• Published 22nd Sep 2017
  • 558 Views, 9 Comments

Wolf in Sheep's clothing - midnight-chaser

A tale of a prince keeping his identity a secret from the royal sisters

  • ...

A Trip Sky High

"Celestia dammit!" High Altitude yelled. He had gone to the bathroom to clean himself early morning only to notice that his coat wasn't the usual orange color his dyes made it, but a bright blue color instead. Altitude groaned then opened a small cabinet he had built in with his sink and grabbed his dyes. "Of course it didn't last as long as it says, what was I thinking?" he asked himself, not really caring if anypony heard him. "Now I'm gonna spend all morning fuzzing about coating myself again just to make sure I don't lose the color during the day." Altitude had gotten used to dying his coat, mane and tail but it still wasn't less annoying when it didn't last as long as the packages it came in said. He opened a package of dye and started getting to work on his coat. "Need to get some more expensive dyes in Canterlot if this keeps up..." Altitude mumbled before sighing. "Gonna be more expensive but at least I know their styling products lasts."

After what seemed like an eternity to Altitude, he had finally gotten his coat dyed then his mane and tail just in case as well as a nice proper cleaning. The only thing Altitude had time for before, he had to get to go to Cloudsdale was making a sandwich. Altitude gritted his teeth knowing he wouldn't get his morning tea and would have to settle with some once he got to Cloudsdale, instead of his home. Much to his annoyance, he never liked going to Cloudsdale since he was bulkier than an average pegasus and got quite a few stares from that. Sure there was Bulk Biceps but he trained mostly all of his life to get as bulky as he was. Some suspected some sort of substance injection though.

Altitude shrugged the thoughts out of his head and made himself a quick daisy sandwich and as well as using his concealed horn to pack his saddlebag with some sort of paperwork. Going over his packed saddlebag twice to make sure he didn't forget anything, he left his house, locked the door and flew off to Cloudsdale. As Altitude was flying to get to Cloudsdale, he had the weird feeling that someone was keeping an eye on him.

Up in Cloudsdale it was buzzing with life from the pegasi that inhabited the floating cloud city. It was early afternoon and Altitude had finally reached the city's streets and was able to rest his wings a bit. 'This trip always makes my wings sore and tired but it's a breeze when going back just glide on back to Ponyville.' he told himself mentally and swiped a foreleg across his forehead to dry off some sweat. After a minute or two of catching his breath, Altitude dug through his saddlebag to grab a piece of paper about some information of his current task. After having grabbed the paper he read it to make sure he wouldn't be wrong about his task.

High Altitude

I need you to go to Cloudsdale weather HQ to get some updated maps for the weather team here in Ponyville since we're running out. Sure some of us have great memory of where we're supposed to put the clouds for thunderstorms, rain and blah blah blah. It's all part of procedure, you know how it is.

Your boss Rainbow Dash.

P.S. I still want that race Altitude, I am gonna prove that I'm the best flier in Equestria.

'Race? No can't do Dash, I simply don't have time with all the foals that want help and I simply don't want to race either, sorry love.' Altitude mentally told himself and started heading to the nearest cafe to get some tea. Altitude found a small cafe on the way to the weather HQ, which simply had the name "Sky High Cafe". 'Sky High Cafe? I see what you did there.' Altitude couldn't help but chuckle at the word play for the cafe, but nonetheless went inside to see if they hopefully served tea.

Inside the cafe was the usual you'd see in a cafe. A bar counter with chairs where you could sit while eating and drinking what you ordered, some small booths with space to four ponies and of course bathrooms. Altitude went up to the counter and took a seat, while looking over a menu that was laying on the table. Altitude did the first thing that came to mind and went straight to the "Drinks" section. As much as Altitude suspected it wasn't the biggest selection of tea, but there were some which could keep him going for the rest of the day. Altitude got a waitress to take his order of a mixed berry tea and a small sandwich he decided to have since he was there.

Nothing much really happened during the time it took for the cafe to prepare his little meal, aside from the usual chatter happening and customers leaving and entering. "You're the first pony I've seen order tea here during the afternoon." a female voice said from the side. Altitude looked to see a yellow coated and a fiery orange mane mare, wearing sunglasses and a hat. "Well somepony's gotta do it sooner or later miss." Altitude replied with a smirk. After taking a closer look, he could see through the disguise the mare was wearing. "So what brings you to a place like this miss Fire?" Altitude asked, not using her full name to keep fans from crowding her. Spitfire was now a bit surprised to see somepony see through her disguise, but played along with it. "You're a smart stallion, I must say." Spitfire said and returned Altitude's smirk. 'This is certainly gonna get interesting.' Altitude thought.

