• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 2,488 Views, 34 Comments

A Gleaming Love - Prismfire Productions

It is the day after Twilight's and Rarity's wedding and the Princess of Friendship has awoken with a hangover. As things become clearer, events were set in motion that have an impact on her, will she and her loved ones adjust?

  • ...

Shattered Shield

A few hours later, after cleaning up after their mud bath, the group made their way into the grand dining hall dressed in the outfits Rarity had made them. They were surprised to see Celestia and Luna had already reserved a table for them, right in the middle of the room and the table set and served.

There was a young Alicorn mare sitting at the with a cream colored coat, cherry red mane and tail, and an ice cream scoop in a bowl for a cutie mark. She had on black leggings and a black sweatband of sorts around her neck that nopony could figure out the purpose of.

“Hello again Princesses Luna and Celestia." She calmly said as the others sat down before looking at the two pegasi. "Hi Dash, hi Pinkamena, enjoying your time here so far partners?"

"What have we told you about that Cherry Mist?"
Rainbow and Pinkie said as they both gave her an unnerving glare, with a look on their face of wanting to draw blood as Rainbow cleared her throat. “”I thought me and Pinks had made it perfectly clear to keep social and work matters separate.”

"S-sorry you two, I forgot with how busy I’ve been the last week." Cherry Mist said slightly fearful, causing Celestia and Luna to take action.

"Easy daughter, tread lightly..." Both alicorns said as a warning before Luna spoke up to address Cherry Mist. "So how do you know my daughter and niece?"

"I own the ice cream shop acrosst the street from Sugarcube Corner,” Cherry said with a smile trying to ease the tension that Rainbow and Pinkie had for her. “and have come to know Pinkie quite well as a result of the close business proximity. As for Rainbow, I know her through her relationship with Pinkie, nothing else."

"So tell me a little about yourself then." Tia softly said sipping some tea. “What tales do you have to tell us over dinner? Or are they things you would rather keep private?”

"I would if I could," Cherry Mist said with a shrug. "but I don't remember much about my past, only remembering several important things. My name comes from my deceased brother's favorite flavor, it was from him I got the shop from in his will, he died a slow and painful death. As for me, I suffer from MPD...Multiple Personality Disorder, one minute I could be the nicest mare you ever met and the next so mean even Discord wouldn't want to mess with me. Now if you will excuse me, I got to use the bathroom.”.

"I see..." The royal sisters said at the same time while Cherry left and Rainbow and Pinkie nodded, confirming Cherry Mist's claim as they started thier meal.

"I got to give it to you Gleaming, I think I'm speaking for all of us by saying we are surprised at how well you have adjusted so far." Cadance said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm slowly getting used to it is why honey, however if not fixed soon the foals are gonna be born having two mothers." She replied with a good laugh, surprising those at the table before looking directly at Twilight. "Alas, don't overdo it sis and don't you dare try any spells while we are on vacation."

"I will if I want to, you can't boss me around."
Twilight said with a huff as she ruffled her feathers “Besides, helping you is near the top of my checklist for the week.”

"I am your older sister…” Gleaming’s tone took on one of authority, her voice reverberating every words. “so you DO have to listen to me when our parents aren't around. Are we clear Vermillion?"

The entire hall fell so silent not even a cricket was heard chirping, everypony's attention now turned towards Twilight, who just sat there with her jaw hanging and completely speechless. "Since when were you so bossy to me Gleaming?"

"There is a difference between bossy and concerned and I am concerned about your mental health right now Twily.” Gleaming’s voice turning soft once more. “I figured calling you by your middle name would shut you up and it did. Just do like the rest of us and relax this week, both physically AND mentally."

Twilight sighed knowing she was defeated and there was no point in arguing. "Alright, if you say so."

"That's the little sister I know." Gleaming said running her hoof through Twi's mane. "You know I have only wanted what was best for you. On another note, I feel like I just ate for three, I'm stuffed."

"Sure you aren't the one pregnant? You ate more than I did." Cadance joked, causing Gleaming to playfully stick her tongue out. “You know I’m just kidding dear.”

"I would know it if I was and I'm not,” Gleaming said while shaking her head. “was just a bit more hungry than usual since I haven't ate since this morning, had a long day, and unless I am mistaken probably going into heat."

As soon as Gleaming finished, the lights went out and the sound of glass shattering was heard. All those in attendance besides Rainbow and Pinkie used spell after spell to try and get the lights back on and capture those who were intruding, but for some reason they found thier magic was blocked. They all heard a hissing sound and the next thing they knew they found it hard to breath due to smoke, which knocked everypony unconscience. Upon waking up, they saw it was midafternoon of the next day, the hall was a mess, and Gleaming was gone.

-In a cave far from the spa but not too far-

Gleaming awoke with a jolt and found herself chained up tightly. The first thing she tried to do was break free using magic, but was unsuccessful. "I see you're finally awake dearie~" A voice called out from the dimly lit cavern. Gleaming caught a glimpse of a small shadow out of the corner of her eye. The voice seemed familer as well but at the same time it wasn't.

"Is that you Cherry Mist?” Gleaming asked as a wave of hope coursed through her. “Thank Celestia you are here, I hope you have come to rescue me."

"Alas, it is me..." Cherry Mist said stepping into the light, the grin on her face caused shivers to run down Gleaming's spine.

“At the same time, I'm not… I am her Kink personality and I am not your "knight in Shining Armour"." She chuckled at her own joke and it rubbed Gleaming a bit raw. "You see...whereas normal me tends to trend asexual, I don't give a flying buck, I like mares and stallions. Since you were recently made a mare and just went into your first heat, I figured I should be the first to welcome you to the pleasures that is lespony clopping."

She then pushed a tray into Gleaming's view, which was covered in all kinds of toys and instruments and caused Gleaming to instantly become afraid.

"What are you planning to do to me?” Gleaming asked as fear seeped into her tone. “You know that you aren't going to get away with this since my wife, sister, Celestia, and Luna will punish you deeply."

Cherry darkly chuckled. "Not true Gleamy~. I have a spell in place so only I can use magic and you are completely untraceable. Now that being said..."

She then reached over, grabbing a dragon dildo off the table that made Gleaming shiver in both fear and anticipation. "Shall we begin your initiation deary?~"

Author's Note:

No motivation for this one... just updating to sta6 up to date. I’m sorry