The wolf and the bat

by DustyDusk123

First published

Dusk, a very shy bat pony, lives in a cave. Hes too scared to meet anyone until a certain somepony entered his cave...

Dusk is a very tall abandoned bat pony colt because his parents didnt want a son, they wanted a daughter. Right now he lives in a cave but before he lived in a cave though, Dusk lived in a dumpster where he would listen to what ponies said, thats how he learned to speak English/Equestrian. But ponies found out he was living there so he fled to the everfree forest in a abandoned cave at the age of 8. He was always afraid of every pony but that changed when he met a special somepony...

(Just remembered something, the "im your sword, im your shield" quote is a quote from Halo, I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT ITS MY FAVOURITE GAME SERIES!)

Characters info

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These are the characters im going to use for this story:

1. Dusk, my own OC

Name: Dusk

Role: Main character

Appearance: Much taller then the average bat pony, green spiked mane and tails, red eyes, looks very adorable, he also loves to wear his red bowtie

How he acts: Very shy, sometimes hes very energetic, he can run fast, scared of everypony, a huge apple addict, would never hurt somepony on purpose, very dumb, cant read and also very clumsy and silly, he is very strong though but its hidden behind his shyness and he is too scared to hurt ponies both physically and mentally

Age: 13

Sex: male

Likes: Apples, being alone, sleeping, running around sometimes

Dislikes: Social interaction

2. Arrow, oc of my friend

Name: Arrow

Role: Best friend and maybe even more... who knows?

Appearance: Wolf pony, very short, long, black and white, fluffy mane and tails, dark red eyes

How she acts: Brave, silly sometimes, cute maybe, loyal to her friends

Age: Almost 13

Sex: Female

Likes: Meeting new ponies, playing games like truth or dare

Dislikes: Seeing her friends in pain or emotianally hurt, her mean sister (speaking of her, shes next!)

3. Valentine, mean sister of arrow and also another oc of my friend

Name: Valentine

Role: The annoying bitchy sister of Arrow who has a crush on Dusk

Appearance: Has a charm around her neck, a bit taller then the average pony, light pink skin, pink and black hair, light blue eyes

Age: 13, a month older then Dusk

Sex: Female

Likes: Dusk, clothes, texting her friends

Dislikes: Her little sister Arrow

4. The girls at school

Name: I reffer to them as either "girls" or "girl [Number depending on how many there are]" or give them a name of they have a bigger role, but it probably wont be that big

Role: They are all trying to date Dusk and hope that one of them finally gets him, Valentine is like the leader of the group

Age: Around 13-15 years old

Sex: Female (of course)

Likes: Dusk alot, make-up, chatting with each other

Dislikes: Arrow

These are the characters im going to use, wish me luck! Because its my first ever published story!

The wolf and the bat

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This is the story about a bat pony named Dusk, he was very shy and didnt like talking to other ponies, until he met a very special somepony...

Dusk was sleeping, in his little cozy cave... all alone, with no one around him other then some spiders and some bugs. Dusk wasnt scared of them, he got used to them and didnt mind them staying here, after all they are just bugs and spiders. Nothing that can harm him! The sun was rising and shined trough the enterance, waking Dusk up. Dusk yawned and sitted on a rock which he slept on, stretched his legs and wings, and stood up and tought to himself "Another day of avoiding..." and sighed after, he walked outside to get some berries and went back to the cave to eat them as breakfast, he ate them and his mouth was covered in berry juice and he burped after he finished, he never learned basic table manners after all. Everything was going normal outside, the birds are chirping, the leaves are moving because of the wind, and the forest was lit up because of the sunrise. It was a beautiful sight for Dusk, he decided to run around the forest happily with a big smile!

Meanwhile at Arrows house...

Valentine was yelling at Arrow: "Hurry your fat ass down were coming late for school you damn idiot!"

Arrow rolled her eyes and walked downstairs and said "Aks nicely next time, gees..."

Valentines said rolled her eyes and said: "Shut up mut and move your dumb body!"

Arrow sighed and said: "Okay..."

They went to the bus stop

When the bus arravied though, Arrow noticed in the forest in the distance a dark figure sprinting trough the forest, she tought it was just a animal and didnt mind it and stepped in the bus with Valentine and sighed and took a seat.

And so they went to school and Arrow tought to herself: "Another day of being harrashed..." and sighed after.

Back to Dusk who was getting tired of running

Dusk was getting tired of running so he got back to the cave and sat down while panting and tought to himself: "Gees im tired..." and layed down on his back and sighed.

He felt hungry all of the sudden so he tought: "Hmmm... maybe the apple farm owner wont mind a couple apples missing..."

So he stood up and flied to the apple farm and stood infront of a barrel and tought: "Apples!"

He grabbed one but before he could take a bite someone entered the room and yelled "THIEF!!!"

Dusk flew off with the apple while ponies where yelling and swearing at him.

Dusk kept flying but he crashed into a flag pole and he was out of control and crash landed and was knocked out when he hit the floor.

Back to arrow, she was leaving the school with a bit of bruises because alot of girls hit her

"Ugh..." said Arrow as she and Valentine stepped in the bus, covered in marks.

Valentine responded: "Wow, you look horrible!" And laughed a bit at Arrow after to make fun of her.

Arrow rolled her eyes

The bus arrived at their home, Arrow and Valentine stepped out the bus and Arrow looked at the forest again and noticed a crater and she wanted to check it out.

"Ehm... Valentine you can go inside, im gonna play outside..."

Valentine responded with: "Wow your a little kid again? Loser" and walked inside.

Arrow rolled her eyes and went to the crater

Back to Dusk who was waking up from the crash

Dusk woke up from the crash and rubbed his head and said: "Owww... ugh... w-where am i?"

He saw the forest behind him and said: "Oh, forest! Hm..."

He sighed and stood up.

Arrow came walking and Dusk heard the steps and turned around and stared at Arrow coming closer and looked scared.

Arrow said: "Wait dont be sc-"

Dusk ran off and Arrow sighed and said: "No wait come back! I wont hurt you!" And ran after him.

Dusk ran into his cave and hid himself ontop of a rock hoping not to get caught.

Arrow saw him walking in so she went in too and looked around, sighed and said: "Dont worry i wont hurt you! I promise! I just want a friend..."

Dusk was silent for a few second and said: "R-really...?"

Arrow jumped up a bit and looked at Dusk and said: "W-wow! Eh, yeah really just... dont scare me like that..."

Dusk felt bad and said: "O-oh errr... s-sorry i scared y-you... i never t-tought i was scary..."

Arrow said: "Meh, you look kinda cut-" she blocked her mouth realising what she just said.

Dusk blushed lightly and said stuttering: "W-wait what? Y-you think im... *His voice goes very quiet* c-cute...?"

Arrow blushed very lightly and said soft: "M-maybe..."

Dusk said after that: "Oh... h-heh... t-thanks...?"

Arrow said kinda stuttering: "Y-your welcome"

Dusk climbed of off the rock and sat down and looked at arrow kinda confused and asked: "Ehm, you mind me a-asking... what k-kind of p-pony are you?"

Arrow sighed and said: "Wolf pony..." looked down and countinued: "Call me a freak... i deserve it..."

Dusk gasped and said: "Wolf? So... your like a doggy...?"

Arrow sighed and said: "Mhm..."

Dusk said happily: "I love dogs!"

Arrow looked up surprised and said: "H-huh? R-really? You arent calling m-me a mut?!"

Dusk said kinda confused: "Ehm, why would i? Dogs are funny and cool!"

Arrow blushed lightly and said: "O-oh... h-heh thanks..."

Arrow then got a text from Valentine.

Dusk was confused from the sound her phone made and said: "What was t-that...?"

Arrow sighed and said: "My phone, my sister texted me..."

She pulls her phone out her bag and Dusk said: "Oh those things, yeah i saw ponies walking around with them... they look weird!"

Arrow said: "Yeah, kinda..." and looked at the text, it said: "Hey mut, what the fuck are you doing?"

Arrow texted back: "Ask nicely first!"

Valentine said "Ugh!" and texted back "Hey mut, what are you doing?"

Arrow rolled her eyes and texts: "Nothing"

Valentine texts back: "Well im looking trough the camera of of your phone with magic and your with a boy in a cave! Explain!"

Arrow tought to herself: "CRAP!" And texted: "Fine... i met a new friend..."

Valentine texted back: "Okay, i want to meet him he looks cute!"

Arrow texted back: "Ew your gross..."

Valentine texted back: "Whatever... im coming there!"

Arrow said: "Uh oh!"
Dusk looked at Arrow and said: "W-what is it?!"

Arrow replied: "My mean sister Valentine is coming!"

Dusk gasped and said stuttering: "M-mean?"

Arrow sighed and said: "Shes very bitchy..."

Dusk said: "Oh... hm..."

Arrow suddenly got pulled out with magic by Valentine and Valentine knocks Arrow out, stepped in the cave, looked at Dusk and said: "Hey cutie"

At that moment Dusk knew, he fucked up.

The good, the bad, and the bat

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Dusk was sitting on a rock with Valentine in the cave with him, will Dusk survive the bitchyness of Valentine? Who knows...

"W-who a-are you?" Said Dusk stuttering.

Valentine responded: "Valentine is my name, handsome..."

Dusk was confused and tought: "H-handsome?! Ew gross!"

Dusk then said: "Erm... T-thanks...?"

Valentine said: "No problem, cutie..."

Dusk was very confused and scared of Valentine, he never had this happen to him. He doesnt know what to do.

Valentine suddenly sat next to Dusk and locked her leg around Dusk and whispered in his ear: "Dont worry the mut is gone, your mine now..." and tried to kiss him.

Dusk screeches and it hurts Valentines ear and she yelled: "OW! S-STOP IT!" And let Dusk go while stepping back from him

Dusk said: "Ew! Y-your gross!" And ran outside the cave and ran off, but he didnt see Arrow knocked out.

Arrow was waking up again, looked around her and saw Valentine stepping out the cave so she hid in he bushes, Valentine sighed and teleported away.

Arrow stepped out the bushes and looked around and waited for Dusk to come back so she could apolagize for what her sister did.

She tought to herself: "How could she do that! Gross bi-"

She saw Dusk walking to the cave in the distance, ran to him and hugged him and said: "Oh im so glad your okay eh..."

Dusk blushed and said: "M-my name is D-Dusk..."

Arrow responeded: "Oh, cool name! My name is Arrow, nice to meet you!"

She realised she was still hugging Dusk so she blushed lightly and lets him go and said: "O-oh im sorry i-i did t-that..."

Dusk shrugged and said: "Meh, your manes feel sof-"

He blocks his mouth while blushing bright red.

Arrow giggled and said: "Heh, its okay... Yours is pretty soft too!"

Dusk responded: "O-oh... t-thanks... i guess..." and blushed lightly.

Arrow giggles a bit more because of the blush and Dusk says: "W-what? Whats w-wrong?!"

Arrow says: "Your blushing!"

Dusk eyes go wide open and he says stuttering: "N-NO! Its j-just warm... T-thats all..."

Arrow laughs and goes: "Sure... sir blush alot..."

Dusk blushes a bit lighter and says: "W-what?! D-dont call me t-that!"

Arrow giggles again and says: "Why not blushy?"

Dusk grunts and goes: "Im n-not blushing! I-its w-warm!"

Arrow goes "pffft" and says: "Sure... sure..."

Dusk goes "uuuugh..." and says: "Whatever..."

They both walk back to Dusks cave.

Dusk sat down and arrow sat next to him, it was a bit awkward but Dusk could deal with it

They sat in silence for a few minutes while.

Dusk was getting bored and said: "Well... we could tell abit about ourselves..."

Arrow agreed and said: "You can start i guess..."

Dusk answered: "Okay!" And told his story

"So... i dont know my parents... eh... i lived in a dumpster for 8 years and learned english from hearing ponies talk... ehm... errr... i went to this cave because ponies found out about me in the trash, so i went here i guess... and i have been hiding here from others every since and then i met you and your weirdo sister!"

Arrow giggled because she never heard someone call her sister a weirdo besides herself.

Dusk tilted his head and said: "W-whats so funny?"

Arrow stopped giggling and said: "Oh its just that your the first to call valentine a weirdo besides myself! Anyways... the other parts were very sad though, sorry for your past"

Dusk replied: "Meh, i dont care what ponies think about it... anyways... how about you?"

Arrow: "Well..." Arrow tells her story

"My current mom married my father and they had kids, they lived happily but when Valentine was born she turned to a bitch and she hated me, my father divorced with her because he couldnt take it anymore and remarried another mare, my mom wasmt happy, killed the mare and forced my dad to remarry her or she would end him aswell... and thats about it..." She sighed after

Dusk was shocked and said: "I-is that even l-legal?!"

Arrow shrugged and said: "If my dad told any pony working for the law about it mom would kill him..."

She looked down and Dusk sees it and hugs her and says: "Dont worry, im here!"

Arrow blushed and looks at Dusk and says: "R-really?"

Dusk nods

"T-thanks..." Arrow said.

"No problem!" Dusk responds.

Arrow then says: "B-but... what about Valentine...?" Dusk responds: "Dont worry, she isnt h-"

He got cut off be Valentine entering the cave and while yelling at Arrow: "Stay away from him! HES MINE!!!"

