> A Gleaming Love > by Prismfire Productions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A letter from Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was early morning in Ponyville and Princess Twilight Sparkle had just woke up with the worse hangover she had ever had in her life, her head was pounding and felt like it was being squeezed by thousands of pounds of force. Granted, the fact she rarely drank complicated matters, but the fact remained she was now a very pained mare. "I knew I should not have drank, but oh well, it was mine and Rarity's first night together married. It is what it is, I just hope I didn't do anything stupid in a drunken stupor..." Twilight thought to herself as she looked over at her wife, who was sound asleep. Her mind was a dense fog, the last thing she remembered was bringing Rarity home to her castle after the wedding, which thankfully all went as planned. Finally managing to drag herself up out of bed, she made her way to the bathroom to wash herself up hoping the chill of a cold shower would purge her body a bit. As soon as the icy cold water hit her face, a flashback to the events took place the previous night entered her head. It was vague but clear, all she could remember was casting a spell on herself and Rarity after dinner that turned them into stallions because Rarity wanted to be the one to "experiment" for a change. The word "experiment" had intrigued her, and for once she was willing to be the test subject. "Now what was the next thing that happened.." Twilight asked herself as she started washing, her hangover slowly going away allowing more detail to be remembered. She could feel the blush on her cheeks for the next events that took place, but shuddered at the last part before Twi turned them back into mares to continue their clop session. "I swear when Elusive gets in the mood he is too rough...sorry dear but I don't plan on doing that again for a long time, I prefer it with us being mares anyway..." She thought out loud since she thought she was the only pony in the room, not hearing the bathroom door open and shut. "Oh, but my darling Dusky, us as stallions was just as fun." Rarity said joining Twi in the shower and planting a kiss in her muzzle, causing Twilight to jump in shock. "Hey Rarity," Twi said when she calmed down. "I didn't hear you enter, it was fun until you got carried away and didn't pull out when I asked you to. I also got a bad feeling about casting that spell that I can't shake or put a hoof on at the moment." "Twi my darling wife, you are just a bit worked up, relax your muscles since they are so tense I can tell through your coat." Rarity said as she began massaging Twi's wings, calming her down a bit. Twi hummed at the feel of her muscles relaxing. "I suppose you are right, and I was glad my brother, Flurry Heart, and Cadance could make it since she doesn't get around much anymore because of trying to keep Flurry under control." Rarity nodded. Although she would never admit it, she was surprised her own parents had turned up for the wedding considering the fallout between them after Rarity announced her engagement. "They are family so they made an exception, and look how bad that would make them look if they didn't show up to their own sister's/niece's wedding considering Cadance is the Princess of Love." "You got a point there." Twi said as they got out of the shower and started drying off. "Maybe we should go visit them for couples advice since, for once, this is something that no book can teach us and they are the only royal couple." Rarity let out a light chuckle. "Yes hun you are right, and you are shining brighter than the clearest diamond right now." "As are...what the-" Twi cut herself short as she glanced at the wedding photo. She knew something was wrong the moment she laid eyes on it. Everypony looked the same and was in the same spot, except a white pony in a bridesmare dress standing by Cadance she recognized by the cutie mark. "Hey Rarity, do you recall Shining wearing a bridesmare dress yesterday?" She said levitating the picture so Rarity could look at it. The fashionista took a minute to recollect, rubbing her chin in the process. "He wasn't, he was wearing a black tux with an electric blue trim. Keep in mind I nearly burned myself out making everypony's outfits." Her eyes landed on Shining and grew wide in shock. "Umm...darling...look at the finer details of your brother.." "Why? it is just him cross-..." She then saw what Rarity was talking about, he looked a bit shorter than normal. In addition, his hooves matched his coat, he looked more petite and not as muscular. The dead giveaway though was his face, long eyelashes that made his light blue eyes shine a bit more and would make anypony interested in mares be caught by them. In fact, Twi briefly felt a twang of jealously and felt her mouth started to water a bit but she quickly regained herself and noticed that his muzzle was not square like a stallion's, but rounded and smooth like a mare's. "I wonder why my brother looks like a mare?" As soon as she asked Rarity that, Spike came busting through the door "Twilight, what did you do!? Notice the color of the ribbon?" Twilight's heart sank into her stomach as she took the letter from Spike, it was bound in a hot yellow and orange swirled ribbon and Celestia's seal was not normal, it burned a fiery red that seemed to radiate heat. She had only seen Solar Flare once, no, twice in her lifetime and it ended badly for the pony at the receiving end of Celestia's fury. "I messed up big time to get that combo..." Twilight muttered as she removed the ribbon and broke the seal before reading the letter: "Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, Something urgent has come up and you are to come to the castle AT ONCE! Something has been discovered this morning and your magical signature is all over it, bring your wife if you wish. Sincerely, Princess Celestia Princess Luna Princess Mi Amore Candenza Prince Shining Armor" "Wow, Cadance used her full name..." Spike said in disbelief. "Yeah you messed up, especially since Celestia added your title before your name and all four signed it." Twi was staring at the floor. "Yeah...and I think I know what it is about, come on Rarity." The two then teleported away before Spike could ask any questions. Now alone. he just shrugged and walked out the room to go take a nap. "At least Rarity is my mare in my dreams...Twi is lucky to have her as a wife...I wish she was mine but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Oh well, at least I get to see her everyday since she now lives with us..." He muttered as he reached his room and slammed the door in frustration. Even with his aggravation, he managed to fall asleep and dream about the life he wish he had, but knew he never would. > Gleaming Revelations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Half hour later, Canterlot- All her life Twilight had squealed with glee everytime Princess Celestia had sent her a personal correspondence, but this time was different. The very atmosphere surrounding the castle, as familiar to her as the Hoovy Decimal System, felt off as her and Rarity approached it. Instead of the vibe being like trotting on clouds, it was like trotting through mud. The ominous feeling of dread the castle put out creeped over every hair of