• Published 13th Jul 2017
  • 637 Views, 6 Comments

A Different View 3: Ponies of Dark Water - Polaris Solarmoon

Based off the Comic but with a few changes.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1.

(Dianne Pie's P.O.V)

Summer...,some ponies love it, others don't, I am one of those others, Glitter Brightstar has told me that summers can be "fun for everypony" but I digress,I do not like the summer due to how hot it gets this time of year yet I've seen Glitter walk about like if it was never a bother,I still don't understand that unicorn, she could be right next to you and you wouldn't know she there until she says something,I'm rambling aren't I ?, my apologies I tend to do that some times,Anywho today was going to be a hot one and I'd rather not be stuck outside like the others but unfortunately for me fate had other plans...

"Hi Dianne!" the hyper unicorn says as I was heading home.

"Glitter if this conversation is about the lack of candy within the library, so help me I will hit you in the head with a book." I say with a monotone.

" Te-he, your silly, anyways the girls and I found something that might interest you." Glitter said as she bounces in place.

"And that is ?"I said with a hint of suspicion in my voice.

"You'll have to come to find out silly"Glitter says as happily as she always is.

"Fine,but if this is a prank you will be sorry."I said.

So Glitter and I set out to to find whatever it was that our friends have found, it did not take long for us to find them(due to the fact that Glitter had teleported us there),when we approached them they were all huddled near a pond within the Everfree ,one of which I've never seen before, I also noticed that my assistant Aegis Diamondscale was with them,so I went over to see what was so interesting about this pond.

"Well Glitter your were right on one thing..."I said intrigued by the pond.

"What's that?"Glitter says in a confused manner.

"This is interesting."I say with a somewhat calm tone.

"Hey Dianne,glad you could make it." I hear Aegis say.

"Oh hello Aegis, why did you all send Glitter to bring me hear?"I asked him.

"Well to be honest,I had found this place first and then I went to tell the others about it,oh and sending Glitter to get you here was Prism Shine's idea." Aegis said.

At the mention of her name,Prism Shine shyly hid behind Jeweled Apple.

"I guess you came here to get some relief from the heat."I said.

"Eeyep,ya'll got that right sugercube,I ain't no clue why it's so gosh darn hot,shoot ah can't even get no work done."Quartz Bell said.

"Of course darling,not even I could stand such awful weather." Jeweled Apple said

"umm...I don't mind the weather,i mean it's a hot day and all but it really didn't bother me much, i'm only here because my friends are..." Prism Shine said.(although a good number of us could barely hear her.)

"I agree with Prism Shine,the weather isn't bad but what concerns me is this weird pond in the middle of the Everfree that Aegis found,I'm not even sure if the water is safe." Fluttersky "Phoenix" Firewing said.

"Well then,why don't we try it out it cannot be that bad." I said.

Before I knew it I was encased by a purple aura and sent flying into the pond,there was only one pony in our group with that aura and wasn't happy with her.

"Glitter Brightstar why did do that?!"I said angrily.

"I dunno because it's funny" Glitter said happy as she too steps into the pond water.

"I'd be rather furious with you if this water wasn't...so...comforting." I said as I started to relax within the water.

"I guess it is safe,alright then let's go and cool off." "Phoenix" said as she also goes into the water.

Soon enough everypony else was in the water except Aegis Diamondscale who had decided to just sit in the shade,I guess he was used to being in hot weather.

We sat in the water for a few hours until we all decided to go home,it was getting late anyway so I went back home with Aegis following me, once I reached home I went in my bed and went to sleep...

*That night*

Dianne was tossing and turning in her sleep,while still asleep she said "Knowledge is power."

The rest of the Elements of Harmony had there own different things to say.

"Fire...will...rise..." said Fluttersky in her sleep.

"Don't worry my little friends, I'll keep you safe"Prism Shine said in her sleep.

" Absolute Beauty,no one better." Jeweled Apple says while sleeping.

"The best Apples in all of history." Quartz Bell mutters in her sleep.

All Glitter Brightstar did was giggle in her sleep, all of a sudden her horn glowed with an eerie dark aura..