A bit after Altitude and Spitfire had started talking to each other, the same waitress that took Altitude's order came back with his meal and tea then left to serve other customers. "So as I was asking, what brings you here?" Altitude asked Spitfire again. "Oh you know, sometimes you gotta break the cycle you have and try something different for a change." she said and took a sip from a drink she had ordered. "But what about you Mister Altitude? What brings you to our Cloudy city?" Spitfire shot back at Altitude. "You know who I am?" he asked her. "How come you know a simple pegasus like me?" The mare giggled at him. "Well a little bird told me that an orange stallion is getting on Rainbow Dash's nerves, cause she thinks he's better than her." Spitfire said. "Quite the Naïve girl don't you think?"

At that Altitude could agree. Rainbow Dash was naïve when it came to flying and stunt flying. "Besides." Spitfire said. "It is quite rare to see a pegasus drink tea at this time of day, if they are raised in Cloudsdale. It's mostly coffee up here." Spitfire finished and took another sip, from what Altitude now assumed was coffee. "Guilty as charged." Altitude said. "I wasn't born in Cloudsdale, but in Ponyville." He lied about the last part, but of course Spitfire didn't have to know about his back story. Spitfire finished her coffee and pulled some bits out to pay for it. "I'd like to know more about you Mr. Altitude, but I have a pony to look for." Spitfire said. This indeed caught Altitude's attention and he perked his ears up. "Looking for a pony you say?" Altitude asked. "Wanna find that special somepony?" He teased Spitfire to play it cool and not sound suspicious. "Well aren't you a funny pegasus." Spitfire said. "No I'm look for a blue Alicorn by the name of Shadow Dawn, princess Celestia and Luna's order." she finished and left the cafe. Altitude just sat there for a minute or two, feeling a slight bit of worry but was able to hide it from every pegasi in the cafe. 'Oh fan-bucking-tastic.' Altitude mentally cursed 'I have the Wonderbolt captain after me if not all the Wonderbolts now?!' Altitude sighed and returned to his meal.

Down in Canterlot everything was going as normal, the upper class ponies were doing their thing, sipping tea and eating small crumpets while talking about the absurd things upper class ponies would talk about. In Canterlot castle though things were a different story. Celestia was in her quarters, looking at a few picture frames she had on her nightstand. They were filled with pictures of her, her sister Luna and a blue coated alicorn colt in the middle who was looking happy. "Where are you nephew? I can still feel your energy." Celestia said "You're alive and well somewhere." Celestia didn't sleep well since the staff found Shadow Dawn gone one morning. She's had guards running all around Canterlot, Cloudsdale and Ponyville but sadly not a single clue had been found so far.

There was a knock on the door to Celestia's quarters which caught Celestia's attention. She looked over to the door and saw a dark blue alicorn enter her room. "Still searching for Shadow Dawn, sister?" Luna asked the white alicorn who only sighed and nodded. "Guards haven't found a single clue of his whereabouts, he could be anywhere Luna." Celestia told the younger alicorn with sadness in her voice. Luna walked over to her sister and put a hoof on the white alicorn's shoulder, while gave her a weak smile. "We'll find him sister." Luna said. "I'll send the night guard to look for him, they're bound to find something." Luna reassured Celestia who was having trouble keeping her eyes open. "Celestia go get some sleep, we know you are worried but barely sleeping won't help Shadow Dawn."

Celestia wouldn't admit it, but she did in fact feel like garbage and needed some sleep. "It's fine Luna, I'll manage." Celestia told her sister who only shook her head. "Sister, we will not stand for this." Luna said. "Go to sleep sister please, don't make us worry about you as well." Luna looked at her sister with worry. "Sister please just go to sleep, i'll take care of the duties today as well as sending the night guard out to look for Shadow Dawn." Celestia just stood still and looked back to the pictures of her, Luna and Shadow Dawn and sighed. "Alright, I'll get some sleep. If it means we'll have a better chance of finding Shadow Dawn it's worth it." Celestia finally said and nuzzled her sister. "Thank you Lulu." Celestia said and trotted over to her bed. Luna gave a weak smile to Celestia and left the room to give her sister some privacy.

Back up in Cloudsdale Altitude had made his way to the weather HQ, after his little stop at the Sky High cafe and was currently sitting in a chair holding a small paper with a number on while waiting his turn. There were weather ponies from different parts of the world sitting in various booths or waiting their turn. Some were from Prance, others from Germaneigh and some from Neighway. Altitude chuckled at the fact that ponies from places far, far away would travel to Cloudsdale for their weather business. "Number 749?" A white stallion asked out loud from one of the many booths. Altitude looked at his small paper which had the exact same number on. He got up and headed over to the stallion and put the paper on the counter to which the stallion nodded. "Alright then, have you been over the procedure before sir?" The stallion asked to which Altitude nodded. "Alright, then you know what we need to fill and why." said the stallion and got a quill and paper ready. "Alright let's start off then. Name, age, sex region/town?" asked the stallion and waited for a response. "High Altitude, 20, stallion, Ponyville." Altitude said, to keep his answers short and simple.