Arrow yelled back: "He doesnt even like you! You weirdo!"

Dusk was too scared to say anything.

Valentine goes: "Oh yeah?" And kissed Dusk on his lips.

Dusk eyes go wide open and he blushes and stutters: "B-b-b... w-wh... i-i..."

Valentine goes: "No need to thanks me, cutie..."

She winks at dusk and walks out.

Arrow is shocked, she never expected Valentine to act nice to someone.

Dusk yells: "W-WHAT?!"

Arrow sighs and says: "You love her dont you..."

Dusk goes: "Gross no! That kiss was weird!"

Arrow sighs and says: "No i get it... every boy likes her..."

Dusk replies: "Ew i dont! Shes a gross weirdo!"

Arrow looks at Dusk and says: "Your lying arent you...?"

Dusk says: "Ew no i hate her shes a bitch! I dont even know what that means!"

Arrow laughs and hugs dusk, "Your silly" she says.

Dusk blushes and looks at Arrow and says: "O-oh... thanks..."

"No problem, blushy" said Arrow in a kinda mean but sarcastic way, making Dusk blush worse

Dusk then goes: "Uuuuugh..."

Arrow looks on her phone and sees the time and goes: "Oh gosh im late for dinner! I have to go bye!"

Without knowing she kissed Dusk on the cheek, blushes lightly and walks off.

Dusk is paralyzed and is blushing very bright red and stutters: "B-bye..." and lays down and falls asleep

Under cover of night

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Dusk was still sleeping in his cave when suddenly a tought woke him up instantly

Dusk gasped and woke up and said to himself: "Valentine can come!"

He got off the rock he slept on and walked outside and walked around the forest, while at the same time 2 voices were fighting in his head.

The voices were Valentine and Arrow, arguing who is a better friend for Dusk, Dusk tries to ignore it while walking but is slightly annoyed and keeps saying "Stop..." to himself.

Sadly for him the voices didnt listen at all. Infact, they ignored him.

Dusk kept walking around the forest when suddenly he bumped into a bush, fell in it and saw Arrow sleeping in it.

Arrow jumped up because of Dusk and said: "D-Dusk?! What are y-you doing?!"

Dusk replied: "N-nothing" and looked down and countinued: "Just wondering around... y'now... injust eh... c-couldnt sleep..."

Arrow knew something was up, so she asked: "Dusk, somethings up. Whats wrong?"

Dusk looked up and stuttered: "N-nothing Arrow! H-heh..."

Arrow sighed and said: "Dont worry, you can tell me"

Dusk sighed and nodded and said: "I had the tought that Valentine might come again so i quickly left the cave..."

Dusk sighed and countinued: "But yours and Valentines voices kept arguing in my head!"

Arrow was confused, she replied: "About what did they argue?"

Dusk sighed and said: "About me, who is a better friend for me..."

Arrow goes: "Awww come on, dont worry about it. Im always your friend!"

Dusk looked at Arrow while blushing lightly and said: "R-really...?"

Arrow nodded and said: "Really"

Dusk sighed and hugged Arrow which made them both blush, Dusk lets her go and said: "Im going back to my cave now, bye Arrow!"

And stepped out the bushes and walked off while they waved at each other.

Arrow got out too but Valentine was watching the whole time and teleported to Arrow and Arrow jumped up and gulped, Valentine says: "Stealing MY boyfriend, mut?"

Arrow looked disgusted at Valentine and replied: "Gross! No! We just met!"

Valentine rolled her eyes, and replied: "Well too bad! Hes mine!"

Arrow laughed a bit and said: "What makes you think that huh?"

Valentine says: "THIS!" And knocks her out with magic.

Dusk still wasnt able to sleep, he was at his cave staring at the entrance

There he sat, sighing to himself hoping for Valentine not to come trough the door. The litt- i mean... big bat pony was feared and too scared to move becuase of what could stand at the other side of the entrance, but then suddenly he heard steps coming closer, and closer...

Dusk hid on the rock he hid on before and it was her... Valentine!

Dusk gasped and kept himself hidden

Valentine said: "Oh duskyyyyy? Where are youuuu? Come out cutie!"

Dusk was scared for his life, he didnt want to be around her, shes annoying and stupid.

Dusk tought to himself: "Ugh... shes so gross! Get out my cave i live here!"

Valentine sighed and said: "Come on i just want to talk, pleaaaase?"

Dusk was kinda getting annoyed by het voice, it was so high pitched and it kinda made him cringe in disgust.

Dusk got tired of it and jumped of the rock and asked: "Valentine please just leave me alone i cant sl-"

Valentine interupts him by hugging him and saying: "There you are my cute little bat!"

Dusk face was filled with disgust, he hated it when she complimented him with her annoying posh accent, Dusk said: "I said... leave me alone!"

Valentine replied: "I cant! Your too cute!"

Dusk said: "Ew... your gross!" And pushed her off.

Valentine looked at Dusk and says: "Please Dusk! I want you!"

Dusk looks disgusted and replied: "Well too bad, this is my cave, my rules! GET OUT!"

Valentine: "Ugh, i even took care of that mut for you!"

Dusk replied: "Yeah yeah oka- waiiiit... what?!"

Valentine: "I said i took care of the mut!"

Dusk looked confused, and said: "W-what do you mean?!"

Valentine: "After your little talk with her i knocked her out, thats all!"

Dusk gasped and a tear rolled down his face, he yelled: "MONSTER!" To Valentine, ran off to the bush Arrow was in and picked her up.

Valentine sighed and walked out, saw where Dusk went and teleported to him and said: "What are you doing, cutie?"

Dusk looks angry at her and said: "Helping my friend! My ONLY friend!"

Valentine sighed and said: "Your not helping me by doing that sweety"

Dusk rolled his eyes and said: "Oh i didnt mean you! I meant my actual friend! Arrow! Now leave me alone ugly!"

Valentine was kinda shocked but she said kinda stuttering: "Ugh... w-whatever!" And teleported away.

Dusk sighed in relief, walked to the cave with Arrow on her back and put her down next to him and slept next to her, under cover of night...

Nightmare night

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Dusk was sleeping in his cave next to Arrow in peace when suddenly, he got a nightmare!

Dusk was walking in a field of grass, alone... or so he tought, he kept walking for hours without finding anything.

He said to himself: "Ugh... how did i even get here?!"

While he kept walking he noticed something white and black in the distance, he walked up to it. He came closer, he saw it were manes.

"Finally!" He tought, "Another pony!"

He walked closer forgetting his super shyness, upon coming closer he saw it was Arrow.

Dusk smiles, runs up to her but he got stopped by a forcefield.

Arrow turned around she looked normal but then put up a creepy, dark smile.

Dusk was frightened by this but he couldnt move out of fear.

Glitter appeared around Arrow and she slowly turned into Valentine, still with that creepy smile.

This scared Dusk even more, it made him screech hoping to hurt her ears again, but it didnt work... Valentine just walked closer, and closer.

With each step Dusk got more scared, he wanted to run!

Valentine was now standing infront of him, with that creepy cold smile. Dusk was shivering of fear, he still couldnt move.

Then Valentine opened her mouth and hissed really loud at Dusk, this scared him so much that he ran as fast as he could.

Meanwhile, in reality at the cave

Arrow woke up, she felt something moving beside her.

It was Dusk, his legs were twitching and he was wimpering while little tears rolled down his cheek.

Arrow whispered in his ear: "Its okay to be scared, everypony has his weaknesses..."

Dusk twitched a bit less and whimpered a bit less too, but was still frightened.

Arrow hugged him in his sleep and fell asleep a minute later.

Back to the dream world

Dusk was still running but he noticed that Valentine was slowing down and hissing at herself.

Dusk turned around and saw that Arrow was attacking her.

Dusk gasped and cheered for Arrow, Arrow kept biting Valentines leg.

Valentine screeched because of the bite.

Valentine kicked Arrow off, teleported to Dusk and grabbed him with magic and brought him close to her.

Dusk was terrified.

Valentine opened her mouth slowly and said with a high pitched voice: "YOU WILL FOREVER BE MINE!"

Dusk hissed and said: "NOOOOOOOOO!!!"

And bit her leg out of fear so Valentine let her go so he could run off again.

Valentine wanted to chase him but Arrow got her leg again.

Dusk fled into a forest into a weird blue colored version of his cave. He sat there, at his spot.

Staring forward not knowing what to do. He sighed to himself, rubbed his head and yawned.

He was tired of running, tired of Valentine. He layed down and slowly closed his eyes..

Back to reality, at the cave in the night

Dusk woke up, slightly confused because the cave was normal again.

He looked around saw Arrow hugging him while se was asleep.

He didnt mind at first so he look away then suddenly blushed and looked at her again.

He was kinda shocked but it felt soft, her manes were very soft.

He hugged her back, very gently, not waking her up and fell asleep again.

The nightmares countinue

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Dusk woke up in his cave, still hugging Arrow.

Dusk woke up and yawned, he saw that he was still hugging Arrow, he blushed and quickly let her go, it woke her up on accident.

Arrow yawned, woke up and looked at Dusk blushing, giggled and said: "Goodmorning blushy!"

Dusk sighed and said: "I-its just warm! S-shut up!"

Arrow laughed and said: "Heh... sure... anyways..." she looked around "Why am i in here? What happened?"

Dusk sighed, "It was Valentine" he answered and countinued: "She knocked you out i t-think..."

Arrow gasped and said: "R-really?!"

Dusk nodded. "She said she did it for me" he said and then countinued: "I dont know why though!"

Dusk is confused, he never dealt with love before. He always found it a confusing mess.

Arrow sigher and said: "She loves you i guess..."

Dusk was even more confused, he asked: "W-what? Why? Im just a simple bat pony!"

Arrow shrugged and said: "Its probably because your so guillable..."

Dusk then said: "What? Im not! Im not guillable!"

Arrow laughed abit and said: "Apple"

Dusk stood up and look around while yelling: "WHERE?! WHERE IS IT?!"

Arrow started laughing, Dusk sighed and asked: "How do you even know i love apples?!"

Arrow shrugged and said: "Its just something almost every bat pony likes silly!"

Dusk sighed and said: "Okay fine... im guillable... woohoo..."

Arrow giggled and said: "Finally out the denial stage hm?"

Dusk sighed and said: "I guess...?"

Arrow laughed a bit, she looked on her phone and noticed she was late for school. "Dang it!" she tought, "Dusk i have to go to school!"

Dusk tilted his head. "What is a school?" he asked.

Arrow sighed and said: "You learn stuff there i guess..."

Dusk gasped and said: "Can i come?! Please please please?! I promise i stay nice!"

Arrow laughed, "I dont know..." she said and countinued: "There are lots of ponies there..."

Dusk said cheerfully: "I can ignore them! Can we go? Pleaaaaaaase?" He said that while looking very adorable at Arrow

Arrow sighed and said: "Fine..."

Dusk jumped up cheered and said: "Yes! COME ON LETS GO!" and pulled her outside.

Arrow giggled at this, Dusk then asked: "Where is ehm... schkeol?"

Arrow facepalmed, she said: "Its "school" dummy..."

Dusk then said: "Oh... where is school?!"

Arrow laughed abit because of his enthousiasm and said: "Follow me" and walked to the exit of the forest with Dusk.

Half a hour later they walked to school, suddenly Arrow remembered something

Arrow suddenly stopped realising something, Dusk turned around and asked: "Arrow? Whats wrong?"

Arrow sighed and said: "I dont know if this is a good idea Dusk... " she came closer to him and whispered and his ear: "Valentine is here too"

Dusk gasped and then said proud: "Dont worry im here to protect you! Im your sword, im your shield!"

Arrow giggled and said: "Thanks Dusk!"

Dusk answered: "No problem!"

They walked inside in the class, Valentine was there too

Valentine gasped when she saw Dusk enter the room with Arrow and tought to herself: "What is she doing with MY boyfriend?!"

Dusk looked around curiously, everyone was staring at him. The teacher went: "Arrow! What did you bring into school you mut?!"

Arrow sighed and replied: "This is Dusk... He is a bat pony..."

The class went "Oooooooh" because they never had one on their school.

Dusk was kinda confused and tought: "They never saw a bat pony?"

Arrow then said: "Yes but he is a shy one, please dont make eye contact with him he is very fragile" and poked Dusk

Dusk felt the poke and he jumped up and let out a skree, he looked at Arrow and said: "N-not funny!" and the class laughed making Dusk face red

Arrow said: "Awwwww" and hugged him making him blush, Valentine looked disgusted at this and yelled: "Ugh cant we just countinue?!"

The teacher nodded and pointed to a chair next to where Arrow sat and said: "You can sit there"

Dusk went to the spot, he didnt know how a chair worked so he picked it up threw it in the corner and sat under the table.

Everyone looked at him and Arrow was laughing. Dusk went: "What? What am i doing wrong now?"

The teacher sighed, picked the chair up and put Dusk on it and said: "Never do that again young boy!" And walked back.

Dusk replied nervously: "O-okay..."

The teacher then started explaining some math stuff which confused Dusk, he whispered to Arrow: "What kind of alien language is this?"

Arrow giggled and said: "Its math dummy"

Dusk said lying: "O-oh yeah... i k-knew that! I know everything about math!" He stood up and flew to the board, the teacher was confused.