Twilight and Rarity's coats and sent a shiver down their spines. "I think I might have messed something up big time dear to be summoned like this..." Twilight said as she and Rarity reached the gates to the castle. The guards on duty stepped aside and gave the newlyweds a respectful nod before returning to their positions. "Do you think the wedding photo has anything to do with it?" "No doubt in my mind that is the reason." Rarity replied as they made their way towards the thone room. "The best advise I can give you is to hope for the best but expect the worse my darling." Twilight gave a nod and fell silent as they trotted through the majestic halls. They both assumed that Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were mad, but when the couple saw the three alicorns waiting for them outside the throne room, they knew a long interrogation was in store for them. "Princess Twilght, Princess Rarity...we need to have a word with you two." All three Alicorns said at the same time when they saw the two smaller mares approaching. Their words cut like venom, flames of anger danced in their eyes, and add in the fact they were standing at full height proved quite the intemidation factor. "and address me by my name Twilight..." Cadance added in a clearly foul tone, out of the three she was clearly the most upset. Twilight, for the first time in awhile, felt exposed. Celestia and Luna looked ready for a fight, and her foalsitter/sister-in-law was staring her down like a changeling eying the Crystal Heart. She gulped and bowed while motioning Rarity for her to follow suit. "Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna...I request to know why I have been summoned today." "Why did you just call me "princess"?" Rarity asked as she rose out of her bow. "I am a unicorn, not an Alicorn." "Technically you are a princess since you married me," Twilight replied before anypony else could "think of my brother, his title is "Prince Shining Armour" and he is just a unicorn like you." "Actually that is the reason why we wanted to see you, it deals with my husband...or should I say wife at the moment..." Cadance said as Celestia opened the door. "WHAT!?" Twilight yelled as she laid her eyes on her older sibling who was sitting in his..well her..normal seat and eating an apple. Twilight locked up in place, Luna had to resort to using her magic to carry the lavender princess to her seat at the table. The look of sheer confusion and disbelief on her muzzle was enough to convince Celestia, Luna, and Cadance that this was not done on purpose. "Hi Twily..." The sooth sounding, almost angelic, voice said as she laid her eyes on her younger sister. "Lovely morning is it not?" Her tone of the question was clearly sarcastic as she took another bite out of her apple. Everypony turned and stared at Luna, who had taken to eating a pineapple skin and all, before returning their gazes to the mare Shining. "Shining? Is that really you?" Twi said in a state of shock not actually believing that the mare sitting in front of her was her brother less than 24 hours before. "Yeah...but call me Gleaming Shield as long as I am a mare ok? Now, your magic is all over this mess, why did you turn me into a mare? I've known you are a lespony even before you married Rarity. Speaking of, hey Rars, but anyways did you do this because you have something against stallions?" "Hello to you too...Gleaming..." Rarity softly said trying to spare Twilight from the full wrath of Gleaming's anger. "and I do not think she did it on purpose, might be a side effect of the spell she cast last night while we were clopping. The look of shock Twi currently has should be proof she didn't know what had happened until Princess Celestia opened the door." "What spell?" Cadance, Celestia, Gleaming, and Luna all asked at the same time. A furious blush, and slight wingboner, made themselves visible as Twilight turned her gaze to the floor as she answered. "Well...you see...me and Rarity have clopped so many times as mares she wanted to "experiment" and see what it would be like to do it as stallions. My scientific curiosity got the better of me and I preformed a spell I have known since I was little. That changed us into rather...*cough* well equipped stallions and not going to lie, it was fun until the end." Rarity looked away ashamed, at the same a figurative lightbulb went off in Gleaming's head and she facehoofed. "How could I be such an idiot..." "An idiot about what Gleaming?" Cadance asked nuzzling her wife. "That explains a lot actually, now it all makes sense, my sister used her gender reversal spell to do it. I have seen her use it before and her's is special, it gender flops her but she has to think of a stallion to get the anatomy right. The last time she used it she was in magic kindergarden and mom, dad, and myself had a meeting with the colt that got turned into a filly's parents. That colt deserved it for bullying her but anyways, the male she thinks of gets gender flipped as well, I just forgot all about it since it was so long ago and so much has gone on since then. When Twily said what spell she used it reminded me of that whole incident. Do you remember the spell to fix the problem sis?" Gleaming said with a hint of hope in her voice. "Of course I do, how else do you thi-...wait a second..." Twi said as her tone saddened and her wings and ears drooped. "You used the antidote spell but I am still a mare...am I right or wrong?" Gleaming asked equaling the sad tone of Twilight, who didn't say a word. Instead, Twi just nodded and slumped to the floor crying like a little foal. "I am so sorry Gleaming..." Twi said between choked sobs, a million different calculations firing in her brain trying to figure out the problem but they either contradicted each other or made no sense. "Calm down Twilly...since you explained what happened and did cast the antidote spell I am no longer mad sis." Gleaming said getting up and comforting Twi on the floor. "Accidents happen, and maybe since your hormones were hightened it will just take a little longer for the antidote to kick in, I doubt it is permanant." Twilight nuzzled back as she slowly calmed down. "If it was permanent, Rarity and myself would still be stallions Gleaming, so I think you might be right. In the meantime, we got to figure out how to explain to the entire Empire that Shining is a mare for the time being." "Actually I already took care of that Twi," Cadance said wraping her wing around her and started to softly chuckle. "came up with a really good cover story. I said that he was trying to perfect a spell to "please" me a bit as a birthday present and it went wrong." Now Twilight and Rarity join the chuckling, which turned into full blown laughter. "Sad part is...I actually see him trying something like that." Rarity said trying to keep herself standing up from laughing so hard, but she had to stop when she felt a pain in her side. "Shut up Rarity." Gleaming said sticking her tongue out at her, this was a bad decision on her part because things just got worse. "Say Gleaming, think you can do that while winking one eye shut?" Luna said while already getting a minor teleport spell ready. "I suppose..." Gleaming shrugged and stood up, doing as Luna said. Her brain caught on too late because her vision was quickly filled with a bright flash. Shaking the