The stallion raised a brow at the answers and looked at Altitude. "20? Sir the age restriction for working as a weather pony is 21, you know that right?" Altitude nodded and grabbed a certificate from his saddlebag and put it on the counter. "Yes unless you're 21 you're not allowed to work as a weather pony, unless somepony higher up in the system has seen the pony's test results and accepted it." Altitude said as a matter of fact. The certificate he had put on the counter was a seal of approval that Altitude was able to work as a weather pony, even at the age of 20. To become a weather pony under the age of 21, a pony had to go through a series of tests involving cloud removal, proper cloud placements and such. After these tests, the said pony would have to go on a real weather team one day and show some higher ups in the weather pony profession and see how they'd do under the pressure of a real days work. If they passed, they'd get the certificate, if not they'd just have to wait til they became 21.

"I see..." said the stallion looking over the certificate. "I'm gonna go ahead and get a hang of the boss just in case." Altitude knew what it meant and dammit he really wanted to avoid it this time. As the stallion on the other end of the booth pressed a button on his side of the counter, Altitude braced himself of what was bound to happen and kept his head as cool and relaxed as possible. "I see High Altitude is back in Cloudsdale once again." a feminine voice said from one end of the massive room. Everypony turned their head to look at the owner of the voice and saw a red coated mare with a long and curvy green and white mane and tail. 'Oh buck me.' Altitude mentally cursed knowing very well what was about to happen. The mare who just showed up headed over to the booth where Altitude was. "What seems to be the problem here?" the mare in question asked. "This stallion, High Altitude is under the age restriction for this profession and has sho-" the Stallion started but was abruptly cut off by his boss. "High Altitude is more than capable of being a weather pony Mr. Flow, next time if you see a certificate like that it's all fine." the mare said and turned her head to Altitude. "If you'd please Mr. Altitude, follow me to my office." she said with a gentle smile which Altitude tried to mimic the best he could. Altitude put his certificate in his saddlebag and follow the mare into her office.

"Welcome back to Cloudsdale Altitude, sorry about Mr. Flow he's new. Still working for miss Dash I take it?" The red mare asked. Altitude sighed and nodded "Yes Glimmer Wing, I as a matter of fact am still working under Rainbow Dash in Ponyville." Miss Glimmer giggled at his response and poured a cup of coffee into a mug. "Still not interested in moving to Cloudsdale, where all the other pegasi live?" she asked with a slight hint of pleading in her voice. "Not this again Miss Glimmer." said Altitude. "I've been working as a weather pony in Ponyville, after you gave me my certificate about a year and a half ago. I don't plan on moving anytime soon, we've been over this before." Sure enough Miss Glimmer had tried to convince Altitude to move to Cloudsdale, but haven't won that small battle yet. "Oh well, it was worth a try. Now what has brought you up here Altitude?" Miss Glimmer asked and took a swig from her coffee.

"I got the task of getting the maps for the upcoming year Miss Glimmer." Altitude said flatly "Don't ask me how Rainbow Dash can keep up with it, she just can apparently." Glimmer Wing went to one of her many many shelves and went over which shelf was the correct one. "So you're here for the maps for the upcoming year? Fair enough." she said while looking for it. Altitude on the other hoof didn't like his current position, looking up at Glimmer Wing who was flying from the tall shelves looking for the maps, while Altitude accidentally getting a glimpse of... Altitude shook his head and became very flustered. "Ah! Got the maps Rainbow Dash sent you after." Glimmer Wing said and got down to Altitude again. Glimmer Wing took notice of Altitude's face to which she smirked playfully. "Saw anything you liked Altitude? I can show more, if you'd like." Glimmer Wing said and giggled. Altitude groaned a bit and grabbed the maps that Glimmer had put on her desk and put them in his saddlebag. "ThanksforthemapsbyeGlimmerWing!" Altitude hurriedly said and ran out of the building as fast as his body would let him, hoping he would be too fast for anyone to notice. "hatte er eine Wurst auf dem anzeigen?" a pony from Germaneigh asked another pony who only shrugged and shook their head.

Author's Note:

As I was editing this chapter did I first notice I hadn't chosen the categories which makes me feel dumb.:facehoof:

But yeah, hope you enjoyed the 2nd chapter of Wolf In Sheep's Clothing and have a good day/night.

Comments ( 6 )

I want to keep reading but you need space between when characters talk or at least don’t mix it up where I don’t know who is really talking at all... There is to much to point to though it reads really good and seems promising enough that I’ll see how this goes.

What do you mean by " space between when characters talk" exactly? if you could do an example I'd be thankful.

Are you ever gonna update this?

I'd love to update this story, don't get me wrong. The reason why I haven't updated is that there's been a lot of things I need to take into priority first. Getting a job, bills that sort of thing. So I'm sorry for not updating anything for a long time, but gotta take care of my life first.

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