Dusk drew a apple on the board, then everyone started laughing. Dusk was confused, he asked: "Its just a apple..." he saw the teacher was mad, he went: "Uh oh spaghettios!"

Arrow couldnt hold her laugh in and she was laughing very loudly, the teacer heard it and yelled: "OUT MY ROOM! BOTH OF YOU ARROW AND DUSK!"

Dusk was scared and ran outside screeching and sad on a chair, Arrow ran after him and sat on the chair next to him and hugged him and whispered: "Shhhh, dont worry... i have to put up with that every day, you'll get used to it"

Dusk looked at Arrow and said: "O-okay..."

Suddenly out of nowhere Valentine grabbed Dusk making Dusk skree for a second, Arrow said: "Hey! What are yo doing?!"

Valentine laughed and said: "Its break time idiot! Im gonna have fun with Dusk!"

Dusk eyes go wide open and said: "W-wow ehm... Valentine...? Im waytoo young f-for that...."

Valentine facepalmed and said: "Thats not what i meant! Oh my god!" And pulled him outside.

Arrow walked after them, Valentine pinned Dusk on a tree while Dusk nervously said: "H-hey... ehm... c-can you maybe l-let me go...?"

Valentine laughed and said: "After this!" And was about to kiss him.

Arrow pulled Valentine off him and growled at her, Valentine said: "Well well well, look who is here! The stupid mut!"

Dusk was too scared to move, he didnt know what to do.

Arrow said: "Let me friend go! He doesnt like you!"

Valentine slapped her while laughing, she then said: "He has to! Every boy likes me!"

Arrow rubbed her cheek, she said: "Well, Dusk is different! He will never like you!"

Valentine laughed and said: "Let me check that..." and quickly kissed Dusk making him blush.

Dusk went: "Ah! H-huh? I-i... b-bu..."

Valentine then said: "Dont worry cutie, its fine. I know you l-" Arrow punched Valentine on the back of her head and Valentine screamed.

Arrow growled and Valentine said: "YOU STUPID MUT!" And was about to slap her.

Dusk was shocked but he remembered him saying: "Im your sword, im your shield!" he sighed and jumped at Valentine and bit her leg.

Valentine screamed and looked at Dusk on her leg and yelled: "L-let me go! Go a-away! Im doing this for you"

Dusk saw what he did, he let Valentine go and he felt disgusting. He would never hurt somepony, he ran off. Arrow stood up and yelled: "Dusk! W-wait!" And ran after him.

Valentine rolled her eyes and walked off thinking to herself: "He has to like me!"

Back at the cave, Dusk was running to it and went inside

There he sat, feeling disgusting. He tought to himself: "W-why did i do that?! I w-would never hurt somepony!"

Arrow walked in and looked at Dusk, sighed in relief and hugged him and said: "Dusk! Oh thank you for saving me!"

Dusk didnt repsond, he only blushed lightly. He said while looking down: "T-thanks... i g-guess..."

Arrow looked up at Dusk and said: "Hm? Whats wrong?"

Dusk replied: "I feel disgusting for attacking someone! I would never do that!" Water formed in his eyes "Im a meany..." he countinued.

Arrow pet his head and said: "No your not, you helped me! You were my sword and shield remember?"

Dusk looked a bit surprised and said: "R-really?"

Arrow said: "Really"

Dusk sighed and hugged her back very hard on accident making it difficult for her to breath and said: "Thanks Arrow"

Arrows eyes go wide open and she goes: "Y-your *cough* w-welcome! Can you l- *cough* let me go?!"

Dusk gasped and said: "I-im sorry!" And lets her go. "I dont know my s-strenght sometimes..." he countinued.

Arrow giggled, she then said: "Pffft your silly... anyways... im going back home now" she looked at her phone seeing school ended "School has ended already" and she put her phone in her bag.

Dusk sighed and said: "Bye Arrow!"

"Bye" said Arrow as she walked off

And then Dusk sat there, alone... until... footsteps came closer... it was Valentine!

"OH GOD NO!" yelled Dusk

"Oh god YES" yelled Valentine

To be countinued...

The brat and the bat and...

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Dusk wanted to take a break from what happened at school, when suddenly Valentine came...

Dusk grunted and said: "Oh my god just leave me alone im tired! If you want me to say sorry ill say sorry! I dont care anymore just le-"

Valentine blocked his mouth with her hoof, she said: "Shhhh, everything is forgiven... now..." she sat next to Dusk, locked her leg around him again making him gulp. "How about a kiss instead hm?"

Dusk gasped and screeched and pushes her off, Valentine was shocked of his strenght. "Hard to get hm?" Valentine said.

Dusk replied: "How about impossible to get?!"

Valentine giggled and said: "Not an option cutie..." and walked towards him.

Dusk hissed and ran to the other side of the cave and yelled at her: "YOUR NEVER GETTING ME ALIVE!"

Valentine put Dusk against the wall with her magic, Dusk was kinda shocked and hissed at her.

Valentine laughed and said: "Oh i will, i already took care of your mut friend..."

Dusk sighed but then quickly realised what the ment and stuttered: "W-what?! What do y-you mean?!"

Valentine giggled and said: "I made my friends take care of her, they wanted us to be together... forever..."

Dusk pupils shrinked while her word "forever" echo's trough his head, at the same time he could only imagine what could be happening to Arrow.

Valentine: "Aww you look so cute when your pupils are so small!"

Dusk kept thinking about it how horrible it was going for Arrow. This made adrenaline pump trough his body. He screeches so Valentine's magic stopped working because of how loud the screech is, she also had to block her ears because of it making Dusk able to escape which he did.

Valentine sighed and stepped out the cave and walked off.

Meanwhile at the school, Arrow was getting beaten up by a group of girls

Arrow yelled: "S-stooop! Ow ow!"

The girls kept beating her up, one of the girls says: "You deserve this! Valentine OWNS Dusk!"

Dusk walks up and sees it, he hisses at them making them stop, on of the girls said: "There he is, enjoying the view?"

Dusk screeches and yelled: "Leave her alone!"

One of the girls: "Why should we? She deserves it! Besides no one wants to protect her"

Dusk remembers when he said: "Im your sword, im your shield" to Arrow, he then yelled: "IM YOUR SWORD! IM YOUR SHIELD!" and ran at the girls and kicked her in the face, knocking her out and he screeched making the other girls run.

Dusk looked at Arrow and asked if she was okay, Arrow nodded and coughed "I-im fine..." she said "Just... get me out *coughs* of here..."

Dusk nodded, put Arrow on her back and was about to walk off but suddenly Valentine was standing infront of him, Dusk jumped abit.

Valentine giggled at this, kinda annoying Dusk with it and said: "Awww your so cute when you act scared" She looks at Arrow. "Finishing her off on your own hm?"

Dusk said: "Again and again Valentine! You have abused her enough! Out of my way!"

Valentine laughed and said: "How are you gonna do t-"

Dusk grabbed her by her neck and said: "Silence" and dropped her and walked off.

Valentine rolled her eyes and said: "Wow... mr. Rudie..."

Dusk ignored it and flew off with Arrow on his back to his cave, put her down on a rock and sat next to her and sighed.

Arrow coughed and saids: "W-wow... never *coughs* knew you would d-do that for me..."

Dusk smiled a bit: "Adrenaline can do some crazy stuff..." and sighs

Arrow giggled and hugged Dusk, they both blushed a bit, Arrow said: "I love you" she quickly realised what she said and said stuttering: "A-as a f-friend! Best friend..."

Dusk blushed very bright and said: "O-oh... t-thanks..." and hugged her back, and they sat there for a while, hugging each other...

To be countinued

Jokes and laughs, good fun

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Still hugging Arrow, Dusk got extremely bored

Dusk said out of nowhere: "Boooooring!" And stopped hugging Arrow.

Arrow was a bit confused, "Whats the matter Dusk?" She asked "Whats so boring?"

Dusk sighed and said: "We are just sitting here on our butts doing nothing!"

Arrow sighed and felt hungry, she pulled a apple out her bag.

Dusk looked at it and said: "Are you gonna eat that apple?"

Arrow said: "Mhm, i will"

Dusk replied: "You won't..."

Arrow sighed and said: "Ehm, yes?"

Dusk said: "Nope!"

Arrow was kinda annoyed, she said: "Ugh, yes!"

Dusk laughed a bit and sighed and said: "Nah"

Arrow looked more annoyed, "Dusk! I will!" She yelled.

Dusk asked: "Will you marry me?"

Arrow answered: "YES! YES I WI-" she blocked her mouth and blushed realising what she just said.

Dusk started laughing and Arrow stuttered: "N-not funny! S-stop laughing!"

Dusk said: "Come on, wasnt it slightly funny?"

Arrow sighed and said: "K fine..."

Dusk sighed and said: "Heh, i knew it"

Arrow looked down and kinda sad, Dusk saw it and said: "W-wow wait did i hurt your f-feelings with that? S-sorry!"

Arrow shrugged and answered: "I-its something else..."

Dusk looked confused, he answered: "W-what is it?!"

Arrow sighed and said: "You wouldn't understand..."

Dusk said: "No, i will. I promise!"

Arrow sighed and said: "Fine..." sighed and took a 3 second pause and countinued: "I s-shower naked..."

Dusk facepalmed and said: "Wooooow..." and at the same time Arrow was laughing loudly, a tear rolled down her face of the laughing.

Dusk sighed and said: "Fine you got me"

Arrow wiped her tears from the laugh and sighed, she then said: "Soooo... what now?"

Dusk shrugged and said: "I dunno..."

Arrow said: "Oh" looked at Dusk and said: "Ever played... truth or dare...?"

Dusk tilted his head and said: "No...?"

Arrow giggled and said: "Well basically you ask the other person truth or dare, if they choose truth they have to answer a question honestly. If they choose dare they have to do something, making someone commit suicide or any illegal things isnt allowed okay?" Dusk nodded and Arrow said: "So... you dare to play?"

Dusk replied saying: "Mhm, i double dare to play it!"

Arrow laughed a bit and said: "Okay Dusk, truth or dare?"

Dusk said: "Hmmmmm... im gonna go... truth!"

Arrow then asked Dusk: "Tell me honestly, do you like Valentine?"

Dusk sighed and said: "I doooooont!" And blushed veeeeeeery lightly.

Arrow giggled a bit and said: "Fine... your turn!"

Dusk asked Arrow: "Truth or dare?"

Arrow answered: "Emmmm... im not afraid of you! Dare!"

Dusk laughed and said: "Get me a apple!"

Arrow looked unamused and said: "Really? A apple?"

Dusk answered: "Yes im hungry! Hurry up!"

Arrow sighed and said: "Fiiiiine!" And walked off and came back with a apple and said: "Here, happy?" And gave the apple to Dusk.

Dusk was eating the apple and nodded, Arrow then said: "Good, k... now Dusk, truth or dare?"

Dusk gulped the last piece away and said: "Hmmmm... screw it, dare!"

Arrow smirked and said: "Destroy a apple..."

Dusk pupils go very small and he stuttered: "B-but... i l-love a-apples!"

Arrow laughed and said: "Thats what you get for making me get one!"

Dusk sighed, walked off and got a apple and walked back and sighed and said: "Here..." putted it down and asked: "D-do i really have to d-do it?" Arrow nodded.

Dusk sighed and whispered to the apple: "Listen, what im about to do is something i wont ever forgive myself... i will forever love you..." he kissed the apple for 3 seconds and then put his hoof on it and crushed it.

Arrow laughed and Dusk whimpered, Arrow looked at Dusk and goes: "Awww, poor you!" And hugs him.

Dusk said sadly: "I loved it..." and a tear rolls down his cheek

Arrow giggled and asked: "More then Valentine?"

Dusk said while being very sure of himself: "Oh yes i do!"

Arrow laughed and said: "Wow, my sister got rejected for a apple! Pffft..." she then letted Dusk go, looked at her phone and saw the time. "Ah crap, i have to go" she put her phone away and countinued: "Bye Dusk, maybe we can countinue next time!"

Dusk waved and said: "I hope so too!" And Arrow walked off

Dusk sighed and layed on his back staring at the roof.

To be countinued

Hide and seek

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Arrow was home, Valentine walked up to her and was very angry because Arrow was with Dusk

Arrow looked at Valentine, Valentine yelled at Arrow: "You stupid ugly mut! Stay the fuck away from MY boyfriend!"

Arrow sighed, rolled her eyes and said: "Listen, we are just friends. Besides, he doesnt even like you! Infact he is kinda starting to hate you! He would rather date his favourite food over you! Which is an apple!"

Valentine gasped and yelled back: "Your lying! Your not allowed to lie you ugly mut!" Valentine slapped Arrow.

Arrow yelled in pain and ran outside, Valentine grunted abit and ran after her.

Meanwhile at Dusks cave

Dusk was still laying down, when suddenly Arrow came running in. Dusk asked: "Whats wrong?"

Arrow then said panting: "Its *pants* Valentine... *pants* Shes after me because she thinks i *pants* like you"

Dusk gasped and said: "Follow me, and promise not to tell anything about what im about to do!c

Arrow looked confused but nodded at the same time while Dusk was climbing to reach for a big rock, he pushed it aside revealing a exit. Arrow gapsed and Dusk said: "Follow me!"