* Morning*
(Aegis Diamondscale's P.O.V)

"Yawwn, what a night,phew I feel like a million bits."I said as I got up from bed."Hey Dianne I'm up!" I yelled forgetting the "always be quiet rule" that Dianne had enforced when she and I first came here,but for some reason I couldn't find her.

"Odd,I she went out today,heh might as well do the same"I said before going outside.

When I was outside I saw a surprising sight,the town looked like a tornado had hit, I noticed that a young filly was trying to clean up a huge mess of apples that had fell off an overturned cart, I had noticed that the young unicorn wasn't very happy so went over to talk to her,(I knew just by looking at her that she was one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Quartz Bell's little sis Sweets Bell, I sometimes call her Sweetie Belle by mistake.)

"Hey Sweetie Belle, are you okay?"I asked her.

"Aw Man this is so uncool,so here I was mindin' my own business til some livin' fireball knock ov'r my sis's apple stand,when she comes back I'm gonna be in so much trouble, oh and the names' Sweets Bell ya ditz."she said.

"Sheesh rude, I was just seeing if you're not hurt jeeze."I said in mock anger.

All of a sudden I felt a disturbance nearby, I quickly moved out of the way when I saw Quartz Bell just running through the crowd.

"Outta the way!,I'm on important business,My own."she says as she barrels through the crowd stopping just in front of her sister.

"Now then, what in tarnation is goin' on round here?"she said, I had noticed that her eyes were red.

Her sister told her what she had said to but she had added that she was okay, only to get this as a response:"Ah don't care about you, I care about the apples,do ya know how may sales ya've lost!?,ya'll are the worst employee ever!"

"I ain't an employee, ah'm your family." Sweets said.

"There ain't no room for family in business, now get!" Quartz said angrily before leaving.

"What's her problem?" I muttered to myself.

"She's been like this since this mornin', she got up real early like an' started buildin' a wall 'round the apples."Sweets said.

"Huh,that is strange,well my morning was kinda weird too,normally when I wake up Dianne's downstairs cleaning but this time she wasn't there."I said.

All of a sudden, we heard a loud voice coming from the library, what we heard shocked us.


"Well that can't be good..."I said to myself.

"How dare she!, if anypony's ruling it shall be me!" Jeweled Apple said from out of nowhere.( I had noticed that she too had red eyes, she also was wearing a mask and a hooded cape.)

"Why do ya have a mask on?" Sweets Bell asked her.

"I couldn't get my make up perfect, my face must not be seen with any kind of flaw on it!"she said.

"Because that's not overreacting at all..." I muttered to myself.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have a town to, but first find the right outfit to do so" Quartz says before leaving.

"Ah think all of ya friends are like this." Sweets asked me.

"What makes you think that?"I asked her.

Right when I had asked her that question, A Sonic Fireboom had been set off overhead,I barely heard the faint laughter that came with it.

"Just a hunch."she responded.

"In that case I'll go and see if can get a letter to the Princess,hopefully she'll have the solution to this problem." I said.

"I'll go get the other members of the Crusaders,meet us in our tree house when your done."Sweets said before she had left.

I quickly and stealthily went into the library to get a scroll and quill,after I did that I went outside and hid in the shade and wrote my message on the scroll, I then use my flames to send the message.

"I hope this works"I quietly said to myself.

(Nobody's P.O.V)

*Canterlot Castle*

"This not good..." Princess Luna said after reading the message Aegis had sent.

"What is wrong sister?" Princess Celestia asked her.

"This message it says that Aegis's friends are all acting strange,I believe that a dark force is behind this so we must send somepony who has had experience with the darkness, we must send you."Luna said.

"Wha?,Sister is that wise?,my past it is filled with it's own horrid darkness."Celestia said,uncertainty within her tone.

"Tis why we're sending you,out of all of us you are one of few who has had experience with the dark forces." Luna says calmly.

"Alright then, I'm heading over to Ponyville now, wish me luck sister."Celestia says as she prepares to leave.

"Good luck my sister,I just hope that I haven't sent you back to temptation."Luna said as she watched her younger sister leave.

