• Published 11th Jul 2017
  • 3,692 Views, 8 Comments

A Sister's Regret - Spikemaster105

Have you ever said something that you regret, something that you wish you can take back but can't, well Twilight did and she regrets its when Spike ends up in the hospital.

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"I'm Sorry Spike" (edited)

It was a dark night as people were rushing up and down a long hallway of a Hospital. A man can be seen holding his wife who was in tears hugging her husband as a 17 year old girl, who also had tears in her eye's was seen hugging her big brother. He was telling her that he was going to be ok. She heard someone call her name, she looked and saw 5 of her friends who just arrived at Canterlot hospital.

"Twilight, we heard what happened to Spike? is he ok?" Rarity said.

Spike and Twilight had a big fight, and Twilight said some things that made Spike leave the house in anger. Hours later on his way home to apologize, he was attacked and left for dead. He was found beaten, stabbed, bloodied and unconscious in an ally way by a cop, he was rushed to the Hospital.

The Hospital called the house, Twilight and her family rushed over. When they got there, Twilight broke down when she saw the condition her little brother was in, Spike had a black eye, cuts and stab wounds all over his bloodied, brused body, and he was not moving at all. When they got him to the operating room they put him on life support so they can perform surgery.

Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie and, Applejack looked through the window of the operating room, and gasped in shock at how beat up and hurt he looked. Fluttershy softly said, "Who would do this to Spike", she sounded like she wanted to cry.

Rainbow dash clenched her fists, "I dont know but, if i find who ever did this to my friend im gonna-", she was cut off, "Rainbow! revenge is not the answer, what we need to do is hope that he'll be ok", Applejack told her.

Rainbow dash calmed down and turned to Twilight, and asked "How is he doing Twi?"

"They said there would be a 50/50 chance he might not make it", her brother Shining Armour told them as he was fighting back tear's.

Twilight wiped her eye's as she said "Oh girls, it's my falt Spike got hurt".

Her friends looked at her as Rainbow asked, "what do you mean your falt?"

Twilight broke down as the girls help try to calm her down, "Spike and i were fighting", she sobbed, "I told him that i wish he wasn't my brother, and that he would just get out of my life".

She was crying, as Pinkie and Fluttershy hugged her from both side with tear's in thier eye's.

Applejack looked at her and said, "Twilight, look at me?" Twilight looked up at Applejack with tear's streaming down her face, "It wasn't your falt Twi, sibling's fight all the time".

"You don't understand Applejack", she sobbed, "I said some hurtful things to Spike, i don't wanna lose him, he's my little brother and i love him".

"Twilight, let me tell you a story, Big Mac and i had a big fight about who left the cider celler opened, he said i was stupid and i don't belong on the farm", she said, trying to fight back tears.

Aj looked away teary eyed remembering those hurtful words he said to her, "and i told him that he was a disappointment to my ma an pa", she shed a tear remembering her big brothers hurt look on his face, and him not showing up to the farm for a whole day.

"The point is that i know you didn't mean it Twi, and Spike knows it to", she told her as the rest of her friends agreed.

The door opened, and a man in a white coat with a name tag that read doctor Stable walked out and called, "Sparkle family?" Twilight's mom, Twilight Velvet asked, "how is he doc? is he gonna be ok? is my son alright?"

Doctor Stable looked down with a sad expression, he hated this part, "Mr Light, Mr's Velvet...your son's wounds were to critical...he passed away 2 minutes ago...im sorry".

Twilight froze as she felt sick to her stomach, she and her family were told that her little brother had died from the injuries. Twilight, her family and friends walked in the room, where Spike laid dead on the table. Twilight broke down as did her family and friends.

She lost her little brother, she cried and cried onto Spike's unmoving body, as she was whispering, "S-Spike, please come back to us...please", but it was no use as the heart monitor showed a flat line.

10 years later 2 kids were shown listing to a 27 year old Twilight, as she was telling a story.

"And thats why you shouldn't call each other's names cause you might hurt them, and might never get the chance to say I'm sorry", she finished as the kids sat and listened.

A little girl asked, "Mommy, do you miss uncle Spike?"

Twilight answered with a sad smile, "With all my heart Lily".

A boy asked "How was he like mommy?"

Twilight chuckled, "you would have loved him Jr", she told her son.

Jr looked to his little sister, and hugged her saying, "I'm sorry Lily, for calling you stupid".

She hugged him back and said, "and i'm sorry for saying i wish you weren't my brother".

She looked at the clock, and it was already night time, she got up and told her kids, "Alright time for bed you two".

the boy wined "aaaww i wanted to hear more stories about uncle Spike".

Twilight shook her head and told her son, "sorry Jr, but it's time to go to bed", the kids ran off to there bedrooms.

She looked at a old family picture of her and Spike on the wall. She shed a tear and said, "I'm so sorry Spike".

Her husband Flash Sentry put a hand on her shoulder and told her, "I'm sure he would have forgiven you".

She turned around and hugged him, "I miss him so much Flash, the kids would have loved him", she said shedding another tear.

Flash held her and said, "come on lets go to bed", they got under the bed covers and, held each other close.

She looked at her old family picture of her and Spike one more time, and said, "I love you little brother".

She closed her eye's dreaming about being with Spike again, and wishing she can say that she was sorry.

The End.

Author's Note:

R.I.P Eddie, love ya little bro

careful who you hurt in family cause you might never get the chance to apologize and live with regret.

Comments ( 8 )

As unpolished and in need if spelling and grammar check as it is, this story is beautiful.

Honestly, it is well-written despite the grammar and spelling. Bravo!

Author's Note:

R.I.P Eddie, love ya little bro

Was this story based on what happened to you?

Not realy but growing up with siblings we all said some things we didn't mean hell before i was a brony i was an ass to everyone around me

Holy shit dude this is just fucked up

Now I'm sad :'(

Spike, noooooooooooo. By the way did you see Seasons 4-9 yet? They were great.

spike:(yawns) hey twi, say who were you two talking about?

twilight and ghostly spike looked at each other. no words needed to be spoken, they came together for a hug_

getting a second chance is easier here than in the real world, don't anyone here forget that.

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