• Published 31st Jul 2017
  • 744 Views, 7 Comments

The wolf and the bat - DustyDusk123

Dusk, a very shy bat pony, lives in a cave. Hes too scared to meet anyone until a certain somepony entered his cave...

  • ...

A feeling

Dusk woke up with a strange feeling, Arrow was still asleep

Dusk woke up with a strange feeling, something he never felt before. He got up and walked out without waking Arrow up.

Dusk walked around with that strange feeling, he tried to ignore it but he couldnt so he kept walking, he eventually stopped at a rock and sat ontop of it

Meanwhile, Valentine was approaching the forrest to see Dusk, she saw him sitting on the rock and tought: "Ooooh surprise hug time!"

She teleported behind the rock, climbed on it silently and hugged Dusk and said: "Surprise! Im here!"

Dusk shrugged and kept starring forward, he was too distracted by that feeling.

Valentine then said: "Awww, something wrong with my lovely bat hm? Come on you can tell me!"

Dusk sighed and said: "I just have this weird feeling, thats all..."

Valentine instantly knew what he meant and said: "In love hm? Who is it? Me? Its me! I knew it!"

Dusk then said: "No! Ew!"

Valentine sighed and replied: "Ugh fine, but your in love!"

Dusk head went abit down and he stuttered softly: "N-no im n-not..."

Valentine petted his mane slowly and said: "Yes you aaaaaare...~"

Dusk sighed and said: "Alright fine! I might be! Its not such a big deal anyways..."

Valentine giggled and asked: "Who is the lucky lady hm?"

Dusk then answered: "N-none of y-your b-bussiness!"

Valentine giggled and sat next to Dusk and leaned against him and said: "Come on cutie, spit it out..."

Dusk replied saying: "N-no! Its not i-important!"

Valentine sighed and said: "It is! Tell me!"

Dusk then said: "Valentiiiiine! Stoooooop!"

Valentine then answered: "Do i need to tickle the answer out of you, hm~?"

Dusk gulped and said: "N-no!"

Valentine then replied: "SAY IT!"

Dusk yelled back: "NEVER!"

Valentine sighed and said: "Fine... guess your gonna have to be tickled!"

Valentine grabbed Dusk with her magic and pinned him down with it and started tickling him with magic.

Dusk gasped and laughed while screeching at the same time.

Valentine lowered the sound with her magic and asked: "Your gonna say it?"

Dusk shaked his head and said: "N-NEVER!"

Valentine tickled him harder and Dusk cant stop laughing

Dusk then gave up when tears came out of his eyes from laughing and yelled: "O-OKAY F-FINE! P-PLEASE STOOOOOOP!"

Valentine giggled and stopped but kept holding him down with magic, she then asked: "So, who is the lucky lady hm~?"

Dusk gulped and said very quietly so Valentine can't really hear it: A-Arrow...

Valentine then asked: "Sorry what? Be a bit louder sweety...~"

Dusk then answered a bit louder but Valentine couldnt hear it: "Arrow...

Valentine sighed and said: "Do i need to tickle you?!"

Dusk gasped and said: "No no no! Okay fine uhm..." he gulped and said: "A-Arrow m-maybe..."

Valentine then said: "Oh i knew you like m-" she stopped and gasped and yelled:

Dusk gulped and said: "M-maybe..."

Valentine pulled Dusk from the ground with her magic and yelled in his face: "You are supposed to love ME! Not that mut!"

Dusk then said: "B-but v-valentine! Ple-"

Valentine then interupted him by saying: "Oh dont "please" me! We are meant for each other!"

Dusk looked a bit disgusted and said: "Ew no! Your weird!"

Valentine then replied: "No your weird for liking such a ugly... THING!"

Dusk then said: "B-but i l-like her! Alot!"

Valentine grabbed Dusk by the neck and said: "You will forever be MINE!"

Dusk screeched so Valentine let her go, Valentine had to block her ears because of it.

Dusk ran off and Valentine sighed and ran after him while yelling: "COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! YOUR MINE!"

Dusk got reminded of that nightmare he had about her, so he ran much faster all of the sudden.

Valentine then gave up, sat down on a log and looked down and tought: "I tought i finally had the perfect boyfriend!" She sighed after that.

Dusk kept running until he came to his cave, he went in and saw that Arrow was still asleep.

He decided to wake her up, he walked to her and shaked her leg and said: "Arrow! Get up!"

Arrow slowly woke up and she looked at Dusk and said: "Whadisit..."

Dusk then explain: "I talked with Valentine about... ehm... love stuff and now shes angry at me!"

Arrow tilted her head and asked: "Erm, what was she angry about?"

Dusk then asnwered: "Ehm... eh... i dunno... stuff..."

Arrow sighed and said: "Dusk thats not a good answer!"

Dusk sighed and said: "She was just eh, a bit unclear!"

Arrow then responded: "Hm, okay... so, she might be coming he-"

Arrow got interupted by magic grabbing her and she got pulled outside and was put down infront of Valentine by her magic. Valentine didnt look happy at all.

Arrow gulped and stuttered: "O-oh hey V-Valentine... h-heh... h-how a-are you?"

Valentine then answered: "I did good until YOU stole MY boyfriend!" Valentine then punched Arrow giving her a black eye.

Dusk then tried to jump on Valentine but she stopped him with magic and pinned him down to the ground and said: "Im not done with you either!" She looked back at Arrow and shot her with magic so she flew against the wall and gets knocked out.

Dusk then yelled: "ARROOOOOW! NOOOOOO!"

Valentine giggled and walked to Dusk and said: "Your little Arrow isnt here for you, i am! And i will forever be! I am your girlfriend and i will be so forever! HAHAHAHAHA!" Thanks to the laughing she got distracted so her magic was weaker.

Dusk broke out the force, grabbed Valentine and pinned her down and said: "Boo!"

Valentine screamed in fear and teleported away, Dusk was kinda confused but he shrugged it away and ran to Arrow.

He shaked Arrow and said: "Arrow please! I love you!"

Arrow coughed and woke up, she said: "D-Dusk...? Is that y-you?"

Dusk sighed and hugged Arrow and replied: "Yes its me!"

Arrow sighed and hugged him back, they let each other go after a few seconds. Arrow looked down and started to cry abit.

Dusk sighed and said: "Its fine Arrow, im here".

Arrow then said: "No its not! Everyone hates me! Im only bothering your life! Im annoying and stupid! You deserve someone much better, like Valentine!"

Dusk then gasped and said: "Arrow! No! Dont!"

Arrow sighed and said: "Its true, everyone hates me..."

Dusk then replied: "No, not true".

Arrow then said: "Oh yeah? Prove it!"

Dusk sighed and kissed Arrow, they both blushed and Dusk said: "I love you, forever".

Arrow gasped and hugged him, Dusk hugged her back, Arrow then said: "I-i love you too..."

They both sighed and kept hugging each other

But, Valentine was still out there...

To be countinued

Author's Note:

Sorry if this looked rushed im a bit tired right now, sorry