blurriness away, Gleaming glared when she saw Luna waving a picture, her camera already back in her room. "So cute!" Luna hopped from side to side feeling full of herself. "This is so going to go in the Royal Hearth's Day photo album." "Whyyyy...." Gleaming whined as Luna gave the picture to Cadance. "Because you look absolutely adorable like this dear." Cadance said with a giggle as she put the picture where she knew it would be safe. "Now all joking aside, am I still in trouble teacher?" Twi asked looking up at Celestia. The Solar Diarch subtly twitched, even with Twilight ascended into princesshood, she knew that Twilight would forever call her that until the end of time. "How many times do I have to tell that you not to call me that anymore Twilight? As for the answer to your question, since it seems like Gleaming and Cadance both have forgiven you I guess there is no need to give you punishment so you both are dismissed" She calmly replied glancing at Gleaming and Cadance who shook their heads in approval "I think that the guilt she is having is enought of a punishment anyway, we both know that feeling Tia" Luna whispered into her sister's ear. "Indeed so Lulu, it is one of the worst feelings there is. I had to bear with that feeling for 1,000 years, I am just thankful for forgave me for being so blind." Celestia whispered back before turning her attention to Twilight and Rarity. "As I said, you both are dismissed. Even-though it is the middle of the morning, I suggest you both go home and sleep. Have Spike keep your schedule up on time while you nap." "That really isn't a good idea dear Tia," Rarity replied with a bit of hesitation, "remember what happened last time he watched over things while she was asleep? Also, who would watch over the castle? We can't get the others to help either since Dash and Pinkie are both at work, and it is applebucking season so AJ and Flutters are also unavailible." Everypony in the room shuddered at the memory Rarity was refering to. The chaos Spike had caused that morning was too much for even Discord to handle, it took him nearly two weeks to repair all the damage. "I will go then since Tia has delegate meetings all day and Cadance and Gleaming have things to do in their kingdom and I got nothing to do." Luna said stepping forward. "Thanks Luna..." Twi said with a small smile as she got up off the floor and did a small bow. "Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia and Princess Gleaming...you all have a good day." "Did you really have to do that sis?" Gleaming asked with a soft giggle. "Might as well Big Sister Best Friend Forever since that is who you are until I fix this." Twi replied as a tear escaped her left eye, rolled down her cheek, and hit the floor with a quiet *plop*. "That is if it is even possible to reverse the damage I caused...." Twilight, Rarity, and Luna then left the room...a tear trail flowing like a waterfall behind them. > Gleaming Reflections > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ride back to the Crystal Empire was mostly silent, with the temperature slowly falling the further they traveled from Canterlot. Soon, the line of snow that seperated the lush green fields of Equestria from the harsh blizzard of the Frozen North welcomed them with a gentle icy breeze. The breeze rapidly intensified into a full blown gale, whipping the snow around the pegasi drawn carriage. Due to being used to the environment, the guards pulling the carriage were able to stay steady in their course for the Empire. "What is the matter love? You have been dead silent since we left Canterlot, is something troubling you?" Cadance asked in a slightly concerned tone, breaking the heavy silence that had fallen. "Yeah there is...” Gleaming sighed as she placed her head against the crook of Cadance’s neck. “It is Twilight, she is having a massive guilt trip about this whole incident and I wish there was a was a way to cheer her up. On a similar note, the thing that is troubling me the most is whether or not she can fix this and turn me back to normal." Cadance took her right wing and used it to pull Gleaming closer. To take it a step further, she began stroking her wife’s back with it, feeling the tension pour out of the unicorn with every stroke. "As for your first point, leave that to me, I got something in mind we could do to put her in better spirits. All that I have to do is adjust our schedules to make the time, which should not be an issue. As for your second point, what about it? Are you doubting her abilities?" "No...” Gleaming answered with pure shock evident on her face, not only from the implications, but also by having her guard down enough to not expect it to be asked. “That would be a slap in not only her face, but also mine, and make me look like a bad sister to her. I just hope she can fix this Cady, and I hate to keep focusing on it, but I have no idea why I am.” "You don't realize it but the way you are sounding IS doubting her skills.” Cadance let a bit of aggravation slip into her tone, not enough to make her wife fearful, but enough to get her point across. “Look Gleaming, despite the fact you are currently a mare, you are still the same pony I married and am going to have a foal by. You are still my Shining Armor, but you are just seeing things from the wrong perspective. I suggest you take Twilight's advice and get used to your new body, because there is no telling how long you are going to be like this. As a matter of fact, take the next week off so you can adjust, I will be alright until you come back." "I can't do that to you my loving wife,” Gleaming said in a flat, but slightly aggrivated tone. “especially since you are pregnant..." "I am not telling you to take the next week off Princess Gleaming Shield,” Cadance locked in a scorn, her tone made not only Gleaming but also the four pegasi guards gulp. “I am ORDERING YOU to do it! If you refuse, I will personally see fit you are put on an indefinant leave of absense from ALL military activities." "You wouldn't dare do that to your wife!" Gleaming’s eyes widened and her hoods slammed over her muzzle. The guards exchanged glances and Cadance slightly smiled. "Well it seems phase two is already out of the way,” Cadance said comforting the shaking mare that was pressed against her. “acceptance, because you just called yourself my wife." "You used reverse psychology on me?" Gleaming was clearly confused, her head was swimming with thought processes of both genders, but they were trending more like a mare and that alone scared her. "Perhaps I did... or perhaps I didn't, and your brain has rewired itself to refer to yourself as a mare and female pronouns. As to which it is, is up to you to decide and interpret to be fact or wrong." Cadance said causing Gleaming to deadpan and the lead pony pulling the carriage to start snicker. "Something funny soldier?" Gleaming asked with a small snarl, clearly not in the mood for such crude actions. "Nothing at all Princess Gleaming." The soldier said as they landed. He took off for his bunkhouse the moment he was unfastened from the pulling reigns, wanting to avoid trouble as much as possible. When he got to his bunkhouse, he slammed and locked the door, only then realizing he had took off without being properly dismissed. Knowing he was going to get reprimanded and possibly suspended, he