As they went out by the hole, Dusk closed it behind him right before Valentine could see it.

Valentine stepped in and was surprised to not see Dusk or Arrow in the cave, she grunted and said: "Dusk! Arrow! Come here!" No reply, she sighed and walked out.

Meanwhile, Dusk flew while carrying Arrow, he flew somewhere in the forest but he knew where he was. He has lived in the forest for so long he knows the way in his head.

Valentine was looking around the forest for Dusk and Arrow, she gave up and sat on a rock. She didnt want to look too far in the forest incase she got lost.

Meanwhile Dusk and Arrow landed at a safe spot, Dusk told Arrow: "We are now hopefully for enough from Valentine, we are safe now!"

Arrow sighed in relief and said to Dusk: "Thanks Dusk, for getting me out of trouble"

Dusk laughed a bit and said: "No problem, no one deserves such a sister"

Arrow giggled and aksed: "You really would choose a apple over her?"

Dusk said very sure of himself: "Mhm, and im not going to chance my tought about it!"

Arrow laughed and said: "Heh, good"

Valentine was still sitting on a rock, when suddenly out of nowhere she got attacked by a wolf. She yelled and Dusk heard it.

Dusk told Arrow to follow him and a minute later they saw Valentine in a tree with a wolf trying to climb it.

Dusk sighed, went to the wolf and petted his head so it calmed down. Arrow and Valentine looked surprised.

Dusk told the wolf: "Dont attack her, she doesnt deserve it" The wolf nodded and walked off.

Valentine jumped out the tree and hugged Dusk and said: "Ooooh my hero!"

Dusk didnt looked amused at all, he simply pushed her off and said: "Please never do that again..."

Valentine then said: "B-but you did that for me! That must mean you love me!"

Dusk sighed and said: "I did that because you dont deserve death, your not innocent but you didnt do bad enough to deserve death. No move before i call it back!"

Valentine then said: "B-bu..."

Dusk interupted her with a whistle, the wolf walked back and stood next to Dusk and growled at Valentine.

Valentine screamed and ran off, Dusk laughed and gave the wolf a apple and told it: "You can go now, stay safe" the wolf nodded and walked off.

Arrow walked to Dusk and asked: "How did you do that?!"

Dusk shrugged and said: "I got lonely so i became friends with the wolves, thats all"

Arrow giggled abit and said: "Pffft, your silly"

Dusk answered: "Heh, i know" and they walked back to his cave. They both sat down, bored again.

Arrow then said: "We can play truth or dare again if you... dare..."

Dusk laughed and said: "Sure"

Arrow asked dusk: "Okay... truth or dare?"

Dusk said: "Hmmmmm... truth!"

Arrow then said: "Tell me honestly, what do you think of Valentine?"

Dusk then replied: "She has too much make up! It just looks like she is trying too hard to look nice!"

Arrow then said: "Ugh, i know right? All i do is put a bit of water on my face so its clean"

Dusk: "Wait, you have no make up? Wow! And you look so nice!" Dusk blushed while realising what he just said.

Arrow giggled and said: "Thanks, sir blush alot!"

Dusk sighed and said: "B-bat ponies j-just blush more e-easily shut up!"

Arrow replied: "Pfft, i can see that..."

Dusk sighed and wanted to ask Arrow "Truth or dare?" But he got interupted by Valentine walking in, she said: "Stealing my boyfriend huh?!"

Arrow gasped and said: "V-Valentine?!"

Valentine rolled her eyes and said: "Your just jealous that i can actually affort decent make up!"

Arrow then said: "No, im not! I hate make up! Naturallity is better then your fake 'beauty'!"

Dusk then said: "Ehm... i agree with Arrow..."

Valentine then said: "I dont care what you prefer your coming with me!"

Dusk then quickly pushed Valentine to the wall making her unable to run and yelled to Arrow: "RUN! I WILL HOLD HER BACK!" Arrow nodded and ran off.

Valentine giggled and said: "What are you gonna do with me now, hm? Come on tell me... im curious..."

Dusk looked disgusted and said: "Gross! Ew! Im not planning to do ANYTHING with you!"

Valentine sighed and tried to kiss him, Dusk saw it and threw her away abit further into the cave and ran off. Valentine wiped the dust off of her and sighed and walked outside and yelled: "You can run! But you cant hide, cutie!"

Dusk ignored it and kept running until he saw Arrow somewhere hiding behind a rock, he walked to her and asked: "Arrow? Your okay?"

Arrow nodded, "Just hiding from mega bitch..." she said.

This made Dusk kinda laugh, he then said: "Well... im just glad your safe!"

Arrow sighed and then replied: "And im glad you could find me, blushy"

Dusk blushed abit and said: "Stop callling me thaaaaat!" Arrow laughed at this. "Dont laaaaaugh!"

Arrow stopped laughing when she suddenly heard Valentine yell: "Oh Duskyyyyy?! Where are you my little hero bat?! I miss you already!"

Dusk looked disgusted and said: "Uuuuugh... i cant believe her! I only saved her because she doesnt deserve death!"

Arrow sighed and told Dusk: "Just be quiet... otherwise se might hear us..." Dusk agreed and nodded.

Valentine then said: "Come on Dusk! I loved it when you pushed me to that wall! Your legs are so strong!" Dusk had a disgusted look on his face.

Arrow giggled at it, any boy at her school would instantly come to her if she said that to one of them.

Valentine countinued: "Please Dusk! I want you!"

Dusk looked annoyed, very annoyed. Arrow tought to himself: "Oh this isnt good, this is only making him gonna yell in anger more!"

Valentine then said: "Come on Dusk! We will be the perfect couple!"

Dusk face was red of anger, he looked furious. Arrow saw it and she tried hugging him, it felt very warm because of Dusks anger, and it didnt seem to help since his face didnt change at all.

Valentine then countinued: "We can share appled together!"

Dusk snapped and tought: "Thats it! She brought appled into this!" Pushed arrow off and jumped very high and landed infront of Valentine and hissed very loudly.

Valentine was shocked, Dusk then said: "You can call me hero, you can call me your little bat, you can say you liked it when i pushed you into the wall" he grabbed her neck and countinued: "but if you think that brining apples into this is funny, i will destroy you with my bare hoofs until there is nothing left of you but DUST!" He threw Valentine on the ground.

Valentine looked very scared and ran off, Dusk face was very red.

Arrow went to Dusk and hugged him to calm him down. The warmth of Dusk began to fade away, and his face went normal again. Arrow sighed in relief and said to Dusk: "Wow, your scary when your angry!"

Dusk hissed abit and replied: "Ugh... i hate it when ponies try to use apples to lure me! Its so stupid!"

Arrow felt him becomming angry again, she hugged him tighter and pet his head and whispered to him: "Shhhh, dont worry... shes gone now..."

Dusk calmed down again, he sighed and said: "Fine..." Arrow letted him go and they went to his cave and sat there.

Dusk looked at Arrow after a minute and said: "S-sorry that i was so angry..."

Arrow giggled and said: "Its fine, it feels good to see that someone finally yelled at Valentine, heh..."

Dusk sighed and laughed abit after: "It did feel good to be honest, finally releasing that anger..."

Arrow said to Dusk: "Listen, if she annoys you again, feel free to be as angry as possible. She deserves it..." she sighed and looked at her phone and saw the time, she said: "Ugh... i have to go again... Bye Dusk!" She walked off while waving at Dusk.

"Bye!" Said Dusk while waving back, he sighed and layed down on the rock he always sits on, he considers it his spot and the only pony that he wanted to share it with was... Arrow.

To be countinued


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Dusk was in his cave adjusting his bowtie, it got a bit loose.

Dusk sat on his spot, adjusting his bowtie. When suddenly he was hungry, he said: "Hm, maybe the apple stand has some nice apples" He then flew off and landed near the stands, the apple stand wasnt there.

Dusk sighed, he instead saw a stand with long yellow food in it. Dusk was curious and took one.

"HEY!" Yelled a pony, "Your gonna pay for that?!" Dusk stood still for a second, screeched and flew off while ponies were yelling and swearing at Dusk, he ignored it and countinued flying.

He arrived at his cave, and put the food down looking at it. He took a bite but the yellow shell around it blocked his teeth. "Huh" said Dusk and kept biting until he ripped it open and saw a weird white stick in it.

Dusk tilted his head for a few seconds, shrugged and tought: "Whats the worst that can happen?" He took a bite and tought: "Hm, not bad" when suddenly he fell pain in his stomach. He dropped the food and layed down on his spot, he tried to screech but all what left his mouth was: "eeeeeeeeeee"

Dusk then said: "Ow! W-whats happening t-to me?!"

Arrow was walking to the cave, it was weekend so no school today

Arrow walked to the cave and heard moaning and suffering, she ran inside and saw Dusk on his back in pain. Arrow asked: "Dusk?! What are you doing?!"

Dusk pointed at the banana, "It h-hurts my ins- OW! Insides!" He burped and countinued: "Oh god... my head..." sweat dripped from his head.

Arrow sighed and said: "Dusk, thats a banana and i think your alergic for it"

Dusk then replied: "W-what? A-ale- OW! Alergic?!"

Arrow nodded and sighed and sat next to Dusk rubbing his belly, he felt kinda better and said: "T-thanks Arrow..."

Arrow giggled abit and said: "No problem"

Dusk burped again and said: "Ugh... this feels bad..."

Suddenly Valentine walked in and yelled at Arrow: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!"

Dusk head hurts from the scream, he let out a hiss and Arrow said: "Shhhh! He ate a banana and hes alergic! Your only hurting his head more!"

Valentine rolled her eyes and said: "Wow, that isnt helping" she pushed Arrow aside with her magic and went: "This is helping" she tried to fix it with magic but it only hurted more, so much that Dusk could actually screech.

Arrow pushed Valentine away and said: "What are you doing?! Your hurting him!"

Valentine sighed and said: "No, im helping!" She countinued her magic and Dusk screeched again.

Arrow punched Valentine in the face, Valentine said: "Oh thats it!" And they start slapping each other and it soon turned into a fight.

Dusk after a minute screeched making them stop and look at Dusk, Dusk then said: "Stoooop! This fighting only hurts me more! Get out Valentine you aren't helping!"

Valentine said: "B-but i c-"

Dusk hissed and said: "Please dont! It hurts enough!"

Valentine sighed and said: "Ugh, fine!" She looked at Arrow grabbed her by the neck and said: "But if you dare to hurt MY boyfriend i will make you feel his pain twice as hard! You heard?!"

Arrow rolled her eyes and said: "Whatever..." Valentine dropped her and walked out and teleported away.

Dusk looked kinda disgusted and went: "Boyfriend? Ewwwww..."

Arrow giggled, sat next to him and rubbed his belly again and said: "Dont worry im here, your going fine right?"

Dusk nodded and coughed after and said: "Its much better now that that brat is gone..."

Arrow laughed and said: "Wow, brat? Glad we think the same, hehe"

Dusk laughed but it kinda hurt so he let out a short skree, Arrow put her hoof on his forehead and said: "Oh god your veeeeery warm!"

Dusk sighed and said: "Stupid banana... apples are better! They dont poison me!" Arrow giggled at this.

Dusk sighed and layed his head down, Arrow was still rubbing his belly and asked: "You want me to get a apple?" Dusk nodded and Arrow said: "Okay" and walked off.

A moment later Dusk heard hoofsteps and said: "Wow, thats f-" he stopped as he saw that its Valentine and he goes: "Valentine! Please n- OW! No!"

Valentine then said: "Awww poor thing... still sick? You look so cute when your sick!"

Dusk looked disgusted and said: "Ew gross!"

Valentine then smirked and said: "So... you cant move hm?"

Dusk sighed and said: "Nope... it hurts too much..."

Valentine said: "Hah! Excellent!" And kissed Dusk on his lips, Dusk then felt weird.

Dusk pushed her off and his face went abit green, suddenly he threw up and it landed infront of Valentine, Valentine screamed: "EWWWWWW!" And ran off, Arrow was comming back at the moment and saw that.

She ran inside and saw the puke and Dusk looked even worse then before, Dusk then said: "A-Arrow... her k-kiss made me do t-that... s-sorry..."

Arrow laughed and said: "Pffft i would have puked too if she did that to me!" She walked to Dusk, gave him the apple and sat next to him rubbed his belly again.

Dusk sighed and ate the apple, feeling a bit better after.

Arrow then asked: "You mind if i stay the night? It looks like you need help"

Dusk nodded while saying: "Please do that, *burps* oops... pardon..."

Arrow giggled and said: "Its fine, i know you do that because your sick!" She layed down next to him and hugged him with her legs around his belly.

Dusk blushed and felt abit better, he said: "N-night..."

Arrow sighed and responded: "Night"

And they both fell asleep

Changes to the brat

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Arrow and Dusk were still sleeping in the cave, Arrow woke up, Dusk didnt because he still was a bit sick.

Arrow yawned and saw she was still hugging Dusk, she blushed and got up. "Wow, deep sleeper" she said and got off the rock.

She stretched her legs and Dusk woke up, he yawned but it turned into a burp because he was sick. Dusk the said: "Ehm... pardon..."

Arrow giggled and said: "Its okay, i sometimes do it myself too"

Dusk laughed abit and said: "Finally someone who doesnt yell at me for doing it out loud..." Arrow laughed abit too.

