• Published 13th Jul 2017
  • 638 Views, 6 Comments

A Different View 3: Ponies of Dark Water - Polaris Solarmoon

Based off the Comic but with a few changes.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

*The Present:Nighttime*

Glitter Brightstar was still giggling in her sleep, she then suddenly wakes up and then walks up to her mirror, she then smiles wickedly while showing off her now red eyes,once again a dark aura had surrounded her horn giving off the obvious hint that she too was turned evil by the mysterious water.

"He he he,wait until they get a load if me." she says as her magic breaks the mirror.

* The previous morning*(when I say morning,I mean early in the morning just an hour or two before Aegis Diamondscale wakes up.)

Dianne Pie threw another book out of pure anger and frustration, it is incredibly rare for her to ever show these emotions by the way.

"Ugh this isn't working, I've been studying hard but I'm not learning fast enough!"She said.( Dianne's eyes have also turned red.)

She then got an idea.

"Hmm,I've got it,I think I know just what to do..."Dianne said to herself.

She then got to work on making a device that would take the IQ away from somepony and add it to her own.

"These poor fools don't need to think do they..,I'll be the one making all the decisions for them." she says as she it,She then finishes her device.

Dianne then goes outside with the device within her saddle bag.

She then notices a couple of stallion talking to one another about justice, she right when the stallion on the left finished his sentence she placed the device on his head turning him into a ditz, she repeats the action on the other one and then smiles.

"Yes it's working!,I guess if books won't give me the knowledge that I need to be powerful then I'll have to take it by force!"Dianne says as she looks for more victims.

Out of nowhere a living pony sized ball of fire landed in front of her,the fire then snuffed out to reveal an angry Fluttersky "Phoenix" Firewing, who had apparently flared up again, this time however her flames are more wilder then normal,like if she let it be that way on purpose,her eyes as red as the streak in her mane.

"Well what do we have here?, are you going to interfere with my plan Wonderbolt?"Dianne said as she goes into a fighting stance.

" no...." was her only response before flying off.

"Wait what do you mean no?"Dianne had said but it was to late, Fluttersky was long gone.

"Feh, whatever..." She said not realizing that she was being wached.

"Aww poor little Dianne Pie, how about I turn that frown of yours upside down." Glitter says before teleporting away.

*The Present,current time:afternoon Location: Everfree Forest*

The C.M.C are currently running through the forest hoping to find Zecora's hut, unfortunately one of them accidentally steps on a bunny's tail.

"Whoops sorry bot that little guy didn't see ya there, ya see our pony friends have turned evil and-"Sweets Bell didn't get that chance to finish as Prism Shine had flew out in front of them.

"How dare you hurt one of my protected subjects!,for that you shall face forest justice,am I right my little friends?"she says while motioning here animal's into a group.

"Wait Prism,it was an accident!,ah didn't even see em."Sweets said in a vain attempt to calm her down.

"Lies, you were planning on hurt it were you?,Intruders,Ruffians, Interlopers!, such a crime should be punished by nature!" Prism said angrily.

However before she was able to order her animal army to attack,thick vines had came down from the trees and ensnared Prism Shine and her army rendering them immobilized.

"What!?, Who is responsible for this show yourself!"she said while struggling to get out of her restraints but failing.

"I was hoping not to get involved in this but I guess I have no choice." a mysterious yet familiar voice said.

"Princess Radiant Eclipse!"the C.M.C. all said simultaneously.

"Please just Radiance, anyway you must leave right away I fear that my powers cannot hold her for long."Radiance said.

"Right!" the three fillies said before running off in the direction of Zecora's hut.

"Good luck young ones..."Radiance said.

The three fillies ran as quick as they could until they had finally reached Zecora's hut.

Sweets Bell went up to the door and started knocking on it.

Only to find Prince Polaris Solarmoon on the other side.

He had turned around showing them that he too had red eyes just like their friends, he had Zecora in his eerie dark blue aura, she was apparently unconscious and it seemed as if the hut was trashed,like if Polaris was looking for something.

"Oh I wasn't expecting company, I'll just have to remedy that shall we?" he said in a near emotionless tone.(if he ever has that tone when talking......run, it means that he isn't happy.)

"Oh no,not you too!" Sweets said out of fear.

The Crusaders tried to run away but were too late,Polaris Solarmoon had teleported them away.

"Now then with that nuisance out of the way,it's time I got what I came for...,don't you agree zebra?" he said to the unconscious form near him.