did what any other guard would do in the same situation, that being relaxing with the most aged cider they had. "You know dear,” Gleaming said shaking her head at the guard’s sudden dismissal, choosing to deal w,it’s that later. “I am gonna take that week off to get used to this new body. I mean, I am already answering to "Princess Gleaming Shield", so I might as well go along with it for the time being. I am going to spend the time off with Twi to show there are no hard feelings between us.” "That is using your head, and you know, you don't make a half bad mare." Cadance said with a slight chuckle while running her hoof through Gleaming’s mane. "What did you mean by that dear?" Gleaming asked confused to the meaning, but deep down she was enjoying the sensation that the mane rubbing was giving her. For the briefest of moments, all her troubles melted away to the soothing touch and her mind was silently pleading for more. "Oh Gleaming, you will see what I mean by that eventually. Now if you must excuse me, I have court to hold, enjoy your time off dear." Cadance said as she entered the castle and leaving Gleaming alone in the courtyard. Now having nothing to do, and wanting to make up with Twilight as soon as possible, Gleaming teleported to the enterance of Twi's castle and gently knocked on the door. Luckily for her, Spike was in the lobby cleaning up the aftermath of Trixie’s latest attempt at magic practice. "I wonder who that could be at this hour...” Spike thought to himself as he put down the broom and dustpan, silently thankful for the brief break from cleaning what remained of the evil dust bunnies Trixie made. “Twi nor Rarity have any appointments today, and Twilight is going to be going to bed once Luna gets back from her errand..." Spike made his way over to the door and opened it, and when he did he had to do a double take, there was a pony that looked like Shining Armour but was clearly a mare. Not wanting to be rude, he quickly cleared his throat to be as professional as possible. "May I help you ma'm, you lost?" "No Spike I am not,” Gleaming replied in a soft whisper. “I was just wondering is Twilight availible? If she is, tell her that her sister Gleaming Shield wants to have a talk." "Uh... hang on a second..." Spike replied as he shut the door and started towards the study, his mind trying to register what just transpired. "Twi doesn't have a sister... not one that I know of anyway..." "What is it Spike?” Twilight asked in an annoyed, tired tone after he entered. “I told you not to bother me since I am busy with a private personal matter, this better be important." Spike gulped, he did not have to be a changeling to sense the undertoned threat in her voice, he could see it in her eyes. "Some mare at the front door wants to see you, she is claiming to be your sister, but I know good and well you don't have one so I shut the door and came to tell you." "You didn't read Princess Cadance's memo about my brother... did you..." Twilight snapped the quill she was using in half, making Spike nearly jump out of his scales. Rising up, she slowly made her way towards him, a dark shadow seemed to be around her. “And to top it off you left her outside, instead of at least letting her into the parlor..” "I did...”Spike whimpered, “but I thought Cadance was just-" "Just... what... Spike..." Twi said cutting him off, and he could tell by the tone of her voice she was not happy with him at the moment. "A joke? A prank? No, it was all fact, now go let my sister in and bring her here. Your punishment is simple, pack your nightsack, because you are going to spend the night in the middle of Everfree Forest alone. After seeing what my BSBFF wants I am going to go take a nap... and you better have all I asked completed in 12 minutes or else, and your time starts now." With that, Spike ran out the study and brought Gleaming to Twilight. As soon as he did, he shut the door and ran to go get his nightsack ready. "Hey Twily,” Gleaming asked after her’s and Twilight’s little meeting ritual, slightly modified to fit Gleaming’s new gender, “what's gotten into Spike?" "Oh nothing much BSBFF,” Twilight answered in a normal tone, no trace of how she acted towards Spike being evident. “just prepping for his punishment for being rude to you and taking Cadance's memo as a joke. Anyways, why are you here and not with her? You still have a kingdom to run after all." "About that...” Gleaming shuffled a hoof, then sighed in defeat knowing what she was doing was for the best. “She gave me the week off to adjust to my new body, I figured that I'd spend it with you, helping in anyway I could to show I am not mad sis." "I appreciate that Gleaming,” Twilight replied giving her older sister a small nuzzle, a yawn escaping in the process. “I really do, and I am sorry but I can't think of a way to fix you at the moment. I have read all my books and nothing seems to stand out, I have been casting spell after spell since I got back from Canterlot, and I am exausted." "Thanks Twily, but right now you need to sleep.” Knowing the castle layout by heart, Gleaming scooped her younger sibling onto her back and started walking towards the bedroom. “Come on, I'll put you to bed, keep in mind that is what you are supposed to be doing anyway. Luna is here to help, and I will help her while you rest, speaking of which where is she?" "Running an errand for me,” Another yawn, this one longer and louder, interrupted her speech. “had her run to get something from Zecora, to use in a spell. That way I can try and fix you big sister, although I am running out of ideas." "Don't worry about it right now," Gleaming said as they walked into the bedroom and Twi got into bed. "right now just focus on trying to get some sleep." "I'll try, and thanks again for not hating me for this..." Twi said with one last yawn as she started to drift off to sleep. "I could never hate you Twilight,” Gleaming leaned down and kissed Twilight on the forehead, then curled up to hold the lavender mare. “you are my sister and I love you." "I love you too sis... I love you too..." With that, Twilight was out like a light, leaving Gleaming to her thoughts in the dark and silent room. "Maybe my wife was onto something,” Suddenly feeling drained, Gleaming started to doze off herself. “it feels easier talking to Twilight now, maybe this might actually benefit us in the long haul..." A few hours later, Princess Luna quietly tiphoofed down the halls of the castle. Reaching her destination, she used her magic to open the door to Twilight’s room and the sight made her smile. Gleaming was acting like a big spoon to Twilight, who had her right wing over Gleaming’s right forehoof. Hearing both of them lightly snore, and the fact they hadn’t moved, Luna knew they were peacefully dreaming. “A sister’s embrace is sometimes all that is needed in the darkest of times...” Luna thought as she closed the door and headed back down the hall, reflecting on all the times Celestia had done the same for her when she needed her mind at ease. > A Gleaming ray of Hope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Around midnight Gleaming woke up from a restless slumber, dark and terrifying thoughts had played a large part in that. Each of the nightmares involved Twilight not being able to find a cure, permanently leaving Gleaming a mare and losing