Arrow then said: "Well, i have to go home now, bye Dusk!" She waved and walked off.

"Bye" said Dusk while waving at her.

At Arrows house.

Arrow stood inside with her mom and Valentine looking angry at her, Arrow gulped and Valentine said: "She slept with MY boyfriend!"

Arrow's mom was angry and yelled at Arrow: "Get your own boyfriend mut! Oh wait your tol ugly!"

Arrow then said: "B-but were just fr-"

Arrow's mom then said: "Dont you lie!" She was about to slap her but Arrow ran outside and ran off.

Arrow's mom chased her while yelling: "COME BACK HERE MUT!"

Valentine laughed and looked at a spell in her book that can turn her into a bat pony for a hour, hoping it will make Dusk fall for her.

Valentine laughed and then her horn lit up and she casted the spell, she turned into a bat pony. Her horn was gone but she didnt worry about it, it would return in a hour anyways.

Meanwhile at the cave, Dusk still felt kinda sick.

Dusk coughed a few times, he suddenly heard hoofsteps and he stuttered: "A-Arrow? I-its you right?" He was wrong, its Valentine. She looked different to Dusk.

Dusk tilted his head and goes: "Erm... Valentine? Did a bat bite you?"

Valentine answered: "Nope, i did this spell on myself just for you..." she sat next to Dusk and wrapped her bat wings around him. Dusk was sweating, he was scared.

Valentine then said: "So... feeling better, sweetie?"

Dusk then replied: "Well, not if you call me that again!"

Valentine then sighed and said: "Fine... cutie"

Dusk rolled his eyes and said: "Not any better..."

Valentine then went: "Ugh come on i did this spell all for you! You HAVE to love me!"

Dusk looked disgusted and said: "Ew!" Put her wings away from him and countinued: "I rather date an apple!"

Valentine gasped and said: "F-fine!" she walked off to her home and Dusk sighed in relief that she finally left.

Back at home, Valentine was looking trough her spell book. Arrow still didnt return and so did their mom.

Valentine sighed, she was reading very long in it, so long that the hour just passed. She changed back and sighed after.

Valentine looked up at the clock, shrugged and read further and saw a spell that can turn her into a wolf pony.

Valentine got a idea in her head, she tought: "If Arrow is a wolf pony, and Dusk likes her... that means he will like me if im a wolf pony!" She closed the book and cheered.

Valentine's horn lit up as she did the spell, she then changed into a wolf pony but then realised somthing, she screamed: "GROSS! IM A MUT NOW! Ugh... everything to get Dusks heart!" She walked out and walked to the cave.

Back at the cave, Dusk was about to fall asleep. But the sounds of hoofsteps woke him up.

Dusk sighed and looked up to see Valentine, she looked different again. Disk sighed and said: "Spell?"

Valentine nodded and sat next to him and said: "So... you like me now?" While she said that she was petting Dusks back with hee soft wolf pony tail.

Dusk eyes shot wide open, he liked it but he didnt want to give in. He said: "E-ehm... n-nope!"

Valentine petted him more, even softer and said: "Really hm?~"

Dusk sweated and tought to himself: "IDONTLIKEHERIDONTLIKEHERIDONTLIKEHER" and he said: "Y-yup! I-im v-very sure about i-it!"

Valentine tickled Dusk abit making him startle and Dusk said: "S-stop that tickles!"

Valentine petted his back again with her tail and said: "Hmmm, you like that dont you?~"

Dusk instantly stood up screeched and ran off, Valentine sighed and walked off.

Dusk ran and he accidentally tripped and landed in some bushed where Arrow was hiding, Arrow jumped up and said: "D-Dusk?! What are you doing?!"

Dusk said stuttering: "H-hiding from V-Valentine!"

Arrow asked: "Why? What happened?"

Dusk sighed, he explained what happened

"Well... first she turned herself into a bat pony and tries to get me to love her, it failed luckily but when she did it as a wolf pony... i-i dont k-know... her s-soft tail was p-petting my b-back and... it was so s-soft a-" Dusk stopped, he felt Arrows tail petting his back. It made him blush but also very relaxed. He laid down and went: "O-ooooh god... t-thats so goooood..."

Arrow giggled and kept petting him, she said: "Heh... it is your back im petting right?"

Dusk nodded and said: "W-wow what?! You tought you w-were..."

Arrow sighed and said: "I was joking dummy, of course i wouldn't do that!"

Dusk sighed in relief and said: "Thank god... im not ready for that..."

Arrow giggled and kept petting him and said: "Heh, i know. Valentine thinks otherwise, but shes gross."

Dusk nodded and said: "She keeps invading my cave! Its annoying!"

Arrow laughed and said: "Wow, what a weirdo..."

Dusk laughed abit and said: "I know right? Find your own home you dirty hobo!"

Arrow laughed loudly and she sighed and said: "You should see her in the morning before she gets her hair done, then she looks like a hobo"

Dusk laughed and said: "Really? Thats what you get when you get relliant on make up!"

Arrow laughed again, sighed and said: "Well, i have to go now again, bye Dusk!" She got out the bushed and they waved at each other, Dusk got out and walked back to the cave.

Dusk yawned, it was night. He layed down on his spot, and fell asleep.

Day at the beach

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Meanwhile in Arrows house, it was very hot because its summer

Arrow was laying on her back on the couch, sweating heavily. Valentine stole her fan because hers broke.

Arrow then tought to herself: "Wait... isnt Dusk's cave cold?" She stood up and walked to the door.

Before she could open it she heard Valentine yelling: "Where are you going mut?!"

Arrow sighed and said: "Outside" she panted and countinued: "Maybe find a cool spot!"

Valentine rolled her eyes and said: "Whatever..."

Arrow sighed and opened the door, ot was a little bit cooler outside then inside but still hot, she walked off to Dusk's cave.

At Dusk's cave which wasnt hot because the tree's blocked the sunlight.

Dusk was sitting in his cave, it wasn't warm for him. After all he wasnt a wolf pony with alot of fur, and his cave was much cooler.

Arrow walked in panting and Dusk looked up and saw Arrow and gapsed, he then said: "A-Arrow? Are y-you alright?!"

Arrow nodded: "Its just *pants* warm... its summer *pants* after all..." she sighed and plopped down.

Dusk stood up and put her down next to him, Arrow sighed and said: "T-thanks... *pants* V-Valentine took m-my fan, hers broke..."

Dusk was confused, he didnt know what a 'fan' was, he asked: "Arrow? Whats a 'fan'?"

Arrow giggled and said: "Its *pants* a thing that keeps you cool... *pants* but she stole mine..." she sighed after.

Dusk shrugged and said: "My cave is alwayd cold... im just glad it isnt winter..."

Arrow looked at Dusk and asked: "Why not?"

Dusk then replied: "Its extremely cold then and i have to find leaves to use as a blanket."

Arrow then said: "Oh, must be annoying"

Dusk nodded and sighed, he then said: "So... what now?"

Arrow tought and got a idea, she jumped up and ask: "You wanna go to the beach?"

Dusk jumped up and said happily: "Yes! Can we go right now?! Pleaaaaaaase?!"

Arrow giggled and said: "Sure, come with me it isnt that far."

Dusk and Arrow walked to the beach but while walking Dusk noticed Arrow slowing down and he asked: "What is it Arrow?"

Arrow panted and answered: "Its... *pants* so... *pants* hoooooot..." she fell down sweating extremely.

Dusk gasped and put her on his back and ran to the beach and said: "Dont worry! I bet the water is cold!"

They arrived at the beach

Dusk was running towards the water, he asked: "You mind if i throw you in?"

Arrow screamed: "DO IIIIIIIIT!"

Dusk nodded and threw her in, Arrow instantly cooled down and said: "Oh g-god, thanks Dusk!"

Dusk replied: "No problem!"

A wave hitted Arrow and threw her on the beach, Arrow then said: "Ow! Those waves are strong!"

Dusk then said: "Hm? Really?" He got in the water, a wave hit him but because he is much larger it didnt really affect him. He turned to Arrow and said: "Meh".

Arrow then said: "Yeah but your like 3 times larger then me!"

Dusk sighed and got out the water, he then said: "I cant help it!"

Arrow then said: "I know... sorry"

Dusk sighed and said: "Meh, its okay."

Meanwhile at Arrows house, Valentine was bored

Valentine sighed and got bored and wondered where Arrow went, she sad: "Shes better not with my boyfriend!"

She used her magic to track her phone, she then said: "The beach?! Ugh, i bet shes with MY boyfriend!" She got up and got out the house and walked off to the beach.

Back at the beach

Arrow and Dusk were playing in the water, Arrow kept standing behind Dusk so he could block the waves. Suddenly they heard: "STAY AWAY FROM HIM@"

They turned around and they saw a angry Valentine, she grabbed Arrow with her magic and pulled Arrow to herself

Dusk gasped and Valentine said to Arrow: "What are you doing with MY boyfriend?!"

Arrow rolled her eyed and said: "Just playing at the beach, and we arent even dating weirdo!"

Valentine sighed and said: "I dont care your staying away from hi-" Valentine got hit by a sand ball.

Valentine then yelled: "WHO DID THAT?!"

Dusk yelled back: "ME!" And threw another one at her.

Valentine turned to him and saw he made a sand fort, she dropped Arrow when another sand ball hit her.

Valentine then said: "So... you wanna fight hm, cutie?"

Dusk threw another one and said: "You gross!"

Valentine wiped the sand off and started walking towards Dusk

Dusk screeched and kept throwing sand balls at her, but Valentine made a shield with her magic

Dusk hid behind the sand fort and heard the steps getting closer, he hugged his own legs and screeched when suddenly he heard: "HEY!"

He looked and saw that Arrow threw a sandball against Valentine.

Valentine was about to throw one to Arrow but Dusk threw one at Valentine.

Valentine then said: "Ow, s-stop it!"

They both kept throwing sandballs at her and Valentine yelled: "ENOUGH!" And she teleported away

Dusk and Arrow cheered and run towards each other and hugged each other, they realised with they were doing, blushed and let each other go and they both stuttered: "E-er... s-sorry..."

Dusk the suggested: "Wanna play in the water again?"

Arrow nodded and said: "Sure!"

They played in the water for a while, Valentine was watching from a distance. She was pissed and said to herself: "MY boyfriend!"

She walked towards them and Dusk noticed it

Dusk then said to Arrow: "Get on my back!"

Arrow asked: "Ehm? Why?"

Dusk said: "JUST DO IT!" Arrow said: "Er... k...?" And stood on his back.

Dusk went deeper into the sea until they got to a raised bit in the middle of the water, Dusk then explained: "Valentine is coming and im hoping that the waves might stop her"

Arrow gasped and said: "Oh!" She saw Valentine and countinued: "I hope your plan works..."

Dusk nodded and said: "I hope so too..." he sighed after.

Valentine stepped in the water and got out quickly and yelled: "C-COOOOOLD!!!"

Dusk and Arrow laughed, Valentine heard the laugh echoing and she said: "Oh laugh all you want! But you will be mine Dusk!"

Dusk then yelled back: "Whatever weirdo!"

Valentine finally after many attempts got in the water but the waves kept her back, Arrow said: "Look your plan is working!"

Dusk said: "Haha! Stupid brat!"

Valentine sighed and said: "Dont worry i will come for you! Nothing will seperate me from you!"

Dusk rolled his eyes and said: "Yeah whatever! Good luck trying!"

Valentine then said: "How did you even get there?!"

Dusk then answered: "Because im taller and these waves dont affect me!"

Valentine rolled her eyes and got out and tought: "I can make a waterproof shield..." she smirked

Dusk said to Arrow: "Haha she gave up!"

Arrow sighed and said: "Finally..."

But then Valentine created the shield and simply pushed the water aside and yelled: "Oh duuuuusk! Im coming for you cutie!"

Dusk gasped and screeched and ran around, Arrow then said: "DUSK CALM DOOOOWN!"

Dusk stopped and said: "How?! She is comming for us!"

Arrow then said: "Okay if she comes just fly off to the beach!"

Dusk nodded and waited for Valentine to come.

Valentine finally came, Dusk tries to fly but Valentine holds him down with her magic. Dusk then said: "Uh oh..."

Arrow the said in panic: "W-what is it?!"

Dusk then said: "Shes holding me down!"

Arrow gasped and suddenly she got pulled of Dusk and got stuck in mid air, Valentine walked to Dusk and said: "What did i tell you?"

Dusk gulped and said: "Uhhhh... to leave me alone forever! Y-yeah!"

Valentine sighed and said: "No silly, i came here for you...~"

Dusk gulped again, Valentine tried to kiss him but he kept moving his head away. Valentine then said: "Come on stand still!"

Dusk then said: "Oh please no! Stay away with your gross lips!"

Valentine almost kissed him, Arrow saw this and managed to out the magic and push Valentine back in the water. She got stuck in a wave the waves kept pulling her to the beach. Valentine wants a very good swimmer so she kept yelling: "Stay away from me and my boyfriend stupid waves!"

Valentine then got at the beach, she was so pissed that she yelled: "I SWEAR I WILL GET YOU NEXT TIME! AND THERE WILL BE NO WAVES BETWEEN US!" And she walked off in a bitchy way.

