• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 2,488 Views, 34 Comments

A Gleaming Love - Prismfire Productions

It is the day after Twilight's and Rarity's wedding and the Princess of Friendship has awoken with a hangover. As things become clearer, events were set in motion that have an impact on her, will she and her loved ones adjust?

  • ...

Polishing the Shield

It took bit longer than intended, but when they finally arrived at the spa, both Twilight and Gleaming were speechless. It had the look of being recently renovated and shone bright in the setting sun, having a golden glow to it. Celestia and Luna greeted them at the front door as the carriage stopped.

"Nice to see you two again." Celestia to Gleaming and Twilight as they all exchanged hugs, Rarity and Cadance joining them as well. "Is everything fine between you two sisters?"

"Yes it is Celestia,” Gleaming said with a smile. “me and Twily are getting along just fine. Say, my wife mentioned something about your foals being here, do we know them?"

This caused both Celestia and Luna to chuckle, Luna speaking as the group of royalty entered the lobby. "Indeed you both do, and so does Rarity. When Cadance brought this trip to mine and Tia's attention, we saw it as a chance not only to get away from Canterlot for a week to relax, but also have some mother-daughter time. Think of this as a "princess' week off" so to speak, we won't have to worry about any stallions bothering us during our time here since it is completely run by mares."

"Boy that is a relief." Gleaming said causing the whole group's jaws to drop and Rarity to trip and fall onto Celestia. "I know I know, you all are shocked I just said that but hay, like you all have been trying to get into my stubborn head, I might as well start acting like a mare while I am one."

"Bout time you got it..." Rarity coughed under her breath while earning a smack from Twilight in the process. "Anyways Celestia and Luna, where are your darling daughters at?"

"Right over there." They said as they pointed over to the couch on the far end of the lobby, shaking their heads and letting out a small sigh seeing Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie passed out on each other's shoulders.

Celestia shook her head and sighed. "Pinkie is mine and Dash is Lulu's. Looks like they truly did bore themselves to sleep, they never were the kind of pony to like this sort of thing. Hopefully by the end of the week they will change their minds and would want to do more things with us..."

"But I thought.. wait.. .this… this..." Twi couldn't finish her sentence as her mind started to overload trying to figure out what the hay was up, luckily Celestia had an answer waiting.

"Think about it, Pinkie is different from the other Pie foals. She is more upbeat, energetic, loves having fun, hated the rock farm, and shares my passion for sweets. You see, her father is her actual biological father, I was just a surrogate for them two since her mom couldn't conceive at the time due to.. “complications”. As far as Lulu is concerned that is a whole nother story neither of us, or Dash once we explained the whole deal to her, wish to talk about it and we aren't going to either." The others nodded in understanding at Celestia's warning and decided to drop that matter altogether as Luna woke up Dash and Pinkie.

"Come on you two,” Luna said nudging the two awake. “the others just arrived. You can sleep in a bit, but now we got to head to the mud bath."

Pinkie nodded but Rainbow got ticked. "Oh come on now, I ain't the kind of pony for that kind of thing. I always fly through rain clouds to wash but using mud seems… bizarre."

"Don't make me play the role of the strict mom…” Luna’s tone turned stone, making Rainbow gulp. “and this bath isn't for cleaning purposes, it is so you can relax. The mud is heated so it can help ease the tension in your muscles and with as much flying as you do, you would be a lying mare if you said your wings didn't hurt."

"Fine mom… you win." Rainbow said as she followed the others to the mud room. At first, she didn't even want the facewrap applied so she had to be held down with magic to make her comply. She was still griping until she slide into the mud, then she let out a relaxed sigh causing the others to laugh.

"It is as if all my troubles are being eased, I haven't felt like this in a long time." Gleaming thought to herself as she slid into the mud. "Maybe that has been part of my problem, I am such a busypony I don't take the time to see about myself, that is something I got to work on in the future. I do know this, when I get returned to normal I am going to bring Cady here often since I could spend a day in here."

"By the way Dash I ran into a "business associate" of your's and Pinkie's while you two were asleep and we were waiting on Cadance, Gleaming, Twilight, and Rarity..." Luna said in a slightly pointed tone snapping Dash out of her relaxed trance.

"Who?" Both Rainbow and Pinkie asking in unison.

Luna smiled. "Cherry Mist, she will be joining us for our formal dinner tonight." Rarity's eyes lit up at the word "formal", causing her to jump out of the mud and go to the washroom to get clean.

"Oh boy…” Rainbow and Pinkie muttered under their breath before returning their attention to relaxing, but an uneasy feeling had done made itself at home in their minds.

Author's Note:

I really had trouble getting this chapter done due to several unexpected personal matters that came up. This chapter is unedited, but I needed it done to try and catch up to my goal.

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