• Published 13th Jul 2017
  • 638 Views, 6 Comments

A Different View 3: Ponies of Dark Water - Polaris Solarmoon

Based off the Comic but with a few changes.

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Chapter 3: Finale

Chapter 3: Finale

Summer....,some ponies love it, others don't, I however never was bothered by said season due to the fact that I had lived for a very long time, now evil has arisen and harmony is lost,our only hope is a young dragon and three fillies who hold the key that'll end this madness, sadly I myself was corrupted in the process and with my abilitus on the side of evil,Equestra will fall....,I am Polaris Solarmoon Prince of Forgiveness,Sister if you can hear this,please help these four beings and save the world,for if you do not,.... I will end this myself.


Glitter Brightstar had somehow managed to gather her friends and told them of her plan to take over Equestra and how nopony would be able to stop them if they worked together with Darklight Flare, her friends had agreed with the plan and had decided to set a trap for Aegis Diamondscale and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

As they create their trap none of them had realized that they where being watched..

(Radiance Eclipse Dawn's P.O.V.)

I couldn't believe what I had just heard,not only have Elements of Harmony turned evil, their planning on trying to trap Aegis, I must go and warn him at once!

I flew as quickly as possible in order to find him, I only hope he is okay...

(P.O.V. end)

Aegis Diamondscale and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were running from the town square trying to find Quartz Bell or any of their friends,unfortunately they were nowhere to be found...

"Drat, now what do we do?" Aegis Diamondscale said as he paced about.

"Am not sure Aegis,we've looked everywhere,I hope my sis is okay..."Sweets said sadly.

"Aegis!" a somewhat familiar voice said.

"Huh?, who said that?" he said as he looked around for where the voice came from.

"Oh Aegis,it's me Radiance,I've come to warn you that your "friends" plan to trap you but I believe if we could catch them off guard, we can separate them and use my brother's cure."Radiance says as she lands nearby.

"Err Princess,not to be rude an' all but how are we gonna use the cure?"Sweets Bell asked her.

"Y-yeah, it's not like your brother is going to help us...,he had red eyes just like the others."Blooming added.

Radiance simply giggled then said "Me and my brother both have red eyes my friend,have we not told you?"

"Wait a sec,does that mean your immune to the evil water?"Aegis asked her.

"No,just my brother is, his special talent is his ability to purify anything." Radiance said.

"But he was acting different when we ran into him at Zecora's, isn't he usually a nice pony?"Blooming said.

"Yes,I can only guess that he must not be happy, I've only seen him like this once but that was years ago."Radiance said sadly as she looks into the sky.

"Sister, I see that you are well, I do apologize for not appearing by your side sooner."Polaris Solarmoon says from out of nowhere.

"Brother!,Thank goodness your here!" Radiance says as she wing-hugs her twin brother.

Polaris Solarmoon then notices Aegis Diamondscale and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"It's time that we end this charade dear sister... For they will not be able to stop us ."Polaris said as his horn starts to glow.

"W-what!?, brother what are you-?,......oh......I see....my apologies Aegis Diamondscale but I believe that your journey has come to an end!"Radiance suddenly says as her horn also starts to glow.( as she stated earlier her and her bro both have red eyes, which at first ment that they had been corrupted by the evil water,which explains why Polaris was acting different, however I believe that Radiance is not actually corrupted but is only playing along..)

Now Aegis has to defend the Cutie Mark Crusaders from the Prince of Forgiveness.


[Cure Polaris Solarmoon.]

"Dang it,I don't wanna hurt you!"Aegis says as he dodges a blast from Polaris.

The C.M.C. had quickly ran to cover while Aegis Diamondscale trys to defend himself against the powerful Alicorn.

"Why do you not stand still?,this will not hurt......,much."Polaris says as he launches another bolt of magic.

Radiance had only sat there not moving but was keeping an eye on Aegis.

"be careful..." she had thought to herself.

Aegis once again dodges an attack and then he remembers the mysterious bottle that the Cutie Mark Crusaders have.

"Quick,hand over that bottle!, I have an idea." Aegis says as he jumps over a vine that was summoned to trip him.

The C.M.C. did so and wondered just what he's was planning.

"Hey Solarmoon!, you can have this back!"Aegis says as he opens the bottle and then splashes them both with the water.

"Gah!, what are you...!?,Oh.....o-oh goodness what.....what was I just doing?,m-my apologies young ones, I do not know what just happened, all I remember is that Prism Shine wanted me to help her with something,but I guess I was tricked."Polaris said.

Radiance shakes herself dry then giggles, she then says " Oh thank goodness, my brother is back to normal, Thank you all so much!, now we can purify your friends,oh and I also apologize for earlier,I was too afraid to help because I didn't want to hurt you or my brother."

"Wait what are you talking about?"Aegis said.

"My brother's eyes are actually blue and it seems that even he could be corrupted by this odd water..., I myself however never had set hoof in this water and wasn't evil,my eyes are actually a turquoise color."she responded.