Dusk laughed and yelled back: "Good luck!" And sighed after, he countinued: "I hope she wont come back, but i think she would judging by how far shes going..."

Arrow giggled and said: "Mhm, shes so weird"

Dusk nodded and said: "So... you wanna go back to the cave?" It was becomming night.

Arrow agreed, "Sure" she said, "Lets go" she said after

Dusk puts Arrow in his back and flew off with her to the cave.

Dusk and Arrow sat down next to each other on Dusks spot, they both yawned.

Dusk then said: "Wanna stay the night? Its pretty dark outside right now."

Arrow nodded, "Sure" she replied, she countinued: "Wanna go to sleep? Im tired." She yawned after.

Dusk nodded and said: "Sure" and they both lay down

Dusk said: "Night"

Arrow replied: "Night"

And they both fell asleep.

In the mind

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Dusk and Arrow were still in the cave sleeping, they both woke up.

Dusk and Arrow both woke up and yawned, "Morning" they said to each other.

Arrow then told Dusk: "I probably have to go, bye Dusk." She walked off and they both waved at eachother.

"Bye" said Dusk while waving and sighed after.

At Arrows home

Arrow walked in and got greeted by Valentine saying: "Sup mut."

Arrow rolled her eyes and sat on the couch and sighed.

Valentine was reading in her spell book, Arrow asked: "What are you reading about?"

Valentine answered: "Ugh, spells..."

Arrow walked over, Valentine quickly closed the book. Arrow asked: "Why am i not allowed to see it?"

Valentine then answered: "You dont have the rights mut!"

Arrow rolled her eyes and said: "Whatever..." and got to her room.

Valentine sighed, opened her book and read from where she left off. She saw a mind control spell, she got a idea and tought: "Oh i can make Dusk fall in love with me!" She stood up and ran outside.

Arrow tought she just saw some stupid stuff about new clothes so she didnt bother about it.

Back to Dusk's cave.

Dusk sat on his spot as usual, he was eating a apple. But suddenly Valentine came and said: "Oooooh Duuuusk! I got a present for you!"

Dusk finished the apple and said: "If its marriage please get out im too young!"

Valentine facepalmed and said: "No silly! Something special...~"

Dusk gulped and got up, he saw Valentine in the door way and asked: "W-what is i-it...?"

Valentine's horn lit up and she said: "This!" And shot Dusk with the mind control spell.

Dusk screeched and fainted.

Valentine sighed and said: "Now i gotta wait for him to wake up..."

Meanwhile at Arrows house

Arrow got up from her bed, she sighed and got downstairs. Valentine was still gone, she walked outside and walked to the forest slowly thinking: "Im kinda worried that Valentine is with Dusk..."

Back at the cave, a minute passed and Dusk woke up.

Dusk woke up he said: "I f-feel weird..."

Valentine then said: "Wakey wakey, cutie...~"

Dusk jumped and turned around and saw Valentine, his eyes shot open and he said with a weird voice: "Yes master?"

Valentine raised a eyebrow and said: "K... kinda creepy... erm... so, how about a kiss hm?"

Dusk ran up to Valentine knocked her off a rock she sat on and kissed for 5 seconds after stopping and said with the weird voice: "Anything for you master."

Valentine was kinda shocked and sighed after, she then sad: "Okay... can you call me Valentine instead of master?"

Dusk then replied with that weird voice: "Okay ma- i mean... Valentine."

Arrow walked in and saw Dusk and Valentine and she yelled: "Valentine get away from him he doesnt like you!"

Valentine then yelled: "Eeeeeeeek! Dusk get that dog out of here!"

Dusk nodded and said in the weird voice: "Yes ma- Valentine, i will obey you."

Valentine sighed and said: "My hero...~"

Dusk walked up to Arrow and grabbed her by her neck and said in the weird voice: "Stay away from my mistress, dogs arent allowed here." Valentine giggled a bit when Dusk said that.

Arrow knew it was a spell of Valentine, thats why she hid it. Arrow yelled: "Dusk! No! Im your friend remember!"

Dusk shaked his head and said in the weird voice: "My only friend and mistress is the beautiful Valentine, no one can sepperate me from her."

Valentine sighed and sad: "Oh Dusk! You so sweet!"

Dusk then threw Arrow out and said with the weird voice: "I must serve my only queen, its what i made for." He walked inside

Arrow ran after him and grabbed him by his leg and said: "Dusk! Please! Im your friend! Your best friend!"

Dusk stood still for a second, he spoke but his voice was a bit more normal: "Sorry Arrow, my queen is all i want."

Valentine giggled and said: "You heard him, im his queen...~"

Arrow then said: "B-but Dusk! Remember the times we had together? C-come on!"

Dusk didnt react for 5 seconds and then said in a bit more normal voice: "Sorry Arrow our friends ship is over." He kicked Arrow off and stood before Valentine and said: "I am nothing but a servant to Valentine and must do whatever she wished me to do no matter how hard it is."

Valentine sighed and hugged Dusk and said: "Ooooh Dusk! You dont know how much i love it when you talk about me like that!"

Dusk said with that same voice: "Thank you my mistress, i love you too"

They were about to kiss but Arrow pushed Valentine away and Dusk screamed with that voice: "Mistress!" He looked at Arrow and grabbed her and countinued: "You will pay for that!"

Arrow sighed and said: "Dusk pleaaaaase!"

Dusk punched her in the face and said: "Shut up, mut"

A tear rolled out Arrows eye and she said: "I-i..." she sighed and countinued: "I jut want my friend back."

Dusk stared at Arrow saying nothing when suddenly Valentine grabbed Arrow with her magic and threw her into a tree and it knocked her out.

Dusk gasped and Valentine was about to kiss Dusk but suddenly Dusk snapped out the spell, pushed Valentine away and ran to Arrow and yelled: "Arrow! A-are you okay?!" No response, tears rolled down his eyes.

Valentine walked to Dusk and said: "Awww poor little Dusky, you forgot who your are! MY servant!" She grabbed Dusk and was about to kiss her.

Dusk threw Valentine on the ground and pinned her down and said: "You will pay for what you have done!"

Valentine giggled and teleported a bit away from Dusk and said: "Silly silly Dusk... you cant resist me, no one can...~'

Dusk gulped and knew Valentine will just take him over again, he yelled: "Catch me then!" And ran off

Valentine said: "Hey!" And chased after him while yelling: "Come baaaaack! I want youuuuuu!"

Dusk ran faster then Valentine, much faster. But Valentine teleported infront of Dusk.

Dusk crashed into Valentine and he fell down and Valentine pinned him down and said: "Were was i, hm?~"

Dusk then kicked her off grabbed a stone and yelled: "IM READY! HOW ABOUT YOU?!" He threw the stone at Valentine and ran off.

Valentine catched it with her magic and threw it away and said: "Ready enough for you, sweetie...~" And she teleported close to Dusk and tried to grab him.

Dusk jumped away to dodge it and landed on a rock and said: "Not bad, but still not fast!" He jumped off the rock and ran off.

Valentine ran after him and said: "Hard to get hm?"

Dusk replied: "More like impossible to get!" He ran into the cave and went trough the secret exit and closed it behind him.

Valentine ran in and was confused when Dusk was gone, she sighed and said: "Clever boy..." and walked off to her home.

Dusk got off the cave a minute later and went to Arrow, he picked her up. She coughed while blood was leave her nose and she said: "D-Dusk? Y-your gonna f-finish me?"

Dusk said: "No, im not." And brought her to the cave, it was becomming night so he countinued: "Your gonna stay here, its too dark outside."

Arrow nodded and yanwned, she then said: "Im going to sleep Dusk... n-night..."

Dusk replied: "Night..."

They both fell asleep, again.

A not long lasting family reunion

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Dusk woke up, Arrow is whimpering in her sleep

Dusk woke up because he heard Arrow whimpering in her sleep, he then said: "Arrow? What wrong?"

No respone, just whimpering

Dusk sighed and stood up and shaked Arrow and said: "Arrooooow! Wake uuuuuup!"

Arrow jumped up and howled like a wolf, it was very loud for Dusk so he blocked his ears and screeched.

Arrow stopped and so did Dusk, they stared at each other and Dusk then asked: "A-Arrow? Whats wrong?"

Arrow sighed and said: "N-nothing... j-just a n-nightmare..."

Dusk then asked: "About what?"

Arrow replied: "V-valentine hitting m-me..."

Dusk sighed and said: "Its just a dream Arrow, dont worry about it..." and he hugged Arrow.

Arrow blushed abit and hugged him back, they let each other go after a few seconds and Arrow said: "I-i have t-to go home n-now..."

Dusk nodded and said: "Okay, bye Arrow"

Arrow replied with: "B-bye..." she walked outside but her hooves were shaking and she ran inside and hugged Dusk.

Dusk blushed and asked: "H-huh?! A-Arrow?! W-what are y-you doing?!"

Arrow sobbed and said: "I-i dont wanna go to my h-house! My mom and V-Valentine are s-so mean to me!" She cried a little bit.

Dusk hugged Arrow back and said: "Aw, dont worry you can hide here!"

Arrow looked up at Dusk and said: "R-really...?"

Dusk nodded and answered: "Really"

Arrow then said: "Oh Dusk! I lo-... Like you so much!" She blushed lightly after

Dusk was silent for a moment and blushed abit and stuttered: "O-oh, i l-like you t-too..."

A loud thud was heard at the door and Dusk and Arrow looked, it was Valentine and her mom, they both gasped.

Valentine then yelled: "See?! She is stealing MY boyfriend!"

Arrow's mom picked Arrow up with her magic and asked: "Its this true, mut?!"

Arrow nodded and stuttered: "Y-yeah..."

Arrow's mom then said: "Mhm, your coming with me then!"

Dusk then yelled: "Y-you cant do that! She c-can do whatever s-she wants!"

Arrow's mom laughed and then said: "Come on Dusk, shes a mut! Valentine is much better for you!" Valentine giggled and nodded.

Dusk looked disgusted and said: "Oh please no! Get her away from me!"

Arrow's mom replied: "Who? Arrow? Sure!"

Dusk hissed and said: "I meant Valentine, stupid!"

Arrow's mom grunted and said: "What did you call me?!"

Dusk then stuttered: "E-ehm... heh... s-stupid, maybe...?"

Arrow's mom yelled at Dusk: "Your stupid for choosing a mut over Valentine!"

Valentine giggled and said: "Mhm, you could have had me instead of... that!"

Dusk hissed and said: "I rather not thank you very much!"

Arrow's mom then said: "Too bad, this mut is coming with us"

She was about to walk off but Dusk screeched and ran at Arrow's mom and bit her leg so her magic letted Arrow go, Arrow's mom yelled: "STUPID SHIT BAT!"

Dusk ignored it, let Arrow's mom go and ran off with Arrow on his back.

Arrow's mom yelled: "Uuuugh! You piece of shit bat! Get back here!" But Dusk was already out of sight, She sighed.

Valentine then asked: "Mom, why are you so mean to my boyfriend?"

Arrow's mom yelled: "HE BIT MY LEG!"

Valentine rolled her eyes and said: "Gees... calm down..."

Arrow's mom rolled her eyes and walked around the forest, no luck. She gave up after a few minutes but Valentine didnt, she kept searching.

She looked around for a couple of minutes, she then decided to go back to the cave. She saw Arrow and Dusk in it, they were talking and laughing.

Valentine grunted and walked inside and yelled: "HE! IS! MIIIIIIIIINE!"

Arrow and Dusk stared at her and laughed after a few seconds, Valentine was confused and asked: "W-wait huh? What is it?!"

Dusk sighed and said: "Nothing, just a joke we made..."

Valentine rolled her eyes and asked: "Whats that joke then hm?"

Arrow answered: "Its nothiiiiing... pfft"

Valentine noticed Arrow was hiding a piece of paper, she asked: "Whats on that paper hm?"

Arrow and Dusk both giggled and Arrow said: "Oh just a drawing..."

Valentine grabbed the drawing, it was a drawing of her with a messy mane and tail, ugly glasses, teeth with holes in between them and a text balloon saying: "HE IS MIIIIIIINE!!!" while spit is coming out her mouth

She hold it next to her face and said: "Thats not what i look like!"

Arrow giggled and took a photo of it with her phone, she then said: "Looks like it..."

Valentine gasped and said: "DELETE THAT!"

Arrow replied: "Make me!"

Valentine wanted to grab the phone with magic but Dusk pinned her down and yelled: "RUN ARROW!" And so she did.

Valentine then said: "Ontop of me hm~?"

Dusk quickly got off of her and said: "Gross gross! No!"

Valentine giggled and pinned him to the wall and said: "Oh come on, you know you want to...~"


Valentine giggled and said: "Not that sweetie, thats for later... i meant a kiss~!"

Dusk let out a short skree and said: "N-no! G-get off of meeeee!"

Valentine was about to kiss her but Arrow threw a rock hard on her head, knocking her out.

Dusk gasped and stuttered: "A-Arrow?! Y-you noe your gonna get i-in trouble f-for that... r-right?"

Arrow shrugged and said: "I no longer want to live with that weirdo! Your cave is much nicer!"

Dusk gasped and said: "R-really?!"

Arrow nodded and said: "Really"

Dusk then said: "Okay" looked at Valentine and countinued: "Sooo... what do we do with that?"

