• Published 22nd Sep 2017
  • 557 Views, 9 Comments

Wolf in Sheep's clothing - midnight-chaser

A tale of a prince keeping his identity a secret from the royal sisters

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High Altitude

Log Entry: 1 Ponyville:

Ponyville. Today marks the second year I moved here. It's nice small town where you can run free and where no one acts up upon how you behave. I love this town and I still don't regret running away from Canterlot, where a lot of the oh so high and uptight ponies live. All they got is a stick up their plot and it needs to be pulled out. Still I survived my life in Canterlot and now I'm living a nice quiet life in Ponyville, the ponies here treat you right. Once I got here a pink pony named Pinkie Pie, threw me a 'Welcome to Ponyville, your new home party' within the first week. I got to meet a lot of ponies that way and even make a few friends, it was very nice. I currently earn my living by working on the weather team like many other pegasi does. I'm still surprised that the princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle hasn't noticed the magic that's hiding my horn all the time. She is one of the most powerful alicorns and has been picked by Celestia herself to be her student, so I was sure my cover would be blown when I met her but thankfully it's not.

Now living here as made me feel alive by working for my pay instead of just earning it and not suddenly get wooed constantly like I did in Canterlot. I don't wanna be treated as a dashing prince, I wanna be treated as who I am and not because of my title. I just hope Celestia and Luna aren't mad about me suddenly running away from Canterlot 3 years ago. I didn't leave a note or a sign of me leaving at all. I've been dying my coat, mane and tail different colors compared to their normal colors. It was hard at first to dye myself at first but the more you practice it the easier it becomes. Hopefully I can learn a spell or potion that can change my coat permanently.

I am prince Shadow Dawn but known as High Altitude and I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing

~Shadow Dawn~


"Aaaaalt, I messed up again." High Altitude smiled at the pegasus filly who had just fallen onto her belly. Altitude extended his hoof and helped the filly up onto her hooves. "Raindrop, it happens even to the best of us. How many times have you seen Rainbow Dash crash into something while trying to make new stunts?" Altitude asked the filly. As she started to remember Rainbow Dash's attempts at new stunts, she started to giggle. "Alright you have a point there, but she can fly for hours at high altitudes where I get scared the higher I go." Rain said and looked down at the ground. Altitude stroked her mane in a comforting manner. "Alright, next time we try high altitudes I'll hold your hoof alright?" Altitude said to which Raindrop nodded.

"Good. Now what have we learned today?" Altitude asked and waited for an answer. Raindrop scratched the back of her head and thought about it for a minute before replying. "High speed to full stop, wing exercises to train your stamina and we're currently working on flying at high altitudes which I seem to be nervous off." she replied and turned into a sour cookie. Altitude stroked her mane again. "Don't worry Rainy practice makes perfect dear," Altitude reassured her and gave her a hopeful smile. "Just remember, talk to me if you wanna know a few more things about flying."

As Altitude and Raindrop concluded their flying lesson Altitude headed for Ponyville square to see what was going on. As Altitude got near the square he noticed a rainbow streak flying towards him and started smirking. Altitude stepped sidestepped as the trail got closer and closer only for it to stop right in front of him. "Sup Dash what can I do for you today? New plans for the weather or something else entirely?" Altitude asked the mare in front of him. "You and your clever remarks Altitude." She replied as she rolled her eyes. "No I've heard ponies talking about you being an awesome flier that's even better than me, the awesome Rainbow Dash. Is that what you think? Huh?!" Altitude facehoofed and shook his head. "Alright listen here Dash. You're my boss, but do I look like I the type that would be faster than you and bragging about it?" He asked and started to walk past her.

"Hey! I'm not done with you!" Rainbow Dash called and flew after Altitude. "Listen I want a race from Sweet Apple Arches to the square of Ponyville." Altitude just kept walking and smirking. "I don't know nor do I care of who said I'm a better flier than you, but you are comedy gold right now Dash." Altitude told her. "You gotta stop believing what everypony tells you. I just help fillies and colts with flying and show them some exercises." As Altitude walked through town having Rainbow Dash --almost literally-- on his tail, a pink mare with a smile that could go on for miles approaching them in a hurry.

"Oh hey Pinkie Pie. How's Equestria's happiest pony doing?" Altitude asked and smiled at the pink fluffy mare. "Hey Altitude hey Dashie." She said "Why is Dashie so close to you? Are you playing a game? Is it some sort of different kind of tag?" Altitude rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. "Sorry Pinkie, I was just getting Altitude talked into a racing me," Dash said to which Pinkie smiled even wider. "That sounds super duper fun! I'll have to tell the entire town about it," she said and bounced in place. "But first Dashie, Twilight wants to talk to us about a favor for princess Celestia and tells us to hurry to her castle." Celestia and the elements? It's like the fourth times this month she's been in Ponyville to talk with the Princess of Friendship. "Pinkie what's this about?" Altitude asked but got no answer as the smiling mare --literally--pulled the rainbow colored mare with her. All Altitude saw on Dash's face as she was being dragged by Pinkie was a blank stare of pure confusion. 'What has Celestia been talking about with Twilight about? I'll figure out sooner or later.' Altitude thought and moved on to the market to do a bit of shopping.