*Back in Ponyville, Within the tree house base of the C.M.C*

(Sweets Bell's P.O.V.)

Ah had managed ta get to the treehouse an' had found my friends gathered there along with Aegis Diamondscale,who looked if he was uncomfortable.

"What took you so long!?" Blooming had said impatiently.

"Heh,heh,sorry..., anyway did y'all find out what happened to our friends?" Ah said while going into the treehouse

"No not really..."Shyloo said.

"We have even seen Glitter Brightstar or Prism Shine all day."Blooming said.

"Hey Aegis what is going on with our friends?" ah said.

"I'm not sure this had happened when we found this weird pond in the middle of the Everfree Forest while trying to find a way to cool off from the heat." he said.

"W-Weird pond?" Shyloo said.

"In the middle of the Everfree Forest?" Bloom said.

"Well if you put it that way it sounds kinda obvious.."Aegis said.

All of a sudden the tree house started to shake like if an earthquake hit,so we went ta see what was going on only ta find that it t'was my older sister Quartz Bell.

"What are you doin' sis!" ah yelled down to her.

"Y'all are take up space on this here farm so ah'm kicking y'all out!" she said.

"What!?" Ah said.

"There's no use talking to her let's get outta here!" Aegis said.

"You heard the dragon let's go!" Blooming said.

We ran as fast as we could from Quartz but she was gaining fast,suddenly the Sun overhead got really bright and luckily it had blinded her somewhat.

"It don't matter how bright it gets,i know this here farm like the back of my hooves, there no use in hidin' from me!" Quartz said angrily.

"Who's hiding?"we heard a familiar voice say"The Princess of the Dawn hides from nopony."

"P-Princess Celestia!" Quartz said in surprise.

The Princess then grabs Quartz with her magic then says" There is dark magic within you Quartz,it's clouding your judgement."

"What are y'all talking about,ah'm feeling fine,in fact I'm even better than ah ever was before,now ah have the right of mind ta kick ya off this property!"Quartz said while struggling in Celestia's magic.

"This is most troubling, we could take the magic out of her but the process will take time." Celestia said while struggling to keep Quartz Bell restrained.

Right as the Princess had said that Quartz Bell had somehow managed to free herself from Celestia's magic.

"Augh, the Dark magic has made her stronger." Celestia said.

"Now what?" Ah said.

"Quartz Bell you gotta listen to me!,snap outta of it this isn't you!" Aegis Diamondscale said.

"Shut it dragon boy, ah ain't gonna stick around an' listen to ya bellyache, ah will be back an' y'all be off this farm when ah get back!"Quartz Bell said before running off.

"She's getting away!"ah said.

Leave her,now Aegis tell what is going on,leave out no details."Celestia said.

Aegis Diamondscale then tells the Princess about what had happened to his friends.

"Hmm, we know what you must do, Aegis come with me, you three find Zecora,her knowledge of potions should aid you in finding a cure." Celestia said as she and Aegis prepare to leave.

"Okay girls, let's go and find Zecora!"Blooming said.

We then went off into the Everfree Forest.

"I really hope that Glitter and Prism haven't caused any trouble." Shyloo said

"That we know of." Ah said.

"Hey don't you jinks it!"Blooming said.

Little that we knew....we were being watched.

(End P.O.V.)

Right in the bushes where the C.M.C had past was Prism Shine, her only words were" We appear to have.....,Intruders!"(the cam does a close up of eyes when she says this revealing that she too has red eyes now.)

[To be continued...]

Author's Note:

The CMC are as followed

Sweets Bell ( Sweetie Belle / Applebloom swap but can be rude at times,is known to be more troublesome than her cannon counterpart.)

Shyloo ( Scootaloo but with a bit of Fluttershy's personality,is second in command of the group,is often called by the nickname "Shy".)

Blooming Apple ( her personality is a mix of Sweetie Bell and bit of Diamond Tiara, she is the leader of the group.)

They have gotten into so much trouble in their near endless pursuit of their cutie marks that even Polaris Solarmoon was once summoned to deal with them.(He didn't have an easy time BTW.)