other, they realised with they were doing, blushed and let each other go and they both stuttered: "E-er... s-sorry..."

Dusk the suggested: "Wanna play in the water again?"

Arrow nodded and said: "Sure!"

They played in the water for a while, Valentine was watching from a distance. She was pissed and said to herself: "MY boyfriend!"

She walked towards them and Dusk noticed it

Dusk then said to Arrow: "Get on my back!"

Arrow asked: "Ehm? Why?"

Dusk said: "JUST DO IT!" Arrow said: "Er... k...?" And stood on his back.

Dusk went deeper into the sea until they got to a raised bit in the middle of the water, Dusk then explained: "Valentine is coming and im hoping that the waves might stop her"

Arrow gasped and said: "Oh!" She saw Valentine and countinued: "I hope your plan works..."

Dusk nodded and said: "I hope so too..." he sighed after.

Valentine stepped in the water and got out quickly and yelled: "C-COOOOOLD!!!"

Dusk and Arrow laughed, Valentine heard the laugh echoing and she said: "Oh laugh all you want! But you will be mine Dusk!"

Dusk then yelled back: "Whatever weirdo!"

Valentine finally after many attempts got in the water but the waves kept her back, Arrow said: "Look your plan is working!"

Dusk said: "Haha! Stupid brat!"

Valentine sighed and said: "Dont worry i will come for you! Nothing will seperate me from you!"

Dusk rolled his eyes and said: "Yeah whatever! Good luck trying!"

Valentine then said: "How did you even get there?!"

Dusk then answered: "Because im taller and these waves dont affect me!"

Valentine rolled her eyes and got out and tought: "I can make a waterproof shield..." she smirked

Dusk said to Arrow: "Haha she gave up!"

Arrow sighed and said: "Finally..."

But then Valentine created the shield and simply pushed the water aside and yelled: "Oh duuuuusk! Im coming for you cutie!"

Dusk gasped and screeched and ran around, Arrow then said: "DUSK CALM DOOOOWN!"

Dusk stopped and said: "How?! She is comming for us!"

Arrow then said: "Okay if she comes just fly off to the beach!"

Dusk nodded and waited for Valentine to come.

Valentine finally came, Dusk tries to fly but Valentine holds him down with her magic. Dusk then said: "Uh oh..."

Arrow the said in panic: "W-what is it?!"

Dusk then said: "Shes holding me down!"

Arrow gasped and suddenly she got pulled of Dusk and got stuck in mid air, Valentine walked to Dusk and said: "What did i tell you?"

Dusk gulped and said: "Uhhhh... to leave me alone forever! Y-yeah!"

Valentine sighed and said: "No silly, i came here for you...~"

Dusk gulped again, Valentine tried to kiss him but he kept moving his head away. Valentine then said: "Come on stand still!"

Dusk then said: "Oh please no! Stay away with your gross lips!"

Valentine almost kissed him, Arrow saw this and managed to out the magic and push Valentine back in the water. She got stuck in a wave the waves kept pulling her to the beach. Valentine wants a very good swimmer so she kept yelling: "Stay away from me and my boyfriend stupid waves!"

Valentine then got at the beach, she was so pissed that she yelled: "I SWEAR I WILL GET YOU NEXT TIME! AND THERE WILL BE NO WAVES BETWEEN US!" And she walked off in a bitchy way.

Dusk laughed and yelled back: "Good luck!" And sighed after, he countinued: "I hope she wont come back, but i think she would judging by how far shes going..."

Arrow giggled and said: "Mhm, shes so weird"

Dusk nodded and said: "So... you wanna go back to the cave?" It was becomming night.

Arrow agreed, "Sure" she said, "Lets go" she said after

Dusk puts Arrow in his back and flew off with her to the cave.

Dusk and Arrow sat down next to each other on Dusks spot, they both yawned.

Dusk then said: "Wanna stay the night? Its pretty dark outside right now."

Arrow nodded, "Sure" she replied, she countinued: "Wanna go to sleep? Im tired." She yawned after.

Dusk nodded and said: "Sure" and they both lay down

Dusk said: "Night"

Arrow replied: "Night"

And they both fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Sorry that this took long, im feeling kinda down. Dont worry about it im fine