Arrow got out a marker and wrote: "Ugly" on her forehead, Dusk laughed.

Arrow said: "There, now drop her off at her house, she is too fat for me!"

Dusk laughed and said: "Sure, i'll be back!" He walked off and got back half an hour back and said: "There, dropped her off!"

Arrow sighed and said: "Good, i hope she won't bother us anymore..."

Dusk sighed too, he then said: "Mhm"

They both yawned, it was night.

Dusk then asked: "Wanna go to sleep?"

Arrow nodded and said: "Mhm, im tired..." while yawning.

They both layed down and said to each other: "Night!" And fell asleep.

A feeling

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Dusk woke up with a strange feeling, Arrow was still asleep

Dusk woke up with a strange feeling, something he never felt before. He got up and walked out without waking Arrow up.

Dusk walked around with that strange feeling, he tried to ignore it but he couldnt so he kept walking, he eventually stopped at a rock and sat ontop of it

Meanwhile, Valentine was approaching the forrest to see Dusk, she saw him sitting on the rock and tought: "Ooooh surprise hug time!"

She teleported behind the rock, climbed on it silently and hugged Dusk and said: "Surprise! Im here!"

Dusk shrugged and kept starring forward, he was too distracted by that feeling.

Valentine then said: "Awww, something wrong with my lovely bat hm? Come on you can tell me!"

Dusk sighed and said: "I just have this weird feeling, thats all..."

Valentine instantly knew what he meant and said: "In love hm? Who is it? Me? Its me! I knew it!"

Dusk then said: "No! Ew!"

Valentine sighed and replied: "Ugh fine, but your in love!"

Dusk head went abit down and he stuttered softly: "N-no im n-not..."

Valentine petted his mane slowly and said: "Yes you aaaaaare...~"

Dusk sighed and said: "Alright fine! I might be! Its not such a big deal anyways..."

Valentine giggled and asked: "Who is the lucky lady hm?"

Dusk then answered: "N-none of y-your b-bussiness!"

Valentine giggled and sat next to Dusk and leaned against him and said: "Come on cutie, spit it out..."

Dusk replied saying: "N-no! Its not i-important!"

Valentine sighed and said: "It is! Tell me!"

Dusk then said: "Valentiiiiine! Stoooooop!"

Valentine then answered: "Do i need to tickle the answer out of you, hm~?"

Dusk gulped and said: "N-no!"

Valentine then replied: "SAY IT!"

Dusk yelled back: "NEVER!"

Valentine sighed and said: "Fine... guess your gonna have to be tickled!"

Valentine grabbed Dusk with her magic and pinned him down with it and started tickling him with magic.

Dusk gasped and laughed while screeching at the same time.

Valentine lowered the sound with her magic and asked: "Your gonna say it?"

Dusk shaked his head and said: "N-NEVER!"

Valentine tickled him harder and Dusk cant stop laughing

Dusk then gave up when tears came out of his eyes from laughing and yelled: "O-OKAY F-FINE! P-PLEASE STOOOOOOP!"

Valentine giggled and stopped but kept holding him down with magic, she then asked: "So, who is the lucky lady hm~?"

Dusk gulped and said very quietly so Valentine can't really hear it: A-Arrow...

Valentine then asked: "Sorry what? Be a bit louder sweety...~"

Dusk then answered a bit louder but Valentine couldnt hear it: "Arrow...

Valentine sighed and said: "Do i need to tickle you?!"

Dusk gasped and said: "No no no! Okay fine uhm..." he gulped and said: "A-Arrow m-maybe..."

Valentine then said: "Oh i knew you like m-" she stopped and gasped and yelled:

Dusk gulped and said: "M-maybe..."

Valentine pulled Dusk from the ground with her magic and yelled in his face: "You are supposed to love ME! Not that mut!"

Dusk then said: "B-but v-valentine! Ple-"

Valentine then interupted him by saying: "Oh dont "please" me! We are meant for each other!"

Dusk looked a bit disgusted and said: "Ew no! Your weird!"

Valentine then replied: "No your weird for liking such a ugly... THING!"

Dusk then said: "B-but i l-like her! Alot!"

Valentine grabbed Dusk by the neck and said: "You will forever be MINE!"

Dusk screeched so Valentine let her go, Valentine had to block her ears because of it.

Dusk ran off and Valentine sighed and ran after him while yelling: "COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! YOUR MINE!"

Dusk got reminded of that nightmare he had about her, so he ran much faster all of the sudden.

Valentine then gave up, sat down on a log and looked down and tought: "I tought i finally had the perfect boyfriend!" She sighed after that.

Dusk kept running until he came to his cave, he went in and saw that Arrow was still asleep.

He decided to wake her up, he walked to her and shaked her leg and said: "Arrow! Get up!"

Arrow slowly woke up and she looked at Dusk and said: "Whadisit..."

Dusk then explain: "I talked with Valentine about... ehm... love stuff and now shes angry at me!"

Arrow tilted her head and asked: "Erm, what was she angry about?"

Dusk then asnwered: "Ehm... eh... i dunno... stuff..."

Arrow sighed and said: "Dusk thats not a good answer!"

Dusk sighed and said: "She was just eh, a bit unclear!"

Arrow then responded: "Hm, okay... so, she might be coming he-"

Arrow got interupted by magic grabbing her and she got pulled outside and was put down infront of Valentine by her magic. Valentine didnt look happy at all.

Arrow gulped and stuttered: "O-oh hey V-Valentine... h-heh... h-how a-are you?"

Valentine then answered: "I did good until YOU stole MY boyfriend!" Valentine then punched Arrow giving her a black eye.

Dusk then tried to jump on Valentine but she stopped him with magic and pinned him down to the ground and said: "Im not done with you either!" She looked back at Arrow and shot her with magic so she flew against the wall and gets knocked out.

Dusk then yelled: "ARROOOOOW! NOOOOOO!"

Valentine giggled and walked to Dusk and said: "Your little Arrow isnt here for you, i am! And i will forever be! I am your girlfriend and i will be so forever! HAHAHAHAHA!" Thanks to the laughing she got distracted so her magic was weaker.

Dusk broke out the force, grabbed Valentine and pinned her down and said: "Boo!"

Valentine screamed in fear and teleported away, Dusk was kinda confused but he shrugged it away and ran to Arrow.

He shaked Arrow and said: "Arrow please! I love you!"

Arrow coughed and woke up, she said: "D-Dusk...? Is that y-you?"

Dusk sighed and hugged Arrow and replied: "Yes its me!"

Arrow sighed and hugged him back, they let each other go after a few seconds. Arrow looked down and started to cry abit.

Dusk sighed and said: "Its fine Arrow, im here".

Arrow then said: "No its not! Everyone hates me! Im only bothering your life! Im annoying and stupid! You deserve someone much better, like Valentine!"

Dusk then gasped and said: "Arrow! No! Dont!"

Arrow sighed and said: "Its true, everyone hates me..."

Dusk then replied: "No, not true".

Arrow then said: "Oh yeah? Prove it!"

Dusk sighed and kissed Arrow, they both blushed and Dusk said: "I love you, forever".

Arrow gasped and hugged him, Dusk hugged her back, Arrow then said: "I-i love you too..."

They both sighed and kept hugging each other

But, Valentine was still out there...

To be countinued


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Dusk and Arrow were still in the cave after they confesses to each other

Dusk sighed and asked: ''Do you really mean it, Arrow?''

Arrow nodded and answered: ''Mhm, i do''

Dusk then looked abit worried and said: ''But... what about Valentine?''

Arrow then replied: ''Err... i really have noooooo idea...''

Dusk sighed and said: ''Atleast we are save here...''

Valentine stepped in the cave and yelled: ''AHA! So you 2 are a thing now huh?!''

Dusk gasped and said: ''Y-you listened to u-us?!''

Valentine then replied: ''Yes i did, got a problem with it, cutie~?''

Dusk looked disgusted and answered: ''Ehm, yes i do because this is my cave! Ever heard of privacy?!''

Valentine sighed and said: ''Come on, just give up on her she is ugly!''

Arrow then said: ''Give up on Dusk! Your too ugly!''

Valentine then rolled her eyes and said: ''Coming from you, the ugly mut!''

Arrow then sighed and said: ''Ugh, can't you just find your own boyfriend?''

Valentine then answered: ''No! Bat ponies look so cute!''

Arrow then facepalmed and said: ''There are lots of bat ponies out there! Go find another one!''

Valentine said: ''NO! Dusk looks the cutest!''

Arrow sighed and said: ''Come on, there is this bat pony who looks at you all day long at school, maybe he is nice?''

Valentine looked disgusted and said: ''Ew no! He is creepy!''

Dusk then said to Valentine: ''Coming from you! You stalk me the whole time!''

Valentine rolled her eyes and replied: ''Whatever... who cares about it?''

Dusk then said: ''I do! Because its super annoying and weird!''

Valentine then sighed and said: ''Come on, its just love!''

Arrow then said: ''Yeah just like that other bat pony at school! Go to him!''

Dusk then added: ''Yeah i bet he is probably just as weird as you!''

Valentine then said: ''Whatever im telling mom!''

Arrow then gasped and said: ''PLEASE NO!''

Valentine then replied: ''Nope! Too late!''

Arrow sighed and said to Dusk: ''Dusk please protect me from her!''

Dusk looked at Arrow and said: ''I'll eh... try?''

Arrow looked unamused and said: ''Wow... eh... thanks...?''

Dusk then sighed and said: ''I cant make promises i will most likely fail to keep!''

Arrow then said: ''Oh so your saying you will fail?''

Dusk then answered: ''No! Im saying that im not good at protecting! Im extremely shy!''

Arrow sighed and said: ''Whatever...''

Suddenly, Arrow got grabbed by a magic force and got dragged outside while she said: ''Wow what?! Dusk help!''

Dusk ran after her but she got stopped by magic, its was Arrow's mom outside the cave. She then said: ''Stupid mut! Get your own boyfriend! He is Valentine's boyfriend!''

Dusk then yelled: ''No she isnt! Your not the boss of that!''

Arrow's mom replied: ''I might not be the boss of that, but i am the boss over Valentine and Arrow! So hah!''

Dusk then said: ''But your not the boss of me!''

Arrow's mom shrugged and said: ''Meh, she is coming with me!'' and teleported away with her horn but before she could do that Arrow yelled ''Save me Dusk!''

Dusk sighed and said: ''I'll do my best...''

Dusk was thinking of a plan to get her out the house at night, when suddenly Valentine stepped in.

Dusk looked up and said: ''Oh come on! Just go away!''

Valentine then said: ''Nope! Mom said im supposed to date you! Soooo... your stuck with me!'' she then sat next to Dusk

Dusk looked very unamused and said: ''Go away, im thinking!''

Valentine giggled and said: ''About what? Me, huh?''

Dusk sighed and said: ''Yeah about how stupid and annoying you are!''

Valentine then said: ''Im not annoying! Its just love Dusk!''

Dusk rolled his eyes and said: ''Whatever, can you go now?''

Valentine then replied: ''No silly, were supposed to date remember?''

Dusk sighed and said: ''I wish i forgot, the tought makes me sick...''

Valentine sighed and said: ''Awww, im not that bad! Come on Dusk, im here for you!''

Dusk then said: ''If you were here for me would you help me if i got attacked by animals?''

Valentine then said: ''Eh... yes...?''

Dusk sighed and said: ''I guess not then, thanks! Ugh...''

Valentine said: ''Ugh, cant you just give up on here? Pleaaaase?''

Dusk then asked: ''Listen, can you please just leave? I need to think!''

Valentine rolled her eyes, ''Whatever...'' she said and walked off

Dusk sighed and kept thinking about the plan

Meanwhile at Arrow's house

Arrow is getting dragged inside home, she said: ''Moooom! This is soooo unfair! Ugh...''

Arrow's mom rolled her eyes and said: ''Then dont steal other ponies their boyfriends!''

Arrow then replied: ''What?! He told me he loved me and i happened to feel the same!''

Arrow's mom then said: ''Oh so now your blaming it on him? Oh your so getting locked in your room for a month!''

Arrow sighed and said: ''Not again...''

Arrow got into her room and the door locked behind her, she sighed and looked outside. It was getting night, she tought to herself: ''Hopefully Dusk is doing okay...'' she then layed down on her bed.

Dusk was sleeping, he suddenly woke up by the voice of Arrow calling for help, he stood up and said: ''Im here! Oh... eh... oh yeah! Gotta help her!''

He walked outside and walked to the town, then finally saw a house with the lights on, he looked inside and saw Arrow's mom. He tought: ''Okay so Arrow has to live here... i hope she's awake...''

He sighed and got to the back of the house and saw a window with the light on, he wanted to look but he remembered Valentine can live here too so he struggled.

He instead went on the roof on the house next to it and looked in it, Arrow was in the room. Dusk then tought: ''Okay... theres Arrow, now i gotta get her out...''

Dusk got off the roof, flew up and tapped on the window. Arrow got up and saw Dusk in the window, gasped and walked up to the window and opened it and said: ''Dusk, you came!''

Dusk then went ''Shhhhh!'' he then explained: ''We gotta be silent or your mom or valentine hears us...''

Arrow nodded and whispered: ''Okay, were getting out of here now?''