all she held dear to her in the process. Gleaming was wondering what had woke her, but was thankful to find Princess Luna standing at the foot of the bed, looking at her. "Princess Gleaming…” Luna’s voice was soft, like a mother calming her foal, and did wonders to ease Gleaming’s tension. “may I have a word with you, mare to mare?” "Yeah,” Gleaming said as she stretched, silently thankful she did not have to deal with a… “certain issue” that she normally had whenever waking up as a stallion. “I suppose so since I am up. On that note, why did you wake me up since I was fast asleep? Cadance wanted me to relax this week, and I was trying to catch up on some shuteye." "No you weren't,” Luna said as a little annoyance seeped into her tone. “you were asleep to the point you were dreaming, but you weren't fully in a deep asleep. Actually, the reason I woke you up kinda deals with that... since it seems that you forgot that I can see and enter dreams. You were having a nightmare about being stuck as a mare, and if you try and deny it, I swear I will go wake up Applejack to call you out." Gleaming flinched, knowing that she had been caught redhoofed before looking away with a sigh. "Ok fine, you got me, I was having that dream. I trust my sister, really I do, but some part of me just can't come to terms with this whole scenario. I am scared Luna, and I hate to admit this, but this is the highest level of fear I have ever felt. I have fought Sombra, Discord, and Chrysalis… but all those pale in comparison to how I feel now." Luna nodded in understanding as she draped a wing around the unicorn mare. "That is because you suddenly got put out of your comfort zone, you were born and have lived your whole life as a male. For now you are female, so it is going to take some time getting used to your new form so your brain is in overload trying to adjust. I will admit, you are handling this better than a lot of stallions would, at least you haven't gone into hiding." “Nearly the same speech Cady gave me…” Gleaming chuckled as she pressed against Luna’s side, enjoying the warmth the Princess of the Night’s fur and wing was giving her, like a thick quilt but nicer. "You also know good and well my pride wouldn't accept that, but I have noticed something strange, it feels more comfortable talking to Twily now." "Well part of that is because your ego has been shot a bit,” Luna said in a playful tone, giggling at the pout Gleaming was giving her. “but another thing is now you two share a SISTERLY bond. I am sure it will pull the two of you closer together as siblings when you get returned to normal." "Whenever that may be Luna…” Gleaming was fighting hard not to give into the swirling maelstrom that was trying to consume her mind. The longer she fought, the more it seemed to close in, but in the blink of an eye something clicked. In her mind's eye, her horn brightly glowed as the raw feeling filled her of all the compassion her family had for her fired a beam at the maelstrom. The darkness let out an angry cry then vanished, making everything clearer for her. Twilight and Cadence, the two mares closer to her than anypony, were in her corner backing her up. Their own horns were glowing with magic, but the gentle beams coming from them swirled and blended into one, and was the source of the feeling that had given Gleaming the extra boost she needed. Right as Gleaming was about to give the two alicorn projections a hug, the one that had been talking to her snapped her back to reality. “Gleaming?” Luna asked as she slightly shook the dazed mare, concern now adorning her muzzle. “You alright? You zoned out for a few minutes…” “Yes I am,” Gleaming replied with a bright smile. “I just worked out a few things in my brain and I think it is best that I show my appreciation better.” “Indeed so… now sleep." As soon as Luna said that, her horn glowed and Gleaming instantly fell back asleep, but was in a peaceful slumber the rest of the night. She hated to be so rude, but a nightmare had grabbed her attention and she had to deal with it, making a mental note to apologize later. The next morning, Gleaming awoke to find Twilight had already prepared breakfast. "Awe Twily, you did not have to make me breakfast." Gleaming said sitting down across from Twilight after entering the room. “I am more than capable of fixing my own, but I appreciate it.” "Yeah sis I did, I had to show that I really do accept your apology, especially since I haven't found a cure yet." Twilight said sounding defeated, but forced a smile on her features. ”However, I promise to not give up until I do! Don’t lose hope yet BSBFF.”. Gleaming smiled herself, but unlike Twilight’s, hers was genuine.” Take your time Twily so you don't overwork yourself since you have so many other things to do, I'll manage until then." Twilight then jumped across the table to hug her sister. "Thank you so much, I promise I will do everything I can." "You already have..." Gleaming said as she held her sister close, just then they were interrupted by Cadance appearing out of seemingly nowhere. "Glad to see both my niece and my wife in better spirits.” Cadance said as she pulled the siblings in for a hug. “I got some good news, I finally got everypony's schedules rearranged so pack your bags you two, we are going to a spa that is for royalty only. We shall meet Luna and Celestia there, and they bringing their foals along as well." It was like a bomb dropped. Both Twilight and Gleaming fell silent and their eyes widened as they stared at the Princess of Love like she had committed an infidelity."SINCE WHEN DID THEY HAVE FOALS!?" "Since before Auntie Lulu’s banishment.” Cadance said as if it was no big deal. “You will see who they are when we get there, and trust me, it will surprise you just as much as it surprised me." With that, Gleaming and Twilight jumped up from the table and began to pack. As they both rushed to get their things in order, one thought ran through both of their minds: ”Who were Celestia and Luna’s foals?” > Polishing the Shield > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took bit longer than intended, but when they finally arrived at the spa, both Twilight and Gleaming were speechless. It had the look of being recently renovated and shone bright in the setting sun, having a golden glow to it. Celestia and Luna greeted them at the front door as the carriage stopped. "Nice to see you two again." Celestia to Gleaming and Twilight as they all exchanged hugs, Rarity and Cadance joining them as well. "Is everything fine between you two sisters?" "Yes it is Celestia,” Gleaming said with a smile. “me and Twily are getting along just fine. Say, my wife mentioned something about your foals being here, do we know them?" This caused both Celestia and Luna to chuckle, Luna speaking as the group of royalty entered the lobby. "Indeed you both do, and so does Rarity. When Cadance brought this trip to mine and Tia's attention, we saw it as a chance not only to get away from Canterlot for a week to relax, but also have some mother-daughter time. Think of this as a "princess' week off" so to speak, we won't have to worry about any stallions bothering us during our time here since it is completely run by mares." "Boy that is a relief." Gleaming said causing the whole group's jaws to drop and Rarity to trip and fall onto Celestia. "I