As Altitude walked through the market of Ponyville looking for exotic spices and herbs for his home cooking. Alt saw some fillies and colts running around either playing tag or just enjoying their company. It warmed Alt's heart much, but he had to handle his shopping needs and such. "Hey watch it!" A mare snaps at Altitude after having bumped into him. She bent over and started picking up some things she had dropped from bumping into Altitude. It seemed to mostly be flowers and some quills. "Sorry ma'am, but you bumped into me from the side." Altitude said as he helped the mare pick up her things. "Yeah, whatever." she huffed and left. Altitude just shrugged it off and started heading towards the middle of the market for the stand he was looking for.

Altitude kept walking for about another minute or two before reaching a stand looking different from all the other stands. Instead of being like the other stands and having the usual flowers and veggies this stand had special spices, herbs and tea leaves. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my special customer High Altitude stopping by once again. How have you been?" Said the mare running the stand. She was a dark-ish yellow mare, with long curly blue mane and a tail to match. Altitude smiled at said mare and chuckled a bit. "Good to see you again Miss Spice, things have been good." he replied "How's the filly?" Miss Spice was a single mother but despite this fact, she couldn't be more happy about her little treasure. "She's been a silly little filly. She's trying to make up a game where ponies hide and the seeker will have a post they have to touch while saying where somepony has been found." Miss Spice told. "It sounds complicated but she likes complicated things." She giggled as well as Altitude chuckling. "Well I wish her luck in her game making." Altitude smiled at her.

"So dear what'll it be? The usual or something new?" Miss Spice asked Altitude as he was eyeing her wares. There were simple spices and some more exotic ones like some paprika powder, basil leaves, oregano and so on which wasn't part of most spice stands he's been looking at. "You know I'm think about getting some of your paprika powder, some black pepper and your strongest chili powder this time" Altitude said while eyeing the items. Miss Spice clopped her front hooves together and smiled. "That's a very good choice Altitude they make great for making a nice veggie soup." Miss Spice said and put the bags of each item on the stand's counter. "Hey, I got some new special mixed spices that might interest you dear" she continued and put a bag on the counter. "Take this bag and tell me what you think, it's the least I can do for you helping me fix my sink a few days ago." Altitude grabbed some bits from his saddle bag he had carried with him all day even when helping Raindrop exercising with her wings. He put a bunch of bits on the counter and grabbed the bags of powder. "Keep the change Miss Spice" Altitude told her and packed the powder bags "I'll see you another time" he smiled at Miss Spice and headed towards his home.


As Altitude reached his home he put his saddle bag on the kitchen counter and get his bags with spice powder out putting them in their proper place. "Well what did we get this time your highness?" Altitude quickly grabbed a knife, using his magic from his invisible horn and brought it to the neck of whoever the voice belonged to. He groaned a bit in annoyance once he saw who it was. "Discord... Next time you do that I will cut you" Altitude said and looked at the draconequus floating before him. "If it wasn't because you threatened to tell Celestia or Luna where I was, I would've kicked you out of my home months ago" Altitude finished and put the knife back where it belonged.

Discord patted Altitude on the head. "Now don't you worry my little powerful friend, you have nothing to fear from me as long as I am allowed to come and go when Fluttershy isn't home." Discord said and was juggling a few tiny bags. "Discord put my tea leaves down!" Altitude groaned a second time. "I don't wanna go and tell another lie to Miss Spice." Altitude had lost bags of tea leaves because of Discord's nonsense and had to go get more much to Miss Spice's confusion. "Why not? I've seen the way you look at her sometimes your highness." Discord winked at him "Exotic mare, great taste, good lookin' for pony standards at least and an oh so great thick p-" Altitude who was now glaring at Discord having the knife floating at his throat. "Finish that sentence and I won't have to worry about you telling Celestia or Luna about my whereabouts" he said and growled. "Just give me my tea bags so I can get some tea already". Discord rolled his eyes and put the tea bags on the kitchen counter then teleported away. 'I hate him sometimes' Altitude thought as he put the knife back again and prepared a kettle for tea brewing. 'What kind am I in the mood for?' Altitude went over which bag of leaves he should choose, but he settled on lemon tea with a bit of honey. Being a bit addicted to tea as Altitude was, he was always excited to have a cup of tea any time anywhere. 'Tomorrow I'll go figure out what Celestia wanted with the elements.'

Author's Note:

This is a little story I've had in my head for a while now and since I don't have any ideas for my other story, Don't Feel Guilty My Little Pony I thought I'd have this to show I'm still alive.