Dusk nodded and whispered back: ''Yep'' hold his hooves out and whispered again: ''I'll carry you''

Arrow giggled silently and whispered: ''Thats so sweet of you''

Dusk sighed, grabbed Arrow, closed the window and flew off.

They arrived at the cave and they went to Dusk's spot

They layed on their backs and Dusk said: ''Im so glad your out of there, must have been like hell!''

Arrow nodded and said: ''Mhm, my mom is very abusive to me''

Dusk sighed, yawned and said: ''Hm, im glad i dont have a mom... so... do we go to sleep now?''

Arrow shrugged and said: ''I guess, if you want?''

Dusk sighed and said: ''Im tired after all of this... i wanna sleep'' he yawned after.

Arrow giggled and said: ''Sure sleepy head, so... night!''

Dusk sighed and replied: ''Night''

And they both fell asleep.

To be countinued

Back To School

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Arrow and Dusk were both still sleeping in Dusk's cave

Dusk and Arrow both woke up, Dusk said: ''Good morning'' while yawning.

Arrow yawned and said: ''Hey, oh Dusk. I have to go to school, want to maybe come with me and try it out again?''

Dusk shrugged and said: ''Sure, why not.''

They both stood up, walked out the cave and went to the school.

At the school

Dusk and Arrow were walking to the school, they stood infront of the school. Suddenly a group of girl's walked to them, one of them said to Dusk: ''Hey, can we speak to you?''

Dusk shrugged and said: ''You mind, Arrow?''

Arrow nodded and said: ''Sure, i'll wait here.''

Dusk nodded too and walked with the group.

They stood at the back of the school and one girl asked: ''Really? You are really dating her?!''

Dusk sighed and said: ''Yeah, and?''

Another girl replied: ''Your gonna get bullied for that!''

Dusk rolled his eyes and said: ''Like i care, i don't even go to school, i just wanted to go with Arrow...''

A girl then said: ''Just give up on her, she isn't worth it! Valen-''

Dusk said: ''Bye, i don't need to hear that name!'' and walked off

All the girls sighed and walked off too.

Dusk went back to where Arrow was standing, he was surprised to see she wasn't there.

Dusk looked around when he suddenly heard whimpering, he went to the sound and saw Arrow covered in bruises and marks.

Dusk gasped, ran to her and said: ''Arrow?!''

Arrow had her face covered, she sniffed and said: ''D-Don't look at m-me! No o-one love's me!''

Dusk sighed and said: ''That's not true Arrow''

Arrow then answered: ''H-How do you k-know?''

Dusk then said: ''Well, the living proof is right infront of you''

Arrow sighed and replied: ''T-Thanks...'' and hugged Dusk.

Dusk hugged her back and said: ''Isn't class starting soon?''

Arrow giggled and said: ''How do you know that huh? You never go here, you only did once.''

Dusk replied: ''I dunno, just remember it i guess?''

Arrow sighed and said: ''Come on, let's get to class.''

Dusk nodded and walked with her to class.

In the class

Dusk and Arrow walked in the class and sat down next to each other.

The teacher was explaining some math problems that Dusk didn't really care about.

Dusk noticed a few girl's throwing papers at Arrow and her obviously being annoyed by it.

Dusk then grabbed a piece of paper and threw it at them, the girl flinched and stopped throwing stuff at Arrow and rolled her eyes.

Dusk sighed and watched the teacher explain stuff he doesn't even understand.

Then he heard kicking noises next to him, a girl was repeatedly kicking Arrow's chair, Arrow was again very annoyed by this.

Dusk then gave a slap to the girl's leg so she stopped, Dusk was getting annoyed too.

Dusk then noticed that Valentine was infront holding up a drawing of him and her kissing, Dusk looked disgusted.

Dusk then picked up a pencil, threw it at the drawing so it got shot against the wall.

The teacher saw this, looked at it and then looked at Dusk and said: ''Did you do this?''

Dusk then answered: ''I can't even draw, Valentine did it.'' and Valentine rolled her eye's.

The teacher then said to Valentine: ''You think this is funny?''

Valentine shrugged and said: ''Looks cute, i think the drawing really shows that Dusk and I are mean't for each other and that my sister should die.''

The teacher sighed and said: ''Ugh, Valentine, out now...''

Valentine rolled her eye's, walked to the and turned to Dusk and said: ''See you later, cutie...~'' and opened the door and walked out

All the girls in the class except Arrow started giggling and Dusk said: ''I'm not cute! Ew!''

Arrow whispered to Dusk: ''Yes you are''

Dusk blushed and said: ''T-Thanks...''

Arrow giggled and replied: ''No problem''

The girl's stopped giggling and the bell rang so everyone went outside.

While Dusk and Arrow were walking trough the hallway Arrow get yelled at by lot's of girls on the hallway, she became very sad because of it.

Dusk noticed it, and asked Arrow: ''Are you okay?''

Arrow nodded and said: ''Y-Yes... im okay...''

Dusk then replied: ''Okay, let's go back to the cave, okay?''

Arrow nodded and the walked outside and went to the cave.

At the cave

Dusk and Arrow went in the cave, they sat down but Arrow looked very depressed.

Dusk sighed and said: ''Arrow, something is up, tell me.''

Arrow got a tear in her eye and said: ''A-Am i u-ugly?''

Dusk answered: ''What?! No! Stop saying that!''

Arrow sighed and said: ''But... everyone keeps making fun of me...''

Dusk then said: ''They are just jealous of you, don't worry''

Arrow looked up to Dusk and said: ''R-Really?''

Dusk nodded and replied: ''Mhm, i mean come on, you seen Valentine's face when she found out we were a thing?''

Arrow laughed and said: ''True, true''

Dusk sighed and said: ''So... what now?''

Arrow shrugged, looked on her phone and saw her mom messaged to get home and said: ''Dangit, i have to go, bye!'' she kissed Dusk on his cheek and walked off.

Dusk blushed and then said: ''Eh.... b-bye...''

Dusk then sat down, and tought: ''Hm, i hope she is okay...''

To be countinued


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After Dusk was alone, he fell asleep when it went night, he woke up and waited for Arrow, but it took her longer then normal.

''Where is she?'' tought Dusk.

He walked outside, she was nowhere. Dusk sighed and looked around the forest, maybe she was hiding somewhere.

He kept searching in bushes, behind trees, in the trees, but she was nowhere.

Dusk sighed and tought ''Maybe she's sick...''

He shrugged and went back to his cave, all by himself.

He kept waiting there, and waiting, and waiting... Until a little note came trough a small hole in his roof and he heard a pony run off.

He opened the note, it read:

''Dear Dusk,

Sorry to say but my parents are forcing me to move, i don't have much time to write, so i'm gonna make this reaaaaally quick alright? So anyways, my mum didn't like me dating you, and since you don't want to date valentine she tought that nobody of the family can have you. So that's why she took us all away, i'm very sorry. I didn't want this either, i hope you understand...


A tear rolled down Dusk's face, he sighed and tought ''Well i'm used to being alone... I guess...'' and shrugged and sat down

Meanwhile at Arrow, who is in the car with her sister and mum

Valentine was annoying as usual, saying ''Are we there yeeeeet?'' every minute.

Arrow was getting more and more sad, she missed Dusk, she hates her family.

Suddenly Valentine said ''Pfft she's crying like a little stupid mutt again, hahaha!''

Arrow sighed and said ''Well maybe because i have a boyfriend unlike you who i really miss?!''

Valentine rolled her eyes and said ''Pffft, well he's gone now, hah!''

Arrow sighed, she knows she's right, but Arrow still was sad.

A few hours later, they arrive at their new house.

Arrow, still being sad, walked in the new house. She tought ''Uuuugh... Another stupid villa...'' and rolled her eyes.

Valentine ran to the biggest room and yelled ''MINE! No rabbies like Arrow allowed here!''

Arrow rolled her eyes, her mum walked up and said ''Your sleeping in the stair closet, where dogs like you belong.''

Arrow sighed and said ''As usual...'' and walked in her 'room'

It was night time, Arrow couldn't sleep.

Arrow sighed and tought ''I don't want this villa anymore! I'm fleeing this stupid place!'' and snuck out her room.

Her mum was in the living room, watching TV. Arrow rolled her eyes and tought ''Another stupid romance drama serie... Ugh...'' and snuck out the villa, and ran off, and sneaked in a bus.

Back to Dusk, it was morning in PonyVille

Dusk yawned, it was just morning, he sighed and tought ''Still no arrow...'' and sighed deeply.

He got some apples for breakfast, and started eating them.

He tought while eating ''Ugh, why do i even waste my time on her, she's miles away... We will never s-''

Then he heard a thud in the enterance, he looked up.


Dusk shot up, jumped off his rock and ran to the entrance.

''ARROW!'' yelled Dusk, and hugged her.

Arrow giggled abit, she sighed and said ''Sorry for l-leaving...''

Dusk then sighed and said ''It's fine Arrow, don't wor-''

Dusk noticed something, she had alot of bruises, and even a black eye.

Dusk was confused, he asked ''What's all of that?!''

Arrow sighed and said ''I took a bus... I sneaked in it, when i left at the bus stop they found out and beat me up...''

Dusk gasped and said ''Oh god, i never knew city ponies were that horrible, gees...''

Arrow shrugged and said ''I'm just happy i'm here alright...?''

Dusk sighed and said ''Same here Arrow, same here''

They sat down on the rock, Dusk was happy, his beloved Arrow is finally back. And hopefully Valentine and her mum won't come back, atleast, that's what he hopes...

Party Crasher

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Dusk and Arrow went back to the cave after what happened

Dusk sat on his spot, he sighed and said ''You think she will come back?''

Arrow replied ''Knowing her, obviously she would.''

Dusk rolled his eyes and said ''Great.''

Arrow sighed and then said ''Well, there is a party at my school, wanna go there and hang out maybe?''

Dusk nodded and said ''Yeah sure, why not, the brat isn't here.''

Arrow laughed and said ''Mhm, for now atleast.''

Dusk nodded and sighed.

In the school, at the party.

Arrow was late, Dusk was getting abit annoyed by it, he stood there tapping his hoof on the ground and tought to himself ''Ugh come on, how long do i have to stand here?!''

A girl came to him and said ''Hey there, i see that you're alone. Wanna daaaaaaance?''

Dusk sighed and said ''Hah, in your dreams.'' and looked in the other direction.

The girl sighed and walked off, Dusk rolled his eyes, but was shocked when he heard a voice

''Well well well, look who's alone!''

He looked over, it was Valentine.

Dusk sighed and look unamused and said ''Oh wow, just like she predicted... Ugh!''

Valentine would laugh abit and say ''Like my new wolf pony form?''

Dusk would roll his eyes and say ''You actually look like a dog in this form, gees!''

Valentine would roll her eyes and grab his hoof and say ''Let's just dance, okay?''

Dusk slapped her hoof away and said ''No!'' and then walked off.

Valentine grabbed him by the leg and said ''Pleaaaaaaaase? I'll do anything!''

Dusk sighed and said ''Anything?''

Valentine nodded very fast, then Dusk said ''Alright, let me go.''

Valentine did so, then Dusk ordered ''K, go outside''

Valentine nodded and did so, then Dusk said ''Now go away!'' and walked off.

Valentine rolled her eyes and sighed and walked off and said ''I'll get you next time, ugh!''

10 minutes later.

Dusk was done with waiting, he was about to leave and tought to himself ''Great, she skipped me! Just what i wanted.''

Then the door opened, It was Arrow in a beautiful dress, Dusk gasped and said ''Arrow!''

But before Arrow could respond and go to Dusk, she got surrounded by other guys.

''Dangit!'' said Dusk.

Arrow was kinda scared. ''Hi...?'' she said.

Then they all started asking her to dance, Arrow tried to reply but the boys eventually started to fight each other over her.

Arrow ran out the fight and bumped into Dusk and yelped.

Dusk said ''Hey hey, don't worry, it's me!''

Arrow stopped and sighed and said ''Sorry that i was so late, the bus left without me! Ugh...''

Dusk laughed and said ''It's fine, you're here and that's what matters'' and sighed and said ''So, what do you usually do here?''

Arrow shrugged and said ''Dance i guess?''

Dusk sighed and said ''Great, dancing... juuuuust what I wanted...''

Arrow would sigh and say ''Yeah i hate it too.''

Dusk then said ''Well, maybe we can try?''

Arrow then answered ''W-wow, really?!''

Dusk nodded and said ''Why not?''

Arrow sighed, and nodded and said ''Sure, sure, let's do this.''

A couple of failed dance attempts later.

Dusk fell on the ground after the last attempt and said ''Okay maybe we shouldn't do this...'' and got up and sighed

Arrow nodded and said ''Yeah, dancing is not our thing i guess.''

Dusk looked at the other ponies dancing and said ''What do you even gain from this?''

Arrow shrugged and said ''As far as i know, nothing?''

Dusk then said ''Yeah, i see, so can we go back to the cave now?''

Arrow sighed, nodded and said ''Sure, this party is weird anyways''

And then they walked off to the cave.

''Wait!'' Said Valentine, ''What about me?! Why do i never get a happy ending?!''

I don't know, go do online dating or something, I'm just some guy behind a computer!

Valentine rolled her eyes and walked off.