know I know, you all are shocked I just said that but hay, like you all have been trying to get into my stubborn head, I might as well start acting like a mare while I am one." "Bout time you got it..." Rarity coughed under her breath while earning a smack from Twilight in the process. "Anyways Celestia and Luna, where are your darling daughters at?" "Right over there." They said as they pointed over to the couch on the far end of the lobby, shaking their heads and letting out a small sigh seeing Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie passed out on each other's shoulders. Celestia shook her head and sighed. "Pinkie is mine and Dash is Lulu's. Looks like they truly did bore themselves to sleep, they never were the kind of pony to like this sort of thing. Hopefully by the end of the week they will change their minds and would want to do more things with us..." "But I thought.. wait.. .this… this..." Twi couldn't finish her sentence as her mind started to overload trying to figure out what the hay was up, luckily Celestia had an answer waiting. "Think about it, Pinkie is different from the other Pie foals. She is more upbeat, energetic, loves having fun, hated the rock farm, and shares my passion for sweets. You see, her father is her actual biological father, I was just a surrogate for them two since her mom couldn't conceive at the time due to.. “complications”. As far as Lulu is concerned that is a whole nother story neither of us, or Dash once we explained the whole deal to her, wish to talk about it and we aren't going to either." The others nodded in understanding at Celestia's warning and decided to drop that matter altogether as Luna woke up Dash and Pinkie. "Come on you two,” Luna said nudging the two awake. “the others just arrived. You can sleep in a bit, but now we got to head to the mud bath." Pinkie nodded but Rainbow got ticked. "Oh come on now, I ain't the kind of pony for that kind of thing. I always fly through rain clouds to wash but using mud seems… bizarre." "Don't make me play the role of the strict mom…” Luna’s tone turned stone, making Rainbow gulp. “and this bath isn't for cleaning purposes, it is so you can relax. The mud is heated so it can help ease the tension in your muscles and with as much flying as you do, you would be a lying mare if you said your wings didn't hurt." "Fine mom… you win." Rainbow said as she followed the others to the mud room. At first, she didn't even want the facewrap applied so she had to be held down with magic to make her comply. She was still griping until she slide into the mud, then she let out a relaxed sigh causing the others to laugh. "It is as if all my troubles are being eased, I haven't felt like this in a long time." Gleaming thought to herself as she slid into the mud. "Maybe that has been part of my problem, I am such a busypony I don't take the time to see about myself, that is something I got to work on in the future. I do know this, when I get returned to normal I am going to bring Cady here often since I could spend a day in here." "By the way Dash I ran into a "business associate" of your's and Pinkie's while you two were asleep and we were waiting on Cadance, Gleaming, Twilight, and Rarity..." Luna said in a slightly pointed tone snapping Dash out of her relaxed trance. "Who?" Both Rainbow and Pinkie asking in unison. Luna smiled. "Cherry Mist, she will be joining us for our formal dinner tonight." Rarity's eyes lit up at the word "formal", causing her to jump out of the mud and go to the washroom to get clean. "Oh boy…” Rainbow and Pinkie muttered under their breath before returning their attention to relaxing, but an uneasy feeling had done made itself at home in their minds. > Shattered Shield > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few hours later, after cleaning up after their mud bath, the group made their way into the grand dining hall dressed in the outfits Rarity had made them. They were surprised to see Celestia and Luna had already reserved a table for them, right in the middle of the room and the table set and served. There was a young Alicorn mare sitting at the with a cream colored coat, cherry red mane and tail, and an ice cream scoop in a bowl for a cutie mark. She had on black leggings and a black sweatband of sorts around her neck that nopony could figure out the purpose of. “Hello again Princesses Luna and Celestia." She calmly said as the others sat down before looking at the two pegasi. "Hi Dash, hi Pinkamena, enjoying your time here so far partners?" "What have we told you about that Cherry Mist?" Rainbow and Pinkie said as they both gave her an unnerving glare, with a look on their face of wanting to draw blood as Rainbow cleared her throat. “”I thought me and Pinks had made it perfectly clear to keep social and work matters separate.” "S-sorry you two, I forgot with how busy I’ve been the last week." Cherry Mist said slightly fearful, causing Celestia and Luna to take action. "Easy daughter, tread lightly..." Both alicorns said as a warning before Luna spoke up to address Cherry Mist. "So how do you know my daughter and niece?" "I own the ice cream shop acrosst the street from Sugarcube Corner,” Cherry said with a smile trying to ease the tension that Rainbow and Pinkie had for her. “and have come to know Pinkie quite well as a result of the close business proximity. As for Rainbow, I know her through her relationship with Pinkie, nothing else." "So tell me a little about yourself then." Tia softly said sipping some tea. “What tales do you have to tell us over dinner? Or are they things you would rather keep private?” "I would if I could," Cherry Mist said with a shrug. "but I don't remember much about my past, only remembering several important things. My name comes from my deceased brother's favorite flavor, it was from him I got the shop from in his will, he died a slow and painful death. As for me, I suffer from MPD...Multiple Personality Disorder, one minute I could be the nicest mare you ever met and the next so mean even Discord wouldn't want to mess with me. Now if you will excuse me, I got to use the bathroom.”. "I see..." The royal sisters said at the same time while Cherry left and Rainbow and Pinkie nodded, confirming Cherry Mist's claim as they started thier meal. "I got to give it to you Gleaming, I think I'm speaking for all of us by saying we are surprised at how well you have adjusted so far." Cadance said giving her a kiss on the forehead. "I'm slowly getting used to it is why honey, however if not fixed soon the foals are gonna be born having two mothers." She replied with a good laugh, surprising those at the table before looking directly at Twilight. "Alas, don't overdo it sis and don't you dare try any spells while we are on vacation." "I will if I want to, you can't boss me around." Twilight said with a huff as she ruffled her feathers “Besides, helping you is near the top of my checklist for the week.” "I am your older sister…” Gleaming’s tone took on one of authority, her voice reverberating every words. “so you DO have to listen to me when our parents aren't around. Are we clear Vermillion?" The entire hall fell so silent not even a cricket was heard chirping, everypony's attention now turned towards Twilight, who just sat there with her jaw hanging and completely speechless. "Since when were you so bossy