* Back in PonyvilIe*

Aegis Diamondscale and Princess Celestia had made it back to town and could only hope that the Cutie Mark Crusaders had found Zecora.

While they were walking about,they had noticed a lot of presents placed all around the town square.

"Huh that's odd." Aegis said inspecting the odd present.

"Come Aegis we must make haste and find the rest of your friends." Celestia said.

"Heh heh, right sorry." he said.

In a different part of the town square, Jeweled Apple had found a clothing store, she noticed that it was selling what she had thought was tacky outfits, she angrily went over to it.

"Ugh,how dare these ponies,these designs are horrible!, it's time that I remove them at once!" she says as she prepares to kick the building only for it to be blocked by Aegis.

"This has gone on far enough!"he said.

"How dare you touch me, prepare yourself for pain dragon boy!" she says as she attempts to kick Aegis Diamondscale.

He dodges the kick then sends her a warning fireball shot near her.

"Wha!?"she screamed as she quickly dodges the fireball,only to get trapped in Celestia's magic.

"Oh great now even the living fossil wants a peace of me!" She said.


"Gah!, Tia are you trying to get me deaf!" Aegis said.

"My apologies Aegis but I will not allow this one to taunt me so." Celestia said.

All of a sudden a bolt of purplish black magic had shot past Jeweled Apple nearly hitting her.

"Shoot I missed, Oh well it doesn't matter anyway...,chaos is spreading beautifully and I am loving every second of it!"A sudden voice said.

"Glitter!?"Aegis said.

"The one and only!"Glitter said as she summoned a bunch of water balloons out of nowhere.

"What the!?,How did you get those!"Aegis says out of shock.

"Summoning spell duh, but that's not all, I made these special, watch this!" Glitter Brightstar says before throwing one of the balloons at a random pony.

"LOOK OUT!" Aegis yelled in an attempt to warn the pony.

Celestia saw the balloon and had quickly took the hit for the pony.

"Oh no..."Aegis said nervously.

"Yes........," Celestia said."DARKLIGHT FLARE HAS RETURNED!"

Glitter Brightstar laughs then says"oh yes, go Darklight Flare burn this place to the ground!"

All of a sudden the C.M.C. had appeared nearby with what looks like water bottle.

"Blooming Apple, Sweets Bell, Shyloo are you girls all right!"Aegis said.

"Yeah where fine but-"Blooming said but she was cut off by Sweets.

"Hey y'all look what ah found" she was holding the odd water bottle in her magic.

"Umm,girls there's a note on it"Shyloo said pointing at the note that was on the mysterious bottle.

"Well ya waitin' for, let's read it!"Sweets said impatiently.

The note had read"To Whomever reads this note:

I do apologize for my rather brash behaviour earlier,I do hope you can forgive me,anywho within this bottle holds the solution to your problem hopefully that will make up for what had happened between us and I hope you put it to good use.

Prince Polaris D. Solarmoon."

"Heh, what an odd stallion., come on let's get to safety first and then we can get our friends back to normal." Aegis says as he quickly gathers the C.M.C. and runs behind a building for cover.

"Okay so whom should we turn back first?"Aegis asked the Crusaders.

"Ah think we should get Quartz first, she shouldn't be that hard to find." Blooming Apple said.

So the four went off to find Quartz Bell,hopefully everything goes well...

Meanwhile as Aegis and the Cutie Mark Crusaders go to find Quartz Bell, Darklight Flare had finally noticed Glitter Brightstar use her magic to terrify the other ponies within the town square.

"You there purple one!" she said.

"What do you wish of me your highness?" Glitter said.

"You like to create chaos correct?, I think if we gather you friends together we can be an unstoppable force!" Darklight Flare said.

" I'm way ahead of you Princess, I've already told the others about Aegis Diamondscale's plan to purify them, once they defeat him and corrupt those meddling fillies,we can take over all Equestra and nopony will be able to stop us!" Glitter Brightstar says before laughing like a maniac, Darklight Flare also joining in on the evil laughter.

[ To be continued...]

Author's Note:

Uh-oh this doesn't seem good will Aegis Diamondscale and the Cutie Mark Crusaders use Polaris Solarmoon's mysterious purification water or will they all be defeated by there own friends?

I'm not exactly sure but hopefully Aegis and the Cutie Mark Crusaders succeed in there plans....

( Believe it or not but this actually starting to scare me....:twilightsheepish:)