• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 2,478 Views, 34 Comments

A Gleaming Love - Prismfire Productions

It is the day after Twilight's and Rarity's wedding and the Princess of Friendship has awoken with a hangover. As things become clearer, events were set in motion that have an impact on her, will she and her loved ones adjust?

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A letter from Canterlot

It was early morning in Ponyville and Princess Twilight Sparkle had just woke up with the worse hangover she had ever had in her life, her head was pounding and felt like it was being squeezed by thousands of pounds of force. Granted, the fact she rarely drank complicated matters, but the fact remained she was now a very pained mare.

"I knew I should not have drank, but oh well, it was mine and Rarity's first night together married. It is what it is, I just hope I didn't do anything stupid in a drunken stupor..." Twilight thought to herself as she looked over at her wife, who was sound asleep. Her mind was a dense fog, the last thing she remembered was bringing Rarity home to her castle after the wedding, which thankfully all went as planned. Finally managing to drag herself up out of bed, she made her way to the bathroom to wash herself up hoping the chill of a cold shower would purge her body a bit.

As soon as the icy cold water hit her face, a flashback to the events took place the previous night entered her head. It was vague but clear, all she could remember was casting a spell on herself and Rarity after dinner that turned them into stallions because Rarity wanted to be the one to "experiment" for a change. The word "experiment" had intrigued her, and for once she was willing to be the test subject.

"Now what was the next thing that happened.." Twilight asked herself as she started washing, her hangover slowly going away allowing more detail to be remembered. She could feel the blush on her cheeks for the next events that took place, but shuddered at the last part before Twi turned them back into mares to continue their clop session. "I swear when Elusive gets in the mood he is too rough...sorry dear but I don't plan on doing that again for a long time, I prefer it with us being mares anyway..." She thought out loud since she thought she was the only pony in the room, not hearing the bathroom door open and shut.

"Oh, but my darling Dusky, us as stallions was just as fun." Rarity said joining Twi in the shower and planting a kiss in her muzzle, causing Twilight to jump in shock.

"Hey Rarity," Twi said when she calmed down. "I didn't hear you enter, it was fun until you got carried away and didn't pull out when I asked you to. I also got a bad feeling about casting that spell that I can't shake or put a hoof on at the moment."

"Twi my darling wife, you are just a bit worked up, relax your muscles since they are so tense I can tell through your coat." Rarity said as she began massaging Twi's wings, calming her down a bit.

Twi hummed at the feel of her muscles relaxing. "I suppose you are right, and I was glad my brother, Flurry Heart, and Cadance could make it since she doesn't get around much anymore because of trying to keep Flurry under control."

Rarity nodded. Although she would never admit it, she was surprised her own parents had turned up for the wedding considering the fallout between them after Rarity announced her engagement. "They are family so they made an exception, and look how bad that would make them look if they didn't show up to their own sister's/niece's wedding considering Cadance is the Princess of Love."

"You got a point there." Twi said as they got out of the shower and started drying off. "Maybe we should go visit them for couples advice since, for once, this is something that no book can teach us and they are the only royal couple."

Rarity let out a light chuckle. "Yes hun you are right, and you are shining brighter than the clearest diamond right now."

"As are...what the-" Twi cut herself short as she glanced at the wedding photo. She knew something was wrong the moment she laid eyes on it. Everypony looked the same and was in the same spot, except a white pony in a bridesmare dress standing by Cadance she recognized by the cutie mark. "Hey Rarity, do you recall Shining wearing a bridesmare dress yesterday?" She said levitating the picture so Rarity could look at it.

The fashionista took a minute to recollect, rubbing her chin in the process. "He wasn't, he was wearing a black tux with an electric blue trim. Keep in mind I nearly burned myself out making everypony's outfits." Her eyes landed on Shining and grew wide in shock. "Umm...darling...look at the finer details of your brother.."

"Why? it is just him cross-..." She then saw what Rarity was talking about, he looked a bit shorter than normal. In addition, his hooves matched his coat, he looked more petite and not as muscular.

The dead giveaway though was his face, long eyelashes that made his light blue eyes shine a bit more and would make anypony interested in mares be caught by them. In fact, Twi briefly felt a twang of jealously and felt her mouth started to water a bit but she quickly regained herself and noticed that his muzzle was not square like a stallion's, but rounded and smooth like a mare's. "I wonder why my brother looks like a mare?" As soon as she asked Rarity that, Spike came busting through the door

"Twilight, what did you do!? Notice the color of the ribbon?" Twilight's heart sank into her stomach as she took the letter from Spike, it was bound in a hot yellow and orange swirled ribbon and Celestia's seal was not normal, it burned a fiery red that seemed to radiate heat. She had only seen Solar Flare once, no, twice in her lifetime and it ended badly for the pony at the receiving end of Celestia's fury.

"I messed up big time to get that combo..." Twilight muttered as she removed the ribbon and broke the seal before reading the letter:

"Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

Something urgent has come up and you are to come to the castle AT ONCE! Something has been discovered this morning and your magical signature is all over it, bring your wife if you wish.


Princess Celestia
Princess Luna
Princess Mi Amore Candenza
Prince Shining Armor"

"Wow, Cadance used her full name..." Spike said in disbelief. "Yeah you messed up, especially since Celestia added your title before your name and all four signed it."

Twi was staring at the floor. "Yeah...and I think I know what it is about, come on Rarity." The two then teleported away before Spike could ask any questions. Now alone. he just shrugged and walked out the room to go take a nap.

"At least Rarity is my mare in my dreams...Twi is lucky to have her as a wife...I wish she was mine but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Oh well, at least I get to see her everyday since she now lives with us..." He muttered as he reached his room and slammed the door in frustration. Even with his aggravation, he managed to fall asleep and dream about the life he wish he had, but knew he never would.

Author's Note:

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