to me Gleaming?" "There is a difference between bossy and concerned and I am concerned about your mental health right now Twily.” Gleaming’s voice turning soft once more. “I figured calling you by your middle name would shut you up and it did. Just do like the rest of us and relax this week, both physically AND mentally." Twilight sighed knowing she was defeated and there was no point in arguing. "Alright, if you say so." "That's the little sister I know." Gleaming said running her hoof through Twi's mane. "You know I have only wanted what was best for you. On another note, I feel like I just ate for three, I'm stuffed." "Sure you aren't the one pregnant? You ate more than I did." Cadance joked, causing Gleaming to playfully stick her tongue out. “You know I’m just kidding dear.” "I would know it if I was and I'm not,” Gleaming said while shaking her head. “was just a bit more hungry than usual since I haven't ate since this morning, had a long day, and unless I am mistaken probably going into heat." As soon as Gleaming finished, the lights went out and the sound of glass shattering was heard. All those in attendance besides Rainbow and Pinkie used spell after spell to try and get the lights back on and capture those who were intruding, but for some reason they found thier magic was blocked. They all heard a hissing sound and the next thing they knew they found it hard to breath due to smoke, which knocked everypony unconscience. Upon waking up, they saw it was midafternoon of the next day, the hall was a mess, and Gleaming was gone. -In a cave far from the spa but not too far- Gleaming awoke with a jolt and found herself chained up tightly. The first thing she tried to do was break free using magic, but was unsuccessful. "I see you're finally awake dearie~" A voice called out from the dimly lit cavern. Gleaming caught a glimpse of a small shadow out of the corner of her eye. The voice seemed familer as well but at the same time it wasn't. "Is that you Cherry Mist?” Gleaming asked as a wave of hope coursed through her. “Thank Celestia you are here, I hope you have come to rescue me." "Alas, it is me..." Cherry Mist said stepping into the light, the grin on her face caused shivers to run down Gleaming's spine. “At the same time, I'm not… I am her Kink personality and I am not your "knight in Shining Armour"." She chuckled at her own joke and it rubbed Gleaming a bit raw. "You see...whereas normal me tends to trend asexual, I don't give a flying buck, I like mares and stallions. Since you were recently made a mare and just went into your first heat, I figured I should be the first to welcome you to the pleasures that is lespony clopping." She then pushed a tray into Gleaming's view, which was covered in all kinds of toys and instruments and caused Gleaming to instantly become afraid. "What are you planning to do to me?” Gleaming asked as fear seeped into her tone. “You know that you aren't going to get away with this since my wife, sister, Celestia, and Luna will punish you deeply." Cherry darkly chuckled. "Not true Gleamy~. I have a spell in place so only I can use magic and you are completely untraceable. Now that being said..." She then reached over, grabbing a dragon dildo off the table that made Gleaming shiver in both fear and anticipation. "Shall we begin your initiation deary?~" > Armor Restored > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Several hours later- Gleaming Shield was wore out, heavily panting as she started to come out of her afterglow. Her butt hurt, literally, but she was thankful that Cherry Mist had spared her most sacred place. “Are you having fun yet deary as a mare?~" Cherry asked with a crooked grin. "N… no..." Gleaming managed to whisper, her throat raw from moaning and screaming during the so-called 'initiation’. “I was starting to get used to it until you pulled this stunt, now I'm terrified.” "Awe, well, get used to it.” Cherry said as she started to trot up the stairs. “Consider what I did to be light compared to a mare of your status and looks. As for me, I think I've had it for the day since I am wore out from smashing you with that strap on, so see you tomorrow Gleamy~." "You're… you're leaving me here?..." Gleaming asked with a whimper, slightly shaking in her bonds. “Immobile and chained up like some kind of animal?” "Aren't we all animals on the inside?” Cherry asked in a flat tone, earning a  deadpan stare from the captive mare. “and I can't have you running your muzzle about all that I did to you now can we? Besides, tomorrow is gonna be super fun since I am gonna… pop your cherry~." Once again chuckling at her own pun, she climbed the stairs and locked the door behind her before teleporting back to the spa and trotting into the dining hall playing off being disoriented. "Ummm… what the hay happened here? I was knocked out in the bathroom and woke up on the other side of the mountain trail that leads to the healing springs." "Glad to see you're fine Cherry Mist," Celestia said with a small smile, but noticed Cherry looked perfectly fine, not a bump or scrap to be seen. "Gleaming was ponynapped and none of us can't seem to track her." "Oh no,” Cherry Mist said sounding concerned, a small frown crossing her muzzle. “maybe I can help, I know these mountains better than most ponies since I like to vacation here." "That is true..." Rainbow said noticing her Elemental gem was softly glowing a dark garnet instead of ruby red, but kept her muzzle shut, opting instead to do a bait statement. "Anyways, I got to talk to Pinks in private about a matter so I will be back shortly." "Oh, like how you two are engaged?" Cherry said with a small grin causing the hall to once again fall silent and the two Pegasi to sweatdrop and slightly pale. “When is the wedding by the way? I would love to be there.” "Gotcha you ponynapper…" Rainbow thought to herself as Luna and Celestia glared in fury. "Is what Cherry Mist true daughter..." Both Tia and Luna asked with a slight snarl. "Yes mom..." Rainbow replied as she flared her wings, getting down into an attack stance directed at Cherry. "However, her exposing that little secret confirms which personality she is in right now, betrayal, so she ponynapped Gleaming Shield. So can we focus on getting her back and save the lecture for later mom?" "I agree Dash..." Luna said as all the patrons started to gather around Cherry Mist but she started to chuckle. "All of you can't do nothing to me since there is a spell in place which makes it so only I can use magic.” Cherry Mist said as she pulled out of her mane a cat o' nine tails. It was bright cherry red, but had menacing two inch long, midnight black spikes at the end of each "tail" arranged in a circular pattern. “So in short, shit is about to get real since I am gonna make your blood fall like a mist and kill… you… all… So lets play.” Rainbow and Pinkie made a beeline for the door, but Cherry caught them with her magic. Both wiggled and squirmed, desperate to break from the magalomanic mare, but it was no use as their captor approach ready to strike. "Awe, so my partners are trying to turn tail and run eh? That is not acceptable since you will be my first victims." Cherry then reared back and cracked the whip, each spike hitting its mark and ripping flesh in addition to the pegasi’s coats wherever she swung, her first target being their