"Oh..." was all Aegis could say.

Polaris Solarmoon stares at them in confusion then asks Radiance about the condition of Aegis's friends.

"Oh right sorry, they were corrupted by an unknown magic via a mysterious pond."Radiance said.

"Well then, Aegis Diamondscale I believe you and the Cutie Mark Crusaders can have a rest,me and my sister will handle things from here."Polaris said calmly.

"Okay got it,be careful your highness." Aegis said.

"Now then Sister let us end this shall we?" Polaris said.

" Yes, let us go brother and return Aegis's friends back to normal!" Radiance said as they both flew off to find Aegis's friends.

(Polaris Solarmoon's P.O.V)

After I had flew off with sister, we had ourselves a little conversation with each other.

"Radiance..."I said.

"Yes brother?,is something wrong?"

"I think I know how to solve this problem with Aegis's friends and our mother."I said as we flew around.

"How?"my sister asked me.

"You do remember my special talent correct?,I believe that I could purify Aegis Diamondscale's friends."I said.

"Of course, that is a good idea!,....oh and brother, I think that Aegis is following us."my sister said.

After hearing what sister had said,I had looked back behind us,sure enough Aegis was flying behind us with the C.M.C. in his arms,I chuckled then said to myself"He's quite the stubborn dragon but he is also a good friend."

We flew for what had felt like a few hours as we slowly approached Ponyville,Aegis not far behind.

(end P.O.V)

It didn't take long for them to reach Ponyville,however they weren't prepared for what was waiting for them...

"Well Well, it seems that my children have arrived."

"DARKLIGHT FLARE!" Aegis said as he put the Cutie Mark Crusaders down.

"No way,it cannot be..." the twins said simultaneously.

"It can be, it's thanks to the power of dark magic that the glorious and powerful Darklight Flare has returned!" Glitter Brightstar said.

"Oh And by the way,your surrounded..."Dianne added.

All of a sudden all of Aegis Diamondscale's friends had encircled the small group,it had seemed hopeless.......,or did it?

Polaris Solarmoon's horn started to glow and he had let out a burst of energy that nearly knocked out all of the Evil Shifted Six except Glitter Brightstar and Darklight Flare.(whom unbeknownst to Glitter is now back to normal and is only in disguise.)

"Awww your no fun Solarmoon!, Oh well, it doesn't matter, you can't beat me anyway!" Glitter Brightstar taunted.

"And why is that?" Polaris asked her.

"Because, I'm stronger than you!" Glitter say as she fires a beam of magic at Polaris Solarmoon.

Polaris puts up a shield spell and deflects the attack, he then counters with his own magic firing a paralyzing spell at her.

Glitter Brightstar attempts to dodge the but gets ensnared by a bunch of vines.

"No!,not fair, not fair!" she says as she struggles to get out of the vines, she then hit by the paralyzing spell rendering her immobile.

"Now brother!" Radiance said.

"This ends now" Polaris says as he runs over to Glitter and then purifys her.

"Yahoo!, is over?,did we win?" Aegis said.

"I hope so." the twins had said simultaneously.

"Uhhhh, my head what happened?....., Glitter says confused for a little bit until she see Aegis Diamondscale"Oooo Hi Aegis!, why was so obsessed with causing chaos?"

" Evil water had corrupted you my young friend but do not worry, I have managed to get rid of it." Polaris says calmly.

"Oh no!, are my friends ok?"Glitter said.

"Yeah we'll live,but I think I'm gonna have to go to the spa after this,my wings are sore."Fluttersky said while stretching her wings.

Polaris Solarmoon simply chuckled.

Princess Celestia walks up to the twins and wing hugs them saying"I'm proud of you both for helping us all return to our senses."

" It was rather difficult but -"Polaris said.

"We were able to pull to through-."Radiance added.

"And help our friends."Polaris said.

The twins then both say"But we thank Aegis Diamondscale most of all."

"Your welcome."Aegis said.

Yay, another happy ending, I hope every pony liked it,Oooo one more thing,don't get upset that it had to end like this but if you do......, I will send you to the sun!,he he he, have a nice day!

Author's Note:

And it is done, but don't worry the Different View series is not done there so many different things that I want to do but need ideas for,so if you can tell what you want and I can try to get it done, Oh one more thing I seen that most of the stories I made have more thumbs down then up, I have tried really hard on these so least be a little nicer...,Welp I'll see you all later.

Comments ( 3 )

I think I might have overdid the first chapter...

Think of this as a treasure hunt.

Pink Cotton(Celestia):
Pink is the life of any party. She is carefree,fun loving and has been known to be a prankster,but has a kind heart and deeply cares for her sister. She likes to remind everypony through her pranks to just relax and have fun. She's also slightly calmer than Pinkie,and loves cake.

However,while kindhearted,Pink has her limits.

Pink has the Element of Laughter.

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