wings so they could not fly away. With each strike that landed, both pegasi screamed in pain and a few more feathers fell out. By the time she was finished, Cherry had left both of them a bloody mess with most of their feathers missing, both wings broken, and gashes across most of their bodies as they slumped to the floor in a weakened state. Nopony could get close to Cherry Mist or attempt to leave without getting a shot from the whip so they all watched the scene unfold in horror until Luna and Celestia finally were able to drag their daughters out of range before they got killed from the onslaught. While Cherry Mist was distracted by hitting Celestia and Luna, Cadance snuck up behind Cherry and hit her between the wings with her forehooves with enough force to shatter both shoulder blades as the smaller mare fell to the ground, her horn breaking when it hit the tile and releasing the spell she had put in place. Once they could use magic again, Twilight, Celestia, and Luna used several recovery spells to fully heal all damage done to Rainbow and Pinkie. "Where is my wife..." Cadance demanded in anger as she stood over the broken Cherry Mist, who softly chuckled despite no longer having the upper hoof. "I'll never tell unless you let me go… or do you want her to die?" Cherry said with a sly smile, but a small flash appeared in front of her that wiped the smile off her face when she saw who it was. Standing before her, weakened but still strong enough to be ready for a fight, was Gleaming Shield. "You were saying you troublesome mare?" Gleaming said with a sneer before smacking Cherry Mist in the face hard enough to break her lower jaw. "When your horn broke my containment spell was dropped, so I teleported here and just in time by the look of it. You are gonna pay for what you did to me, but now, I am not even sure if I want to be turned back..." The whole room looked at her stunned as she slowly walked out and Cherry Mist was taken into custody, leaving Gleaming’s family and friends to process what had just transpired. After a small debate, it was decided to try and look for Gleaming to try and get some answers, each splitting up to cover more ground. After searching for an hour, Princess Cadance found Gleaming submerged in the hot spring, and she could tell by the look on Gleaming's face that the unicorn was a complete emotional mess. "Gleaming? Honey? Are you ok?" "I will be honey,” Gleaming said in a soft whisper. “just trying to relax after the torture Cherry Mist put me through. She violated my rear in so many ways that I am likely to have PTSD and require therapy." "I can imagine so since you said that you might not want to turn back." Cadance said as she got into the pool. "What makes you say that anyways dear? And don't worry, I will setup the necessary appointments and swear the doctor to absolute secrecy." "I don't want to cause you the pain that she put me through is why, and I am lucky that she didn't pop my cherry..." Gleaming said sulking down a little more into the water, which was now up to just below her muzzle. "Gleaming..." Cadance said in a loving tone while wrapping a wing around her wife to try and cheer her up. "Keep in mind you already popped mine silly, I am pregnant remember? Yes it hurt, but after that it was enjoyable, and I am going to be in far more pain when I go into labor. However, I can only imagine that it must be worse since you were male and now you just went through that." "No joke,” Gleaming said with a shiver. “now I am going to want to push for stricter laws when it comes to trials involving rapists. Cherry Mist is going to spend to spend the rest of her life behind bars, I will personally make sure she does." "Don't worry about it, her punishment will be far worse than jail time.” Cadance's tone was like liquid nitrogen, the temperature around the two mares feeling like it dropped due to Cadance's hate. “We all know that if you remove the horn off an Alicorn, you are left looking at a wounded pegasus… if you catch my drift." Gleaming's eyes widened in fear and shock, she had heard rumors back in ha guard days, but he never took them seriously. "Sweet Celestia, she will not last long in there since most of the workers are stallions, oh well, justice served and thanks for being here for me." "I am your wife, it is my job to be there for you no matter what.” Cadance shifted them both,  repositioning so that now she was holding her wife. “I am glad to see that you are in a slightly better mood so I have to ask, do you still stand by your statement of not wanting to change back?" "No, that statement was done in the heat of the moment." Gleaming then paused as she facehoofed. "Great, now Cherry got me making puns, how wonderful. Anyways, I do want to be changed back whenever Twilight figures it out. This whole experience has been a real eye opener for me as far as my way of thinking is concerned. I am closer to Twilly than I have been in a long time, come to understand ‘certain things’ concerning a mare's day-to-day routine, and a lot of other things as well. Now I have a whole new level of respect for mares since they have it a whole lot harder than stallions." "I am glad that it has broke your stubborness dear,” Cadance said with a giggle. “it will also help you as a ruler as well since you now see the struggles that I have to deal with when it comes to stress and hormonal fluctuation levels while ruling." Gleaming looked up at Cadance with a flat look on her muzzle. "Yeah and it downright sucks. By the way, is Twi any closer to reversing this?" "Actually Gleaming I believe I am,” Twilight said trotting up to the two, looking a bit disheveled. “I think that our initial theory was correct by saying my elevated hormone levels were acting as sort of a blocking mechanism. Not only that, I figured out how to change you back without changing me into a stallion, but that is irrelevant. Stay still while I do this, and thankfully for you it is painless." A blue sphere then started to surround Gleaming as the glow increased around Twi's horn, less than 30 seconds later it went away and Shining was back to normal. "Thanks Twilly," Shining said getting out of the water and giving her a hug. "I knew that you would be able to do it." "No problem BBBFF, you are my brother, I always to my best to look out for family.” Twilight said with a bright smile on her face. “This has also been a wake up call for me, I need to quit letting my princess duties get in the way of family time. How about we go on a picnic next Thursday with our parents and just spend the whole day relaxing?" "I am sure that I can make the time." Shining said looking back at Cadance who nodded in approval before he leaned in to whisper in Twilight's ear. "Do you think that you could teach me the spell? I have to be a mare if I want to keep coming up here." "Not a problem," Twilight whispered back with a giggle while casting an illusion to make him appear like Gleaming until their time at the spa was up. "and admit it, you wanna try clopping with Cadance as a mare. I am sure she will not break you like Cherry Mist did and besides, a mare's touch is the best touch." "I hope you are right about that Twilly..." Shining said with a shudder of mixed fear and anticipation before slipping back down into the pool, worry free for the first time since his sister's wedding.